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Latest revision as of 20:04, 28 October 2021

Office Closed
Date of Scene: 04 October 2021
Location: Alias Investigations
Synopsis: Jessica is rudely awakened by an invasive Elektra, and she wants to talk about the past...worst alarm clock ever!
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Elektra Natchios

Jessica Jones has posed:
The door to Alias Investigation has a very unmistakable sign on the front, which reads: closed. No further explanation given. The music of Nirvana can be heard playing from within, but otherwise it's very quiet.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
There had been quite a few things left unsaid back at the talk at Elektra's penthouse. And in true Elektra fashion of course she is pursuing it afterwards, 'corralling' the elusive PI somewhere she really can't run away from. Her own office! (And home)

Approaching the door to the Alias office she quirks a brow at what she sees. Closed. That's just another lingo for 'come right in' as far as Elektra is concerned. It does mean JJ doesn't have a client in. Though Nirvana? There's a knock on the door.

"Open up. It's Elektra." a beat, "I hope you aren't making out with someone at the sound of Nirvana. We are way past teen spirit by now." see? She knows a few of their songs at least!

Jessica Jones has posed:
Poor Jessica, unaware of how her day is about to be ruined. Not that it's been going all that great, seeing she's currently lying in her bed in her underwear and a tanktop, listening to 'Rape Me' by Nirvana, while drinking whiskey straight from the bottle by her nightstand.

The demand to open has her growling to herself, "no, this isn't happening," she stammers, while grabbing her pillow and yelling out, "read the sign, says closed!" She tries to put the pillow over her head, maybe that will ward off any further demands to come inside.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Nope, not a song one would use to be making out. That's for sure. So Elektra figures she might just be alone in there. Specially after that request to read the sign. And as stated before it reads 'come right in'! Which Elektra does. Because what can a lock do against someone who is known to break into the most impossible of places to conduct assassinations? There's some sound coming from the entrance and then a 'click', the door opens and Elektra steps in, closing the door behind her.

"Good." She says about it being closed, "I wouldn't want to have other people here while talking to you. It could turn awkward." the sound of a bottle being placed on a table by the office.

"I thought you would had repaired this window properly by now." She comments from the office. Oh no, now she is turning into an interior decorator.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"What the fuck did I do to you, Elektra? Just stay away," Jessica yells, and as Elektra adds her tips for interior decoration, Jessica reaches for the mostly finished bottle of whiskey, and hurls it throw the open doorway to her bedroom, hoping to strike Elektra, even though she knows better. "I have a splitting headache, this is not a good time," and she goes right back to curling in her blanket, and attempting the pillow over head trick one more time. It clearly failed the first try, seeing how she heard Elektra perfectly once she simply picked the lock and let herself in.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The bottle is never heard hitting the ground, or breaking into a thousand little glass pieces. Maybe it hit Elektra and she got knocked out! But no such luck as there's no body falling. What happened to the bottle though? That's a mystery that JJ won't discover until she comes outside.

Steps are heard approaching the open doorway that leads to JJ's bedroom but no figure comes in, instead Elektra's voice heard from right outside. "It's never a good time where it comes to you." she states, "So you will just have to endure and come out. I am not leaving." is the answer. Then her shadow is seen by the doorway, arms crossing and she leaning against the open door. Still on that angle where she can't really look inside, or be seen from within.

"When was the last time you actually got out of that room?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
The lack of a breaking sound at least gives Jess the comfort that she might not have to do extra cleaning later on, not that her office / apartment is ever in a state of pristine cleanliness, but can't have shards of broken bottle strewn about the office before a meeting. She's just that desparate to get Elektra out of there.

"Did you die?" Jessica asks half jokingly, if not with a shred of hope in her voice, from the safety of her bed. "That's right, never a good time is my mantra..."

