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Latest revision as of 11:32, 15 March 2020

Brooklyn Roads
Date of Scene: 15 March 2020
Location: Alleyways: Brooklyn
Synopsis: Anyone who works for the Planet is a trouble magnet, right? This is how it works? Kyani and America are drawn to the trouble.
Cast of Characters: Terry O'Neil, Kyani Kohanna, America Chavez

Terry O'Neil has posed:
It wasn't considered particularly wise to use the alleyways past a certain hour of the night. Unlike the more well-lit alleyways in Tribeca, the ones in Brooklyn have a tendency to channel those found in Gotham, across the bay. They weren't exactly crime alley- Brooklyn is generally considered safe, but some of its neighborhoods do suffer from more crime than other places in New York city. Still... an alleyway was an alleyway, there was always the danger of running into something.

Terry doesn't have much of a choice. His car finally gave up the ghost and broke down two blocks ago, and the teen is hot-footing it to his destination, April's apartment. It wasn't too far to go, now, and it wasn't exactly late... but there was something about the atmosphere that gave him chills. Cutting through the Alleyways was the shortest way. But it may not have been the smartest way.

His hand rests on his phone inside his jeans. Several times, he felt tempted to call Gar... only to remember that the Titan was injured, and it was probably not a good thing to wake him just because he felt a little jumpy.

"You're imagining things," he mutters to himself, as he walks down the alleyway, "You'll be fine."

Behind him, in the alleyway's entrance, a figure detaches itself from a collection of shadows. Its features are hard to discern. It starts walking down the alley, almost without making any noise, in Terry's direction.

The redhead doesn't seem to have noticed.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Having been called to make a delivery tonight, it wasn't normal for Kyani to be out this late making deliveries. He wasn't delivering to April but there were neighbors who needed their Amazon package as soon as possible.
    Having delivered the package, Kyani was actually checking his phone for any text messages. He was going down an alley and honestly to him he wasn't worried about shit in an alley. Granted he's never had a problem and also he's not afraid to get down and dirty. Though tonight he's leaning against a building, he isn't really paying attention. He doesn't have any money on him and he doesn't have anything of value except for his iPhone right now. Still as Terry walks down and someone seems to move from the shadows, Kyani isn't looking..

Terry O'Neil has posed:
It's lucky for the figure that Kyani isn't paying attention, otherwise someone might have noticed that the figure is unusually blurry at the start, almost as if it were out of focus in some fashion. As it moves down the alleyway, however, it gains in solidity and focus. Soon, its footsteps start echoing down the street. A little /too/ loudly.

Terry frowns and looks over his shoulder. He spots Kyani leaning against the wall, and the figure. It seems to be wearing a trench coat and hat, so that most of its features are hidden by darkness.

Yeah. That wasn't suspicious at all.

Terry decides to quicken his step, just in case...

And within a few seconds, the shadowy figure is matching Terry's speed. Then, its steps begin to sound faster, as if he were trying to overtake Terry.

The redhead is no fool. This is evidence enough- with a quick look back to see if the figure is still on his trail (it is), he breaks into a run and looks straight ahead.

Within two seconds, the shadowy figure takes off. There is something about the way it moves that isn't quite logical... or human. As it runs, it knocks a pair of trash cans, which clang and echo through the alleyway.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani begins hearing the foot steps and he looks up from his phone, and he sees the figure in a trench coat. He looks further down to see Terry starting to quicken his pace. 'This better not be a mugging in process.' but it looks like it is when the figure begins chasing after Terry. He shakes his head and Kyani just makes a step and heeveryting around him slows to a crawl as he runs towards the shadowy trench coat guy stopping in front of him, "Yo. How about you go your own way and leave him alone." Kyani jerks a thumb back at Terry. "He's not doing anything too you and honestly this is pretty stupid on your part. So beat it." he says.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The figure is stopped by the confrontation, but it does not seem to reply right away. Terry, further down the alleyway, stops when he hears words echoing, and turns around.

He sees Kyani, clearly trying to stop the figure, and experiences a sort of relief that someone has noticed his plight. But, feeling some responsibility, and not wanting to let the other deal with this by himself, he starts walking back.

The figure slowly raises its head, so that its face may be seen-

But there is nothing there, just darkness and void. There is no mouth, eyes or nose... but, yet, there is a sound. It sounds like a quiet, burning hiss.

