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Latest revision as of 00:42, 8 November 2021

Chance Meetings in the Park
Date of Scene: 07 November 2021
Location: Robinson Park - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Overdone acting, snacks, and a chat. Fun times!
Cast of Characters: Giselle duGevaudan, Achilles

Giselle duGevaudan has posed:
     Forum of the 12 Ceasars. The open-air amphitheater currently hosts a single-man show of Macbeth, performed by That One Guy from that Moderately Popular Cop Show From the 80s. His bombastic retelling verges on the comedic, with an entirely serious performance that verges on Shatner-esque. Even being free, there are few people in attendance, whether it's the crisp Autumn air or is dreadful acting being the cause.
     Sitting among the minuscule audience members sits a dark-haired woman dressed in a weather-appropriate jacket and boots. Even she seems to pay scant attention, as she instead types into a netbook, opened on her knee. She glances up from time to time to squint owlishly at the over-acting thespian on the stage.

Achilles has posed:
    Shakespeare. What drivel. Angelo knew most of the characters of those plays in person. Heck, he met the so-called Bard himself. But hey, it -is- fun to attend a show now and then, if only to see how serious these people take their mangling of history.

    Angelo was in Gotham to lend a hand to the Gotham PD. A hand with a SHIELD badge that is. Since police investigations don't really take weekends off, he was just returning to his hotel by walking through the park. It -was- a shortcut....

    But the play was just too distracting. So Angelo grabs a gyro from a park vendor cart, a bottle of water, and proceeds to sit down in the audience. Right next to some dark-haired woman. Before he takes a bite, he asks her, "So, not interested in Shakespeare?" with just the hint of a leftover English accent himself.

Giselle duGevaudan has posed:
     Giselle adjusts the burgundy scarf and closes her suede jacket, warding herself against the brisk chill in the air when a fair-haired man sits nearby. She glances at him with a note of surprise as he addresses her. She looks to her netbook and then the actor on the stage. At present, he's murdering a solemn monologue, loudly emphasizing all the wrong accents.
     "Macbeth isn't a favorite, to begin with." She admits, "Though, under other circumstances, I don't mind Shakespeare in moderation." Speaking of accents, her own, while mild, was obviously French.

Achilles has posed:
    Nodding, Angelo chews the first bite he took. It really is a good gyro. He chews thoughtfully, swallows... washes it down with a swig of water before replying. "Moderation in all things. Even the best things can be overdone." a pause, and then he adds, "Please forgive my interruption. This was the nearest open seat. If I am bothering you, I can move along."

Giselle duGevaudan has posed:
     Giselle nodded at the familiar sentiment. "Yes, that is what I've heard." She agrees on the subject of moderation. She then glances at her netbook and lowers the screen to close it. "Ah, no interruption. I likely shouldn't be trying to work during a performance anyway." Nor should they be talking, most likely. However, what remains of the rest of the audience talks amongst themselves or plays with their cellphones anyway. Though their inattention doesn't seem to be distracting man on stage in the slightest.

Achilles has posed:
    "Well. The man's focus is Ace." offers Angelo softly. He turns to regard the man on stage for a few long moments and then tilts his head to the left. "He does take the craft seriously, doesn't he?" he asks aside.

    And then, another bite of that gyro, chased by some more water.

    A thoughtful chew, swallow, and then he gestures to the netbook. "Don't want you to feel obligated to answer but, color me curious about what had your attention while such a riveting performance was being presented."

Giselle duGevaudan has posed:
     Giselle also regards the 60ish-year-old man on stage before answering Angelo. "Yes, quite seriously, perhaps a bit too seriously." That last part said dryly. "I heard someone mention that he was once well-known in the 80s, but frankly, I don't recognize him."
     As the question turns to her Netbook, the woman simply shrugs. "Work, I was reviewing some computations of some experiments I'm running." A long pause follows before she extends a hand and adds, "Giselle duGevaudan. I teach molecular biology at Gotham University."

Achilles has posed:
    "Okay then." replies Angelo. "Now I am curious as to the sort of experiments a teacher might be running. Are you one of the crowd who takes a teaching job so that you have access to the facilities to perform your experiments?" he asks. "I don't mean that as a criticism. Just curious. I am afraid that in my profession... curiosity is generally a normal side effect."

