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Latest revision as of 17:52, 25 November 2021

Impulse Bails Out Wiccan
Date of Scene: 22 November 2021
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Impulse helped Wiccan catch a fleeing mugger, who was turned over to the NYPD. Then the two had pizza and talked on a nearby roof.
Cast of Characters: Billy Kaplan, Bart Allen

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    It's a chilly autumn day in Central Park but that doesn't stop hardy New Yorkers from being out and about. Pedestrians and dog walkers and bicyclists and runners are everywhere. High above the street, on the roof of a three-story apartment building, Wiccan sits doing his best Batman brooding impersonation. He watches the people below while he is lost in his thoughts.

    Then from nowhere there is a woman screaming. She just got punched to the ground and a man stole her cell phone and purse. Wiccan stands, a frown on his face. He begins an incantation. ~TeleportMeToTheManTeleportMeToTheManTeleportMeT...~ In an instant he vanishes from existence and appears...about fifteen feet too far, out in a bicycle path and right in the immediate path of a older man and his wife on a tandem bike. They collide with him in a pile of people and metal. "Oh crap," Wiccan says as he watches the man vanish into the crowd.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen was walking along the path himself. He is in his civilian clothes at first. He has a backpack over one shoulder, and at hearing the scream he looks to see what is going on and then at Wiccan's teleport mishap. He hmms. He will wait a moment, giving the other young hero a moment, not wanting to take the kid's chance away from him, at least not yet.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    Wiccan disentangles himself from the two older cyclists, helping them to their feet. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, it was an accident. Are you okay?" He keeps looking over his shoulder, though, at the fleeing mugger.

    "Young man, you bent the front wheel of our bike," he woman says with a bit of sharpness in her tone.

    The man puts a hand on his wife's shoulder. "What my wife means to say is, are you alright son?"

    The inner anxiety that Wiccan is feeling is obvious in the way he fidgets, practically hopping from one foot to other. He /wants/ to chase down the attacker, but he did just damage these people's bicycle and possibly injure them. He is looking over his shoulder, then back at the couple, then over his shoulder, then back at the couple. "Oh. I... mmmmm." Finally, he licks his lips and kneels down on the path. He puts his hands on the badly bent bicycle wheel. ~IWantToFixTheBicycleIWantToFixTheBicycleIWantToFixTheBicycle~ The mystical energies flow from his hands, and this time he doesn't even mess up the spell! The bicycle wheel just bends right back in place as good as new.

    The couple stare in wonder at what just happened. "Well... that's... handy," the man says.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and will smile a bit at this and he will move to step into an alley and then with a quick change, he will change into the fastest yellow eyes bow around. With all the flashes about you really have to specify with the whole fastest around line. He heads to head off the mugger, keeping himself at speed, and picking up a couple sticks put them in the mugger's path for him to trip over, and moves away a bit watching from the treeline.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    Wiccan puts one hand on the man's shoulder and one on his wife's. "Are you two alright?" he asks quickly. Stunned, they both indicate that they are fine and that wow that's a really wonderful ability and maybe he should considering going to Metropolis to join the Justice League and could they get an autograph for their grandson and hey does that ability work on a car that won't start?

    Then Wiccan sees the attacker trip and fall as the crowd surges away from him. What luck! "I.. I really gotta go. I'm so sorry." He turns to face the fallen runner. "Let's try this again." He grips his staff tightly and clenches his jaw. Drawing in a deep breath, he murmurs the incantation. ~TeleportMeToTheManTeleportMeToTheManTeleportMeToTheMan~ And just like that he is there one moment and gone the next. A slight popping sound is heard as air rushes in to fill the void where Wiccan once stood. He appears directly next to the would-be mugger, who is trying to stand up. "Oh I don't /think/ so," he says in a semi-commanding voice. He pushes the man back down with his foot. He already has his cell phone out and is dialing 911. "You stay right where you are or I'll put you up on top of one of those trees!"

    "911, what's your emergency?"

    Wiccan explains the situation, then settles in to await the police.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will come out of the wood line walking over to Wiccan and says "Might want to tie him up and leave him with a note or something depending on which officer you get some are not the biggest fan of heroes they don't know specially us young ones." He tells him as he walks over towards him.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    "Hey, Impulse," Wiccan says with a pleased smile. "It's too bad you weren't a little faster you could have..." He stops and blinks. "Oh I see how it is. This guys just /happened/ to fall down at the most perfect moment." He leans on his staff a bit, peering at Impulse through playfully narrowed eyes.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen whistles innocently and says "What you think I would run so fast no one would see me, and then find some round sticks, and round them off more, to leave them in his path so he would slip on them? Na never would happen." He grins a bit and is off for a moment, and then back as the thug is tied up "So, want to grab something to eat, or your patrol have a scheduel?"

