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Latest revision as of 00:56, 4 November 2021

How much is that Lizard in the window.
Date of Scene: 03 November 2021
Location: Fellowship of the Paws (Pet shop in Gotham)
Synopsis: Pets are looked at and dinner is gotten (Not turtle soup)
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Harper Row

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has been doing some research and seems the place here in Gotham might be the best place for what he is looking for. So today Bart Allen dressed in normal T-shirt, jeans and such is walking into a pet store. Fellowship of the Paws. He walks in looking around to see and hear the place there is always some squawking or chirping heard from one of the front corners of the shop. Here there are an array of cages some big some small, as this is where the birds are kept. The parakeet cage holds nearly two dozen of the birds in all different colors. There are also cages with finches, cockatiels, and even a parrot or two.
     The opposite front corner is quieter mostly just the soft hum of pumps and bubbling water. There are at least 2 dozen aquariums with fresh and salt water fish in them. There is even a fake log pool, that is done up to look like a pond, and has a few Koi and another pond fish and vegetation. Next to each of these areas are supplies for the type of animals.
     Both walls are lined with aquariums as well, but these are not filled with water but with air breathing creatures. On one side we see reptiles, snakes and lizards, even a few rarer reptiles that you have to have permits to sell. Along with these there are also insects and arachnids. All are clean and well cared for. Opposite them on the other wall are your small mammals, mice hamsters, guinea pigs as well as others in their beds made of shavings. Again next to each are your supplies needed for the care and feeding of the animals.
     The middle of the store has a square of counters, that is where the cash register and other things for paying your bill and impulse items are. There are also a few plexiglass cages with open roofs where pets can be on display and you can see and touch them. There are usually some kittens or puppies in these playing around. The back wall has kennel cages up around waist height and contains cats and dogs. These cages do not seem to be where the animals spend all their time, perhaps just when on display. There is a door with a sign that reads "Customers must be accompanied by an employ past this point." You can hear the occasional back from; there must be more animals back there.

Harper Row has posed:
Having ended work, Harper was walking towards the bus stop to get home when she sees a familar red head entering a nearby store front. Redirecting herself, she follows him in... its always a good time to interact with cute animals!

She's dressed for work still, slacks and a polo shirt (blue of course!) and sneakers, with her hair brushed down and appearing all purple - no fauxhawk during business hours.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has walks in and talked to the owner for a moment, and headed over towards the cages with the lizards, and seems in a pretty good mood. He is looking at the items on the shelves as he heads over there. It seems Bart is relaxed and paying more attention to the animals than the place around him.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper looks around quietly, just browsing. No reason to talk to the owner. No reason to rush up to Bart, secret identities and all... Plus there's a pair of budgies in a spaceous cage: one primarially green the other blue.

"Hello there," Harper says probingly to the birds who are known to be able to talk.

With a squack, the blue budgie says, "Hello!" and the green one says, "Hi," in turn to the young woman.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hears the voice, and looks over, it may take him just a moment to recognize Harper in her work clothes, but he does, and with that offers her a wave from the lizards. He is looking at the turtles here it seems. He scratches his chin a bit in thought as he studies them.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper responds with the epidome of cool (NOT!) with a nod and a wave to Bart. She then says, "Talk to you later," to the birds that both squack and speak in response ("Bye" from the green one and "Bye bye" from the blue budgie). She then steps away from the birds and heads over to the reptile sections.

"I guess this section is easy... legs or no legs and then if legs shells or no shells?" Harper says in lieu of a greeting to Bart as she reaches conversational distance.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen chuckles a bit and says "Well, I am thinking legs, and with shell, and without both, but today looking at these little guys." He motions towards the Bog turtles little guys about 3-4 inches long. "I am thinking about a pair of these."

Harper Row has posed:
"Have you done the research into what will be required to keep them alive?" Harper asks like a good Bat-deciple. Preparation is a key after all. In everything, not just in crimefighting.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head and says "I got the basic set up in my new place already, made sure, I have it set up for different climates and such, looking at getting one or two bearded dragons, two of these guys and 2 guinea pigs. Don't want to go much bigger on the lizard so does not freak the pigs out." Gotta make sure decent separation on the habitats, and it is looking pretty good."

Harper Row has posed:
Harper responds first with a smile and then says, "Going to make sure that there's nothing that'd prey on the rodents before you introduce multiple species like that I hope?" Yeah, she's a big sister also, its showing strongly here to anyone who's got a feel for people of any sort.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "Why I went with the dragons. and the veiled Chameleons I am considering, small lizards, and as long as I make sure keep my hands clean between handling one type of creature and another should be fine. But that's a habit I have picked up from work. I wanted something that I can handle and bond with but that can be ok if I am out for a day or two." He admits "The turtles are a bit of a reminder of my grandpa, he has a tortoise, so reminds me of his but my own version.

Harper Row has posed:
"Tortoises can get very big," Harper observes idly before sayng, "But I assume you're talking about a little one." She then asks, "Work never came up in our last conversation... what do you do?" as she shows off her badge identifying her as a member of the Office of the City Electrician for Gotham to answer the same question about her for him.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen makes a decent size circle with his hands "Gramp's is about this big, but yea, not one of the giants." He grins a bit and says "I work at the Gotham Zoo. I am right now a general helper, but am taking classes in animal medicine, and care." He informs her "Been working with diets recently."

Harper Row has posed:
Harper nods and looks duely impressed. With a playfulness in her voice she asks, "So you're working to become a zooiatrician huh?" No, its not a word. She clearly knows this and is going for cheap laughs.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, a bit and smiles "Pretty much, I want to be able to work with most any animal I come around. It does help that I have a photographic memory so, if I study about a rarely seen animal, I will retain it for when it is needed.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper glances around to make sure no other customers or any member of the staff are close by before she very soflty asks, "Do you percieve fast as well as move fast? If so... that's a lot of things to remember, right?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to her, and says "I have always been able to remember pretty much anything I encounter." He tells her "Makes most tests a breeze." He admits to her about his schooling. "It is like I can tell you how many posters there were on Miss Crammer's board when I was 7th grade in Alabama." or some of the odder stuff from before then.

Harper Row has posed:
"Pretty awesome perk on top of your other talents, Bart," Harper says sincerely about the memory. Then, as if thinking of memory reminded her of something, she goes "Oh!" and pulls out her phone and taps out a quick message to her brother on it <<got diverted, start something, will be home soon>> and says, "Sorry, lost track of time and forgot that I was supposed to bring dinner home. Luckily Cullen's quite competent in the kitchen. I aught to get going but it was cool happenstance to cross paths with you Bart."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to her, and says "If you need someone to grab something and get you home on time, I can get you both in a flash." He offers with a smile "I don't mind helping out friends, just tell me what ya want, and where ya need to be and it will be done.

Harper Row has posed:
With a laugh Harper says, "May as well, you're the only one of the trio to not know where I live after all..." and so the pair step out of the store and Bart quite literally runs Harper home becoming the third of the OG Outsider guys to learn where she lives.