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Latest revision as of 08:00, 21 October 2021

Egyptian Temple BnB
Date of Scene: 21 October 2021
Location: Exterior - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Mr. Knight seeks out Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre to offer the amenities of the Midnight Mission as well as to share information on more mystical goings on that Moon Knight has been involved in.
Cast of Characters: Marc Spector, Morrigan MacIntyre

Marc Spector has posed:
    Mr. Knight had little worry about the stares that he got wearing nothing but white and a full white mask over his head. He'd been who he was for too long to allow the notice to bother him. He was friendly and nodded politely at passers by, even those who stopped to gape at his odd (iff immaculate) attire.

    He had been meaning to investigate something that had been bothering him ever since Moon Knight acquired that horrible mirror. He felt that he recognized the description of the woman Moon Knight spoke of. He'd seen her somewhere before. Which led him, inevitably, to Happy Harbor High School.

    He had waited outside the school until the children had departed to approach the front of the school, would he meet the woman he sought here. He had a feeling that he would meet her. Fate would see to it.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan was alerted to a presence because teenagers are nosy! That and Mr. Knight stood out more than the normal visitors to Happy Harbor and it's High School namesake. The woman had been greeted by the redheaded twins, Declan and Delia and lead out to where the front walk is so that they could point out the man, "He's just been sitting there, Doctor MacIntyre." Delia had whispered to her.

"Well, he's not a ghost. Or if he is he's doing a poor job of hiding." the Irish woman had murmured to her students. "Alright, off with you. Back in your dorms by nine please. And make sure Tyler eats!" she calls after the group.

Then she turns back to where the unknown man is and heads that way. She's dressed in a black pencil skirt, lilac colored blouse that has billowy sleeves and black heels. All immaculately made or tailored. Her accent jewelry is silver, but no ring or anything like that to speak of. "Do you need some assistance?" she asks him as she strides over.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Mr. Knight turns and takes in the severe yet stylish nature of her outfit for a moment. "No. Actually. I was... looking for you, specifically" he says with an inclination of his head. "I believe you had a chance encounter with an associate of mine" he says.

    "After he gave me a description of the woman he encountered, I felt that I should be direct and come speak with you on his behalf..." He tilts his head as if sensing something. "And on my own as well."

    He offers the woman a gloved hand. "My name is Mr. Knight. A pleasure to meet you."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look over Mr. Knight and there is a quirk of her eyebrow, "Guy in a white armored outfit that goes by the name of Moon Knight?" she asks him. "Talk to me about what...exactly?" she asks as she looks around, seeing if any of the teens are near by. Thankfully they were clearing out.

She looks to the hand before reaching out to give it a shake, "Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre. Nice to meet you, Mister Knight." she offers in turn. "Is this a confidential talk or is it alright to talk out here?" she asks him.

Marc Spector has posed:
    "That depends entirely on you, Dr. MacIntyre" Mr. Knight replies calmly. "I believe that I should give some context. My associate and I represent a lesser known Egyptian diety named Khonshu." He paused to see if the woman recognzied the name and had any commentary on the god.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to his hidden face and there's a nod to him, "I'm aware of the diety...I'm actually a little too well educated on dieties lately." she muses. "I'm sure if you've any connections to the occult world then you know what I'm talking about." she states. Then she takes a soft breath, "I'm not one to beat around the bush, what would you like to speak on, Mister Knight?" she asks him.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Mr. Knight looks around to see that they are alone in the courtyard and looks back at her. "Moon Knight recognized something in you that marks you as something that Khonshu sees as an asset. Something in his portfolio." He pauses for a moment to let that sink in.

    "Khonshu is the guardian of those who walk in the night" he continues. "Or rather, of the Night Walkers. This can simply mean people who travel during the dark... or it could have a more metaphorical meaning. Such as one afflicted by a condition that you are at least attached to in part, if not in whole."

    He too stops beating around the bush and lowers his voice. "I am talking about your vampiric nature, Doctor and I am here to offer myself as an ally should you want it, and by extension Moon Knight."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Moon Knight put very thin threads together. Why he went straight to vampire is beyond me. Werewolves and others with super senses can sniff blood." Morrigan gives a bit of a sigh as the talk leads to where she believed it was going. She doesn't react in a bad way, she just seems like she doesn't like talking about it. "I have no assets when it comes to any part of my vampiric nature. I was born half vampire. I got zero of the attributed benefits that most would get." she admits. "My only assets are in my being a master of the mystic arts." she adds.

