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Latest revision as of 06:09, 24 November 2021

House Calls Are Not Only for Emergencies
Date of Scene: 21 November 2021
Location: Seaside Victorian House
Synopsis: Mr. Knight shows up unannounced at Morrigan's door once again. Revelations are given and progression of something more than a business relationship seems to be underway.
Cast of Characters: Marc Spector, Morrigan MacIntyre

Marc Spector has posed:
    The silent wings of Angel Wing carry Mr. Knight to the house of Morrigan MacIntyre with the ease of zero traffic and deposits him at her front door. He is dressed as he always is, white suit, white gloves, white mask.

    He straighens his tie and hesitates at the door. Should he have called? Texted? It wasn't something that he did often enough these days to know the protocol on but he shrugs and raps on the door.

    "Perhaps she's not even home..." he mutters to himself as he waits for a response.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
There's the sound of music coming from beyound the door, probably something that most people don't expect when coming from Morrigan's house. Her Halloween decorations are still up as well, because busy Doctor's don't have time to really tear down decor from their favorite holiday. Occam is the first to notice the person at the door as he comes to stare through the glass and look out at Mr. Knight. He mrows and taps the glass with his big paw.

The door rapping does get Morrigan's attention though and she peeks around the corner of the kitchen door to see what's going on. Then she wipes her hands off on a hand towel and lays it on the island before heading for the front door. She's dressed in jeans, a cut off t-shirt that has the Harvard logo across the chest. "Oh, we have a guest. Move Occam." she muses as she scoots the large cat out of the way.

As she opens the door Mr. Knight would not that there is a lot of fruity smells in the air, not overpowering, but there is definitely fruit being cooked. "Mr. Knight, come on in." she offers with a smile as she opens the door fully. "I wasn't expecting company or I would have gotten cleaned up." she admits with a look to him.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Mr. Knight looks as embarrassed as a man wearing a mask can look. "I...ah... I should've called, shouldn't I?" he says crossing the threshold. "I apologize."

    He sniffs the air. "Am I interupting something?" he asks. "That is a wonderful smell..." He nods to the true owner of the residence, the cat, "Occam. A pleasure as always." Then he turns his attention back to the woman. "I wanted to check on you. See how you were since the... altercation with the vampires." Presumably, he's checked (or is in the process of checking) on all the parties involved in that mission.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan chuckles, a smile gracing her features as she does, "No, please don't apologize. I wasn't expecting anyone and honestly showing up without calling isn't a bad thing." she tells him as she lets him step inside and she closes the door and locks it behind him.

"I'm making fruit jam. My mom likes it homemade and cooking is a bit theraputic." she admits. Occam gives him a meow and butts his leg with his head before he chonks his way back towards the kitchen.

"I'm alright. I was more worried about the actual vampires that got pulled into the situation." she frowns. "Being put into that place with a blood craving that is new or not controlled can spell disaster." she frowns to that. "But...I'm sure folks are fine now." she admits.

"How are you? I can't promise that your whites will stay white but I've got spray that'll take stains out if I accidentally hit you with a cherry or something." she grins at that as she turns to head back down the foyer to the kitchen and beckons him wordlessly to follow.

Marc Spector has posed:
    "Ms. Dietrich has a support group that helps her handle her needs" Mr. Knight says, following behind the ginger with the same aspect of curiosity as he did the first time he arrived. "Jubilation is... another matter. I am doing what I can do see that she is well. She managed to find a source for her needs that evening without issue, but it may become more taxing in future situations. I am monitoring it."

    "Homemade jam? Lovely. I admit, the Thanksgiving practice isn't something I've engaged in for some time. No family to speak of alive and... well, my other duties have kept me busy."

    He laughs at the mention of his clothes. "I will trust in Khonshu to protect me from flying fruit stains" he says, a smile in his tone. "I must say, I was rather amazed by your display of power. When was the last time you... cut loose like that?" he asks as they reach the kitchen and the fruit smell turns into an almost oppressive thing (a welcome oppression, but oppression nonetheless.)

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a soft nod to him when he says that the younger women are in varying states of having support. "Having a group that will understand is important. My adoptive parents didn't know what to do when I first started having cravings and that was after my sun allergy manifested. My dad sort of figured it all out though and I sorta went on the blood bag flavored Capri Sun diet until I created my serum." she states. "I'm not sure if they'd like the offer of synthetic blood either." she frowns as she walks into the kitchen.

"Oh it's not for Thanksgiving really...I do this about once a month for the jams. Though I'll take some home when I go." she smiles. "I really like cooking, just don't have anyone to cook for really anymore." she chuckles. "Just Occam if I want to go all crazy cat lady." she tells him.

