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Latest revision as of 18:16, 24 November 2021

To the Wardrobe Montage!
Date of Scene: 24 September 2021
Location: 6A - Janet's Condo
Synopsis: Gwen takes Bando to Janet to get a costume designed!
Cast of Characters: Bando George, Janet van Dyne, Gwen Stacy

Bando George has posed:
    Bando had still not answered the powers question, but he is now distracted by the thoughts of having a suit designed...by not him. An amazing suit! Truly epic, embodying all of the vigor and...heroness that he could be! In a class by himself! Should have a cape? Should he have form fitting, or more tactical armored look? Oh, what colors? Would they be able to resist his powers?

    Bando suddenly snaps back to reality, realizing that the room is silent. "I'm sorry, did you ask something?" he says, admittedly he was way lost in his own little world for a moment.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Not only is the room silent, but all eyes are on Bando. In particular, Janet's green eyes are *directly* upon Bando, while Janet herself stands amused. She knows that look...the sudden realization that Bando can look however he wishes. She has had that same epiphany countless times before. Still, this is Janet Van Dyne asking...and despite her current size being the shortest of the three, her presence seems to absolutely loom.

A tap on the digital pad. Once...twice. When Bando returns to reality, Jan speaks. "Back now, are we?" Yes, she knows exactly what the young man was thinking. "I asked you what your powerset was. I cannot very well design a suit without knowing what demands are needed. Otherwise, it is likely to fall apart if not suited perfectly. I imagine you probably already experienced this problem."

No imagination needed. The fashion designer *knows* it had to have happened at one point or another. "I mean, unless you want disintegrable clothing..."

Bando George has posed:
    "Oh! Yeah, powers. I'm not sure what to do about that part," he says. "It's a quantum...thing. I think." Of course, Janet's also a pretty good person probably to discuss such matters. "I can teleport just about anything that's about the size of a car, to just about anywhere I want it to be, within like fifty feet. Fifty-two is my record." Probably not an important detail.

    "But! He continues, raising a finger. "Sometimes things end up teleporting and...they change. I don't know why, but it's usually temporary. The other day I was fighting Professor Zoom, and I totally lost my everything. It was super awkward." He suddenly glances over at Gwen, regretting giving that much detail.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Oh no.." Gwen lets out a brief laugh. "That was the look I had when I came to you the first time.." ugh, she just knows it. That dreamy-eyed look, the realization she would have a suit-up by none other than the legendary Janet Van Dyne. But then again, she was 14 at the time. She was super grown up now with being 20 years old! A hand comes to her lips to stiffle further laughing and she shakes her head a bit to herself.

Something that Bando says next makes Gwen quirk a brow though. "Zoom as in, THE Zoom?" that makes her frown and again a shake of her head, "That's what I am talking about, going headfirst into things without being ready yet. And you're saying that you got fully naked in front of him too?" another shake of her head.

A look to Janet. Oh yes, there's a lot to get done.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Quantum teleportation. Interesting."

The reply is a little flat, but only because Janet is contemplating. But wait! "Wait...you lost your everything? Like...did you teleport out of your own clothing?" It doesn't take much to get to that point. And, a hand waves at Bando's discomfort. "Oh, sweetie, you are going to need to get over that awkwardness if we're going to do this. I assure you, you're not going to embarrass *me*." Of course Janet is not going to be embarrassed. Janet has no shame in the slightest.

Bando, however, might. Not that it is going to stop Jan at all.

"Does this happen often? You losing everything? Or...is there a specific closeness something has to be in order to ensure it doesn't disappear into the aether? Anything known to potentially resist these quantum changes?"

A lot of questions, certainly. But, more to determine what to make the suit out of. As it sounds like, it might take a visit to the Fantastic Four and asking Reed nicely for some fabric made from unstable molecules. Hey...if it can keep Johnny Storm and the Thing covered, surely it will work for Bando!

