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Latest revision as of 11:31, 15 March 2020

A Date With Destiny
Date of Scene: 14 March 2020
Location: Greenwich Village
Synopsis: It's late at night, and Supergirl meets up with Spider-Man for discussions, opinions...and tacos.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Kara Danvers

Peter Parker has posed:
Hoo, boy, this might actually happen.

A couple of days ago, Peter had sent a message to the address Supergirl had given to him, and laid out the route Spider-Man was going to travel for the next few nights. These routes were efficient, covering the maximum amount of real estate in the least amount of time. Speed-running for the real world, with the benefit of catching any close enounters.

All that was left was to see if Supergirl wasn't busy. Which...well, it's possible she might not be at some point. She's SUPERGIRL, after all. But maybe she might be like him. Have some sort of public life. It would be draining to be someone like Supergirl all the time. He's barely Spider-Man half the time and he STILL nods off in class.

It's one AM, and the Village is looking pretty quiet tonight. He gives Stark Tower a wide berth, not willing to attract the wrong kind of attention.

He alights on a water tower, taking a quick breather. The fog had dissipated, there were a few clouds, and there was a definite chill in the air.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"It's been a few days. A few crimes. An emergency or three. And Supergirl is on the job again. But tonight has been slow. Maybe the chilly weather. Maybe the dreary fog. But for whatever reason, she has finally found the time tonight to seek out the Spider-Man. She's followed his trail, flying low and slower than usual. Once she spots him at the water tower, she swoops in low and lands lightly, after circling the tower once to make her presence known. No reason to startle the guy, after all. She lands lightly beside Spidey and glances sidelong at him. "Slow night, huh?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Wow...she's here.
Peter had spent some time looking up what Supergirl had been up to since she made her debut, and it was incredible feat after incredible feat. At least the DAILY PLANET'S editor, Perry White, didn't have a bug up his butt about her like JJJ had about him.
And she's still much more impressive in person.

Spider-Man stood up as she came in for a graceful landing, taking a step back to give her room - This water tower wasn't exactly the Plaza. "Hey...! Uhm, hello, Supergirl. I...wasn't sure you'd be showing up." He looked around. "Yeah, I think the weather and the temperature are making it uncomfortable for the larcenous. I...heard about you stopping that avalanche in Sweden."

Because she can do that. Stop an avalanche.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Nothing anyone else wouldn't have done," Supergirl replies. "I mean...if they could." She glances sidelong over at Spidey and smiles. "You've been busy, too," she observes. "Always in the paper and all. That Parker is good for your image. He's your saving grace, with that Jameson guy out for your head half the time. You know he's just jealous, of course."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey shrugs. "Well, the guy could use the funds. He's been the primary source of income for his family for two years. Doing that and going to high school full-time has got to be a drain. Besides, he makes cool stuff for me."

Spider-Man holds up his arm, exposing the inner wrist. The web-shooter is mechanical instead of electronic, but it is an efficient design, lightweight, durable, and even Batman has to resort to grapple guns. "He made this for me. Helps make getting around a lot easier. Subway train conductors get a little peeved when they see people hanging onto the outside of the train when the insides are full."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl laughs and shakes her head. "I can imagine it would get frustrating trying to get from one place to another using mass transit. Especially in an emergency. You do a great job of it. I've always been impressed. You do a lot of good, for a lot of people." Her gaze lingers on him for a little longer than normal. Her brow furrows a little, as if she is trying to figure something out. Or maybe already has. Then she turns back to look over the village. "You know, anyone who can support his family and go to school full-time has really accomplished something. I admire Parker, too."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man tries to keep it together, but he's a little startled. Supergirl admires Peter Parker. Alert the media. Oh wait, he IS the media. Kinda.

"Well, Supergirl...someone told me once that 'with great power must come great responsibility.' I'm sure you get that. Gifts like this, they have to be used to help people, otherwise you're just squandering them. There's a duty. It may not be fair sometimes, but when was the world ever fair?"

Spidey looks out at the city skyline, bright lights in a city that the great reporter Jimmy Breslin said he loved and hated in equal measure. "We are different in orders of magnitude...but at the basic level, there are a few things we have in common."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl nods thoughtfully. "Takes a smart person to recognize that. And a compassionate one to act on it. I'm glad there are people like you out there. It makes continuing to do what I do...easier. Because there are so many out there who aren't like you. They only think of themselves, whether in good times or in bad."