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    Wiccan can't keep the smile off his face. I mean, it's /Impulse/ and Billy Kaplan is a huge superhero nerd! He's quite obviously a bit starstruck here. "Well I'm basically always hungry. It's practically the law." He wrinkles his brow as he contemplates. "Do we.. do we go like this?" he asks the other hero. The little electronic sirens the bicycle cops have on their bikes can be heard approaching.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "Well it depends on where we go." He motions towards a rooftop and says "We can chat up there." He offers the other man, and with a blink and a blur of lightning the young man is off, and up the side of the building. He does make a quick run down the other side, grabbing a pizza and sodas from a shop leaving money for it. It is one of his normal places so they are used to it. He then waits sitting on an AC unit on the building munching a slice for the other guy."

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    Wiccan watches Impulse speed off...or more accurately tries unsuccessfully to watch Impulse speed off. He looks back over his shoulder at the approach bicycle cops. People in the crowd are flagging them down. Then the young spellcaster peers down at the bound man. "The next time I catch you doing that, Imma turn you into a rat," he says, pointing his index finger at the captured mugger.

    Wiccan looks up at the roof. He can see Impulse up there already eating pizza. ~IWantToGoToImpulseIWantToGoToImpulseIWa...~ And just like that, he is standing on the roof a few feet from the young speedster. "What kinda pizza did ya get?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Pepperoni, I went with one of the common ones, if I want something with more toppings I either have to make it myself or give them a heads up to have it ready when I pop in. I don't want to take someone else's pizza you know?" He offers a seat and food to the other guy "Have some, got a few different types of sodas, if you want more, I can run and grab it, or we can hit the tower."

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    Wiccan settles in. He eagerly grabs a slice of pizza. "Thanks, Bart!" he adds just before he stuffs a very impolite amount of the slice into his mouth. There is...quite a bit of chewing. "So.. I guess I lucked out that you came along. That dude prolly woulda got away." He shrugs a bit with one shoulder. "Thanks, man."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen 's brow raises a bit but he says "So recognized me at the coffee place?" He asks the other. I thought you might have but not sure. So you know Madi does not know I am Impulse, but does know I am a speedster, and you may run into her at the tower. She is not a titan, but works some with Wasp's G.I.R.L. think tank.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    Wiccan recognize that there is now just a tiny sprinkle of tension. He draws in a breath, looking at Bart with his eyebrows raised. He appears as though he might regret using the speedster's name. "I... " He shakes his head, embarrassed. "Dude, I... " He murmurs to himself, "fuck." Finally he settles on, "I should not have called you by your name like that. That was really out of line. I won't.. I mean, that won't... " He just looks at Bart like he blew his chances of being friends with one of the coolest superheroes he knows about.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to the other and says "We are pretty much out of earshot so, no big deal, besides you would probably hear me called Bart at the tower sometime. " He offers the man a smile "So no foul, all good." He grins and says "Shows ya got a good mind to figure it out."

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    Wiccan's earlobes flush a little red as he looks...anywhere in the entire universe but at Impulse. "Well, you have really awesome eyes. They're hard to mistake." Okay, throw yourself off the roof now or grab a second slice of pizza. He grabs a second slice. He can always change his mind about the roof after.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "Yea, a lot of folks don't notice them or think they are just yellow cause of the visor." He says maybe missing any compliment the other guy mentioned. "So, how has things been going for you, looked like you had a little trouble but handled it well."

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    Wiccan snorts as he swallows some pizza. "I handled it like crap. I screwed up my spell. Again. That dude would have gotten away if it wasn't for you. And I could have really hurt those people. Thankfully it was only their bicycle. They were fine." He shakes his head, clearly a little frustrated. "Some of you guys in the Titans, you just make it all look so /easy./ It's like you never screw anything up." He lets out a small, nervous chuckle. "Honestly, I'm lucky they even let me in the front door."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to him and says "You have never talked to Max Mercury about me." He grins and says "I started doing this younger than you did and I screwed up a lot, just with speed, it is easier to fix it without others noticing it. You made sure the people were ok, and you fixed what you broke. That is important, you didn't leave them thinking superheroes are jerks.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    Wiccan finishes his second slice. He nods a bit while Impulse talks, taking in the words. "Yeah," is about all he can manage. After a few more beats, "Thanks for steppin' in. I'm glad that dude didn't get away. I would have obsessed about for a week and gotten like even less sleep than normal." He gestures to Impulse with a quick flick of his chin. "What 'bout you? Were you just chillin' in Central Park or taking care of business?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shakes his head and says "Na, walking home from class.. speaking of." He is off and back in little more than a blink, and he has a bookbag beside him, that he was carrying. "I had classes and try to spend at least one day a week walking home, slow as all get out, but smell down and slow the roses.. err slow down and smell the roses."