"I'm a master mystic. I've learned in my life that we don't always have to respond with magic, but in the instance where a life is threatened I very much will." she tells him seriously. "And the last time I got to let loose was...earlier this year, when we went to recover children that had been taken by a group." she admits as she checks the pot on the stove. "Can I get you a drink or something to snack on?" she asks.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Mr. Knight nods. "A drink would be appreciated" he replies with a smile that pulls at his mask. "I can only imagine what a plight your parents must've found themselves in. But it is good that they were supportive, regardless of the... unusual nature of your thirst" he replies.

    "A hobby... a pity you can't find one to share in it with you" he smiles and rolls up the mask revelaing his jaw and nose once more. The way it's rolled up shows off his sideburns where there is only the mildest of graying through dark brown-almost black hair.

    "I feel much more precise in my suggestion for your psudonym should you request the anonymity" he places a hand at his chin and observes the woman. "Heka, or Hecate, is the mother of magic and your skills surpass many that I have seen."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Whiskey or something warm?" Morrigan asks as she gets a few glasses down. Her scars are more visible in relaxed clothing, one going down her back that is long and jagged peeks from underneath the shirt she wears. She settles the glasses on the island counter and gets ready to pour drinks. "I found out a few months ago that my parents had some idea of what I was when they adopted me, while it made me suspicious...I understand that we all make bad choices in our lives." she admits.

"Yeah...a lot of guys that I meet are unvailable, don't do domestic or are allergic to the idea of one partner." she shrugs. There's a curious look to the revealed part of his face, like she might be trying to piece together what else is underneath.

"I'm always the mom. Are you calling me old, Mr. Knight?" she teases him. "You choose one." she tells him. "And...do you think anonymity would be better than me putting the school and things at risk?" she asks him.

Marc Spector has posed:
    The chill had gotten to Mr. Knight on the way to the house. The Angel Wing was amazing, but it did not have a heating system. "Something warm would be nice. The winter chill has moved in early this year it would seem." He notes the scars but doesn't comment on them, not right now at the very least. He has his own share of them, after all.

    "More the pity... I would say none of those fit me but I am not presumptuous enough to say that I am in the lot of 'guys that you meet.'" He smiles that quasi-knowing smile of his.

    "Not at all, Morrigan," he says at her tease, "the distinction is more a measure of your skill, not your age." He holds up a pacifying hand, "And, I offered the anonymity so that your school and position could be kept intact so I *do* think it better, yes."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan sets about making spiked coffee, because there's nothing wrong with that, "Hopefully that'll warm you up." she gives him a smile as she slides a mug over to him. She makes herself one and then moves to the stove to stir things. "And yes, we're expected to have a pretty harsh weather this year sadly." she shakes her head. "I like the snow, but bitter cold is not my favorite thing." she frowns.

"Mmm, I mean, I have met you." she grins to that. "And honestly the last few guys I've either dated or developed feelings for were...well...not the usual suspects." she admits. "I know you'd not make fun of my age and that is very kind of you." she smiles. "Alright. We'll go the anonymous way. Because the students have been through enough." she tells him. "So what are you doing for the upcoming holiday?" she asks him as she steps back over and picks up her coffee to sip.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Mr. Knight takes a slow sip of the coffee, letting the burn settle in his stomach for a bit before he answers. "If you mean Thanksgiving?" he asks. "The same I have done for many years now. Nothing."

    He shrugs. "No one to spend it with besides an associate who is French and sees the holiday as silly at best." He pauses. "It you mean the one that comes after? That I'm uncertain of. I usually light a menora... to honor my parents as much as myself but... I need to consult with Khonshu. To figure out whether or not such an act is... sacrilege." His expression, that she can see, is pensive for a moment as he takes another sip.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan nods to him, "Yes, I did mean that." she tells him. "My adoptive parents usually have a dinner party type get together on Thanksgiving. I spend some time serving at shelters before I come home and change for that." she states. "And then we're doing a Thanksgiving Black Friday event. I thought it would be nice to get the kids out of the house and we'll have food, fun and games. You're welcome to join us at either one." she offers him.

Then she gives a look to him as he speaks on the menora and lighting it, "If you are unable to light it for them I would light it for you, Mr. Knight." she offers to him. "My ex-fiance was Jewish. I read up on so many things." she smiles to that.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Mr. Knight smiles a the woman and inclines his head. "That... is very kind of you" he says, his tone reverent. "And... did you just invite me to your parents house for Thanksgiving?"

