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Latest revision as of 07:39, 2 December 2021

Magic, Technology, and the Zoo Crew.
Date of Scene: 30 November 2021
Location: Aniverse NYC
Synopsis: Bart and Phoebe, join the wild Kingdom part 1
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Phoebe Beacon

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has talked Phoebe into going to the store with him in his civilian Id. He knows the girl could probably use some groceries, and lets face it Bart is always in need of them. So the two have hit the local bodega and after a bit are walking back "I was over at the tower last night, and it was Kian's flight day, thats sorta like a birthday but when they first fly. Well they had holograms of his family there, and Terry was sending some things to his family, and three of them jumped through the portal and came out here."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe was kind of in need of groceries. On top of Contending With Things (TM) and other than the occasional air drop supply from Tim (via drone, from Gotham), her diet has been mostly 'what could be deep fried at the Laughing Magician' when she works, and a speed-through of her kitchen showed a steady diet of dry cheerios (blech!) and lemon-flavored fizzy waters (DOUBLE blech!), she was convinced to actually get dressed in something other than grumpy bear pajama pants and a sweatshirt. Her hair was just in a blu ewrap with some coppery 'magical symbols' on it, and she was walking back holding a box of assorted items that'll keep for a couple of days, listening to Bart.

    "I feel like I should get to know the Titans better, now that I'm actually out of the house more often, just... seems like they're a bit more together than I'm at, for the moment." Phoebe replies thoughtfully, but gives a grin. "So, these three who tumbled through the portal -- they cause a ruckus?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "A bit he says, it is Kian's sister, brother and someone else yea." He looks to her, and says "And you should they are some great people there. Gar, Terry and Kian came over to give me a house warming the other night." He admits to her. "I think you would like them to hang out with, and you know some folks for sure, Donna, and do you know Caitlin?" He will ask her. As they are chatting someone over looks them from a rooftop and smirks. He chants softly and it may have been noticeable by Balm, but it is not real magic, no it tech from the future, and as the chanting finishes a portal appears right in front of Phoebe, mid step, so her next step will take her through."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I know pretty much everyone involved with the Themyscirans -- not really well, not any more. Been a while since I've--" she pauses, feeling the hair on the back of her neck stand up. Energy is weird; the sudden upflux of power around her as she grips her box a little tighter, still walking, out of habit before she asks:

    "Hey, Bart, do you feel tha--AAAAAAAA!" she cries out, and she steps through the portal, flailing a little bit as she goes!

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen blinks and moves to grab her but she is already through the portal, and to get her, he has to go into it. There is a laugh and the words Abra Cadabra " can be heard as the portal closes behind them. There is flashes of energy and a weird flow of energy over them, and then they are falling into a snowy street that looks much like the one they were on a moment ago. As their eyes grow accustom to the light again, Phoebe sees Bart had changed, Where once walked Bart Allen human superhero, now stands Bark Allen anthropomorphic Jack russell terrier. He is looking over to her, jaw opened "Phoebe are you ok? Um Phoebe...." HE seems a bit taken aback.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe pushes herself up a little, giving a wince after having slipped on the snowy street, and she reaches to start gathering up the items from her box. "I'm--I'm sorry, Bart -- must have gotten distracted and slipped!" she protests, drawing back to her knees a moment as she slowly stops moving her hands. She looks at her hands, and then looks at Bart, and raises her eyebrows -- or, well, eye ridges, and takes a deep breath.

    ". . . Bart." she states, and she points at him with a long, clawy finger. ". . . dog. Bart."

    She blinks a moment.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks at her back, and says "Phoebe, how come your a pangolin, a walking talking two legged Pangolin." about then he notices he has fur, and a tail. He turns to look at his tail, and for a good couple moments, he turns in tight super speed circles, trying to grab his tail, luckily he stops before starting a whirlwind. He stand there, tail in hand and says "Phoebe, there is a tail, and it seems to be connected to me."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe's movements are a little slower as she stands, and she looks behind her at the Yes amounts of tail.

    "... I get it." she whispers, looking at the scaled tail she's hauling, and she takes a deep breath, reaching for her left wrist to check to see if the white ink tattoo is still there.

