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Latest revision as of 03:21, 5 November 2021

The Cat and the Teeth
Date of Scene: 02 November 2021
Location: Tricorner Island
Synopsis: The Black Cat learns a little more about what goes bump in the night.
Cast of Characters: Selene Corvinus, Felicia Hardy

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Gotham City - 9:30pm

A thunderstorm is flashing around the clouds that nearly fully cover the city. The weather is getting rapidly colder too with snow expected not long in the future.

There had been reports of shootings around Tricorner Island this evening. Some gang on gang violence.... The city was busy tonight though, the various Bat-family members likely quite overloaded with work.

A high speed chase had ended with cars all unpiling near the docks with a large group of rain soaked men running in to an an alleyway....

Atop a building a pale skinned woman in black watches the men as they run down the alley... her long black leather coat swaying behind her legs as she crouches down and seems to be preparing....

She reaches to her thighs and draws her twin handguns from the black holsters on the outside of her thighs. As her dark hair brushes in the wind across her watching eyes, the woman prepares to jump....

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia, The Black Cat, now trying her hardest to no longer be a thief, but to use her skills in the aid of others. There's been a new influence on the white haired woman and as such she's taking time to go to a much more crime ridden village to get her proverbial feet wet in the deep end of the pool.

    A grapple cable unhooks as the Cat's swing through the air begins to reach its zenith and she lands on the rooftop, her wet hair sticking to the sides of her face and her nearly skin tight costume. She lands gracefully, and in a walk as if she was up here as naturally as can be. On one side is the roof, on the other side, a several story fall to certain death, but she walks along the balance beam of the edge of the building without a second thought.

    Spying the cars below and the men running into the building below, she looks up in time to see another woman on the rooftop as well and she raises an eyebrow behind her thin domino mask and licks her ruby painted lips as the woman in the coat draws what look like pistols. "Perfect." Felicia says to herself as she takes a step forward, and the woman starts to jump.

    "No no no. Not today." The thief says as she goes fishing with her grapple cable, unraveling from the wet fur on her wrist as she snaps her arm forward to send the cable out to try and catch Selene and bring her back up after a long low arch against the side of the building.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
With the men shouting and running, splashing through puddle in the alleyway between the industrial storage buildings, Selene moves to stand up and is dropping downward when the snare sweeps in from behind her and attaches around her body to pull her back!

The black haired Vampire had looked over her shoulder just before it came. But she wasn't prepared for it.

It staggers Selene and drags her back on to the roof ledge, then back another step to drop down on to the roof once more. She doesn't fall over though, but does stumble, her guns held in her hands, with her arms held down to her sides.... She grunts and then tries to flex her arms out with her full strength (2 ton max!) to rip the rope apart! Her eyes are a bright icy-cold-moon in hue, and they stare right at the wet haired woman in black across from her. "Who the Hell are you?" Selene asks in a husky European accent.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia starts to recall her cable with a twist of her wrist, but the other woman keeps a grip, and Felicia's eyes widen briefly before the metal cable groans and finally snaps with a pop and the tension causes the cable to snap away dangerously. The Cat severs her own side just in time to keep it from coming back and breaking her wrist or cutting her in half. And the cable falls harmlessly off the side of the building.

    Felicia snarls at the slight handicap now given to her suit, standing fully upright and running her gloved hands through her hair, moving it out of her eyes and wringing some water out of it, "I'm the Black Cat." She says, not asking Selene's name and taking a step forward, but starting to circle around Selene, away from the ledge of the roof. "I'm keeping you from causing more trouble for this city."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene holds her ground near the edge of the roof with her guns pointed down at the ground beside her boots. The rain had let up but the chill in the air was pretty severe, somewhere down in the upper 30s. Selene just stares at Felicia as she replies to her.

"Is that so?" Selene asks then. "And what precisely do you think I am doing to this city that is so much trouble?" She asks then as the sound from the men shouting down below is followed by some metal doors opening to the building they were running toward... Selene's ambush had been foiled.

The pale skinned woman in black just stares at the other in the domino mask... something about her is familar.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia points a clawed finger towards Selene, or more precisely, her weapons. "You were going to kill those men." Felicia says, lifts her chin slightly as if she can see down towards the street level from where she is, with Selene between her and the roof's lip.

