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Latest revision as of 11:32, 15 March 2020

Hello, Leo
Date of Scene: 12 March 2020
Location: April's Apartment
Synopsis: April and Leonardo meet for the first time since Leo's return to the US!
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Leonardo

April O'Neil has posed:
April is home, the sun is down, it's around 9:45pm and the weather isn't too bad outside. It's 53 degrees and the sun had been out all day so the sky is dark but clear.

Inside the apartment there's some music on coming from the bluetoothed speakers that are hooked up to the tv and playing some upbeat tunes from the early 2ks. April is in her office and is seated in her chair with her computer monitors on (all 3 of them). She's got a bright yellow hoodie on, some white gym shorts and some white and yellow slippers on her feet. She's totally in relaxation mode.

She'd been down to deliver supplies to Mikey this morning, so she knows that the Turtles are in good shape. So with the music on, she's just humming along to it and... nope she's not working, she's playing an MMORPG. She grew up playing things like Wow and Lord of the Rings Online on her dad's PC and well, it's still going today.

Leonardo has posed:
Not a thing is seen. Not a sound is heard. In fact, nothing really changes at all about the room to make it seem like it's now occupied by a second being. Nothing except a smell. The smell...of pizza. The pizza wasn't there a minute ago. And the window isn't open. The door isn't open. Neither was heard to have opened and shut. And yet, a pizza has mysteriously appeared, as if by magic.

Leo is out of sight, of course, and waits for April to turn to the delicious smell of pizza, which shall surely lure her to her Turtley doom.

April O'Neil has posed:
The smell of the food does eventually come to April's nose and once she reaches a quest giver that she thinks should be safe, she parks her scantily clad mage character next to them and turns around to stand up. She pauses though to remove her headset and then she sets it down on the desk and adjusts her hoodie and starts out to the living room.

Slippered feet thud on the floor quietly as the reporter gets out into living room and spies the source of the smell, the pizza box on the table. "Harley?" April calls out. There's no way Harley is here though, its way too quiet and there's no Hyenas running around like gangbusters!

April lifts the lid on the box up and peers inside. She reaches in and grabs the littlest piece inside the box (her usual choice) and then raises it up to bite the tip off. "Guys?" April then calls out and starts to walk toward the kitchen, expecting to find one of (if not all) in the kitchen getting drinks.

Leonardo has posed:
Only one this time. But he isn't getting a drink, instead, he appeared in front of her out of nowhere, and smiling too. "...Hey. It's been a while." Leo has been gone for months, and, well...his South American journey of spirit and protecting villages from jerks has completed, and his journey led him home. "...Don't tell my brothers or Splinter. They don't know I'm home yet. I've got some surprising to do."

April O'Neil has posed:
April is just surprised to see hima nd the way he HEYS in makes her stop suddenly and jump in sudden fright! "Leo!" She says then as she rushes toward him and puts her arms up around his shoulders to embrace him. "You /scared/ me!" She says then to him as she uses a slippered foot to give him a shin kick! Not hard though.

After the hug she lenas back and puts one hand on his arm while the other still holds that slice of pizza. "Are you okay?" She asks him then, looking him over and the various new accessories and what-not he might be wearing.

Leonardo has posed:
Leo grins at the kick. And he hugs her back. "Sorry. Keeping in practice, ya know. Had to make sure I didn't lose my touch wandering around forests in South America." As for Okay? Well, yes, he is. His shell, at least, has no nicks in it that weren't there before, and his eyes seem brighter than they were when he left, so clearly this whole journey did him some good.

New accessories? Well, one of the Native villages left a 'gift' for their guardian...it's a sewn scarf of Gen Bu, the Black Turtle. But the scarf is blue. It's like somebody figured out their guardian liked blue. Which means Leo slipped at some point, but he doesn't seem to mind just now. He also grabs pizza himself. He was no Mikey, but he did love pizza like his brothers.

April O'Neil has posed:
April takes note of the fancy scarf, but she surely can't decipher the origin of it, it just looks... authentic and very nice to her. With a smile on her face she walks with him back toward the pizza box and then just sits down on the edge of the coffee table and looks at the big turtle and the leader of their group. "God, they're gonna be so jazzed to see you back." She says to him then, taking another bite of the slice she has. "Seriously, they've been.. holding it together, but you know how it is. Raph gets stir crazy, Donnie hides in his lab and Mikey bounces back and forth between the both of them trying to get them all to do things together."

She shakes her head and reaches for a napkin beside the box. "If it weren't for Splinter, I don't know how they'd survive without you, Leo. You gotta... you gotta go get them settled down. But yeah, I won't harp on you. It's just good to see you." She beams a smile up at him then.

Leonardo has posed:
Leo looks up for a moment, and then...empathizes. "...Yeah. Raph has no place to put that temper. He's probably taking it out on whatever he can find on the surface. Donnie is inventing things, I'm sure, but he must feel so listless with nothing but computers looking back at him. I feel the worst for Mikey. I doubt either one of them have been spending any real time with him, instead leaving him to flounder around. Splinter must be feeling it too. The Journey may have been necessary, and he may have been able to contact me through meditations, but...his family wasn't whole, and he knew it."

Another slice of pizza is devoured. "...But even if they're probably feeling listless, at least they're okay. And it doesn't seem like they have any major foe to fight, or they'd be at least a little more focused than that."

April O'Neil has posed:
April finishes off the piece of pizza save for the crust and she sets it down on a napkin beside the box. She then wipes her hands off and leans forward on her elbows atop her thighs. At Leo, her eyes rest, she listens closely to him. "They're okay though, Leo." She reassures him. "They've managed. I've been going down there as much as I can to keep funneling them stuff from up here, but there's... you know, cabin fever." She shows a soft smile to him. "They're gonna lose it when ya get down there." She grins and then laughs softly for a second. "You don't have to worry about foes, or enemies, or rival ninja gangs or nothing right now. You just gotta worry about going to see them and letting them know you're home and you're safe. Then... play some video games or something. Here--"

April stands up from the coffee table and walks over to her television cabinet. She picks up a plastic box and brings it back over to Leo. "Super Smash. Mikey left it here last week. He's been asking me for it, I keep forgetting. Time to show'em who's boss again, right?"

Leonardo has posed:
Leo grins, then looks pensive. "Yeah. Something like that. Although...just because there aren't rival ninja gangs doesn't mean there's nothing we can do. There's plenty of people in the world who deserve our negative attention. And then there's what happend to Genosha. We're not mutants of the same kind, but it's sure bet that people who hate those kind of mutants hate us too. They're not exactly going to science which kind of mutant is which before the Sentinels start firing. We are going to be a presence in the night...and we are going to find those who prey on others, whether they're ninja or not. And we will do something about it."

"...We're getting back to action. The world needs us to be part of it...even if we must keep to the shadows." Leo takes the game, and nods, "Yeah, something like that..." Although Leo seems focused on doing something about the world around him. He's fast, and vanishes into the night. Apparently, he did come in the window the first time, because that's how he exits.