Peter Parker has posed:
A slight pause. "Just so you know, I'm blushing beet red under this suit. Figured you oughtta know." He looks back to SUpergirl, then said, "Do you have a secret identity? So you don't have to be Supergirl all the time?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl nods slowly, then looks back to Spidey. "It wouldn't be healthy for anybody to be who we are all the time. And if we're not okay, then how can we hope to help others be okay? No, it all comes down to balance. At some level, we have to look after ourselves, first. Maybe that's part of that great responsibility you were talking about, y'think?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey tilts his head, looking thoughtful. "Maybe." He doesn't sound completely convinced. "When I got these gifts, my first impulse was not altruistic. I was wondering how I could make money with them. I was going to be some kind of pro wrestler. Then I let someone get away because I was...looking out for Number One." He looks down. "And I've been paying for it ever since. So maybe I'm a little overbalanced. But I can't be any other way."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Shaking her head, Supergirl sighs. "I don't think there's such a thing as overbalanced. You seem to have learned a lesson the hard way, and that's the fact that it isn't just power and responsibility. Everything is magnified, in this kind of life. Great power. Great responsibility. Great risk. Great rewards. And great consequences. It's all there, in large quantity."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "Yeah, I guess. I don't envy you, though. There's nothing wrong wth being a blue-collar working-class superhero, is there? If someone needs a meteor punched out of the solar system, I'm quite happy to leave that to you while I handle bank robbers and carjackers." He chuckles. "Superheroing on Five Dollars a Day. I oughta write a book."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl turns and leans back against the metal tank, smiling as she looks back at Spider-Man. "Maybe you should. I'd read it." In twenty seconds or less. "Thing is, a blue-collar working-class superhero, as you and Peter both seem to put it, is going to be a lot harder than what someone higher-powered does. Because some capes are stronger, faster, and more durable. So that doesn't mean that picking up a plane full of people and flying it to someplace safer is any harder than stopping a robbery by yourself. Everything has its own scale, and it's all relative. You aren't any less important than any of us. You're more important, in some ways. Because it's easier for people to look at someone like me and say if they had my skillset, they could do the same thing. But when they see someone like you out there, they see themselves, just enhanced. When they see you out there, they see hope for humanity. They're...inspired to do better with what they do have."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man is silent for a moment, then smiles. It's visible even under the mask. "I ought to invite you out more often. You're good for my ego."
He looks around again, but the Spider-Sense is still reading zero. Which is a positive thing.
"Listen, Supergirl...I know you work out of Metropolis, but it's nice to see you in New York City. You're an inspiration too, you know. That someone so powerful can still be decent and...is wholesome too corny a word?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl grins and shakes her head. "Well, if 'wholesome' is a corny word, then we could all use a little more corny in our lives. And I'm glad I could come out here to see you. I'd been curious about you for awhile now, and it seemed like I had been a little...isolated. You know...lately."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey blinks. "I'm...a little flattered, actually. Check that. More than a little." He rubs the back of his neck. "I guess I assumed that just because you were a gorgeous superheroine on par with the A-listers like Wonder Woman, you tended to gravitate to each other. Like the Avengers." He sounds a little sheepish. "I guess I'm guilty of making bad assumptions based on faulty data."

He looked back to Supergirl. "I looked you up recently. I think the word 'awesome' is used correctly in the footage I did find of you in action."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Everyone has their own reaponsibilities," Supergirl says with a grin that fades quickly. "I gravitated to my cousin. But, well...now that he is gone, I guess I feel like I have been a little bit adrift. I'm doing better. But not quite /there/ yet, you know?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey is struck by the idea that Supergirl...THE Supergirl...might need some help. Perceptions and reality. Even though she seems perfect and unassailable, she's not all that different. Putting people on a pedestal is dangerous, isn't it? Sometimes you forget that they can be real people with real problems.
He can't believe he's doing this, but...

"Well, Supergirl...do you need help with anything? I'm not sure how I can help, but I won't know for sure unless I ask."

Kara Danvers has posed:
A kind and warm expression falls over Supergirl's face, and she looks back at Spider-Man for a long moment. "You're already better at this than you think. And you're already helping. I appreciate that."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey hmms. "Well, I'm always open for just hanging out. Can't promise they'll all be quiet nights, though. Might get interrupted by, you know, crooks to stop. But I do know some of the best places to eat in New York. Good food, and cheap, too." He smirks. "I can introduce you to some of the local bad guys, too. I'm sure they'll be THRILLED to meet you."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Cheap food? Local bad guys? You're speaking my language." Supergirl smirks and leans over to look down toward the street. "I don't suppose you know a good churro vendor around here, hmm? I do love a good churro sometimes."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey chuckles. "Well, there's Juan's Mexican restaurant in Brooklyn, but we can go to Jamal's down the street instead. It serves the same quality food."