    "Fuck..." Felicia curses after hearing that metal sound, "They're not here legally, or honestly, are they?" The Black Cat says with a frown crossing her painted lips. She fucked up this time, didn't she? There's a reason she picked Gotham and this was certainly on the list of reasons why.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
The group down below are all hustling inside the building they broke in to and are starting up a engine inside, the tale lights of a vehicle inside the building coming on.

"They're not Men." Selene replies as she watches the Black Cat now. "And yes, I intended to put them down." She bluntly says to the other woman. She just stares at her as the vehicle inside the building turns its headlights on and starts to pull out in to the damp night air.

"They're monsters in the dark." Selene says next. "They prey upon the citizens of this city, and I was going to put them down...." She says it so calmly, ice cold in her expression and stare for Felicia as the men prepare to drive off in a new vehicle.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia actually pauses at that line. She's so forward, so honest, so...she believes it obviously. "What are they?" Felicia asks, stepping forward a step, and crossing her arms beneath her chest, the material of her suit squeaking slightly when it touches and slides against itself.

    The thief's eyes are tight, but wanting to believe. "I can wait all night, keeping you from them until you give me an answer."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
A cold wind rushes across the roof as the two women speak to one another. Selene's dark hair crosses over her face in damp locks while the question is posed to her. "They're Lycans. A hybrid form of Werewolf. I'm not harming innocent people here, or any night. My intentions are to harm only those who've harmed my people in return. Them..." She motions to the alleyway as the black van pulls out of the building and starts to move back down it toward where they'd abandoned their other cars.

"You're new at this." Selene observes. "Have I met you somewhere before?" She asks then, the domino mask making her unsure of her gut feeling.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "Werewolves stealing a van..." Felicia repeats aloud towards Selene, wondering if the outrageousness of the sentiment will breach whatever it is keeping this girl straight faced. But Selene did say it in the first place, no reason for her story to change.

    "Fine." Felicia says, stepping forwards, and slightly to Selene's side, she's not approaching directly, but going to the side of the building again. "I'll go ask them myself." Black Cat says before gracefully diving off the side as a swimmer would into a pool.

    Moment's before she's hit the ground, her other arm snaps out and the cable flies from that wrist freely before hooking a corner of the opposite building and Felicia's arch begins, quick, and loping down the street until she lands on the van's top in a four point stance, claws digging in slightly to secure her grip.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene just watches this as the white haired woman drops down to the van and lands gracefully upon it. "I'm sure you will..." Selene whispers as she stays up on the roof...

Down on the street the people in the van don't seem to react at first, but just as Felicia is preparing to move after landing, the van snaps to the left and slams in to some garbage lining the wall! Boxes, garbage can lids and more starts flying up in to the air and tumbling wetly over the top and sides of the van! It soon swerves back toward the center of the alley and further to the right to hit another pile of trash lined up on the other side!

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia's about to move to the side of the van when she sees the wall coming in very close and she gasps, rolling on her belly to her side and then regripping the roof with her claws again. Only with one hand before she has to let go and move back to the other side of the top of the van. She rolls her eyes and is about to pull herself 'up' and towards the front of the van when her bad luck powers strike again and a tire pops loudly with the woman gasping.

    The driver hits the brakes as Felicia was about to launch herself forward to peek down into the front of the van. This causes the Cat to slide forward and lands on the ground, feet first with a hand touching the ground. Sliding backwards feet first, hand down and she lifts her head to look into the van and she smirks a devilish smirk before standing up straight.

    Walking towards the van with a sultry saunter, her hands drop to her sides and fingers twist and flair to extend her claws and she shouts, "You boys werewolves or something like that?"

Selene Corvinus has posed:
The van comes to a crooked stop in the alleyway just about 30 yards from the mouth. The men inside stare out of the windshield at the Cat and both seem stunned by what they see. Moments later though the doors start to open as the two men in the front get out followed by the three in the back... they all come around the sides of the van to look at the woman in black.

"Lady." The driver says. "Unless you're one'a those Bat-people... you are clawin' up the wrong fuckin' tree...." He says as he stops a few feet away, then eyes Felicia up and down. "We could probably come up with an arrangement to mutuall benefit us for your hurtin' our van tire though..." He says before the other four men stop and stare at her, a couple of them chuckling.