Bando George has posed:
    "No no!" Bando says. "He like, killed a bunch of people, and there was one guy left, so I hit him with a punching bag," Bando explains to Gwen. "And then I hit him with a motorcycle," he tilts his head, "which I probably should have started with, in retrospect. But he didn't even know where I was by the time I did the other teleport. And I didn't MEAN to teleport out of my clothes!" He definitely feels the need to justify himself on this one.

    He spins to Janet, a mildly frantic tone in his defense. "I think it was just a nerves thing?" he says. "Sometimes things change color, or they come through being made out of...something other than they started." He points to Gwen to back him up. "Like that first fight, where I teleported the pistol, and it got to me, but was encased in ice." He scratches the back of his head. "I did NOT flash anyone," he clarifies, holding his hands up in case anyone is wondering. "And...I don't remember anything ever failing to come back out of a teleport."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Uh-uh..." Is Gwen's stock reply to Bando's explanation to how his 'fight' with Zoom went. Is she buying it? Eh, maybe. Still, she seems more huffing due to her concerns not having been addressed. Talk about a one track mind! So she simply folds her arms and says, "What he means to say is that he doesn't fully know how his powers work yet. Because he has been testing them on the job, so to say.."

"Which I suppose -can- be a way to go. At least that's how I did, but that's details.." Another shrug. Gwen's eyes go back to rest on Janet, "Think there's a solution to that though? I mean, it's not like he's the first teleporting hero but ..." she taps a finger to her chin. "Oh, what am I saying. Where it comes to dressing up heroes there's no challenge that's too big for you."

"And I remember that fight." This now to Bando, "It's as you say, most likely triggered by stress, or having to use your powers quickly? Still, it won't stop happening until you master them fully so you need to account for those."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
A nod is given towards Gwen. "Right. Newbie, then." And yes, notes are written on the tablet. "So, what I am hearing is I should ask easier questions. Like....what is your favorite color?" It might seem as a joke...but Janet is serious. What color should things be?

And...there is a right and an wrong answer. She...just isn't going to tell you. Consider it a test.

Back to the both of them. "Well, it is certainly going to be a challenge, if we are not sure exactly what we are up against. I can go the default route and then we tweak from there, to see what works. Or, we can take a page out of my book and have so many designs to choose from that losing one occasionally is no harm at all. Though, I do not recommend that unless you have access to vast wardrobes in the blink of an eye." Some more notes, possibly a sketch, before Jan continues. "We can take a page from the Fantastic Four and work with unstable molecules. With them being themselves unstable, it may be more likely that any quantum fluctuations would just pass right over. Or, then again, you could end up with a hot pink bodysuit. That's the risks we run when we don't have all of the variables locked down."

Would she stick Bando in pink? It...wouldn't be the first fashion foray to go slightly off the rails with her before.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando sighs, unable to get his foot out of his mouth on the issue. "Okay," he says with concession. Okay to what? Well, he just lets it be a blanket response. He chews on his lip, looking back at Janet.

    "Colors. Right, that's easier. I um, I like blue," he says, "And red. I like yellow-Probably shouldn't do yellow, huh?" he thinks aloud, considering the idea of looking like a human canary. Hellboy already calls him glow worm, and he doesn't want THAT to be his super hero name. "Pink is a joke, right?" he asks, he glances over to Gen, "It works for hers," he agrees. "I just don't know that...it's the most intimidating color for bad guys to see. And these unstable molecules..." he asks with a hesitant point at Janet. "They don't like, explode or something, do they?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
No really. Continue to diss the pink! All they get is Gwen's brow arching further, almost as if in a dare. Her suit is perfect! And she won't let anyone tell her otherwise. "A bit of pink goes well with everything." she informs Bando. "And I am partial to white, and black." because of course she is.

As Bando then starts going about his favorite colors she lets out a grin, "So sort of like a Robin." from Batman! She knows their style. But as with everything, there are right and wrong answers. One must simply hope that the colors Bando speaks of are ones that Janet approves!

