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Latest revision as of 03:21, 5 November 2021

Two (Super)Girls in Search of an Apartment
Date of Scene: 03 November 2021
Location: Carrol Arms Apartments
Synopsis: Two heroines get an apartment together in Metropolis. What could go wrong?
Cast of Characters: Mary Bromfield, Kara Danvers

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Some superhuman abilities can only be done by Mary Bromfield. One of which is navigating the labyrinth of the university credit transfer system.
One of the things she needs is residence in the city in question. As a result, she is now here in Metropolis, her cheap smartphone filled with apps for apartment-hunting, and the first real place to work in terms of close proximity and ease of use.

She looked down at herself. Clean clothes - blue blouse, dark blue jeans, tennis shoes - and hoped it was enough...

Kara Danvers has posed:
Work. School. Secret identity. Heroing. Sometimes, the weight of all her responsibilities is almost too much for a Supergirl to bear. So far, she's been in studnt housing at Metropolis University, but that needs to change. While it was enjoyable at first, mingling with other students, there have been some close calls when the need for Supergirl arose. So, Kara Danvers was out looking for an apartment, bringing her to the Carrol Arms. It was pricy, but near Met U and a quick commute to the Planet. Plus they had apartments with views of the city or balconies looking outwrds; perfect for quick flights out or back in without being noticed. Kara ws in her full civilian ID today: Conservative cream blouse, khaki slacks, flat shoes, plus glasses and her brown wig. Nothing to see here, just mousy intern and journalism student, Kara Danvers.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary stepped out of the leasing office 23 seconds later, holding a pamphlet in one hand and looking like she is getting ready to yell.

$1,400 a month? Pet deposit? One month's rent as a deposit?

"...fffffffFFFFFFFATRAT!" she exclaims, then plops down on the bench outside and sighs heavily.

She could afford it, sure. She could walk around the corner, yell "SHAZAM!" then fly down to the American Southwest and collect enough gold to pay for the apartment until the next millenium.

Sure. And use the power she was given for MONETARY GAIN.
Forget THAT...

Kara Danvers has posed:
And rounding the corner about the same time is Kara.In fact, between Mary's musings and Kara's speculations, the two young women bump into each other. "Oh! Excuse me...." Kara starts to appologize, then her nose crinkcles as she tries to place the other girl's face. "Mary?" Kara ventures. "Mary...Bromfield, right?" With confirmation, she ventures more. "It's me....Kara..." And her finger draws an 'S' in the air to help with the recognition."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary is about to apologize when the woman who bumped into her on the bench introduces herself.
Kara? That's kinda odd, doesn't she know a...

Then Kara makes the "S" symbol that's not really an "S", and then it clicks. She's startled, of course. Supergirl is, well, SUPERGIRL, and this girl doesn't look much like her.

Hello, Pot? Hi, it's Kettle. I need to talk to you about copying my color palette.

"You're..." She looks around, then beckons to Kara to sit down next to her. "...What are you doing here? I didn't recognize you."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara giggles a bit, pushing her glasses up on her nose. "Well...that's kinda the point?" She smiles, beaming with friendship for the other girl. "I'm probably here for the same reason ou are. Looking for a new apartment. Student housing at Met U is getting...problematic for when I need to leave in a hurry." Then, a thought crosses Kara's mind and her face lights up. "Wait...do you go to Met U, too? I'm a journalism student there..."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nodded. "Yes...I'm going for my RN training, but Empire State University wasn't very well-accredited for that. I heard Metro U had a much better program, and most of my credits will transfer over. The problem is...finding a place to live. I could just stay in New York and...well...take the Marvel Express...but that sort of thing would get noticed. Besides, what happens if I make friends here?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Well, you already have one firend here," Kara says encouragingly. "Wait...does that brochure list rent for different apartment sizes?" She scoots in next to Mary, looking at the brochure with her "Okay...1 bedroom apartment, $1400 a month. But a 2 bedroom...$2000 a month." Kara looks back at Mary, her eyes widening along with her grin. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Becasue I'm totallynthinking that having you as a roommate would solve a *lot* of issues that we both have..."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods after a moment of thought. She isn't as smart as she is when she's Mary Marvel, but no moss growing on her brain.
"That...could work. I'd have to find a coffee-shop job quick around here, though. And it could work because...well, we wouldn't have to worry about...certain secrets, when it's just us."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Exactly," Kara says with a positive tone. "We already know the main stuff. And...it'll be fun. Having a roommate that's a friend. he one I have now...she's nice. But we really don't have anything in common to build off of, you know? Having a roommate that I don't have to keep secrets from...that can understand some of the things I deal with because she has to deal with them too..." Again, her face lights up. "We can totally unload our days while eating pints of ice cream..." Stereotype? Sure, but Kara still giggles at the idea.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods. "Okay. This could work out. But I think we are going to need to designate a room where I can...you know...without any nearby expensive electronics." She pauses, opens her mouth, then smiles thoughtfully. "Let me guess...third-floor apartment, near the south wall with all the trees?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara nods in agreement. "Yeah, that sounds like a good option for us both. Slightly covered access and exit." She moves her finger around the brouchure, finding the floorplan for the 2 bedroom apartments. "Hmmm...space is kind of tight...looks like your bedroom would be the only option for you...wait....there's this floorplan. There's a small storage room with it. Not much space, but bigger than a closet. Think that would work?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary looks at it. "Could work. I could put my bike in there." She looks to Kara. "If you want the big bedroom, then I think it's fair that you pay $800 and I pay $600. If you want the smaller one...then I should be able to afford the $800. Does that sdound fair to you?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara is about to say that she'd be fine with either bedroom...then she blushes as she remembers something rather vital. "I'll take the big one. I...ummmm....have a boyfriend that might come over. From time to time..." And there's a blushing smile on her face. "If that's okay with you?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
"Boyfriend? Well, sure, I don't mind. As long as he doesn't leave a mess or do stupid stuff...or acts like a jerk to everyone else and gaslights you..."

She pauses, then sighs. "...Yeah, high school was interesting."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"He's nice," Kara assures Mary. "I'm sure you'll like him. And he won't be around too much; he lives and works in Manhattan. So, the occasional Hyperloop trip here." Kara smiles, then cocks her head. "On that subject...anybody in your life I should know about? Got a boyfirend? Or a girlfriend; no judgement..."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blinks. Not the first time she's been asked that question in that way.

"Well...not right now. I dated a guy in high school, but we sort-of broke up. Just didn't click, or something." She blushes slightly. "Anyway, no guy...or girl. I'm kinda working through some stuff right now, so not really looking. Maybe after my life settles down and I get into Metro U and get a job..."

She laughs for a moment. "What am I saying? My life is NEVER going to settle down." She glances to Kara. "Lemme guess. He's ruggedly handsome, has a solid-steel chin..."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara laughs at the guess. "He's a geek. Sweet. Kind. Big on responsibility." and she puts a companionly arm arund Mary's shoudlers. "And don't worry. You'll find someone. The timing's just off for you right now. You are too...marvelous...not to have someone special in your life." She smiles and laughs at the pun. "Now, come on...lets go apply for an apartment..."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
A geek? Well, that's not bad, though. And "big on responsibility" is certainly a plus.

Mary stands up, smiling to Kara. "All right. This sounds like a great plan. I'm glad to be a part of it. Let's go."