But then Elektra answers, not by directly answering the question, but by talking at all, "goddamnit!" Jessica snaps, rolling if not outright falling out of her bed with a *thud* before feeling around for her jeans. "You're making me get out of bed before 3pm, I don't like it," she groans, and while delaying a few extra moments to get her jeans on and be more or less presentable, terrible bed hair and complete lack of makeup aside, she eventually steps out of her bedroom. "Why do you care how often I leave my room? Don't you have a ninja cult to deal with?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The audible sigh that comes from the Hand assassin by the doorway almost conveys what must surely be a follow-up roll of her eyes at JJ's comments. Even Elektra has a limit to her patience! Still, her tone remains rather even when she replies, "A little later and you could join me in proper vamping." is she for real? Vamping?

"A ninja cult, killer werewolves and more." She says back to JJ, "Why do you ask? Considering helping with that?" Elektra then counters.

She dislodges herself from the doorway when JJ steps out, dark eyes going up and down her form and ..., it's telling. Lots of judgement about that bed hair! Specially coming from someone who looks so pristine in her dark leather pants, blouse and jacket. Hair straight and combed to perfection. Really, they couldn't look more different.

"You look horrible." It's the truth at least. And the mystery of the bottle is solved. She is holding it! Probably caught it in the air. Of course that some of the whiskey still spilled out and dirtied her jacket sleeve some. "Truth is, I think it's about you spoke with someone, isn't it?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica does indeed seem taken back by that, "vamping?" She repeats the word, quirking a brow, and then just staring at Elektra. "Oh, so you graduated from just ninja cult to werewolves as well? Nice to see you're branching out..." she shakes her head, but doesn't express any doubt, after all, Danny claims he punched a freakin' dragon. "Yeah...I figure if I try and help I'll get stabbed by a katana."

Noting that judging look as Elektra scans her up and down, Jessica snaps, "oh, fuck off, I just got out of bed...didn't even get to shower today." Or yesterday, or the day before, but no need to advertise that.

"Thanks, I know, feel much better now," she looks around for a bottle, and curses when there isn't one within reach, aside for the one Elektra caught while Jess tried to attack her haphazardly, "...shame to let that go to waste," she mutters and tries to grab the bottle back from Elektra.

"Spoke with someone about what? I got nothing to talk about."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"What can I say? Ninja cults are getting too old. And I didn't get filthy rich by simply idling about.." So insufferable. The reach for the bottle has no fight from Elektra, the assassin handing it back to JJ without a fuss. She knows better than to get between the PI and her booze. So instead she makes her way back to a table, reaching for a couple of chairs and drawing them out.

She only looks up from her work with the chairs when Jessica comments about the showering. A single word. "Today." oh yes, she isn't buying that the showered this last week at all.

Still, she doesn't pursue any further judgemental comments. There's been enough of those! So she focuses on what actually brought her here, "You know what. Don't play coy or dumb, that's not you." she gestures to the chair across from her and then takes a seat.

"I am talking about what the fuck hurt you to the point that you are about ready to snap and call it quits. And if you won't talk to your friends...." a shrug, " ... might as well talk to an enemy. Or whatever we are." a smirk.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"That's you...industrious...god I have a headache," Jessica complaints, reaching for another swig from the bottle in her hand. She's not a morning person, was it even considered morning anymore? She has no clue what the clock says, but it probably lies. "Yeah..." Jessica snaps back, making a stumbling progress to the chair pulled for her, plomping down, and closing her eyes with a wince. "Too much light in here..."

"....don't play shrink with me, Elektra, there's nothing wrong with me and I'm the poster child for being mentally fine, ok? I can pinpoint assholes you gotta stay away from without throwing a punch. I'm great."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"What else is new?" Elektra retorts about the headache, settling down on the chair across from JJ once the other does, one leg up and folding over the other. Neatly. But that's Elektra, always so neat.

"Sure. All this self-destructive behavior doesn't take a genius to figure out, JJ. Just that others are too kind to ask you about it. But not me, I am here to call out on your BS. So quick about accusing others but where it comes to you ..." she trails off for a few moments before finally continuing, "... you just turn a blind eye."