"I really don't like calling it an affliction. Not in my case. I've learned to just...be." she admits with a bit of a helpless shrug. "We can always use allies here though. So I appreciate the offer, Mister Knight." she tells him. "How...exactly do you and Moon Knight know each other?" she asks him.

Marc Spector has posed:
    "Moon Knight's intuition leads him where our patron allows us to go" Mr. Knight replies. "It could be that his jump wasn't entirely his own and instead was the god's view on you." He inclines his head again. "I apologize if I insulted you, that was not my intention."

    Her question makes him blink, shown only by a slight flutter behind the opaque white orbes of his mask. "We both serve Khonshu. I am his High Priest, he is his Fist. Our roles are different aspects of the same whole. While I offer solace and comfort to those who the god holds as his charges, Moon Knight dispences the justice upon those who harm those charges in direct disregard of his guiding light." Not exactly an answer to her question, was it?

    He pauses and seems to study her more intently. "You say you have none of the gifts of that line, aside from magical talent. Are you also free of the frailities of that parental line?" He sighs. "Let me be more clear. Do you have the Hunger?" There is emphasis on that last word that indicates the capital.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to him and there's a bit of a soft smile, "It's not an insult, there are a lot of vampires out there. I just...I don't really know many others except for my father. And he wants to murder me whenever we see each other soooooo..." she wobbles her hand. She didn't really visit others. "And if he's used to dealing with them then I'm guessing he made the educated guess. So I can't blame him." she states.

Then she studies him more, but she decides not to rib him about all the Knights running around. His question about the Hunger makes her straighten, "That comes with the territory." she states. That's a yes. "Though I made a serum to stave off things when I was much younger and to help me be able to function in the daylight hours. It's had to be tweaked over the years and I've been almost ten months without blood." she tells him. "No tokens like AA though." she muses.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Mr. Knight nods. "Not surprising, given your particular field. Very commendable, but it is not a cure..." he says. "I offer an alternative should you require it." He reaches into his coat and withdraws a card.

    It has a name on the front. "The Midnight Mission" is printed in black on the stark white of the card. There is also an address and a phone number. If the woman knows Manhattan at all, she can tell it's somewhere in Queens. "Seek out my temple should your serum prove not enough to satiate your need. I can, as I said, offer relief and comfort through trying times." What his relief and comfort was he didn't say.

    "Which brings me to the second aspect of my wanting to meet you" he says. "Your abilities and presence impressed Moon Knight. That you were at that house made it clear that you are more than a simple doctor" a slight tugging at the corners of where his mouth would be under the maks might indicate a smile, "and he bid me to ask you: do you also stalk the night seeking to right abnomralities and wrongs as he does?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan clasps her hands lightly in front of her and looks to Mr. Knight. She was tall, but not looming like one of the Amazons might be. "Alternatives?" she seems a bit confused. She reaches out to take the card with careful fingers, her violet gaze looking over it as she does. She doesn't know how to take the offer of help and it shows in her pale features. "I'm not good with seeking out help." she admits.

She slips the card into her skirt pocket and looks to his eyes. Or where his eyes should be. "I just keep track of the weird that goes on. Something didn't seem right with situation. I just went to investigate and well...there he and his friend were." she smiles. "I was a little bitey at him, so hopefully he doesn't hold grudges." she tells him.

"I have too many precious things to take care of to let abnormalities go unchecked. And Sorcerers need to help keep things balanced." she adds.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Mr. Knight doesn't seem phased by her somewhat timid response to his offer of help. "Perhaps it isn't that you aren't good with seeking, it's that you haven't found what you were truly needing?" He pushes a bit further. "Acceptance. Regardless of all things beyond a doorway. That is what I offer, without asking for anything in return."

    He chuckles. "I assure you, your response did not offend him." He nods at her statement about balance and replies, "Yes. That is quite true. Balance is pivotal to staving off the influx of darkness. We all must do our part unless we wish our world to be plunged into eternal darkness."

    "There are things... walking this month that are troublesome." He looks to one side. "That creature was a start, I fear there are more to come. But... with vigilance we will make certain that we persevere"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's demeanor changes for a moment, her eyes darkening for a flash of a second, she then takes a breath and pushes any snap comments to the back of her mind, "I'm going to pose this question to you, Mister Knight. What do /you/ think /I/ truly need?" she looks to him as she asks that. "I won't be offended at the answers you give either." she adds.

"October tends to be a weird month in general with the veil thinning. But there's been tears opening up all over the place and letting things out. There's been gods murdering each other for power and other things. It...it's been heavy." she chuckles.

