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Revision as of 04:33, 18 November 2021

UK Timeline

2021 Events

  • December: Ravens in the Tower of London start to die or vanish, reducing their number from twelve to seven.
  • November: Unseelie forces sow unrest in advance of claiming their seasonal dominion, spreading discord through the four great Tuatha cities of the Otherworld.
  • August:
    • Badb, the third aspect of the Morrigan, goes mad. Macha and Nemain plot to kill and replace her.
    • Arawn expands his dominion over France after capturing the Paris Catacombs from the Greek god of death, Thanatos.
    • Doctor Strange negotiates a deal with Arawn after Thor, Brunnhilde, Lady Death, and other heroes thwarted Thanatos.
  • June: Eclipso corrupts Etrigan, forcing him to steal Excalibur from the Tuatha-blessed pool in Cornwall where the sword rests. Several heroes, led by Batman, repulse demons and force Etrigan back to Hell.
  • May:
    • The Siege Perilous vanishes again.
    • Felix Faust evades capture when attempting to seal the Siege Perilous from London, halted by the Scarlet Witch, Doctor Fate, Batman, and Lady Death.
    • Batman recruits Jason Blood and other arcane allies to fight against Eclipso.
  • March: Meggan Puceanu (Gloriana) and John Constantine (Hellblazer) refound the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

2020 Events

  • John Constantine and Chas Chandler relocate unofficially to New York.
  • The Justice League prevent Fing Fang Foom from obliterating the East End of London.

Game History

This period covers from the 18th century to 2019, before the game opened.

  • 2019:
    • John Constantine wins the House of Mystery from Doctor Occult.
    • Lara Croft begins her renowned archaeological career.
  • 2018:
    • Meggan Puceanu vanishes during an anti-Roxxon protest after a duke of Hell captures her.
    • Kurt Wagner, Meggan Puceanu, Kitty Pryde, Amanda Sefton, and others come together to form the premier superhero team of the UK: Excalibur.
    • The UK government disbands Black Air.
  • 2017: Brian Braddock becomes the current Captain Britain.
  • 2016: Barbara-Ann Minerva, a British socialite and archaeologist, creates a stir with her BBC television show and investigations into ancient Amazon society.
  • 2015: Vision relocates to London for the next five years under the secret identity of “Victor Shade,” a climate activist.
  • 2013: Pete Wisdom joins Black Air, a paranormal black-ops intelligence department later found to be corrupted and working against the UK.
  • 2007: T’Challa, king of Wakanda, studies incognito at Oxford University.
  • 1999: John Constantine becomes the current Laughing Magician.
  • 1979: Hellboy briefly wields Excalibur in defense of London against an incursion of Unseelie fae.
  • 1960: MI-13 formed to serve in a similar capacity to WAND in SHIELD, handling supernatural and occult matters within the UK and wider European continent.
  • 1952: The League dissolves.
  • 1945:
    • The UK promotes refugee resettlement on Genosha in the Indian Ocean. The island nation quickly attains independence and becomes a lawless outpost.
    • Morgan Le Fay attempts to control Doom’s Gate in Themyscira, a bid for power that fails.
  • 1942: Jacqueline Falsworth adopts the mantle Spitfire and serves in the Justice Defenders during World War Two.
  • 1940: The U.S. and U.K. found the top-secret Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR), a forerunner of SHIELD, to counteract Red Skull and HYDRA’s operations in Europe. Peggy Carter is seconded to the SSR.
  • 1914: Morgan Le Fay joins the Harbingers, a supervillain team focused on advancing human evolution.
  • 1913: Inhumans settled across the UK vanish, relocating to Attilan in the Himalayas.
  • 1900: James Falsworth serves the Crown as Union Jack until the 1950s.
  • 1901: Nathaniel Essex revived Apocalypse, and with Martian allies, attacked Britain. The League and time-displaced heroes defeated them both.
  • 1899: The League places safeguards around Apocalypse, keeping him in stasis in London.
  • 1898: Facing a wave of vampire attacks from Vlad Drakul (Dracula), Wilhelmina Murray founds the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen with Allan Quartermain, Henry Jekyll, Prince Dakkar, and Rodney Skinner.
  • 1874: Members of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen slay Dracula in Romania.
  • 1872: Nathaniel Essex, the mutant Mr. Sinister, starts genetic experiments after meeting Apocalypse. Essex relocates to New York in 1882.
  • 1838: 104 people die in London when Richard Swift becomes the Shade.
  • 1750: The Hellfire Club begins operation in London.

Ancient History

  • 1460: Lord Thomas Mallick joins the secret society of HYDRA, assuring Great Britain’s pre-eminence in the society.
  • 1189: The mutant Exodus serves Eobar Garrington, the Black Knight. Later, he fails to slay the Black Knight and claim the Ebon Blade at Apocalypse’s command.
  • 647: Merlyn creates the Captain Britain Corps to protect Britain. Galahad becomes the first Captain Britain.
  • 646: The Tuatha de Danaan receive Excalibur until a hero arises to wield it again.
  • 645: Chthon’s efforts to use the Darkhold to invade the Earth fail by the combined effort of Merlyn, the Knights of the Round, and Etrigan bound to Jason Blood.
  • 615: Using the Star Stone, Merlyn forges four items and Percival of Scandia receives the Ebony Sword, a cursed item.
  • 600: Arthur receives Excalibur from Merlyn.
  • 580: The age of Camelot begins with the birth of Arthur Pendragon to the demigoddess Igraine.


  • The Tuatha de Danaan (gods of Britain and Ireland) populate the Otherworld, especially Tir-na-Nog.
  • 38,000 BCE: Morgan le Fay betrays Merlyn in battle and assumes temporary rulership over the Otherworld. Repopulation by the fae creates the realm of Avalon connected to the Otherworld.
  • 39,000 BCE: Morgana of Atlantis (later Morgan le Fay) organize the fae into the Unseelie and Seelie Courts to guard the Otherworld.
  • 41,000 BCE: Merlyn and the Vishanti (gods of magic) forge the Otherworld, and Merlyn binds half his life-force to the Otherworld to prevent Nullspace from poisoning reality.

OOC Faction Information

Staff Contact Chaucer
Player Contact Meggan Puceanu

IC Grid Information

Main Location London
Affiliated Locations Otherworld
Fae Realms
Additional Locations The Empire Club (NYC expat club)

Active Factions

  • The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: A clandestine organization that hunts down preternatural relics and dangers, often with a focus on monsters, headed by Meggan Puceanu and John Constantine.
  • Night Brigade: A street-level group dealing with occult-related threats, headed by John Constantine.
  • Mystic Arts: British magicians and mystics are affiliated within the general community.

Background Factions

  • Excalibur: The premiere superhero team based in Britain was founded in 2018, and reconvene when called to act by the British government. Excalibur is a public-facing group similar to the Avengers or Justice League. Several of its members belong to The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen or the X-Men.
  • MI-13: Part of the official UK government's spy agencies, MI-13 deals almost exclusively with clandestine supernatural threats in the UK, its offshore waters, and occasionally Ireland.

Open Heroes

There are many UK-based heroes from multiple comics. These choices represent but a few options available on the +roster.

  • Blade
  • Brian Braddock (Captain Britain)
  • Dane Whitman (Black Knight)
  • Faiza Hussain (Excalibur)T
  • Jacqueline Falsworth (Spitfire)
  • Nimue Inwudu (Madame Xanadu)
  • Moira McTaggert
  • Pete Wisdom (Wisdom)
  • Richard Swift (The Shade)
  • Sir Justin (Shining Knight)
  • Cullen Bloodstone
  • Elsa Bloodstone