Spidey snickers. "After all, if you've seen Juan's, you've seen Jamal's."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl groans and shakes her head. "How long have you had that one stored up, just waiting to use it?" Then she smiles. "Sounds like a fabulous use of our time, finding churros. In between fighting crime, of course," she adds quickly.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey holds his arms wide. "This is the level of humor to expect, Supes." He turns around and fires a webline. "Follow me. I'm sure you can keep up."
He waves, then drops off the edge of the roof. A moment later, he appears again, swinging gracefully up and to the right, doing a "backscratcher" pose as he lets go of one webline and before firing another one to continue onward.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl spring off the water tower into a lazy flight behind Spidey, following his movements as he swings with relative ease. After supersonic trips around the world, this is a walk in the park. Or rather, a flight in the park.

Peter Parker has posed:
The place is actually called Manuel's Taco Shack, but the place is clean (even to Kara's senses, so it HAS to be clean) and kinda empty. It has the benefit of being open 24 hours, and the cashier, a delicate young Hispanic woman with the name tag CONSUELA, doesn't bat an eye when Spider-Man lands lightly outside the small pavilion in front of the little Mexican diner, followed immediiately by Supergirl. "<Pepito, tell Maman her favorite Spider is here, and he's got a hot date!>" she says in finely-accented Spanish. Lower Mexico tends to have the clearest Spanish dialects.

She looks to the two heroes, then says, "Hey there, Arana-Muchacho! Who's the chica?"

Spidey's face heats up a little. "The 'chica' is Supergirl, Conseula."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl laughs and fidgets. "I guess this must be your dating spot," she observes. "It has its charm, certainly looks like the kinda place you'd get good food." She whirls back to Spidey. "Looks like you made a good choice!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey blinks. "Dating?" Her dating him?
Jeez, Peter, settle down. At worst, she's playfully joking.
"Yeah, well..." he says, a little self-consciously.
Consuela chuckled. "He got my mama away from some bad guys, Supergirl. He got some credit here. What would you two like?"
Spidey looked to Supergirl. "Want just dessert, or are you hungry for a midnight dinner?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I can eat anything, anytime. I'm totally open, practically a hobbit. I eat nonstop," Supergirl replies with a laugh. "I'm betting the tacos here are the beat around, huh?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Consuela points to the menu. "I suggest the Adobado burrito. Seasoned pork shoulder."
Spidey nods. "Sounds good, I'll have one, a tall cherry Coke, and one of your churros." He looked to Supergirl. "How about you?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Uhh...How about the tall cherry coke, a couple of tacos, and a churro. With chocolate!" Then she turns to Peter. "If this place is as good as it smells, I am forever in your debt."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man chuckles. "Hey, anything to make it more appealing to visit the Big Apple."

Consuela chuckles. "Got it. Be out in five minutes. Sit anywhere. The Longboot Stompers don't cause trouble if they see costumes eating here." She taps her order pad, then heads into the back, rattling off the orders in rapid-fire Spanish.
Spider-Man walks over to the nearest table and settles in. "I'm not often out this late."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Oh...do I need to get you home? Got work tomorrow?" Supergirl asks. "...or school?" she asks with a wry smile.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey shakes his head. "Saturday. No school to worry about...or work." Was the pause too long? He didn't think so. "Besides, I can go for hours when I'm on patrol."
He gets up as Supergirl approaches. "I hope I'm not keeping you from anything."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I'd let you know if you were," she replies. "No place to be in the morning, and I don't hear anything out of the ordinary tonight."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods. "Good."
The drinks arrive, brought by an elderly lady with a five-year-old boy in tow. "Here you go. But Arana, could you do me a favor? Sandoval here, he thinks you wear a mask because you have big fangs. Could you show him?"

"Well, since I can't eat through the mask anyway..." Spider-Man lifts the mask up to just above his nose, revealing a perfectly normal nose and mouth. He smiles slightly, and Sandoval draws back...only to lean forward again as Spidey seems to have perfectly normal teeth.