"And for me, it seems you need to talk with someone before you burst. Which by the looks of it isn't far off." cold and assertive. As if she was simply putting up facts on the table. Certainly no pity on her tone.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Elektra certainly looks classy compared to the mess that Jessica looks like all slumped up in the chair, and looking like she hates being alive at the moment. "What self destructive? Just because I enjoy a good drink...?" Jessica grumbles, as she takes another swig straight from the bottle. Epitome of class. "What BS!? What are you talking about it?" Jessica looks across at Elektra and groans in suffering, "why do you even care? Oh fuck off, I'm not gonna burst or anything and I don't need to talk to anyone, I got my shitty P.I. business and I'm fine...I look after myself, I don't have a mom and dad to give me money, and I don't need it anyways. I'm a fucking adult, and I'm managing."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Your defensive posture, for one. Creating that armor of indifference about anything and anyone, keeping everyone at arm's reach." Elektra then wrinkling her nose, ".. Or in this case breath's reach, considering how much you drink.." she then pointing at JJ, "But then you are a PI, helping people when you can, join the Defenders and Matt to save Hell's Kitchen. You are a walking pile of paradoxes, or would be if I didn't know better .., that you are simply hiding yourself out. From your past, from who you were. It took but a minute of me talking about you, or your past for you to run away from my condo the other night, JJ.." yep, lots of accusations there on both tone and words.

"And sure, if it was only you maybe I wouldn't care. But there's Matt to consider to. He thinks of you as a dear friend, and if you go down he goes down with you. And I am not about to let that happen." a smirk, "Or maybe I actually care about you. Does it scare you? That someone would care?"

She tiptaps fingertips against the side of her leg while continuing to stare at JJ, brow slightly arched.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I don't have a defensive posture," Jess argues for arguement's sake, after all, with her sharp attention to details she'd probably note the same about another person. Just that much more annoying when the observation is made on oneself by another. "Hey, there's a good theory on why I drink, next time someone says I need to go to AA I'll use that, thanks, E."

"What would you know about my past or who I was...?" Jess asks, suddenly straightening up in her seat, looking very much vested in any knowledge Elektra has about her that Jess thinks she really shouldn't. "Well...maybe I didn't want to talk about myself, I was concerned about that June girl anyways. Wanted to make sure you don't take advantage of a stupid kid."

"Yes, I'm terrified," Jess answers dryly at Elektra's annoying question, one could almost see a twitch as she tries to sell the deadpan response. "But don't worry, I won't let Matt go down because I'm a fuckup, ok? He's a good guy, he deserves better friends then me..."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra simply mmhmms about the arguing on the defensive posture, followed by a raise of her shoulders which pretty much seems to seal the argument (in her favor, of course! At least in her view). Still, she is taking particular attention to JJ, watching all those little motions, the straightening up when her past is mentioned once again. It makes Elektra narrow her eyes, "I know you are making all you can to hide it. Even from Matt." a chuckle and she shakes her head, "I am a killer, Jessica. I have done things you don't even imagine, and Matt still accepted who I was.." she chooses not to mention some of the hiccups along the way. "Maybe you should give him the benefit of the doubt about your own past too, mmm? Even if you may not want to share it with me."

Those last words make Elektra take a breath, along with a roll of her eyes, "Self-loathing, another one of your 'weapons'." but then she closes her eyes as if controlling herself. Maybe she is counting to ten. "Look, I am not here to fight you. But I *know* you had a shit of a past. Takes one to know one, and we all have different ways to cope with it. What you are doing right now though? That's not coping, or even trying to. It's going down the drain and letting yourself be taken away. But that's how *they* win." she frowns now.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"We don't all have to know everything about each other..." Jessica snaps when Elektra raises the point that Jess has been keeping her past a secret even from Matt. It irks here, the unspoken idea she's not a truthful friend. "Yes, you are a killer, and you have done things I don't imagine, but -you- have done all of those, haven't you?" Jess makes quite the confusing remark. "Like I said, not everything needs to be shared...I lost my parents in a car crash, boo hoo, lots of people been orphaned when they were just kids..." there, she shared one tidbit.

When Elektra takes notes of the self-loathing pattern, one could almost notice Jessica shaking with minute tremors of anger. She bites her lip, so at least there's that sign that she stopped herself from just cursing up a storm at Elektra. "Hey, Einstein didn't have everything figured in a day, ok? And I hear he sucked at math...so, yeah, maybe I'm not an all star at coping, but I try, ok?"

