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Latest revision as of 20:37, 18 October 2021

Date of Scene: 18 October 2021
Location: The Harley Hole
Synopsis: Ivy and Harley catch up and Ivy gets Tinderized.
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley

Harley Quinn has posed:
The Harley Hole!

It was no secret to those with connections to the underworld that Harley has been getting a place prepped in Gotham for henches. Or in this case for those henches that are mistreated by the criminal masterminds of the city. You know, like she once did. And tonight Harley had invited Pamela to come for visit, see the new grounds, check how it's going. Bring good booze. All the nice stuff!

The place itself is an old warehouse where some old carnival is still stored in, decrepit mostly and with little use but some 'life' has slowly been creeping back into the place with both her work and with a few volunteers that believe in the project (henches, of course!)

"Do unicorns have pink horns, Wallis?" Harley's voice is heard inside, addressing one of the men that's been helping with it.

The man's answer comes hesitant, "Huh, what?"

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pamela really really should try to convince Harley to rename the place.

But at the same time, that part of her that actually indulges in humor that she keeps buried from the world can't help but giggle and snort. The Harley Hole. Really. She's not going to bring it up.

Besides, why bring up any suggestive naming conventions when she's got good wine and some harder liquor to share with her friend? Besides, Harley holds her liquor far better than Frank, and really, Ivy's beginning to realize she actually does prefer some human contact. Even if it's mostly in the form of a manic blonde harlequin who's remodeling an old carnival storage warehouse.

And so Pam fights back a smile at the sound of Harley's voice as she lets herself in, hands full with wine and liquor, there's a helpful vine slithering in just behind her with a couple of pizza boxes gently wrapped up.

There's a brief moment where Pamela can't think of what to say, until she calls out, "Only the strawberry ones, Harls!"

Listen, if you can't humor your best crazy clown friend, what's the point in living?

Harley Quinn has posed:
Moving into the place itself Harley is now in view, dressed in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, gesticulating to one of the carroussels that is currently being cleaned up by herself and a couple other henches. Wallis, the one that's being the target of her words is indeed cleaning a 'unicorn', "Strawberry pink?" Harley's attention goes to her friend, tongue poking out in thought. "Well, I could see it!" a big grin on her expression.

"Wallis! Strawberry paint for the unicorn and the horn pink! But ..., tomorrow." she tells them.

"Because right now it's time ta get smashed with my friend!! Oooo, you got my favorite.. That one we keeeep.." she speaks about a liquor but then snatches a bottle of wine out of the pile, "Foh your troubles." and the tosses the bottle over to Wallis and the other man. They take it, say their farewells and start wandering off to the exit. They do seem a bit .., relieved too. Are they scared of the clownette? Most likely, considering her rep. And Ivy's rep too.

"European greeting!" She then announces, nearing Pamela and doing a 'mwah, mwah' on each cheek. "Glad ya could join me! What ya think of the place?!" she opening her arms wide. "It's going to be aweeessooooommme."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Ivy laughs softly, eyes widening, looking around the warehouse, one brow lifting at the carousel.. well, even henches need some lighthearted whimsy she supposes. Her hip cocks as she eyes the warehouse slowly, "Hmmm... well, it's really... you? Like, not because it's full of carnival stuff. But it's got solid foundations, right?"

She gestures to her pizza-toting vine to drop the pies off on whatever table it can find, as she leans in to return that little 'mwa, mwah' double kiss and can't entirely fight back her grin.

"I mean, it is also _very_ you because it's full of carnival stuff. And it'll maybe keep some of those poor guys from winding up wearing question marks or whatever and robbing more banks! ...It's uhh... it's like a rehabilitation thing, right? Not just a hideout for crimes? Or is it for crimes? Are you like... you know... -crimey- again?"

Not that she sounds like she disapproves. Or approves. It's just the old Gotham thing, it's hard to keep track of who's on what side of things day to day.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Solid foundations?" Harley grins widely at that, bringing her hands up to cup her own face even as she says, "... I suppose I do..!" she comments, ".. as solid as my legs after a few hours of drinking at some bar!" clearly she not agreeing much with Pam about having some solid foundations! Self-deprecating much? "Buuut..., you are right. I mean, have you seen how some of -these- people dress up nowadays. Qs, penguins..." she rolls her eyes, "I mean at least I had style when I was a gangsta.."

Multicolored harlequin suit with mallet and pigtails? Well, yes.

"But no, I am not goin' crimey. Is crimey even a word? Should I check it up? Well, it now is a word! But anyway, no. Not goin' back ta doin' that stuff. Tryin' ta turn a new leaf. I even went to some gala the other night! At Wayne manor!" she beams at that, "Got to drink all the expensive champagne, not pay, and even have good company like Wondah Woman ovah theah. And what about -you-? How crimey are you as of late, mmm?" she leaning in.

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pam bites her lower lip and huffs out softly, "It's... enough of a word!" Her arms cross as she looks around slowly, just taking in Harley's words and the surroundings. Well, until she mentions going to a gala at Wayne manor, that gets a genuine eyebrow raising. Which doesn't leave a lot of room for them to perk up higher at hangin gout with Wonder Woman, but somehow Pam manages it.

"I... you... well! I mean, that's good. It's totally a good thing that you're not doing crime anymore. And I'm... I mean... minimally crime-y! I'm borrowing a Netflix subscription, but I think that's more a civil thing than criminal... I mean, okay, sure, like, Catman... remember Catman? He's kind of like Batman but with cats?"