"Though unstable molecules do sound like the way to go about your suit. It's like Janet says, it works for the Fantastic Four, why shouldn't it work for you? And one of them even turns into a human torch so ..."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"No. They do not explode."

The tone is a little flat. The question was dismissed as soon as Bando said it. That much is apparent. But the colors....that she can work with. "Well, we don't want to do red and yellow or else Tony might slap you with trademark infringement. And red and blue are so overdone..." No kidding. Cap, Spidey...lots of people rock the red and blue. "But...Blue and yellow? Together? We can do something with that." Yes....it seems she can. There is already sketching involved.

However, there was a question asked...and..despite Jan's dismissive tone, she decides to elaborate on the answer. "Unstable molecules allow for a costume to become part of the person. For the Fantastic Four, the particular make-up of the costume allows Reed to stretch, or Sue to go invisible, or Johnny to use his flames without incinerating his ensemble. I have a feeling that the unstable molecules within the fabric will adapt to you and remain with you as you teleport. In essence, your exhibitionist days may soon be over."

Bando George has posed:
    "Ew, no!" Bando laughs, reaching out to shove Gwen's shoulder. The Robin comment loosened him up at least. "You want to see me in the booty shorts?" He hikes his shorts up on himself, which of course still aren't close to being so short as the Robin shorts. "Why does Batman dress them like-" He gets a face. "You know, I'm gonna just stop that train of thought right now."

    He looks back, adjusting his weight with a little excitement. "Blue and yellow?" he says, clearly the combo never occured to him. "Like..." he pauses. "Like....I can't think of anyone. Oh, the Wolverine, he does that, huh? But that's it I think." He seems to be considering the question. When Janet comments on exhibitionist tendencies, he opens his mouth as if he might object, but then, just decides to be quiet on the matter. Don't fuel the fire, Bando.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Amen to that..." For those exhibitionist days to be over. It elicits an eye roll from Gwen as well. Because she can very well imagine such a shenanigan occuring during Bando's teleports. "Is it me or are powers just getting weirder and weirder the more time goes..?" she says to noone in particular. Just to herself really! Because there's nothing weird about someone with spider powers and senses. Nothing at all. Hey, at least she doesn't have extra spindly legs or a thousand eyes. Be glad for that.

"And noone wants to see you in booty shorts! You do realize their suits are better now, right?! I mean, unless you like booty shorts. I am not condemning. I am sure they'd make you all free for parkouring and so.." she then turning her nose. "Nah, just don't..."

The suggestion of blue and yellow has her consider too. "I can see it working too. And that is why Janet is the best where it comes to dressing up heroes. Because she really knows what people need, which often isn't what people *want*."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Booty shorts, you say?"

The lilt to Jan's voice speaks volumes. There is consideration there, but also amusement. Perhaps she already thought of the possibility. "Granted...less fabric means less chance of a wardrobe malfunction..." A sly grin escapes as she gives Bando a sideward glance. Then....a shake of the head. "No, no. I do not think the world is ready for the return of booty shorts...in any capacity."

Then....back to business. "Hmm...mostly blue. Cobalt, to be precise, with goldenrod highlights. To accentuate the quantum nature of your abilities. I am not sure...I just feel that quantum singularities are a deep blue." Yeah, Janet and the rest of the world. "With the unstable molecules so that the suit moves with you...offers more protection than normal fabric would."

Yes...There are designs envisioned...

Bando George has posed:
    Bando looks mildly uncomfortable as it seems he's now being envisioned in booty shorts, though the consensus against it certainly seems to brighten him. He doesn't even seem to realize that there's measuring for a fitted uniform that is required.

