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Latest revision as of 11:32, 15 March 2020

A Place to Lay Your Head
Date of Scene: 10 March 2020
Location: Homeless Shelter, NYC
Synopsis: Peter and Tandy make it to the shelter and eat meatloaf in the dark.
Cast of Characters: Tandy Bowen, Peter Parker

Tandy Bowen has posed:
The sun is going down quickly on the crappy side of town. Tandy climbs the dirty stairs out of the subway and walks out onto the sidewalk. There seems to be a waft of onions or sewage or both, in the air. She smiles knowingly and motions for Peter to follow her. Heading down the street quickly, Tandy Bowen leans back and tugs on Peter Parker, "Come on Peter! It's just up ahead on the corner, I see the lights still on. Whew, that was a close one," she tells him. She then quiets down and looks past Peter Parker down the street, as if half-expecting some evil thugs to appear but there isn't anyone out. The street is eeriely silent, except for the overhead seagulls which CAH CAH occassionally and crap on the street.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter can move when he has to. He doesn't have any issue keeping up with the energetic Tandy, and he does seem to keep his footing no matter what.
He was glad Tandy would have a place to stay on her terms. There were a lot of people like her who needed help, and you didn't always need to put on a costume to do it.
Although it helped in some cases.

He looked over in the direction Tandy was glancing at. He was concerned for a moment, but the Spider-Sense was reading at dead silent. Which was good. Still...

"Let's get inside before they secure the doors. No sense stopping before we get to the finish line."

Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy smiles, "Okay, ready---go!" she says and runs up the street with Peter. She snickers and laughs, sorta racing him toward the stone church. She glances at him again as she stops in front and smiles at him again, seemingly happy for the first time in a while, maybe because no gangers are around to hassle her or maybe because she finally has a friend. "We can go around back, that's where the cots are," she tells him, "Usually there's a rotating cast of idiots. Some are nice though---couple people, I don't know," she says and shrugs. She motions at him and heads around back to the back door. She inclines up on her tip-toes and peeks in the little window of the door. The interior has a dim light and there's not a lot going on.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter can keep up. For the most part. He can go a lot faster, but suddenly revealing he can run a one-minute mile MIGHT be tough to explain.

He catches up to her, panting a little bit. "So...is it open, or are we crud outta luck?" Was it selfish to hope the door was locked? Yeah, it was. If it was open, and she wanted privacy, he could make sure she was safe and just head home. If it was closed, well...Aunt May made meatloaf and apple cobbler. Still, Tandy's life, so he had to roll with that.

Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy Bowen glances at Peter nervously, "Uh yeah it's open but I guess maybe we shoulda stayed at your place. Once the kids see your meatloaf, it's gonna be over with," she tells him with a sigh. "I don't know what's wrong with me sometimes," she complains. She opens the door and goes into the large room, which is dimly lit and lined with cots. There's a handful of kids but most of them are talking to each other or laying about. Tandy walks over to the table with one of the only lamps in the place.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods, whispering, "Yeah, might be a little cruel. Wish I *had* brought enough for everyone. Do they have a soup kitchen here?"
Peter looked around. He had seen places like this, as Spider-Man. But it was different with no mask to hide behind.
He does get it. Showing preference to one can cause trouble in a lot of ways.
He pauses at the table. If Tandy sits, then he'll sit.

Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy Bowen winces a bit but doesn't sit down, "I'm so hungry..." she whines. One of the large boys across the room eyes Tandy and Peter from his cot, "I smell something over there," he says out loud, nudging his teen friend and pointing out the table. "Cruel...and it's gonna get us in a fight," she tells him. She grabs at his arm and pulls him, "C'mon, let's hide in the kitchen," she suggests, though as she opens the door, the room is completely dark except for the windows, which let in light from the other rooms and from the outside.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter sighs. Crud. It hadn't been a bad night. He REALLY hoped he wasn't going to have to get in a fight with someone just because they were hungry.
Peter steps in behind Tandy, then slips something out of his backpack and slides it into the doorjamb. A quick turn, a slide of a bolt, and the door is secured.

Note: https://smile.amazon.com/Addalock-Portable-Travel-AirBNB-Lockdown/dp/B00186URTY/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=portable+door+lock&qid=1583807424&sr=8-4

Peter smiles wryly. "Well, that should give us some privacy. Doesn't this place have electricity?"

Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy Bowen looks up at the ceiling and squints, "Uhh, I guess but I've...never been in here. It's fine, it'll just attract attention anyway. Just move over there where the light is coming in from the window," she says and holds her finger to her lips to indicate quiet, "Shh, they'll just think we went out the other door," she says and then dives into the take-out from Aunt May because she's hungry. She looks a little guilty as she takes out the food.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter catches on quick, going very quiet almost immediately. He makes his way over to the counter under the window. He settles in, then takes the other plastic bottle out of the backpack, opening it slowly before taking a sip. Had to be the most refreshing drink in the world, in his humble opinion.
He doesn't speak, or interrupt. He does take out a couple of napkins, putting them within easy reach of Tandy's container, should the need arise.

Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy Bowen munches down a few bites of the food and then says, "I'm sorry Peter...I was embarrassed to stay at your place...it was too nice. We shoulda--" she says and looks upset, "Now we're eating in the dark and gonna get beat up--" she says. There are a few knocks on the door and a male voice says, "You guys in there?" he wonders. Tandy frowns and looks ready to get up to confront them, "I'm gonna kill those guys...." she complains.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smiles, shakes his head. He whispered carefully, "Door's secured. They're not getting in here."
Partly because of the door lock he had put in...and mayyyybe a little webbing he had fired into where the door met the floor. No one was coming through that door anytime soon.

"Eat hearty, Tandy." He looked around. He was going to have to investigate this place, see where the shortfall was. Not a sign of adult supervision anywhere...

Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy Bowen shrugs and gobbles some more of the food until it's gone, "We have to eventually go back out there cause the sisters do a shakedown before they close up the place and lock everybody in," she explains to him. "Not sure where else we can go. Sorry Peter."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smiles wryly. "Maybe I can talk to them. I have a very disarming smile."