Apparently they missed the blunt question about being Werewolves.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "One. Two. .... Three-four-fiiiiive." Felicia says to herself and squints softly towards the men. "Hah. I don't think mutual benefits is an offer I've ever heard from someone climbing out of a ... Ford Transit." She says, the make and model of the van with such a sour tone that it might actually taste bad in the woman's mouth.

    She steps closer, still not afraid and not quite sure they're werewolves at all, but they do seem like creeps. And creeps will always deserve a good fisting in their pie holes. Felicia does her best to hide her grin, to hide the vindication she seeks from hurting animals like these.

    Like him.

    "That's all the answer I need." Felicia says, and the remaining cable slides out of her wrist fur as she brings her arm over her head and she uses it like a whip, aiming to strike as many men as she can at face level with a huge horizontal sweep.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
The first man is taken down by the whip while the others all fall backward, two of them rushing back behind the van! The two that duck under the cable both recoil at first, but one rushes at Felicia to try and tackle her to the ground! "Bitch!" He shouts while rushing at her in a crouched run!

Behind the van the two that ducked out of the way have vanished!

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    The cable is quickly recovered back unto the sleeve of her suit, as Felicia is bull-wolf-rushed and she's picked up, as even with her enhanced strength, she is still only weighs so much, and brought down with a large himbo on top of her.

    He's only so heavy too, and she brings her arms up to cover her face as she worries he'll bring those hands down on her, and she squirms with her strength.

    Not again. Never again. She promised. She promised herself. Tears well up with him on top of her, before she turns a hand around and slashes at the man's chest with her steel claws raking trying to slice him deeply as she can.

    She screams something primal, something instinctual, something within her very soul screams out as she fights against her attacker.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
The claws rake across the man's chest and cut his shirt and flesh! He reels backward and spreads his hands out to the sides as he starts to just roar with anger! Bones begin to snap inside his face, his body begins to crunch and grow, the transformation is brutal to behold, to see and hear! He has Felicia pinned to the ground still as his change is up close and personal!

And then a gun shot rings out and the changing Lycan's head is evacuated of its brains! In mid-change the Lycan falls to the right beside Felicia, blood ... and liquid silver pouring out the side of his head.

Selene drops down off a ledge beside the building and brandishes her twin guns at the other two men who both turn to flee back down the alleyway!

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    The Cat pulls her hand back, the other pressing against his chest trying to push him off, but also wanting to get his neck primed as she straightens the fingers on her cocked back hand. The snarl on her face, she aims to drive her hand through his neck.

    She can't kill. She would never kill. She's prepared.

    She's scared. Vulnerable. Again.

    She was ready to end HIS life, but that was taken from her. Would this one be the same?

    Felicia blinks as specks of red and pink coat her face and hair suddenly, blossomed from where the were's head was fully there. Her fears are gone as the body lips against her and rolls to the side with a wet thud.

    There's more.

    Felicia crawls out from under her attacker to spot the last two, fleeing. "No." She growls softly and her cable is snapped back out, reaching a HUGE distance to strike at their feet or ankles, knock them down if she can. These animals.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
The two men are dropped to the alley floor by Felicia's whip cord! They both land on their stomachs with pained exclaimations! But as they do they both begin their transformation. Selene, just behind where Felicia is, fires her gun once more in to the body of the one that had Black Cat pinned to the ground. The bang echoes through the alleyway before Selene turns to look at the two that Felicia had taken down.

"They're turning." Selene says to the Cat as she starts to stalk past her, her own stride calm and sensual, but more cold than the way Felicia had been strutting her stuff before the van earlier.

On the ground the two men suddenly grow much larger as they both whip around now and roar toward Selene and Felicia with elongated faces and giant fangs! The two dark skinned creatures now rush at them both, and Selene raises both of her pistols up to aim at them...

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "I noticed." Felicia says, turning around to look at Selene, but not stopping her from shooting. Death's a part of this world, and this woman has different morals than Felicia, but Felicia isn't dumb enough to try and expect others to be like her. Plus the woman did save her.

    The bits of head still on her face and hair is ignored at the moment by the Cat as she steps up and roars back to the beasts roaring at her.

