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Latest revision as of 17:53, 25 November 2021

Heartbreak: The More Things Change...
Date of Scene: 24 November 2021
Location: Apartment 3A (Phoebe's Apartment)
Synopsis: Bart brings Beinets from New Orleans to Phoebe. Phoebe shows her affection by infodumping him with magical nonsense about how she's altering her own emotional responses. No one eats the donuts.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Bart Allen

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The sounds of an acoustic guitar fill the apartment in 3A, which contrary to what she was told holds its sound very well, and its resident was sitting on the overstuffed chair, wearing pajama pants with grumpy bear on them after arriving late last night. A sweatshirt was covering the scarring on her shoulder, which stubbornly refused to heal, and she was in her safe place. Sunlight was filtering through the street-facing windows, her collection of houseplants having grown. A Pothos with gold-tinged varigations sits on a re-purposed kitchen cart, and a couple of orchids were out of the way of the direct sun, their violet blossoms adding color to the otherwise calm gray-blue.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen had made a stop before coming home with some breakfast, and hearing the hints of the guitar from the apartment as he passes it, Bart will stop and knock on the door. He has a bag of fresh Beinets with him, and is whistling softly as he waits. Not quite hearing the guitar well enough to have the same tune.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The guitar playing pauses, and there's a slight shift around before Phoebe comes to the door, unlocking it, and opening up. She peers at Bart owlishly from behind a pair of acetate glasses.

    "-- Bart!" she gives a grin, and opens the door. "Come in. I was just doing some clean up." she states.

    The acoustic guitar is on its stand now near the oversized chair. The place is scrupulously clean.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles a bit and says "I was just getting home from work and saw ya light on so thought ya might want to share some breakfast with me." He holds up the bag and says "Fresh from Cafe Du Monde." He offers with a smile and says "Hope I am not interupting anything." He is wearing his zoo uniform, but seems to have showered already since work at least.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "You went to New Orleans on a lark to up beinets?" Phoebe questions, her eyebrows rising up in amusement, and she steps to the side, motioning him in.

    "Well, before they get cold, then." she jokes, and after he passes through she's going to get a couple of plates. All that powdered sugar.

    "And no, you're not interrupting, like I said -- just doing some clean-up."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shrugs a bit and says "Well they are supposed to be the best, and I saw them on a show last night in the break room on food network that Linny was watching, so I thought I would try them." He grins and follows along with her "So, looks like you got the cleaning under control, how are you doing?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Once I learn teleportation it's over for everyone. Then I can go and get beinets to surprise people with." Phoebe teases. She knows that's a huge 'maybe' in her book.

    "Oh, well, you know. Keeping the place clean in case I have to go back to Gotham. Wish I could say it was for the security deposit, but when you kinda get the place for free..." she gives a shrug, and she sits back down, pushing up her glasses to hold some of her hair back. "What's up with you?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to her, and says "I don't think you will have to and if you do, I can always put bunk beds in my place, and you can share with me." He offers with a smile, and says "You want to learn teleportation, I might know someone who can help you but might need to practice a bit as he is not perfect with it either."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Oh, no, I know, teleportation is complicated. The way it's explained in one of my books --" Phoebe states, and she bends over the arm of the chair and brings up several thick sketchbooks. She opens a page, and there are what looks like really, really complicated math sequences.

    "... it's complicated. Just so, so very complicated." she jokes "It's easier to just text you." she replies with a smile, and she shrugs. "No, no, if I had to move out, it'd be back to Gotham. I think Tim misses having someone hanging around the Roost most of the day."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "Well I know we all missed having ya about, I did not move in to keep an eye on you but is nice having ya about." He offers with a smile. "As for teleportation, there is this guy Wiccan, he was stopping a purse snatcher the other day and his teleportation was a little off, he ended up having to fix a couples bike since they crashed into him.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "That's darn nice of him. That's a guy who's thinking of his Hero Insurance premiums." Phoebe gives a smile, and she brings her legs up, swinging them over the arm of the couch as she stretches her hand out a moment.

    "Wiccan, huh. Teleporter -- what other skills does he have?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "He is a magic type, he was looking into getting the titans. His magic does not seem like Zach's and Zatana's though his is more say it and will it I think." He seems a decent fellow, figured out Bart was impulse, from running into me at a coffee place, with Madi.""