How do you even begin to explain to someone that you're so absolutely terrified to the point of paralysis, when you're putting up a brave front. Impossible.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
That confusing remark at the start has Elektra cant her head to the side, thoughtful, considering JJ's words. It didn't seem to be a drunken comment, she was not that drunk. No, it seemed made with intent. "Who else, if not me?" she finally says, "I did what I had to do but you ..." a pause, "You are saying it was something out of your control? Something done to you?"

As JJ then goes on about comparisons to Einstein she only smirks. "Did you really just compare yourself to Einstein?" some amusement there, "You are trying. Or at least pretending to, that's for sure. But from over here it doesn't really seem like that is working out for you, Jessica."

She leans forward, resting elbows on her knees, "What I can tell you though is that sooner or later we have to face our demons, no matter how much we may want to avoid it." seems like she's talking from experience too.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Exactly...who else if not you, since you're responsible, it's easy to deal with, well...easier than some things," Jessica notes, before absolutely emptying the bottle. Showing a surprising capacity for holding her breath as she drinks the rest of it down.

When Elektra asks about control, Jessica snaps her fingers and points to her room, where the speakers are playing out the very end of Nirvana's "Rape Me" which she was listening to on loop apparently, as it just starts again once it ends. "That's about all there is to say about that."

She laughs as Elektra noticed, and grins, "you think I'm not quite a match for him? I do a lot of smart things in my work as a P.I. it's underappreciated!"

"So what are your demons?" Classic Jess with the deflection.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
For all that Elektra may be here with a good will to try and help this is something hard for her to understand. The concept of being a victim. In her own mind she is *always* in control, even if that may be far from the truth, a pawn between the Chaste and the Hand. Still, the smile fades from her expression, dark gaze following towards the room where the music is still coming from, realization dawning on her. "Who?" it's a simple question really. But full of intent. One that seems to be offering her a different way to cope. A violent way. Murder.

For in the end she can't fight her nature, and that is one of an assassin.

That last question makes her frown faintly, "That I am all people say I am, or worse." is the answer, she starting to get up to her feet, "Too far down the pit to climb back out. Like I have told you before, I have done things you don't even imagine." not that she seems to be saying all about her own inner demons, but it's a start at least.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"That...doesn't matter," Jessica quite uncharacteristically shys from giving a name, or urging towards a confrontation. She is more than ready to move to the Elektra side of things, where she's a little more comfortable and a lot less scared. "Why would you give a fuck what people say about you?" Jess wonders, and at least from all that is observable, she's very good at not giving any fucks. "Don't let Matt's Christian talk get to you, if he said he doesn't think I belong in hell, there's a chance for everyone."

A momentary pause, and suddenly Jessica shoots, "did you ever kill a child?" There's one terrible thing she can imagine.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Yes, it matters. When you are ready to have them die you will let me know." Finality in Elektra's tone, and pretty much all she can offer at the moment. As for her side? When Jessica talks about she caring about what other people say it makes the assassin laugh. And then she shakes her head, "It's not what other people say, but what -I- think of myself and am." is that the whole truth though?

"Matt has surprisingly been someone that has kept me from falling too far apart, so don't treat him too harshly. He is a good man to talk to if you can open up a bit. But then again we do have our past..." Elektra then finally smirking again.

That last question has her shake her head, "No, I did not. There is nothing in killing someone without a fighting chance." she then pointing out, "That's a very specific question to make.."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica just laughs as Elektra presents it in such simple terms, when Jessica Fucking Jones is ready to have the Purple Man die...now there's a concept. She offers no witty comment, no insult, just laughs. Might be weird, might be disturbing, each has their own take. When she's done laughing, Jessica reaches for another sip only to find the bottle empty, leading her to drop it on the floor and let it roll a bit until it stops. "Ah...there's whiskey for that," Jessica offers the time tested solution for self loathing.

"I cherish Matt Fucking Murdock, so don't think I treat him harshly ok? Well, I did diss his costume, but that's totally on him."

Looking up at Elektra, Jessica nods, "so it is...I think this was fun, but we should probably wrap this party up, I have a 10:30 meeting with my bed."