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Latest revision as of 06:37, 4 November 2021

A Pho-shionable Meetup
Date of Scene: 04 November 2021
Location: Pho Gedda Bout It
Synopsis: Jon takes Martin and Zatanna to one of his favorite eateries in Gotham--Pho Gedda Bout It. Zatanna and Martin get to know each other, a wild Clarice appears, and in the end three alerts go off at once, drawing the original three away.
Cast of Characters: Jonathan Sims, Zatanna Zatara, Martin Blackwood, Clarice Ferguson

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon's been spending more time in Gotham lately, which might be because he's been thinking about his time interning at Arkham, or might be because of a certain young man named Tim Drake, or /might/ just be because New York's bringing up bad memories these days and he never had a firm connection to Metropolis. Regardless of the reason, he's asked Zatanna to meet him and Martin at what his to be his favorite pho place, Pho Gedda Bout It, in Kingston.

    "Oh, they've changed all the art since I was here last," he comments as he steps inside. "They do that a lot, actually. I /very/ much recommend the short ribs if you like that sort of thing."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna is on home turf. Her father moved Shadowcrest to Gotham when she was a child, and she has come to consider the problematic city her own. It's rare to see her in stage costume around Gotham these days, the tall, black-haired woman, preferring Harajuku designers like the black Yohji Yamamoto jacket she wears over stovepipe pants and ankle-high lace-up boots today.

She walks in behind Jon, saying, "I didn't even know this existed, Jon. Leave it to you to find a restaurant in Gotham that I don't know! I might want their classic beef pho to test them out."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin smiles as he holds open the door for both and enters behind Zatanna. "Jon has a nose for the best places in any given city he lives in. I think it was his superpower before he even became the Archivist."

    He nods to the homo magi. "The beef is amazing! You won't be disappointed." He looks up at the menu, pondering if he wanted to get his usual or something more novel this time around.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I do not--" Jon pauses. Frowns. "Well, maybe... look, I like food, and I'll try any place at least once. And, ahh... med school leads to..." He glances around. It's not appropriate conversation for a restaurant, but one can maybe guess--in med school, either you lose your appetite or you get a craving for short ribs after classes.

    "I think I'll go with the classic beef myself," he says, as he steps up to the counter and smiles at the young man standing there. "Definitely short ribs and pork rolls, if you don't mind. And the classic beef for me." He looks to the others.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"We all have our... hidden talents?" Zee says, slowly. Then turns to Martin, "What's yours, Martin?

"What about med school, Jon? Did you enjoy offal after a cadaver anatomy class?" Zee jokes, hands in her pockets, eyes still riveted on the menu above them.

"Yes, classic. I'll stick with classic beef today and see how good a pho stock they make. I'm picky."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    "Oh umm..." Martin says, under the scrutiny of the woman. He was aware of her by reputation, but their one meeting had come with a number of strings attached. Mainly, Tim Drake punching him in the face. He was clearly nervous around someone as powerful as her.

    "I'm... I write poetry..." he says softly, almost inaudibly. "It's not very good, but I am proud of it" he says, before ordering.

    "Classic beef for me, as well" he says to the counterman. It seems like the usual was the way to go for today.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I love your poetry, Martin," and indeed Jon's voice is a little faraway as he says so. He actually gives his husband a bright smile before going to find them all a place to sit now that their orders are in.

    "So... given the, ahh... nature of your first meeting," and here Jon smirks, because he can read Martin like an open book even /without/ being a telepath, "I thought we should... start over. So. Martin, this is Zatanna Zatara, who's proven herself an excellent friend in your absence. Zatanna, my husband, Martin. The rumours of his death were, as you saw, greatly exaggerated."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
And happy was I to learn the way were all exaggerated. Jon was a shadow of himself." She regards him fondly for a moment. "I don't believe I ever saw him smile at anyone the way he just smiled at you now."

She reaches past Jon to offer Martin her hand, "Pleased to meet you, Martin. I count myself lucky to be called an excellent friend of Jon's."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin smiles as he takes the offered hand. "I am thankful to you and Tim for keeping Jon as safe as you have and being there for him" he says. "I... admit that knowing someone like you had his back did make me a little less worried about his safety while I was away."