A gloved hand reaches over to try and push Kyani out of the way, and continue stalking its way towards Terry.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Quirking a brow up at the no face person, he hasn't really done this before so he's a bit set back by this. But he couldn't just let this guy go after the other could he. He steps in front of the thing again, "You must have a hearing problem, you go back the way you came, I'm not going ot let you jack this dude." he says as Kyani re-orients himself so that he is able to move quickly where he needs to, to keep shadow guy from Terry.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry stops in his tracks when he hears the hiss, the hair on the back of his arms standing at ends because that sound /is not human/. And yet, this guy doesn't seem fazed at all. The challenge is issued, and the figure suddenly straightens to its full height, which seems to grow close to fix feet. The hiss sibilates through the street once again, and suddenly down the entrance to the alleyway the lightbulbs flicker, leaving the place in shadows for a few seconds.

When the lights come on, there are suddenly eight dark figures, exactly like the one that is facing Kyani, starting to make their way down the street, towards them.

Terry's eyes go wide. "Dude... run!" he tries to shout, but his voice comes out quieter than it should be.

The figure in front of Kyani draws back a hand that is midnight-black and diffuse in shape. Suddenly, where the suggestion of fingers used to be, there are now razor sharp black claws.

It swings them towards Kyani's face.

America Chavez has posed:
It's part of America's modus operandi when she arrives in a new dimension. Just kind of wander from place to place looking for trouble and putting an end to said trouble until it's time to move on. When is it time to move on? That part she doesn't really know, save that she just gets a feeling when it's time to kick a star-shaped hole between the realms and move on to the next plane of existence.

Whatever it is - her 'sense' for the multiverse - has drawn her to this time and spot. She's up on top of one of the rooftops, booted feet dangling over the edge. A newly-acquired smart phone in one hand, flicking through news sites since she doesn't really have anybody to talk to yet.

"Genosha?" she says out loud, "Huh. I - "

The shout from the alley draws her attention, and she parts her knees to look down at what's going on. Her eyes narrow, and her lips curl into a knowing grin. Without a thought she throws herself off the rooftop, landing on her feet with a loud 'THUD' behind the strange razor-clawed creature.

"Hey!" she yells indignantly at the back of its head, before she kicks out at its back with one foot.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Now this does unnerves Kyani as he's not faced any super powered people at all, ever! Though seeing eight of this guy and the one in front of him is about to hit him. Kyani side steps and throws a punch in towards the figures stomach. Kyani is fast and honestly when he moves it doesn't really look like he moves at all. "Hey man get out of here, I will..." he hears a womans voice hollaring at another shadow guy.

Ok maybe he has some help? Who knows, she isn't on those guys side so only time will tell. Still some people wouldn't be bale to think like this, this fast, but Kyani is able to think and watch whats going on with himself. He quickly looks around to check where the other seven are adn making sure that none are going after Terry.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
There she is, Miss America
There she is, your ideal
The dreams of a super girl
Who is more than gritty
May come true in just any city-

^ Those who are not dimensional travel veterans will be totally clueless as to who the teenager is, but one thing is for certain- she knows how to make an entrance, and she packs quite a wallop!

Kyani's punch and speed cause the figure to stagger, and it its distress is futher compounded by America's kick to the back. This causes the figure to fly forward and land on its face with a hard *thud* on the ground.

"Holy shit, she just-" Terry points at America. Because yeah, she really did just land from a fricking rooftop without injuring herself!

Terry's phone was out and filming in less than three seconds after that.

Which is, coincidentally, how long it takes for the other figures to catch up to America and Kyani. They waste no time with formalities, but lunge themselves towards both- all except one figure, which tries to circumvent the two in order to run towards its fallen comrade.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Feeling his fist connect and staggers and than he sees it goes flying as America hits it. He laughs, and he looks at America, "Thanks, let's finish off the rest of these guys." he says to her and with a blur Kyani runs to the next one and as he does he doesn't stop he begins assualting the shadow guy and this time his punches are raining in so fast it's a blur. "Hey dude, you might want to stop recording and get out of here." he says as he throws a punch attempting to knock it into another shadow guy. He didn't like these things hissing, so he hopes with his assualt that he can keep them from multiplying or moving to surround him and America.

America Chavez has posed:
"Get outta the way, pendejo!" America says chidingly to Terry as she calls out at her, watching the strange be-clawed creature get walloped twice and go sprawling across the ground. That said, when she sees the phone come out and film, she does pause to give a thumbs up, wink one eye closed, and catch her tongue between her teeth. A shameless pose for the camera.