    "Oh, I like the coat, like a cool duster thing?" Cobalt, Bando, not coat. "Can it like, pulse with energy or something when I use my powers?" He shoots his hand out. "Be like, Shapao! Flash Flash!" He does another action pose, envisioning the theme.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"No. Dusters." Gwen speaks up with a vehement shake of her head. Because really, what's this? The 90s? "Almost as bad as capes, but not quite." then a glance to Janet, "I just open an exception to Superman. Because it's Superman ... And fine, Thor." a cant of her head to the side, "Is he still using a cape? I can never tell... He does on the action figure!" Oh yes, Gwen collects those. And what's not to like about big, blond asgardians, amirite?

"Do you really want your suit to glow to call everyone's attention to you when you are doing your thing? Doesn't sound wise. Besides, simpler is always better. Just look at mine. No need for glows and ..., shapaos..." another shake of her head.

"Yet Janet has it right. Cobalt. Goldenrod highlights..." she lifts both hands up, making a small joined square with her fingertips as if she was envisioning Bando through some photo lens. "Yea, it will look great."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Why Gwen, have you been around me that long as to have my fashion sense rub off on you? In that case, I am so, so sorry." A laugh escapes from the fashionista's throat as she finishes her comment...then she tilts her drawing tablet so that both Gwen and Bando can see. And...yes...there is no duster involved. "We do want to keep it simple. Granted, the whole idea of a costume is to draw attention away from the innocents, so I could see the use of flair to do that. However, given what I have heard and what I am envisioning, you really do not want *that* much attention, would you? Superman and Thor...they have more flamboyant ensembles because, well honestly, they can take the hit."

Then...a pause, as Jan focuses all of her attention onto Bando. "Can you?"

Janet is not waiting for the response. Instead, she tilts the tablet back towards herself, but positions herself so that the two can watch her design, should they want to. She seems to be going for simple, for the moment, but with certain touches to make it unique. If there are requests now, then now would be the time to chime in. As she draws, she keeps commentary open. "We could make this over at my production facilities at the Garment District. I should already have the materials there, if I am not mistaken. Something like this wouldn't be done on the production line itself...but I do have a studio tucked away for just such a task, with designers and fabricators I trust." Most likely? Meaning herself. "We will have to take detailed measurements, though, if you are comfortable with that."

Bando George has posed:
    "Can I take a hit?" Bando asks, "Well, I mean..." he straightens his shirt a little so that the outline of his physic can be shown. Yeah that's a hard no. He's definitely not the most buff of teenagers, and while not the scrawniest either, he probably doesn't have a constitution past most of his peers.

    "I could probably not get knocked out by most people in one punch," he offers. "Oh yeah, measurements, that's important, huh? I'm uh, 13 neck I think. And 29x30 pants. Size 9 shoe. Uh..." That's all he can think of. Clearly he's never been fitted for a suit.

    He glances back to Gwen, "This is pretty dope, thanks so much for bringing me here," he announces to her.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"The answer you are looking for is no, Bando." See? No dancing around the subject! Gwen knows he can't take a hit, nor shouldn't. "And please, we were just talking about Thor...." she vaguely gesturing at the young man when he straightens his shirt to show how 'buff' he is. At least it brings a brief eyeroll from those blue eyes of Gwen, she turning to join Janet, curious at what she starts to design.

"Well, if I wasn't going to be a geneticist that was my second choice. Being a fashionista." Not exactly similar jobs. But hey, if Gwen says so...

She rests one elbow on the table, leaning forward, chin on her hand, "I had told you all this already, Janet. You even saw some of my designs and--" she stops herself, pressing her lips together, "Oh actually, you haven't..." somewhat awkward of a thing to say from Gwen but then she smiles somewhat apologetically, changing the subject.

Whatever that was?

"I think measurements are called for. Can't go with what you think. Too tight or too loose and your life can be in danger. A suit is almost as important as whatever powers we have, Bando." a faint smile, "And don't mention it, just don't think you will be invincible from now on, okay?"