    He sighs. "I am sorry... as I have said a million times. I'll say to you as much as I said to Tim. I made a mistake, one I am working on fixing... slowly as it may be." He gives Jon a wan smile and reaches to take the man's hand in his own.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon squeezes Martin's hand. "I... don't know if I've forgiven him entirely yet but it'll be alright," he says softly. "And we're... well, we're not /safer/ now, but I'm... learning." He hasn't told Zatanna about SHIELD yet. How can he? /Can/ he?

    The appetizers arrive, short ribs and pork rolls with scallions and mushrooms, and Jon reaches for the short ribs without letting go of Martin's hand.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"So you knew where he was and who he was with during all that time?" Zatanna leans against the counter to see him, eyebrows lifted, making an apparent effort not to be judgmental.

With an audible sigh, "I understand what it is to do something that you felt needed to be done. All the while, knowing you would be apologizing for it later. A million apologies don't seem enough sometimes, do they? But," she holds up a finger and gives him a brilliant smile, "no need to apologize to me anymore. If Jon is happy, then so am I."

She settles back into her seat, with a contented expression at them holding hands. "Hmmm. Food! This looks great."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin shakes his head. "Oh no. I only knew he was in New York. I meant more... after I saw you with him at the cemetery. I had been on Sasha's trail for a while and then had some work I had to take care of in Boston before coming back here..."

    He nods to the sentiment of the homo magi and sets in on his food. After a few scoops of noodles he looks around the room. They weren't entirely alone and so he is slow and deliberate when he speaks.

    "Jon's joined a group of people who can help him reach the potential of his abilities and will arm him with the skills and support to handle whatever hardships he may face in using those abilities." He looks at Jon with a smile. That's the best they can do when in civilian company.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I told Martin about how we met, and how you helped me on that island in Maine." Jon smiles. "I think your magic is different, but I thought you'd get along. Tim, ahh... Tim and him seem to be okay now, too." Over the whole 'punching in the face thing,' evidently.

    "And yes, I have, but they're not going to mind that I have friends." He frowns and rolls his left shoulder. "I'm not used to all the /physical/ training, yet, though. Tiring."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna lowers her chopsticks to decipher that cryptic message. She could read Martin's mind if she was so inclined but rarely trespasses boundaries in a social setting. It could become a pernicious habit and lead to a lot of unhappiness. She smiles faintly at the memory of Maine and more broadly at what Tim evokes.

"I see. With you, I take it?" It wouldn't be a great stretch of the imagination. "I hope they train him well." She bobs her head, relieved that friends of her ilk are not out of bounds.

"The Justice League is as legal as I want to be. And they trained me well, too."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin nods, as Zatanna gets the meaning in his words. "They will. And the Justice League are pillars of society and a sorely needed light in the dark." He eats a bit more and smiles at Jon.

    "It'll get better with time. I promise" he gives the man's shoulders a quick rub with one free hand. "It was rough on me at first too." He smiles. "And our organization does not frown on having allies as long as they work within the parameters of our operations" he says to Zatanna. "Which they--the JLA--often do."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "That reminds me," Jon says--and oh-so casually, there's /nothing/ behind it, /honest/, "how /are/ you and Tim related?" He has pulled aay his hand from Martin's in order to focus on his short ribs, and looks up at Zatanna curiously.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zee had just begun on a mouthful of noodles, nods her head to acknowledge the question. After a final slurp, and a quick dash of her napkin, "My, you are curious, aren't you?. Don't you know our stories, Jon? We're not related by blood. It started years ago. How do you explain this woman in the house, kind of thing. So I was called auntie. It stuck. We like it. I love him like he /was/ my nephew. Even if he can be a pain in the neck sometimes," adds smiling fondly.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon smiles. "Ahhh, alright, that makes sense. He hasn't been a pain in the neck to me. A friend, I... I would hope." A brief frown. He's still not sure where they stand. "He's... quite a talented young man." And Jon hasn't been digging into his personal life at /all/ or trying to figure out if he's a superhero, nope! Not at all.