As the other figures approach, however, she turns around to face the nearest of them. She gives Kyani a brief sort of once over and, satisfied that he'll be able to handle himself for the foreseeable, sets about kicking ass. Her fist draws back, clenching tight before she slings it at the mass of darkness that accounts for a face in these things. Her other arm is slung out, trying to clothesline the one running past her.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Not on your life, you guys are great!" Terry calls back, keeping the phone focused. As America pile clothesline the would-be good samaritan and punches the other one out, the figure on the ground begins to squirm. It doesn't sound too good, in fact, and it might be because parts of it are leaking out.

That is to say, the shadows that seem to be part of its physical being are starting to ebb out like so much ebony smoke, staying low to the ground.

These creatures clearly are no match for their combined speed and strength, and not a single one of them manage to actually land a blow. One by one they fall, until there is only one of them standing, hastily backpedaling back towards the entrance to the alleyway, shadowy hands held before it as if to request that it be spared.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani was holding back, he knows how strong his strikes can get. Working in tandem with America, he makes sure to alternate between both her and the shadows. He wasn't used to this type of fighting, but he was no slouch either. His strikes are timed and well placed, hitting at nerve clusters. Some of his strikes crackled with lightning but for the most part he was stunning his foes.

    After the fight he walks over to America, "Nice moves you have there." he smiles to her. "My name is Kyani." he says as he holds his hand out to her, "Yo man, you may want to keep a better eye on your surroundings or we will not be around next time." he says as he looks to the two. "So where you two heading to?" he asks as he looks between the two.

America Chavez has posed:
"Thanks," America sniffs at Kyani, looking him up and down critically before adding, "You too, I guess."

The young woman, full of teenage apathy, turns to say something to Terry when she notices the last shadow creature backing away suddenly. She holds up a finger as if to say 'one second' and then moves towards a beaten and dented trash can that rests against one wall. She picks it up easily with one hand, weighs it a little, then licks the finger of her other hand as though to test the wind. Satisfied, she hurls the thing at the creature's head.

"Yeah," she says in agreement with Kyani, turning around without pausing to see if the trash can strikes home or not, "You make a habit of picking fights with shadow dudes? What even is that?"

The question about where she's going she lets pass on through to the Keeper. She doesn't have an answer for that.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I have /no/ idea what those were," Terry says, approaching the two. Still filming. "I'm with the Daily Planet. This sort of stuff... is becoming frightfully common in my life. But, that being said..." the redhead pans the phone around, "You two just saved my bacon. To whom do I owe the pleasure? And do you mind me telling the world about your heroic exploits?"

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani looks to Terry and nods his head, "I'm just glad your safe man." he says to Terry. He looks to America as she finishes off the other Shadow Guy. He shakes her hand and he looks at Terry, "Nah man, not gettging my name, I don't want to be known. I have a job and don't want things messing up that." he says. "Though you two could talk and such, I need to be going." he says. "You both cool?" he asks.

America Chavez has posed:
"He might not want to give you his name," America begins, almost shouldering Kyani out of the way so she can get in front of Terry's camera, "But I'm Ms. America Chavez. That's 'Ms.' like buzz, not 'miss' like hiss. If I see you writing miss anywhere, I'm gonna find you and squash your - "

She's busy threatening the camera like a wrestling promo when she realises Kyani has asked a question. She turns to look at him, raising a hand to brush a loose strand of dark hair from her forehead before nodding: "Yeah, all cool. Have a good night, mystery guy."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Message received, dude, I'll keep your name and footage out." That'll take some creative editing, but he's certain he can zoom in on America enough. "Thanks for the assist, though... look me up sometime at the Planet."

Then America hogs the camera, doing some good diverting to keep Kyani out off focus. "Ms. America Chavez. Got it... hey, since you're all about me getting it down on print right... why don't you come see me at the Planet?" He hastily produces a card to offer her, "And I'll do more than that, I'll get you an interview. How's that sound?"

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani smirks, "Alright camera hog." he says to America, "Take it easy, and again watch out man, so that this doesn't happen again." And with that, a powerful gust of wind hits both Terry and Ameria and lightning flashes as he takes off. Kyani is no longer there and it possibly messes up a few of the shots of America. He grins a little bit as he takes off.

America Chavez has posed:
"Boring," America admits, when Terry asks how that sounds, "But I guess I can do that. That's the big planet with the globe statue on top of it, yeah? I saw it when I was in Metropolis for that bald guy's meeting."

Hey, America considers herself a hero. Being a hero requires getting out and doing heroic things, but heroes also get good press. Maybe an interview will help serve that purpose, right? She takes out her phone, using Bluetooth to exchange numbers with Terry, and then begins to actually levitate off the ground.

"Alright, hit me up, hostage guy!" That said, she actually jets off into the sky.