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Oh, no. No, no, no! You are not going to give me measurements based off of clothing off the rack of that Target you got this.." An hand just dismissively indicates all of Bando's clothing. "...from. I am talking actual measurements. Of everything. Shouldn't take too long, but it will require some time...and perhaps a bit of undressing. Though, we can probably provide you with some bicycle shorts if you feel too self-conscious."

No, there is not one ounce of jest in that tone of Jan's. She really means it.

"In order to get the exact fit correct, to make this as form fitting as possible, we simply cannot go with 'I think' or 'maybe'. It needs to be exact. Otherwise you might as well keep buying from the local thrift store because I am not going to work with ambiguous measurements." Oh, yes. There is that tone. Janet is being completely serious. "If I am dressing you, then you are just as much a reflection of me as you are of yourself. And, honey, don't you even think for a moment I am going to let you go out there with anything less than what I would do for myself."

A beat, to let that sink in. Then....a smile flashes as Janet pivots right back to her gregarious self.

"Soooo....I have time. Did you just want to drop trousers right here and let me measure you appropriately, or should we schedule an appointment for a proper measurement and fitting sometime soon?"

Bando George has posed:
    Bando deflates a little at Gwen's critique of his physique. He doesn't say anything, he just gets quiet as the others talk around him for a moment. Then the details of the measurement process is shared and he glances at Gwen, then back at Janet. "You mean like...naked?" he asks. He might have unintentionally become an exhibitionist recently, but it wasn't intentionally. "Uh..." his mind races. Being alone with an adult woman seems even worse. At least there are two. But they're both women! "Uh..." He glances at Gwen again, he's certainly turned a more crimson shade. "I think...the bicycle shorts might be good," he decides. Decency. Appropriate. Yes, that. He forces a smile. "So do I get changed in the bathroom or something?" he asks.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Bicycle shorts." Gwen says in agreement with a nod, "And Janet, please. Stop trying to make Bando flee and teleport out in a panic." she teases. Her tone is one of amusement though, a wink tossed over to the older woman before she looks back at Bando, "Go to the bathroom to change."

And Gwen will be a proper assistant to go and fetch a pair of shorts for the young man to dress up in. Because decency! And Gwen is very decent!

Once suitable clothing for measurements has been given she looks over to Janet, "Thank you for helping us with this, Janet. I will owe you one.." Ooooh, on first name basis with Janet Van Dyne!

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Hmm....Steve's shorts are up in the master bedroom...but there is no way you're filling out those. Let me think..." A moment or two of thought...then a nod. And...proper directions are given to Gwen as to where to go to fetch a pair is given. Why Janet would have various sizes at her disposal at her home (okay...one of them) is a mystery...and one that she does not offer an answer to.

A girl's got to keep her secrets.

And...directions to the bathroom for Bando are considerably easier, giving time for Jan to fetch her measuring tape from her home studio while he changes. Fortunately, at least for Bando, the measurements will be taken swiftly and professionally. Letting the poor boy off the hook, for now.

The response for Gwen comes easily. "Nonsense, Gwen. Happy to help. Though, yes, I may take you up on something in the future." What does Jan have in mind? Probably nothing, right now. But...it is always good to have a favor in the back pocket, just in case...

Bando George has posed:
    Bando gratefully takes the shorts, and heads toward the bathroom. "I wasn't gonna panic," he contests. "I just don't get indecent with women," he says, though there's a little muteness to his defense. He heads to the bathroom after receiving the shorts, "Yeah, thanks Janet!" he agrees with Gwen. Is he also on a first name basis? Well, he used it. The door closes, and he comes out, on display with his light atheletic frame. Nothing to be ashamed of,ut certainly no Thor. And certainly less hair than Thor. "These are tight," he comments. Which, they are, but they are bicycle shorts, that's kind of the idea. He manages to stand still, though it's clear he's not accustomed to his body being the object of attention, even if it is a perfectly routine thing for Janet. "Oh, I can owe you one, too," he adds. "If you ever need a hand with anything, just let me know," he nods in agreement, not realizing his slight 'me too' theme that's coming out.