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Latest revision as of 23:51, 29 November 2021

Afternoon drinks at Meteor Bar
Date of Scene: 29 November 2021
Location: Cafeteria and Bar
Synopsis: Mystique and Toad share a drink, conversation, their mutual hatred of humans... a job for Toad's slimy tongue to wrap around.
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Mortimer Toynbee

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The age old line 'It's five o'clock some where' applies on the Asteroid. It is in fact five o'clock somewhere on earth, and with the recent news Mystique read, Mystique's in the bar for a private celebration.

Sitting at a table, a tall glass of something that looks rather fruity sits before her, by that a plate with french fries. She has a smile on her face as she looks over the information on her tablet.

Mortimer Toynbee has posed:
Mortimer Toynbee comes in with a pair of earbuds in, listening to the kind of noisy techno that tends to get referred to as 'sludge', battering his eardrums incessantly as he m akes his way to the bar. He pops them out and hits stop on his phone, climbing atop a seat with an insectile grace, his legs folding beneath him as he casually shoots out his tongue, wrapping the prehensile appendage around the neck of a bottle of whiskey and pulling it across to him.

"Cheers to ya, mum," he says, unscrewing the top and not bothering with a glass as he takes a long swig. "Gah, burns all kindsa sweet like. Reminds me o' me own sweet mam's milk. Had 'bout as much liquor in it, too."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Setting the tablet on the table, Mystique watches his tongue snag the bottle and that just makes her smile even more broadly.

"Well no wonder you're so handsome then," she offers with a brow wiggle. "Built up those tolerances early. How are you doing, Toad?"

She slides the plate of fries toward him, having nibbled quite a few already, she was done and wanted to see if he'd snag them in the usual way.

Mortimer Toynbee has posed:
Mortimer Toynbee does as obliged, knowing his audience well enough. He snags a few fries with his tongue, zipping them back in his mouth to be rapidly devoured. Out of deference to the mighty Mystique, he does his best not to leave TOO much mucus behind on the edge of the plate, but a certain amount of drippage is just par for the course with Toad.

"I keep meself busy enough, I suppose," he says, tugging idly on his topknot, "Keepin' all the gears runnin', the vents workin'. Makin' sure we don't suffocate a horrible death out in space. Resistin' the urge to go on a horrible murder spree among the loudmouth humans I sees on the internet."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
One brow raises slightly as Mystique crosses one leg over the other and picks up her drink.

"My dear Toad," she begins. "If these loudmouth humans are hating on mutants, and spreading that hate, by all means go and teach them a lesson. Murder doesn't teach them, however maiming them a few times to see if there is hope? Obviously, we both know there is no hope, but for the sake of Erik's vision we will offer chances, then when they fail... we will kill them."

She takes a sip of the fruity mixture before resting the glass on her upper leg. "You do a good job around here you know," she then offers with a smile. "You do more than three people combined."

Mortimer Toynbee has posed:
Mortimer Toynbee ducks his head down at the praise, unable to meet Raven's eyes. He wasn't used to people being nice to him and he didn't always know how to process it, it made him feel strange and warm and he almost teared up a little bit, but mostly it just made him inhale sharply and make a deep, snotty noise from deep in his oversized nasal cavities.

"I appreciates that, mumsy, surely I does, I tries me best to earn me keep. An' I know, they don't learn none when they're dead, but sometimes they just don't wanna learn and makin' 'em dead just FEELS SO HELLFIRE GOOD AN' I WANTS TA SQUASHES THEM AND STOMPS THEM UNTIL THEIR WEE LITTLE BEADY SHITSTAIN EYEBALLS GO POPPINGS UNDERNEATH AND SQUISHING TWEEN MY TOESIES!" he says, his voice getting higher and screetchier until he grabs the bottle and takes another long guzzle of whiskey.

"But I's been a good boy. Just for you an' the Master."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Vivid image, and actually quite an enjoyable one. So far in life she had found a grand total of five humans that she would actually defend, as they had proven themselves worthy. The rest? They could be squished, shot, shredded, etc. and Mystique would not shed a single tear over it.

"Quite soon I may have a job just for you," she comments, picking the tablet back up. "If things go as I expect they will, there is a member of the White Supremacy movement who will need to be reminded that mutants are not his play things. Well really, his family and friends will be getting the reminder because he will be dead, but potaytoh, potahtoh."

Mortimer Toynbee has posed:
Mortimer Toynbee is sort of a capering demon on Mystique's shoulder sometimes, a reminder that chaos and murder are not only effective methodologies, but really fun if done in the right way. Boy, he loves instilling terror in the way that Santa Claus loves giving toys to children.

"Ooooo, I likes the sound of that. Someone special to play with, what needs to get suffered in the worst kind of way. Toad hasn't been able to really cut loose in way too long," he says.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Another sip of the fruitiness is taken as Mystique's yellow eyes watch him. A part of her still loved the idea of making a human suffer for the things they've done to mutants, but she's had over a hundred years to torment and cause terror. The younger mutants who have suffered at the hands of humans deserved their revenge, and she would present those opportunities.

"There is some sort of large rally taking place in Northern Idaho right now," she explains, a darkness to her tone. "My contact says they are deciding their next year of activities, and though some voices among them might be considered reasonable for aiming their hated only at people of color, those with the power are gearing up to include more hate against mutants."

Setting the glass on the table, she rests her hands in her lap. "When that decision is made, and the many begin to depart from their rally, you will be given the opportunity to get in close and personal with the one voice that screams the loudest."

Mortimer Toynbee has posed:
Mortimer Toynbee drags his massive tongue across his lips in a grotesque display of anticipation, the resulting noise similar to several dozen meters of clogged pipe coming unstuck in one single lubugrious slurp.

"I'll give him plenty to scream about, Mumsy, over and over and over again, til he can't breathe without tastin' his own blood stainin' his wee bigoted tonsils."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique grins broadly at Toad, her eyes almost sparkling.

"I know you will Toad," she says quietly, a hint of darkness to her voice. "You have have never let me down, and I don't believe you ever could. Now... enjoy your drink, and finish those fries off. I have some business to attend to."