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Latest revision as of 23:51, 29 November 2021

It's beginning to look a lot like holiday season...
Date of Scene: 29 November 2021
Location: Shaw Studios
Synopsis: Alison and Mike talk of three headed rats, six inch tall mice, decorations, and traditions
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Alison Blaire

Michael Hannigan has posed:
It is definitely the holiday season over at Shaw Studios. Being a sleepy Sunday after one of the most food coma inducing holidays the US experiences, the hallways leading down to the recording areas are silent.

On a stereo in the front main lobby there's the soft hint of seasonal songs playing. The sound is not too but it does provide some ambiance for those who are in the process of putting up the decorations for Shaw Studios.

A holiday tree is positioned near the curve of the main stairwell allowing for those using the steps to get glimpses of the sides of the tree as they ascend to the offices above. Sloping up on a diagonal in one direction, blue and white ribbon stand out amongst the green branches. Sloping the other direction, red and gold.

A little bit away from the tree, several large boxes holding ornaments, a couple of toys, and a pre-printed sign rests nearby waiting to be placed where they need to go. A peek at the sign indicates the day in which the gifts under the tree will be gathered and split up amongst the residents of the St. Nicholas Shelter and Hope House.

The first floor security guard hangs out near the front entrance way. Humming happily, Larry appears to be in a rather good mood, glancing between the tree and the front door. On his uniform jacket there's a Frosty pin to give a bit of seasonal flair.

As for Mike, he is currently coming down the staircase with some rolls of paper and a stapler in hand.

Alison Blaire has posed:
And coming right behind Mike is Alison Blaire. In honor of the season, The Dazzler has started wearing patently ugly swears ahead of the official ugly sweater period. This particular sweater features Klaus Nomi bedecked in garlands and tree baubles, with a festive UFO in red, white and green hovering over him.

It's... quite an outfit.

"Do you need mountaineering equipment to decorate this beauty?" she says, glancing at the sizable tree. "You know, as a girl I always had nightmares about large trees. That's after dad took me to see 'The Nutcracker' when I was five and the scene where the tree grows must have made an impact. I kept dreaming three-headed rats were lurking under large trees and were going to take me away."

She smiles wistfully, "What is childhood without a slight edge of holiday terror, right? That's why the Krampus exists."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"As fun as that sounds, there is no climbing equipment." Mike admits, "But we have some talented help with really tall ladders and hooks. And be assured that I haven't met any three headed rats around this tree."

The musician gives a momentary glance to the tall decorative object. "But I have met a mouse girl." Mike adds on as he reaches the lower level, turning on his feet to glance to Alison, "She seemed nice. Big personality. You'd love her."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"A mouse girl? Really? And was she original size or super-sized? Tell me more. You have all the interesting adventures."

She approaches the tree and glances up at it. She might well be thinking of what effort might need to be expended to climb, and who might climb it faster.

But instead of saying anything of the sort, she says "You know. I've never written a song about Christmas. Isn't that funny?" she glances at Nick, "Although there's always pressure for me to work on one. You know how the market is around this time."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"I think she's -" Mike frowns, trying to think back to the last time he saw her, glancing down his leg for comparison. "About half a foot maybe? It's been awhile since I saw her."

He turns, walking over to a bulletin board that's a little further from the main lobby and closer to the break room. He sets most of the rolls down on the floor before unravelling one. "Well, not everyone who has a holiday this season is necessarily celebrating Christmas." Without looking he gestures towards the tree, "Keep an eye out on the non-filler ornaments that get put up. You might spot some non-traditional ones going up. Christmas songs are nice but I think the song we did for the holiday album did pretty nicely. I kind of like that not all of them were earmarked for just one group."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"I am aware. But at home we celebrate Christmas." The way she says it, it is done with a fair amount of pantomime in the voice to indicate the voice of her father. "Maybe that's why I have such a hard time thinking about it. This is the first year I haven't intentionally booked something over the holidays as an excuse to not go back."

She glances back at the tree and smiles a little, "I liked that duet a lot."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike turns his head to look to Alison as she does her best dad voice. Giving a slight frown. He glances back down to the poster in hand, stoops down to retrieve the stapler and steps towards a blank area on the bulletin board.

"I imagine a lot of parents are like that. Traditions and mindsets are both hard to break. People find comfort in the familiar. Around this time of year I suspect the desire to recreate the past is higher."


"I enjoyed that duet as well. Maybe we can try another for next year's album." Having secured the top of the poster, Mike slides his hand down the center of it to flatten the bottom of it before securing that as well with two loudly driven staples


He steps back up to look to the volunteer sign up sheet for a Christmas Dinner for one of the shelters.

He looks to Alison, "...In case you change your mind." Stepping forward he stoops down to scoop up the remaining rolls. "Three more boards to go." He chirps before heading down the hallway.