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Hm. And who's Madi?" Phoebe inquires, innocent rise of her eyes as she gives a little grin at Bart. "So he's another Titan with magic -- hoo. Did you tell him to watch out for Cheshire Cats? He's not holy-power, like me, is he?" she questions thoughtfully.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "Madi is a girl I went out with a couple times, she is a speedster, but she can't run fast. More friend than anything I think though. Sometimes I think I need to learn how to be a better date." He admits. "I don't know if his powers are holy or what not, you know maybe I should have you teach me some more about understanding and identifying magics.""

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... I somehow didn't think you would have dating trouble." Phoebe considers a moment as she leans back. "A speedster, but can't run fast. Well, I mean, mostly just being yourself should be enough. You've always been a very genuine and thoughtful guy." Phoebe points out.

    To the second part of the statement, she gives a soft 'hm' sound, and then tilts her head back and forth "You don't want me to teach you anything magic, especially not identifying. Apparently there was a demon right under my nose and didn't catch on. But you know, I'm a neophyte and everything. Definitely not able to teach anything. Even my experiences are more 'instinctive' rather than trained."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to her, and says "I trust you Phoebe, I don't know how they tricked you, but you have had a lot on your plate of late." He reaches out to pat her hand and says "And being around you taught me about the whole Salt thing, but I think I might be over doing it. I go through a lot of salt." He admits. "Do you need any? if so will get you some next time I load up... and does it matter what type of salt is used?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe looks to Bart, and then she looks down, and then to the left side. She gives a soft 'mmm' sound, and her gaze draws up to the remaining tacked-to-the-board mandalas with smiley face stickers.

    "For five months I was apparently manipulated by a demon wearing a John Constantine meat-suit. It's a bit like finding out that the guy who taught you how to ride a bike loves to run over bicyclists. It doesn't... feel real." she states, though her tone is suspiciously even for the emotions she's describing.

    "... and yeah, you add stuff to salt for different things, augmentations, but it's not like trying to get a Pokemon type advantage."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "Well it sounds like they were trying something and it backfired on them." He hmms and says "And you can't be blamed for not catching it the bartender is supposed to be an old friend of his right? And he did not catch it. Now you can use what you were taught to protect other bicyclists." He offers her, and says "And now you got your books. Have you thought about working with others, maybe learning some from them and teaching them some you have learned?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "They're not blaming me. How would I have known? I hadn't met the real John Constantine before two weeks ago. And he's a busy guy." Phoebe states guardedly, her arms crossing her chest a moment. She looks down.

    "I don't want anyone else around the books. Every time I thought I had a mentor to help me improve, they've left. Or couldn't help. Those books... those are my ancestors works. Those were meant to be the storage of my people, people I'll never know." she taps her outer thigh a moment in thought, her eyes closing.

    "They'll never leave me."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit tot his and says "Well what if you could meet them?" He asks her looking at her and trying to watch her reaction.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I can't. What if it's just a light show like what the other one did at Halloween? Or what if they're just being puppeted by other people?"

    Phoebe shakes her head hard, and squeezes herself tighter.

    "My mother's people" she's careful to separate herself out "are dead. They're gone. The Archivist summoned Osiris and Zatanna brought Persephone to snap the bonds that were keeping them to this side, and I died in the library so that the bloodline could functionally 'end'. So they're safe, in the afterlife, where they belong." Phoebe states, and she can't keep sitting as she gives an aggressive sounding snap of "I'm sure everyone is happy with the situation now. And that's fine. Ultimately I'm just some kid from Gotham." she states, and goes to grab her electric kettle. "Tea?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to her, and says "Yea it aint like someone can go into the past and meet their grandparents or farther back." He watches her to see if she realizes what he is saying. "Ultimately you are a great person, who helps people and one of the outsiders. So even if you don't meet any of your blood family, your family will be here for you any time you need us."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I'm not going to make you time travel me to the past. That's not... that's out of the question. What if it changed something and made the demon even stronger, or if Leksandria was able to take me unaware -- or Heavens forbid, I meet my mother and now there's *two* people with sparks and --" she begins to list out concerns with a plan to travel back, and she justholds her kettle in her hands.

    "... I know it's coming from a place of concern and caring, Bart. You're one of my best friends, and that's the only reason I'm even telling you this. Any of this." she looks to Bart quietly, and then adds water to the kettle.

    "For the first time in my life I had someone who I thought understood me. Tim has Dick and Batman. Cassie has Donna and Diana. You have so many Flashes that it's like a Paparazzi. There are people who share your powers, or are close enough that they can get it."

    "I thought I had someone who could relate, who I could learn from. Someone who loved me and I knew it was true because he's immune to my aura. And now...?"

    Phoebe frowns, and she reaches up to grab two mugs from her cabinet.