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    Wiccan snorts out a brief laugh. "Or in this case, slow down and smell the manure from the NYPD horses." He sets his staff down on the ground. "What's your major?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen munches another piece of pizza, and pulls a bag of chips out of his backpack "Animal biology and zoology. I am working on becoming a vet. As you saw the other night, I work at Gotham zoo." He tells the other man "And work with enough animals and shovel enough manure at the zoo, smell aint as bad as it used to be."

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    Wiccan gets a pleased grin on his face. "A vet? That's pretty dope. He folds his legs under him, sitting cross-legged. "Everyone has a better major than me." He shakes his head. "Sometimes I feel like I'm only in college because it's what's expected of me. Shit, it would break my dad's heart if I wasn't in school."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to him and says "It is the reason I started, well not my dad, but one of my mentors. The Flash, the one with the metal helmet." He says to clarify a bit more "I was living with them, and they stressed the whole normal life thing a lot." He hmms and says "What you studying?"

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    Wiccan folds his arms over his chest. It wouldn't take a psychology major to read that body language. "Political science," he answers like he was just admitting to be a convicted felon or something. Then he reaches out and nudges one slice of pizza in the box with his fingertip, but he doesn't seem real interested in eating it.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to him and raises a brow and says "Ok, well if your not interested in it, why are you taking it?" He asks plainly.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    Wiccan shakes his head. "I don't know what I /am/ interested in. I guess my plan is to get my poli-sci degree and go to law school. I figure I could help people who are victims of the system." He briefly lifts one shoulder in a half shrug. "Sorta like Matt Murdock. He's.. a real inspiration." He looks over at Impulse to see if maybe he's coming across too corny or whatever.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "Well if it is something you want to do, then don't be ashamed of it or talk down about it. If your interested in it and want to do it then it is important. What you think about it is a thousand times more important than what others think about it.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    Wiccan shakes his head. "It just.. it just seems somehow so banal, so mundane. I can't explain it. It probably sounds like I'm being elitist or whatever. Big words from a guy who just screwed up a simple teleport spell." His voice lowers to barely above a whisper. "I have these /dreams/ all the time. There is this...something in the dream. It's huge and far away, but it calls me. In the dream I know why it calls, but when I'm awake I have no memory of why." He glances once again to Impulse. The volume of his voice returns to normal. "Next to that...it's real hard to get excited about a political science degree."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmmms and says "Have you talked to any of the other magical types, they might be able to help, and it maybe your heading towards what ever it is on this side of the street, and the helping folks in the mundane way on the more mundane side of the street. But as long as you like it. Heroes do all kinds of things in civilian identities I know a few journalists."

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    Wiccan reaches down and grabs his staff. He stands up, stretching his legs. He leans on the staff as he looks down over Central Park. "Sometimes I think I don't like anything, that I'm just going through the motions, like there is some piece of me that is missing." He snorts out a short laugh, grinning with half his mouth. "Ah fuck it, I'm going on like an idiot." He turns back toward Impulse. "So what d'you do when you're not cleaning poop or studying or stopping bad guys?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smirks a bit and says "Well, hang out with the outsiders and the titans, play video games, and such. I usually spend 1 day a month to read all the books that came out that month." He says "Basicly just what ever draws my attention."

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    Wiccan's expression blooms into a genuine smile. "You even /read/ fast?" he asks. "I mean, of course you do. You do everything fast, I bet." A slight blush on his face says he probably took that somewhere in his head he shouldn't have. "Okay name one thing you /like/ to do at normal speed, something that given the choice you would choose to do at normal speed every time."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and shrugs a bit to this and says "At speed is normal speed for me, I was born with the speed force. I was 12 in my time by the time I was 2 in the outside world time. If I had to pick something. probably be spend time with my friends. I mean you guys can seem slow at times, but getting to be with my friends is worth it."

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    Wiccan's eyes narrow slightly as he considers that. "I mean, I never really thought about that. You've been living every moment at a thousand miles an hour and then you have to slow down just so we can see and understand you." He looks empathically at Impulse. "Is it...difficult? I mean, I'm trying to imagine what it must be like, like if I had to..." He begins to move and talk comically slowly. "...move... and... talk... like... this... all... the... time..." He finally cracks up a little bit, laughing. "I mean that would drive me nut!"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "It was a bit of a deal with when I was younger, but got myself sorted out a bit so I could go at normal speed, and then learned more and more how to do it. If I am a lone I am doing things at speed most times, but I have been working on meditation and taking care of my snails, and such to help me get in the mood of slow." He smiles and then his phone beeps He looks at it "Looks like I am needed out in Central City.""

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    A small look of disappointment crosses the young spellcaster's features. Wiccan nods. "I understand. It was really dope hangin' out with you, man. I hope we can do it again. And don't hesitate to call if you ever need backup."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and will take a pen out and write on a piece of the pizza box "Thats my Impulse number if you need me or the outsiders, you can call it and will come help out if ya need it." He smiles a bit and says "SEe ya at the tower."

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    Wiccan takes the number and stuffs in a pocket. "See ya, Impulse!"