    He sits back a bit, gestures between Martin and Zatanna. "Anyway..." Get to know each other!

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    At the prompt from Jon, he finishes his latest chopstick use and sets it aside. "I... well, I mean..." How do you tell someone you've read their dossier from a shady extragovermental organisation. You don't. That's how.

    "I mean, your reputation precedes you but that's well... mostly professional." He sips some of the water her acquired. "What sorts of things do you do when you're not reshaping reality on a colossal scale?" he asks with a small chuckle.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna looks at Martin from the corner of her eyes, clears her throat and subtilely straightens. "Why I read, of course. I have a large library of arcana that I inherited and enlarge when I can. Outside of those texts, I like poetry and fiction, among other things. I should like to read yours, some time. My professional life as you likely know, is busy like most performers and capes saving the world," she replies with a prim air and a smile lurking under it, telling him not to take her too seriously.

"Pilates, rock climbing. I like scuba diving when I get away to someplace warm. What do you do with your time outside of your professional life?" She throws a quizzical smile at Jon to see if she satisfied his request.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon rolls his eyes at his husband and mutters, "/Martin/," under his breath. It's a fond thing, though; their relationship seems to include a certain amount of natural tension and bickering. But he's quiet while the two talk.

    And then the pho has arrived, so Jon puts his attention to putting hoisin sauce and chili sauce in a little dish on the side, tasting the broth, things like that.

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin gives Jon a look. "I'm trying okay. You know how I am with social stuff..." It's true. Martin is a bit of a workaholic. Between his time with SHIELD and his time with the EMTs it doesn't leave much for social interaction beyond co-workers.

    "I... I read. A lot. I would like to travel for more than well..." he shrugs. "You know. But really I do work an awful lot" he says, as if the realization of it is just now dawning on him.

    He looks at Jon his expression aghast. "Jon... am I a workaholic? Do I... Do I work too much?" he asks sounding worried.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    There's a faint flash of purple energy outside, visible outside one of the windows, and then a brightly magenta hued woman strides in, wearing a green blouse with a keyhole opening at the neckline, and a simple pair of black pants and boots. Leaning up against the hostess stand as she declares brightly, "I heard you guys have the beeeeeest pho!" She says it wrong, though. 'Foe.' "What do you recommend?"
    The poor woman smiles politely, gently correcting the pronunciation as she remarks, "Ah, you want to try pho? Come this way." She leads her towards a table near the trio - as Clarice's eyes stray briefly towards Zatanna at the mention of scuba. Her gaze returns to the hostess, though, as she points out a few of the more popular dishes on the menu. "A waitress will be by in a few moments to take your order, Miss."
    "Ha! I work too much," Clarice remarks, without looking up from the menu. "Welcome to the club!"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna busies herself with chopsticks and pho while the two men work that out. She does venture saying, with a smile sparkling in her blue eyes, "I've been told to get a life in my time, you know."

The scintillating appearance of a deep pink woman outside the cafe puts a hold on any further observations. Zee glances around the cafe to see how the other patrons react. Gothamites would put New Yorkers to shame for how blase they can be. There is barely a murmur.

In a low voice she asks Martin and Jon, "Do you know each other? I've seen her once in New York at a bar."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon... blinks rapidly as the magenta woman just inserts herself into the conversation without so much as a by-your-leave. He shifts a little, uncomfortably, murmurs, "...No more than I am, love." Which is saying a lot, if one actually knows him.

    Then he leans over a bit to peer at Clarice. "I'm sorry, have we met?" There's a bite to his tone, and Martin knows he's gearing up to be rude in public. Better head that off.

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin puts his hand out, placing it on Jon's arm softly. Given the flash of light and the color of her skin, pegging the woman as a mutant wasn't a far stretch. "How do you manage it?" he asks, cutting in before Jon has a chance to do more damage than good.