There's just the slightest recoiling from Pamela... this city. What? Being called Poison Ivy is definitely different than being Batman or Catman!

"Anyway, yeah, he wants to like... I don't know, mess up Alchemax somehow. I think maybe they hurt the lions or something while they were busy, you know, screwing up the environment overall? I mean, he didn't _say_ it was going to be criminal, but people don't usually call me up about my protest sign crafting talents." She heaves out a sigh, shoulders lifting and falling, "So I've been up to... you know, a lot of nothing? Just kinda... lost."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"A netflix subscription?" That has HQ quirking a brow. And then there's a mention of a catman. So of course her eyebrows waggle up and down suggestively, she leaning in -even- further. "Oooo, we talkin' about netflix and chill? Yes, we aaaaaaawwwheeee." she tittering like a schoolgirl for a few moments, "And I know Catman! And we also know Catwoman remembah?" she then striking a pose. "Sirens for life or somethin'? We weah even startin' a set o' poses and all that ..." she sighs. "Alas, it was a long time ago. I just started thinkin' on it a while back, during the gala actually..., no idea why..." she tapping on her lower lip with a fingertip. "Maybe I saw a familiar face theah..." a shrug.

"Oh, it's definitely gonna get crimey." Harley then concludes when Pam goes about explaining what Catman wants to get done. "Isn't he the anti hero sorta villain sort?"

"And lost? Well ..., you know we still gotta take care o' that Quellazaire sometime, because no one thrashes Arc Terra and gets ta laugh about it."

There's a brief glance about, then she steps closer. "I got an RPG for it. But shhhhhh..." she pressing a finger to her lips.

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pamela sputters and shakes her head wildly, "I'm not... it's not his... I... no! The Netflix is from a neighbour! I am _not_ Netflixing and or chilling with Catman! I was going to thrash him for that terrible 'true crime' show he produces that did an episode on a cheap knockoff of me!" She glowers and tilts her head, "You know, I haven't heard anything about Catwoman in awhile... which, I mean, I guess is sort of the point of being a catburglar? But still. Normally you at least hear about a big gem or something disappearing every few days."

And then Ivy's got that classic, gloomy stormcloud look on her face, "Oh... right. We definitely need to settle her hash. I mean, you know, maybe... okay, okay, an RPG is _probably_ where we ought to cap off, but I mean, she's totally a criminal! Like, if we wreck her up, aren't we really just like... living up to the example of Batman? We'll make sure it just blows up _her_ house and that no one's in it... that's like, fair right? That's reasonable comeuppance!"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh, I totally agree..." Harley is nodding ceaselessly back at Pam, "Nothing -beyond- a RPG. The RPG is just -right- foh what I got in mind..." again that big, wide dangerous smile on her expression, blue eyes twinkling. "It will teach her not to mess with us! I mean, it's not like it's been -that- long since we weah a terror around, right?" she lets out a sigh, hands resting on her hips. "Sometimes I just feel people don't take us seriously.."

"And I see we got similar minds!" She reaching out to dap against Pam's fingertips, "We blow it up, I am suwah it will stop the aggression!"

"And hey, no judgement heah about gettin' it on with Catman. I mean, I dated Mistah J, can't go lower than that, right?" Her shoulders rising in a small shrug, "Anyway, open that bottle. I am thirsty. And what's Frank up too anyway?"

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pam snorts even louder and shakes her head more wildly, "No no no, I'm _not_ getting it on with... hell, anyone lately!" She sulks and crosses her arms over her chest, "If anything I should hit up one of those dating sites that operates outside Gotham. Go to New York or Metropolis or something."

And then she's focused on working the bottle open, "Oh! You know Frank, begging me to let him eat just _one_ delivery guy as a treat. He keeps telling me I should go rob a bank and let him help out. I think he just wants an excuse to try and wear a ski mask."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"You are right." Harley nodding again, "And I already set up April on Tindah, I can set you too! And you know what, I am gonna do just that..." she takes out her smartphone, pointing it at her friend. "Strike a pose foh me. No duck face though." she won't really wait long though. And will take a photo with perhaps not much preparation on Pam's part.

"Peeeeerfect." She announces, grinning at the screen of her phone.

"Expect news soon." And considering it's Harley it doesn't seem like she is joking. Not at all.

Phone is put away and she quirks a brow. "How's that guy gonna use a ski mask? He's a plant! His eyes are on his leaves ffs!" a shake of her head. "Though I still think it'd be fun ta see Frank with one of those fake moustaches." a beat, "You know .." she placing a finger under her nose. "Like this. Or banana glasses.." eyes narrow. Yes, she is already considering christmas gifts.

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pam's profile picture is definitely going to be some cross of being mid-refusal and a deer caught in the headlights. And then suddenly Harley's declaring it's done and... oh god. Oh no. Well, hey, it's not a crime spree, surely it won't go that bad. It'll be fine. Harley setting up a dating profile for her will work out just fine.

She sighs and shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know... I mean, two tiny ski masks on either eye? Oh god, no, that'd look so creepy."

Ivy points one accusing finger Harley's way, eyes narrowing. "You realize if you get him one of those fake moustaches... it's got to be _one_ right? I don't want to have to keep taking them away from him because he keeps trying to do a British accent..."