    "Don't be such stereotypes." Felicia snarls, throwing her arm forward, and the cable snapping towards the two werewolves, but missing, but she continues to move forward, then CLICK. She's being sucked through the air towards them, her knee lifting up into one's chin, cracking him in the muzzle and past him through the street as her cable continues to pull her towards it's attachment point.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene's gunshots are dodged by the duo, just as Felicia moves to engage one of htem, the other bouncing off the ground and against a brick wall before it lunges at Selene! She ducks under it and thrusts a silver spike upward that rips a gash across its chest! The beast flies over her and lands in the trash pile the Van had been aiming to slam in to to knock Fel off the roof!

Selene rises up again and looks over to Felicia to see her holding her own with the beast attacking her! "Here!" Selene shouts before tossing that silver spike at Felicia! "Put it in its eye!" She shouts when the one in the trash bursts out again, the Vampire's twin pistols come up and begin to unload at it!

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Finding herself wall crawling, Felicia turns in time to hear Selene's words and with a frown, she spots the glint of faint lights off the silver spike. She would rather stay away, and with a deft move, the cat snaps her arm out once again. The strain of her muscles gives a bit of burn, she hasn't gotten into a fight in a long time, and a life or death fight in even longer, ESPECIALLY against someone actually stronger than she is.

    This is surprisingly thrilling, and she always wants to keep some distance, so the cable comes out from her arm again, and it grapples perfectly onto the spike, and she lands on the ground, the whip moving faster and with greater momentum with the added weight of the spike, spinning around, as she falls through the air and lands on the ground far from the incoming wolf, and her whip/spike weapon comes down onto the creature's head, sticking in, deep with a hollow sounding THUNK.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
The one attacking Selene is sent backwards by a jumping kick that knocks it right in to the Van leaving a massive dent in the side of the vehicle. The van rocks up on to its far two tires before bouncing back down against the ground....

It turns then and lunges once more at Selene but her gun comes up and doesn't miss this time. She puts a bullet right in to its eyebrows and the dark skinned monster drops to the ground, only to have a second shot fired in to the back of its head. She does this coldly, not showing much emotion at all as she just stares down at the creature for a second before looking over to the one Felicia had just stabbed.

The one with the spike in its head falls to the ground and reaches up for it trying to wrap its giant mit around the silver end, but just touching it sears the creature's flesh and it roars one more time before it slumps on the ground.... blood trickling out of its mouth....

Selene arrives beside Felicia, and stares at the creature, before she looks over at the Cat.

"You let two of them get away..." She says dryly.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia steps forwards towards the dying creature and with a flick of her wrist, the spike is dislodged from the creatures head, the whip returns to a fully retracted state and she flashes her hand and catches the spike, looking at it briefly, before bending at the knees and wiping the blood off against the fur of the wolf.

    Her attention turns towards Selene, "We're at the only way in and out of the alley. They were at the back of the van, you were in the back. If anyone let them get away, it was you." Felicia notes, slipping the spike into her suit. "I'm keeping this by the way."

    She's surprised at herself, she doesn't feel sick to her stomach, she doesn't feel good, but she's had to put animals down before, and this, this is the closest emotion she feels at the moment, but it wasn't her dog this time either. There's a hollow sort of sympathy.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene just lightly tilts her head to the left as Felicia says this to her. She looks at the white haired woman with a almost exasperated stare before she steps around her. She steps around her and raises one of her guns up because the Lycan she'd pulled the spike from was... visibly healing... its fingers and toes starting to move again...


Two more bullets are fired in to the creature before Selene holsters her guns at her thighs again. "The silver has to remain in their body longer than that. Its poison to their system, but if you remove it too soon they'll recover." She explains as she reaches in to her jacket and pulls out a black cylinder that she snaps and drops on the beast, it instantly bursting to life with a bright red hot flame that engulfs the body of the Lycan in flame and fire. "The others will be found, eventually." She says as she stares at the creature to make sure it fully burns.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "Not really a killer..." Felicia says, looking to Selene with a completely confused and concerned look on her face. "But that is good to know." Felicia frowns.

    Should text P-G, Felicia thinks to herself and looks to Selene. "I figure you got this from here... I need to go fix my suit now and grappling cable isn't cheap." It really isn't, and now she has to swing through the cities with a single cable. Not impossible, but not easy. It's going to be a leisurely night for the rest of the night.

    Standing next to the burning body and taking a step back when she gets a smell of it, "So... werewolves are real... who woulda thunk?" Felicia remarks before turning and starting to walk away, lining up her next grapple to swing away.