    Martin wasn't afraid of talking to random people, even if he wasn't that adept at it. "I mean... does it get easier to take time for yourself and those you care about or is it always a struggle?" he asks the magenta hued woman.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Oh, that's easily remedied," Clarice offers in the face of Jon's threatening hostility - a broad smile growing on her features. "I'm Clarice." See? Now they've met. At least - in half.
    Her gaze returns to her menu as she adds, "Oh, to be honest, I didn't really have any family until recently. Or... hobbies. Or- well, anything. I just had my work. That's been changing lately, it's-" There's a pause as she seems to genuinely reflect on the change in her life. "It's nice," she adds, her tone growing just a touch softer.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna throws Martin an appreciative glance for his diplomacy. It keeps her from bristling at the girl for breaking unbidden into the conversation, something she has to deal with often because of her public exposure. Now, all is well, she is Clarice, the orphan whose life has gotten better of late.

Reflectively, she spools up another helping of noodles and listens to the conversation.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon /glares/ at his husband, and when he says his name it's in the most English way possible, "/Mahh-tin/." Really pulls on the 't' too. Oh, yeah, he's irritated. Like a rumpled growly cat. And then he tries a thing--he /actually/ sends a 'grumpy cat' meme picture at his husband's mind. He's still learning, so it might not be strong enough to connect, but he's gotten the point across to his own satisfaction anyhow.

    He glowers down at his soup. He can't stay mad at someone with such a story, so now he's the jerk. "Jon," he says, by way of introduction. And now they know each other, indeed, and he picks up a piece of beef with his chopsticks and aggressively dips it into the hoisin.

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin takes Jon's bristling in stride. It's a comfortable thing to him, even if it's a bit less so than it might've otherwise been a month ago. The image of the cat in his mind is enough to make him have to force his expression into neutrality. "I'm... happy for you, Clarice."

    I'm Martin... as my husband has so obviously explained." His own Manchester accent cuts off the T with a hard glottal sound, making it sound more like Mahr-in. "Our companion here," he says, gesturing to Zatanna, "if I may be so bold to introduce her, is Zatanna. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." He pauses. "I recommend the classic beef pho. The broth is amazing..." He then moves to eating his own meal.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The black-haired woman concentrates on her soup, maintaining a pleasant expression. She glances sympathetically at Jon understanding his response, hiding her amusement at his ultra-British bristling, putting it down to Jon simply not having had enough time with Martin since his return. She learns a lot about Martin from his more poised response.

Rather than embarrass him on introducing her, Zatanna nods blandly at the girl, thinking how kind Martin seems to be. Her lips tighten when she remembers his disappearance and the wreak Jon became because of it.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Jon, Martin, and Zatanna. Well, there you go, then," Clarice says brightly.
    She flashes the trio an apologetic smile before adding, "I'm being rude though. I think. ...I'm pretty sure." Look, she spent most of the years she should have been learning social norms as a mindless slave to an oppressive state. A little social awkwardness isn't surprising. "Sorry. I'll definitely try the beef pho, though, thanks for the recommendation."
    Starting at the menu she adds with some surprise, "Salted plum soda? Huh."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    And... well, that's enough to get Jon to melt entirely, the prickliness fading away as if it had never been. "It's good," he says in a softer tone to Clarice. They have green tea at their own table, one of those heavy cast iron kettles, and he reaches to pour another cup.

    "I... I'm sorry, you must deal with that enough as it is. It's a pleasure to meet you, Clarice." See, he can be nice! "I used to come here all the time a few years ago when I was interning down here, and I wanted to show Zed--Zatanna the place."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
A brief smile quirks the corner of Zatanna's mouth at Jon calling her Zed which she fervently hopes won't be grabbed on by Clarice who has won their hearts.

"He knows the city better than I do! My first time here. And, it really is very good. The broth is just like Saigon pho. I'll be a regular now."

Eyes on the young girl, "What brings you to Gotham - are you from around here?"

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin eats, though he eagerly flashes a smile to Jon. The man *could* be nice when he wanted to be and was more eloquent about it than Martin could even hope to be.