    He understood the event for the children, the dread threat of Capitalism was to be fought off with prejudice. But the jump from 'terror-fighting associate' to 'date for dinner with my parents' was a large one for him. While he didn't mind the invitation (his expression was an amused if fond smile, not a frown or gape of alarm) he wanted to make sure that he didn't misunderstand her intentions.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan smiles as she sips at her coffee and then he talks about it that way and she flushes a bit, "My mom and dad don't mind meeting someone that I'm working with. Under whatever moniker is used. Date, Friend, co-worker." she admits.

The red stains her pale cheeks and she laughs softly, "I get it if that was...sudden and weird. If you wanted to go as my date that would be just as well, really." she tells him with a soft smile. "I don't want you to feel weird or uncomfortable in the situation." she adds.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Mr. Knight frowns for a moment, considering her words and then nods. "I think I might like that..." he says, before reaching up to his mask and slipping it off completely. He blinks a few times as he sets the mask aside.

    The man underneath is handsome. A slightly olive complexion that speaks of mixed American and possibly Middle Eastern decent. Brown eyes that look far older than the lines of his face indicate and brown hair that has a natural curl that most Jewish families can attest to having somewhere in their family.

    "If I am going as your date, it would help if you knew what I looked like" he says with a soft smile. "I'd rather not inflict Mr. Knight on your parents. My name is Marc. The last name... we can keep at Knight for now. It's easier than the alternative."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan had her back turned while she was heading over to check the jam again and then she realizes that something is not the same when she turns back around...and it makes her do a double take, "Oh whoa." she chuckles. "I..." she seems to be at a loss for words when the mask is gone and his face is revealed. "I would be lying if I said that I didn't wonder what color your eyes were." she smiles to that.

She then offers her hand across the counter, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Marc, I'm Morrigan." she smiles at him softly. "And if the alternative is a very shallow grave I will keep calling you Knight." she nods seriously to that.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Marc laughs. "No. It's not as foreboding as that. Just... people looking into the past of who I was often find it disconcerting to find that I am very much legally dead."

    He runs a hand through his hair, letting it fall in a slightly messy tangle before picking up his coffee again. "Brown. Rather dominant trait in my family's line to be honest. Eastern European father, Egyptian mother... not much wasn't going to be brown in terms of my genes."

    He chuckles. "It's a rather shallow question and I don't think of you as shallow in any sense... but now that I'm not some faceless white mask. Still looking to bring this face before your parents?" he asks.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a soft whistle at that, "Yeah...being legally dead is something that will put a pickle in most things." she nods to him. "And I'm guessing trying to get the identity back is something that would draw unwanted attention to yourself?" she asks him as she moves around to sit in the chair beside him. "Brown is a nice eye color. Just don't pull the puppy dog eyes look on me." she gives a smile.

She leans forward, looking over his newly revealed face and then she brings her gaze back to his, "I don't see anything wrong with the face that I'm looking at, Marc. It's a fairly handsome face if I'm allowed to be honest." she tells him.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Marc smiles. "Indeed" he says in response to his attempt to get his identity back. His old enemy may be dead, but that didn't mean that the old enemy didn't have friends. And friends who would very much like a word with Marc Spector is something Marc would rather avoid.

    At her compliment he smiles. "Thank you..." he says. "I don't know if I've said this but you are quite a beautiful woman in your own right. I am quite flattered that you find me handsome."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks over his face and then her hand reaches up to brush back one of his errant curls without thinking about it. She then realizes that she touched his hair without asking and she pulls her hand back. "Sorry." she murmurs to him.

"Thank you, I'm not the most beautiful out there, but I get by." she chuckles. Then she sobers a touch, "When was the last time you got to go on a date or something like that, Marc?" she asks him.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Marc almost chokes on his coffee. He manages to just *barely* get it down before it goes down the wrong pipe. "Uh... the answer to that question is likely terribly depressing and sad." He looks at Morrigan for a moment and then shrugs.

    "Let's see... I think the last time I went on an actual date was after my discharge from the Corp. So... 11 years." He sighs. "Yeah... that was rather depressing. It's been a long, long time.

    "Between some of the work I did before becoming" he gestures to his clothes. "And the entire... Moon Knight business... it doesn't allow for much romance or love life at all."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to him and then she smiles, "You're fine. Guy I was getting feelings for was an antique highly trained assassin and then I dated a guy that was bound at the soul with a demon. Sometimes it's just better not to date sometimes." she admits quietly as she settles into her seat and turns it to face his.

Then she quirks a curious eyebrow, "So you /are/ Moon Knight, Mr. Knight et all?" she asks him. "I hadn't wanted to pry too much. But my brain started making red string maps and I tried to stop it." she admits.