    That done, he takes one more bite and finishes the gyro before offering a smile after swallowing. "My name is Angelo Tampambulos. Nice to meet you."

Giselle duGevaudan has posed:
     Giselle shook her head. "It's a common practice among the scientific community. Also, I only work part-time, budget cuts, so getting published supplements my income." She explains, and really, it wasn't exactly untrue.
     "And what sort of work do you do, Mr. Tampambolus that requires such curiosity? Something investigative I imagine. Reporter perhaps?" She asks, reversing his question back.

Achilles has posed:
    Inclining his head, Angelo smirks a bit. He's literally done like... every job there is. "Well, I have done that sort of job before. But you are correct that it is an investigative job that I do."

    He pauses, takes another gulp of his water before he shrugs his shoulders and says, "I am a federal agent." he says. "I know, total pickup line. But.." he reaches into his back pocket and produces a wallet which he drops open to show the SHIELD badge.

Giselle duGevaudan has posed:
     Giselle's head tilts slightly as she listens to the man speak. She nods mildly as he admits to having done some reporting. With his pleasant manner and appearance, it was likely something he excelled at. However, the shield badge elicits a bit more of a glance. "Oh I see. And no, I haven't interpreted at this being a pick-up attempt." She then blinks and glances at the man more closely. "Or, am I mistaken? While I am not the stereo typically socially awkward scientist, I have been accused of being a bit obtuse, from time to time."

Achilles has posed:
    "I just run into about one guy a month trying to pretend that he's a federal agent to get attention. So..." Angelo shrugs and puts his wallet away. "I just like to make sure that if I claim it, I back it up. That's all."

    But then he sets his empty water bottle aside and adds, "May I inquire as to the nature of your experiments?"

Giselle duGevaudan has posed:
     The dark-haired woman nodded, satisfied by his response. "I suppose there is no end of ruses some people use." She observes. As the conversation returns to the subject of her work, she shrugs vaguely. "It's a bit dry I'm afraid. I'm helping find genetic markers that identify particular types of genetic conditions." Again the answer was true enough.

Achilles has posed:
    "Really now. That actually sounds fascinating. I'm no biologist myself... but I have just enough knowledge to be dangerous." suggests Angelo.

    He chuckles then and shakes his head, "Please forgive me. One of my best, and most used skills is bad humor." A pause and he adds, "If your experiment would be of interest, perhaps I could speak to my superiors about getting you a grant?"

Giselle duGevaudan has posed:
     Giselle grins at his retort and shakes her head. "I suppose there are more dangerous fields of study than biology to be an amateur. Chemistry, for one."
     She shakes her head again, laughing as well. "Humor is a useful skill to keep in one's repertoire, I think." She then falls silent as she considers the offer. "Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to look into it.." She finally replies.

Achilles has posed:
    "Some sort of treatment for a disease or other infectious thing?" asks Angelo. "Or perhaps some other sort of treatment for the betterment of humankind?"

    He smirks, "I mean not every experiment is something that would change the face of the Earth. But everyone can dream, right?"

Giselle duGevaudan has posed:
     Giselle lifted her hand to wag it from side to side in a 'sort of' type of motion. "Well, before you can treat or prevent a genetic disease, you have to identify it. It's slow and tedious work mostly. However, yes, the end result would be eventually curing or preventing the passing on of such diseases in the first place. Or even eradicating them."

Achilles has posed:
    Picking up his gyro wrapper, and his water bottle, Angelo gets to his feet. "Well professor. I wish you luck in your endeavors. If you ever need the help of a federal agent or want to inquire about grants... here is my card." he says, holding the trash in one hand and plucking a card from his jacket's inner pocket to hold out before he smiles, bows his head and says, "Perhaps I will see you again sometime."

Giselle duGevaudan has posed:
     Giselle takes the card and slips it into the case of her Netbook. "A pleasure Mr. Tampambolus, and thank you. Thank you for the card, and the company." She too seems to be packing up and preparing to leave. On stage, the Former 80s Star starts in on the Act 5 Soliloquy. A good time for folks to take their leave.