"I'm always up for fighting on the good guys side, so if you need help with any of that you can call me up." she tells him. "I...don't have my cards on me. They're in my office. But you know how to find me at home too I'm guessing." she muses.

Marc Spector has posed:
    "To be honest?" Mr. Knight replies. "I think you need a rest. A repreive from running or holding on or managing. You need a chance to just let things go for once. In safety, of course. But what I feel you need is a chance to shed this..." he gestures, "veneer of stiff academia and doctoral efficiency."

    "Indeed, we all have felt the change in the world of late: he says soflty. "Khonshu believes it is a portents to greater threats. A wave that, when it breaks, will usher a flood" he focuses on the red-head. "The question is, will the levies hold or will our way be measured with the number of dead rather than the number of the living."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan listens to him and there is a genuine smile given to him, "My stiff efficiency keeps me sane and not hurt." she tells him. "But you're probably right on those things. I just need to get around to it." she states.

"We're going to see if it can be held. If not we're going to be in for an interesting next few months. And I saw that as someone who fought gods recently." she states in a tired way. "I'm sure you've got your hands full with your congregation and helping out others as well, so I won't keep you much longer, Mister Knight. Did you have more questions for me or anything that you want to know?" she asks.

Marc Spector has posed:
    "Remember my number, when you do, I promise it will be worth the effort to reach out" Mr. Knight replies. He pauses, looking her over again.

    "Two things. One, Moon Knight saw to it that the mirror was contained properly. Whether it was the only one that creature was bound to was beyond his ability to know at the time of transfer but that particular avenue will no longer be open to it." He pauses, letting that sink in. "Secondly. There was a Skinwalker--or perhaps a Wendigo--who attacked a group of luxury campers yesterday night. It killed at least two. It also abducted a child, but when she was found, she was unharmed and the creature released her without incident before disappearing." He watches her for any reaction to the news.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to him when he tells her to remember his number, "Alright, I promise I will call if things start getting to be too much." she tells him. "It'll be better than locking myself in the basement lab at home and toughing it out." she smiles to that.

"I don't think the entity that was in the house was ever bound to the mirror. More than likely it was something that was called through it and there was a death due to someone being careless with not making sure that it was banished back to where it came from. And I have been unable to locate it again." she frowns. She blinks at the news of the Wendigo though, "Did...did you see it? They're not want to come out unless the situation is called for." she frowns. "And it makes sense. Children are innocent." she nods to this.

Marc Spector has posed:
    The woman's acceptance of his offer at least receives a nod in agreement from Mr. Knight. To her second question he shakes his head. "I was not there. Moon Knight saw it. In it's... well, he called it its lair." His eyes narrow a bit. "He has a number of gifts, some mundane in source, others mystical. Highly advanced night vision goggles in his suit allowed him to perceive the creature briefly before it fled." He paused at her addition. "What sort of situation calls for their particular presence?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan shakes her head to that, "No, Wendigo are...forces of nature sometimes. No rhyme nor reason. They are legends." she points out. "You don't really run into them everyday. So I would be very surprised if you saw one in the same area. Unless there is some signifigance to the surroundings." she states. "I'll see what I can find on the situation and see about bringing it to you and Moon Knight. It's the least I can do with the assist he and his friend gave the other night." she nods to this.

"I should get going though, I have a few meetings to handle still this evening and should get food before then." she smiles to that.

"Actual food...not..you know the liquid diet." she adds quickly.

Marc Spector has posed:
    "Of course" Mr. Knight says. "I look forward to seeing you at the Mission, Dr. MacIntyre. Both, in business and in relaxation. I assure you the amenities for those like yourself do not disappoint." He bows. "Perhaps I will see you around town otherwise. A good evening to you. Knonshu watch over you."

    He then turns and starts back up the street. There is a white sedan that looks brighter somehow than the other white cars around it parked on the side of the road. It would not take an investigative mind to pair the man in the white suit with that car.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to Mister Knight and she gives a dip of her head, "And...also over you." she states. Then she mentally kicks herself. Jesus Christ so much for being normal. "Be safe in your travels." she states quickly before she's turning to head back to the school. "You can't just talk like a normal person, Mo?" she sighs at herself as she stops to adjust one of the skeletons that are on the lawn for Halloween. She does look to see where Mr. Knight went and notes the white sedan, "Well...he likes white like I like purple. Can't blame the man." she muses as she heads inside. She needed food!