    "I've found all I have is distrust in myself again. Who could possibly /actually/ love someone who emits an aura that releases serotonin and dopamine in clinical and fast-acting amounts?" she reasons.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will stand up and walks over to her. He will hug her from behind "Well the fact that we care about you and think about you when your not there, and not for just some fix. And if you want to make sure ya got someone around who cares about you cause of who you are not your powers, remember, my metabolism, I don't really feel any difference being around you as anyone else.. He will hold the hug a moment, and then lets her loose if she wants it or holds it longer if she seems to need it. "When I first got here, Wally thought I was a burden and that I would never live up to being a Flash. He even found someone else to mentor me, instead of himself. You have people who want to look out for you, me and the outsiders, Diana, the Titans would love to see you more. It sucks that you were tricked, but we can help find you someone to help you."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe tenses at the hug.

    "Bart. Please let me go." she asks, very evenly, and in a very, very quiet voice.

    "I don't want anyone else." she whispers. Phoebe closes her eyes, and she bows her head. "I have my books. And the real John Constanine is willing to point me in the right direction if it looks like I'm going a bad way. Zatanna can help if I get stuck. I don't want to be that close to anyone ever again, because it just hurts like hell when they leave."

    Phoebe shrinks back, her eyes closing tightly.

    "And they *always* leave."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will let her go, and steps back "Well, I wish I could help you know we aint going anywhere Phoebe." He steps back, and says I wish there was something I could do to help, I know there aint, but know if you need someone I am here."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe stands there, awkwardly in her kitchen, and she looks up to Bart.

    "I should be crying. Or angry. Or gnashing teeth and tearing my hair... but all I feel anymore is just numb. The nice thing about having a plethora of books is sometimes, you find an answer to a problem, and it works very well. And it wasn't that I was tricked -- I was used. I have to assume everything that I was taught, or that was done to bring me closer to Constantine and Chas was for an end-result of harming someone. Demons don't work against their own interests."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen 's brow raises a bit at her, and says "Well I would think it was probably a bit of work from your cousin but I don't think the closeness to Chas was their doing I think that was yours and his doing." He hmms and says "Phoebe, have you cast something on yourself from your books, that I should know about?" The finding an answer makes him wonder.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "If the Other One hadn't said 'hey, why don't you live with my best mate Chas upstairs since you're homeless' wouldn't have been close with Chas. And he's now died twice on my behalf." Phoebe points out... and then she purses her lips a moment. She looks down at the counter.

    "Yes." is her answer to the second question, and she doesn't illuminate.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks at her and frowns a bit and says "And maybe he wanted you to be near Chas so you did not suspect things, and I am pretty sure Chas would not change his relationship with you, if he did that." He sighs a bit and says "What spell did you cast on yourself Phoebe?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "What are you now, my father?" Phoebe asks, and she narrows an eye at Bart "And before you answer that, I know my 'white' inheritance is like, point-five of a percent Dutch, so no you can't be." she states, "Time travel shenanigans or not."

    And she turn pours herself -- and bart -- a cup of tea each, and taking her mug she rounds the corner and goes to the shelves.

    "It's workings for clear thought. Removing the emotion attached to a situation. I blew up at Zatanna and Lydia about a week back. I was angry, and hurt, and in mourning for someone who never existed. And now I'm not. Simple as that. So I can look at the situation with a clear mind, clinically, and determine what to do about it.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shakes his head and says "No, I am not your dad, maybe down the road I might be a decendant, but I am asking more as a friend. He looks to her, and says "If you don't deal with it, you will never get past it, and this is not dealing with it." He seems to want to know what to say and is unsure. For the briefest moment he does consider running back to prevent Phoebe from meeting fake john.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a shrug, and sips her tea.

    "I'll work through it when there's time. Right now, Tim has need of me. There are murders, and investigations. And rather than have it take up time and space in my mind -- let it stay there. That way it can't catch me unaware anymore."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen frowns and may have to talk to Tim about this he is not sure where to go. Sometimes, being raised to your teenage years inside a video game can not prepare you for things and sometimes it is just things are hard to deal with Bart is not sure which it is.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I'll be fine, Bart." Phoebe assures the speedster, taking a deep breath. "I have to be able to see things without being mixed up about them. I'll be able to process the *facts* rather than what I feel. And I can do that later, once things are settled down." she sips her tea.

    "Any other questions?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "So, would you like to meet the other magic guy I mentioned?" He is not sure what else to say so goes to an easier topic.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I'd love to . Have an appointment in about an hour though. Investigating a haunted bakery. If you and you new friend want in, Tim's meeting me there." Phoebe state,s and she sips tea.