Marc Spector has posed:
    "You make me sound like a collective" Marc says making a blank face and putting on a robotic voice. "WE ARE LEGION..." he says in a slow monotone before laughing. "No. It's just the three. Me, Mr. Knight, and Moon Knight."

    He smiles. "Over the years I've made some connections with others who have been able to help fund or inform my activities as Moon Knight. The Mission and Mr. Knight allows me to interface with the neighborhood and hear about more issues."

    He gestures "Take this vampire ring, for instance... it comes straight from a homeless woman who came across the Mission. She had been friends with one of the victims. And then we... the Heliopolitans look into it and can give her, at the very least closure. It's all to help people in the end."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks down to her hands as she feels a blush stain her cheeks, "I didn't mean it like that." she tells him. Then she reaches out and swats him gently with her shirt sleeve, "More like the Borg when you put it like that. Demons are more gloaty." she points out to him with a little smirk. "How many people know you're the same person? I don't really have anyone to tell, but I'd like to make sure I'm not talking to someone and go 'oh you mean this guy?'" she admits.

"Also if you need any funding I have a lot of disposable income that I am happy to donate to good causes." she comments as she settles back into her chair. "Sorry I was a bit of a bitch to you the first time we met. I'd just never had anyone call me out." she adds after a moment of silence.

"It's good to help when you have the resources to. Vampires seem to be becoming a common part of life, which I'm not sure how I feel about it really." she states as she looks to her coffe cup. "I'm still running tests on the stuff we found over there. It's all...pretty gross." she shakes her head.

Marc Spector has posed:
    "Jonathan Sims is the only person who knows who I am under the mask, and that is out of necessity of him being my therapist" Marc replies casually with a smile to her reaction. He shakes his head at her offer. "My financier is more than generous in his contributions to the Mission and my own endeavors. I do appreciate the offer, but it's uncessary."

    He frowns at her commentary on the vampire menance. "Yes... I know my own views on the matter can be rather extreme but when circumstances are as dire as they are... such methods are needed." He looks her over and chuckles. "Most forensic work that I've observed tends to be rather gross. Fluids and tissues from cadavers are not usually pleasant under intense experimentation and observation. I do hope it is not too... upsetting for you?" he asks, his expression concerned.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Ooooh. It's a big secret then. Morrigan makes a mental note that she'll have to keep things in confidence or get dropped off a building. Ahem.

"It's good to have someone to talk to when you feel yourself slipping or something like that." she nods to him. "And having financiers is good, offer is always open should you need it." she smiles to that.

She listens to him and the look of concerns softens her look just a touch, "No, not upsetting. I used to get called in to look at bodies that had been chewed up if the police thought there was something supernatural. Not so much anymore though." she shrugs. "My real dad leaves me a heart on my birthday sometimes. I'm used to gruesome and awful things being the norm in situations." she admits. "It's the younger ones that I worry on, but they seem to have good heads on their shoulders." she comments.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Marc nods his own look softening. "They do. For the most part. Jubilation hides a lot of her feelings I know that much... and she has less control over her inner beast because of it... I hope that once she finds her place in the world, it will give her the stability she needs to tackle the inner fight she deals with." He pauses and finishes his coffee.

    "You biological father sounds rather... formidable..." he says, eyeing her with a small measure of concern. "Should I be worried as... a suitor?" He didn't really have a better term for the relationship he and the doctor held for the moment.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I don't like to mother people as some are fine. Others if you ask if they want help they get bitey, so I try to feel things out before trying to see what I can do. They might want to do it themselves and that's totally fine." Morrigan tells him with a smile. "Stability is a great thing to have, yes. Sometimes people don't realize how much it's needed." she frowns slightly.

Then there's a chuckle, "Master vampires tend to be big assholes. He just needs a hobby...like leaving me alone would be a great one." she muses. "We don't talk much. Though I'm sure if he feels you're trouble he'll drop by to chat with you directly." she admits to that. "It's how I lost my fiance a long while ago. Apparently 'crazy father-in-laws' are a deal breaker even if your fiance and her adopted parents are loaded." she rolls her eyes at that.

Then she looks over to him, "If he tries to give you any trouble though I'll talk to him. We're due for a father-daughter chat as it is." she states.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Marc inclines his head. "My condolences that your previous fiance was unable to handle the... struggle your father brought to the table." He sighs. "I assure you... that if you father wishes to speak with me and can be civil about it... I should have no issues in having a dialogue with him." He grins.