    There is a reason, Martin is an EMT. Brief moments of cordial reassurance and caring for people made things easier than long term connections and prolonged exposure while watching them suffer. He can't handle that much of a connection to people. Still he manges to angle his own focus to the magenta skinned girl to hear her explanation for her being in the area.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Is it good? Well - I'll try it." Why not? What's the worst that can happen? She sends it back virtually untouched.
    "Zed?" Clarice repeats with some amusement. "Oh, no. Not from around here - I'm Genoshan, actually," she explains. "But I tend to live on East Coast time a lot of the time, strangely enough - even though I live on Asteroid M. It's only, well - anywhere's nearby for me." To demonstrate this - she taps the napkin set at the seat across from here - and disappears with a faint flash of purple energy, reappearing just above Jon, Martin, and Zatanna's table in a similar flash of color, falling down to its service.
    The waitress who was approaching pauses to watch this display but - since nothing was damaged - decides there's no point in making a fuss. "Can I take your order, Miss?"
    "Oh, yeah! I'll get the beef pho - umm, one for here, two to go, actually," she could always bring some back to the Asteroid for the boys to try. "And I want to try the salted plum soda. Thanks so much."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon chuckles at Zatanna. "I do not... we just came here a lot, after long shifts," he protests, looking embarassed.

    He watches the flash of energy with interest, though, despite his embarassment. "You live on an asteroid--oh, yes, the, ahh... it was on the news, yes?" Something seems to occur to him and he blinks, looks to Zatanna. "Wait, does Lydia live up there too?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Bingo," Zatanna murmurs to herself, not having expected better of her. The magician smiles tightly at her display of powers, glad for Gothamites being insanely unfazed by the unusual and pours herself more tea.

"She may. I don't know for sure. I don't know a lot about her. What makes you think that?"

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin is in the middle of eating when the woman gave a display of her powers. He peers at the softly floating napkin and then looks at the woman. "Handy that" he says with a smile.

    There is the sound of a phone alert going off from inside the man's pocket and he reaches down to look at the screen of it. At the same time there is a similar alert on Jon's phone.

    Martin exchanges a look with Jon and says. "We... are going to have to take this..." he says to Zatanna, looking apologetic. "Under normal circumstances, we wouldn't but..." He winces. "I'm really sorry."

    Then he looks at Clarice, "It was a pleasure to meet you, Clarice. I am genuinely happy that your life is looking up. It's always refreshing with things turn for the better." He gives Jon a knowing look and then rises to go pay for their meal. He adds Zatanna's order to theirs, it's the least he can do for having to bail on their outing.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
A very discreet pftt, can be heard and a piece of thick paper, folded and sealed with wax appears next to Zatanna's chopstick rest. She looks mildly surprised and pops the seal with a manicured nail. Frowning, she looks from Jon to Martin.

"I'm so glad that we had a chance to meet under more serene circumstances. I hope I can invite you to dinner at Shadowcrest sometime." Holding up the note that she refolded, "I've got a summons from the Curio. So if you'll excuse me..." she pushes her chair back.

"Have a good day, Clarice. Enjoy your food."

"Not a problem, Martin. Let's pay up and all be on our way."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    At the name Lydia, Clarice's features light up. "Oh! You're friends of Lydia?" she asks. "I mean - technically she has a place in New York, but she almost never sleeps there anymore. She does stay on the Asteroid," she confirms. "She's a very close friend of mine. In fact- well. She's essentially family, now."
    Of course, as soon as she says that - the pair are rising to depart, and there's a fleeting moment of true disappointment on her features. As soon as she discovers they have a genuine connection - and off they go. "Well. I hope it's nothing too serious. Take care!"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon frowns down at his phone. "I... don't know about friends, we were colleagues of a sort, but, ahh... here." Jon fishes in his pocket, pulls out his wallet. Pulls out a card that says "Jonathan Sims, MD," and lists him as a psychiatrist with specialities in various trauma-related disorders. There are two numbers on the card. He mutters something about needing new business cards before handing it over.

    "Lydia's family is always welcome to keep in touch. It's been a pleasure." He gives Clarice a genuine smile.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Ah - well. Thanks," Clarice answers, accepting the card, and flashing the man another of her broad-lipped smiles. "Like I said - hope it's not too serious, but to send all three of you running off..." seems like it might be. "Stay safe, I suppose." As her own food arrives, however, she turns towards it with gusto discovering that - yes! She does enjoy 'foe'! ... eventually she'll learn to pronounce it.