Peter Parker says, "See? No fangs, no mandibles, not even any extra eyes."
The young man touches Spidey's exposed cheek, then says, "<Mama! He's okay!>"
The woman nods to him, and Sandoval goes merrily off towards the restaurant door. "Thank you, Arana," she says gratefully, and heads back after the boy.
Spidey looks back to Supergirl. "My adoring public."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl is squinting one eye as the boy trounces off. "D'you think he would have adored you less if you had fangs?" she asks, and she runs her tongue over her teeth. "Or more?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey sighs. "Enough people think I'm a menace. I don't need to cultivate more by letting them think I'm going to pop out of their closet at night like Pennywise the Dancing Clown." He looks up as Consuela brings them their meals on styrofoam plates. "At least you don't have to worry about people thinking you are some kind of Lovecraftian horror in disguise."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Well, Supergirl says, settling in and adjusting her plate, "for what it's worth, I never thought you were any kind of horror. And you'd be surprised what some people think about me, if they don't know me. It isn't always parades and roses, I assure you." She smiles and thanks Consuela then takes a sip of her cherry Coke. "Anytime someone is different, they're going to be suspect, for many. And that isn't limited to capes."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey sips his drink, then picks up the admittedly-generous burrito, peeling back the tortilla and pouring green sauce into it before sealing it up again. He slides the gloves and webshooters off to avoid getting them soaked with errant juices.
Wait...how long since he washed the suit? Right, yesterday. Should still be good.
"Well, there's a difference between 'I don't trust her, she's too good to be true' and 'OMG he impanted something IN ME GET IT OUT.'" He took a bite, but looked thoughtful while chewing. "I did scare ONE guy into giving up. Conned him into think I could summon spiders."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl says, "You know if you wouldn't go around implanting things in people, they wouldn't tell you to stop," Supergirl replies in a wry and half sarcastic tone, and she grins as she tilts her head and takes a bite of her taco. She mmm's, and sighs blissfully. "You've been holding out on me," she chides. "I can't find tacos like this in Metropolis."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey shrugs. "Stick with me, kid. I'll show you all the sights, sounds...and smells...of the real New York." He takes another bites, then sips his soda and engages Stupid Mouth without so much as a hiccup. "So...how old are you, anyway?"
A full second passes before he realizes he ASKED A WOMAN HOW OLD SHE WAS and slapped his hand over his mouth.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl can't help bursting out in laughter at Spidey's reaction to his own question. "I'm twenty-one," she replies, as she regains her composure. "Don't worry, I have been asked FAR more inappropriate questions," she says, blushing slightly.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey covered his (masked) face and sighs. "I want to apologize in advance for acting like a complete idiot in the future. Because I will do something like that again."
He opens his mouth and suddenly realizes he's about to ask what were the more-inappropriate questions and closes it quickly. Parse BETTER, idiot!

"So...I'm sorry. Uhm, oh, look, a shiny new change of subject! What's it like working with people like Wonder Woman and Batman and the like?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Oh...well, it's all right. I haven't really worked with them much yet. Just a little, here and there. I'm not exactly bigtime. My cousin was. I figure that's why they let me tag along from time to time. They're away above my pay grade, and they know it. Why don't you hang more with people like them?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey looks startled. "What, you mean like with Thor and Iron Man and Captain America? Sheesh, Supergirl...I'm nowhere near their 'weight class.' Maybe after I get the hang of this stuff and the police stop pointing guns at me because I killed a cop's daughter..."

He's rambling, and he suddenly realizes it. He stops, then fills his mouth with the burrito to keep from answering. He takes a long, slow chew while digesting the question.

"Guys like that save the world. I'm not at that level."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"If you get just one bad apple off the street who had aspirations of taking the whole world by storm, then you'll see what a difference you make. I think it'll change your whole outlook."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "Well, that's my wheelhouse. Helping out Joe and Jane Public. Handling things at street level and leaving the big stuff to the heavy hitters. Besides, I still have a lot to learn." He begins eating again, then says, "Hmm...try the guac. They make it fresh every day."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl glances over to the guacamole on her plate and scoops at it with her taco before biting it again. "Amazing. Fantabulous. Unbelievable. Etc!" Supergirl smiles a smile she's sure she hasn't worn in quite some time.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man checks the time. 2:30 AM. A bit up late, but he is having a late-night dinner with Supergirl, and she looks...happy. Really happy. There's an odd look to it...maybe because he doesn't think he's ever seen her smile that wide, not even on the few clips from YouTube.

There is something to be said about being able to help bring out that kind of joy. It's very comforting, and he will think back to that smile in the dark times.

If you can make anyone smile like that, then your life hasn't been a waste.