    He chuckles again. "I do not envy you speaking with him about my presence though. 'Oh hello, father. I'm... dating' for lack of a better term, 'this new guy. He likes to kill vampires. I'm sure you'll love him.'" There is an odd twist to his mouth. "Not the conversation I would want to have with an Elder of the caliber that you speak of." From his tone, he's actually had conversations with Elder vampires.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan watches him for a moment and there's a soft smile, "Eh, it was almost twenty or so years ago. I don't really get all emotional about it anymore. Marrying young would have been bad, so I'm guessing it falling apart was a bit of a good thing." she tells him. "I'm not sure how talkative my father is. Especially with the whole...killing vampires thing." she chuckles.

"Because I'm sure he's heard of Moon Knight or at least vague things." she admits. "Mmm, I've never reached out, so I'm guessing if I do he'll get over excited thinking I want to go full vampire and he'll be disappointed because I just need to tell him I'm attempting to date a guy and he's not allowed to eat them." she muses.

"My father killed my mother and tried to kill me. You'd be hard pressed to find 'love' of any kind." she admits.

She then shakes herself, sitting up a bit straighter in her chair, "Do you have streets to patrol tonight?" she asks him.

Marc Spector has posed:
    "A parent who does not love their child is not truly a parent at all... in my opinion" Marc replies a bit wistfully. "But perhaps that is being unfair. Vampires I have learned have a very different idea concerning emotions than most people. Perhaps his estrangement of you is done as a form of protection from his enemies as well as himself." He shrugs. "I'm only speculating, of course. I have not met him... at least I don't think I have, so I cannot accurately gauge his temperment."

    He pauses for a moment and then sits up straighter as well. "I made a point to do my patrol before showing up at your doorstep" Marc replies with a smile. "So to answer your question... no. Not anymore. But if you're trying to get rid of me, I can depart all the same." He smiles, perhaps to show he isn't offended if that is her intent.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I mean, his is a strange kind of caring at some stages. I think he gets bored easily sometimes." she comments. Morrigan gives a bit of a thoughtful look to him, "Possibly. I suspect that I should some day learn his motivations and intentions. Though I might be dead long before I get that chance to ask him anything." she muses. "Sadly to say he is very cliche when it comes to vampires. Or at least some in romance novels. He's tall, long black hair, Romanian accent." she shakes her head. "And no I don't read romance novels." she quickly adds.

She absolutely does.

When he straightens up she gives a soft smile, "Ah...no, I wasn't wanting to get rid of you but I know that there are routines and things in schedules and I didn't want to keep you from yours." she explains. "But...if you are free and it is not too forward I'd love to have you stay for a bit longer." she smiles to that.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Marc smiles again and leans back in his chair once more. He watches her and smiles a bit at her quick dismissal about romance novels. He wasn't exactly averse to them either. When you have time to read, all sorts of things come across your desk.

    He nods. "Then I will endeavor to stay. It is so pleases you." He pauses. "Did you have other plans for this evening or was it set wholly to jam production?" he asks, peering over at the oven where the process was continuing.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan doesn't make more talk of romance novels, because that would be bad. She gives him a curious look, "It does please me, but do you want to stay? Your enjoyment is just as important in this." she points out. "You know I didn't have any other plans until a rather dashing man in a suit happened to show up." she winks at him. "Jam production can be paused and resumed in the morning. We're on break at school so I have some free time." she nods to this.

"Were it a bit warmer I'd offer to take you up to the widow's walk or out to the beach to sit, but...not the weather for it." she states. "Could make a snack and watch a movie or something mundane like that. Could play twenty questions. Could talk about dating." she offers with a grin. "I'm rather boring when not throwing fireballs at people." she tells him.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Marc leans forward, resting an arm on the counter. "How about all three?" he asks. "Or as much as you can while staying awake?" He smiles again. "I think you're rather amazing regardless of purple fire, if I may say so."

    He adds. "If we manage the whole night, I look forward to finding out as much as I can about you. And revealing an equal amount about myself in the process. Everything in balance, after all." He gestures to one side. "Shall we?" he asks with a wide grin of expectation.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan turns to look at him when he leans forward, "All three sounds good. yes." she smiles warmly to that as she nods in agreement. "And how about we just retire to the bedroom since if I fall asleep we'll at least be in bed. I've got a little sitting area if you aren't comfortable in the bed." she adds to him as she stands from her chair.

There's a blush that tinges her cheeks red again, "Hopefully I can live up to being amazing then, Mis...Marc." she tells him softly. "And I believe we are both night owls as it is, so if we stay up all night and fall asleep when the sun comes up I don't think there will be anything out of the ordinary...and a routine is good." she smiles to him.

She then reaches out to give his hand a warm squeeze before she gathers a few things before heading for the stairs to lead him up.

Occam is not sure if he is ready to give up his side of the bed yet, poor Occam.