    "This is bad, this is bad, if we're now mutants in the middle of New York there could be some trouble --" she trails off a little bit, nerves already getting to her.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will blink and looks around at her, and then around the area. There seems to be "people" walking along the street, giving them no mind. The people though all seem to be animal people. Just like them but in different species. The area around them looking much like Zootopia or Sing come to life. A little girl walks by with a t-shirt with a superhero poodle on it. She is wearing patriotic colors and it says "Yankee Poodle" under it.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... Bart. Where are we?" she questions the Jack Russel Speedster, and looks with a good amount of worry in her eyes to the canine, her tail curling nervously around her legs as she picks up her box of items. "This is bad. This is very, very bad."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will reach to take her hand in his after he releases his tail. "I am not sure, Phoebe, I think the portal must have teleported us to another dimension or something. I heard a voice as the portal closed, it sounded like one of my grand dad's villains, a man named Abra Kadabra. He pretends to be a magician but he actually uses future tech."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Abra Kadabra. -- I heard that too." Phoebe states, and she looks up and around, her little ears giving a small wiggle of irritation before she takes a breath, and breathes out.

    "OK. So we were technologically dropped into another world which automatically converted us to the local populace. That means that there SHOULD BE some sort of in-world comparitive, right?" she questions to Bart. "Soo... we just... find ourselves and find a way out? Or no -- that might make us explode." she considers, and she purses her lips.

    "But now I am really, *really* curious to see what Tim is."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen chuckles a bit and says "Well, I am not sure if there is other us, I mean I have never met another me, but we could probably see if we can find some heroes, see if they can help us." He runs around the block, and is back "I seem to still have my powers do you have yours?" HE blinks and then picks her up, and zooms them to a rooftop (with their groceries) and says "Might be best if we figure it out, out of prying eyes.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe watches Bart speed off, and she looks amused a moment before Bart comes back.

    "I see that." she states, and then she gives a soft 'eep!' as she's picked up, and then sped up to a rooftop. Much better, being away from prying eyes as she takes a deep breath, and she draws her fingers up. She brings her right hand over her left wrist, holding it a moment as she focuses.

    "Exolvo mi, da mihi lucen!" she commands, and her scales trace in thin edges of light, and Bart would be able to feel the familiarity of her aura, warm and tingly and hopeful.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to this and says "So ok, we have our powers, that is a plus." As they talk they will see a somewhat familiar if much squatter Red and Blue uniform swing by in the distance. Webbing shooting from building to building as Spider-Ham passes by on a couple streets across from them. "So should we work on finding a place first, or look for other heroes first or what?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    ". . . that is... a spider pig...." Phoebe states, and she just sort of takes a breath "Qui lucem quaerunt, in tenebris manent." Phoebe breathes out, and she closes off her aura again. Harder to find. She looks over to Part, and she looks to her hands.

    "Well. I reckon if there's a Curio, there might be a Laughing Magician, and at least we can try and get a hold of someone. ZSee maybe. Or if we try Gotham?" she makes a face, and she rubs the back of her neck as she looks out over the city. "This is... admittedly... really worrysome!"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to her, and says "We will find our way home Phoebe, what worries you? I have been to other dimensions, we will find our way, you got to have faith." Yup maybe the whole hyper happy attitude might have helped decide what Bart turned into. He will move to pick her up again, and heads towards the curio for now. Along the way he sees a billboard, and ends up diverts to stand on it. There is a poster of a hero group. Captain Carrot and the zoo Crew. "Hey I know him."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... Bart, everything worries me. I'm a very nervous person." Phoebe replies, some of her finger-claws tapping together as she admits it, and she's picked up, and she gives a soft squeak as she's picked up again and brought around, pulled up to the billboard. She holds one arm around his neck, and her tail wrapped around Bart's waist as she looks up at Captain Carrot.

    "... you... you do?" she questions, looking to Bart in surprise.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and points towards the blue turtle "Thats Fastback, there was this thing where al the speedsters were from all over, and we all had to run together to help save the day. I was running next to him, and later my Grandpa told me about him, He is from a world where all the people are animal people." He hmms and says "If we can find him, he might be able to help."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Well, what's the best way to get the attention of a speedster?" Phoebe gives a wry grin, and she cracks her fingers a moment. "Or really, any superheroes. We could make some noise, send up a signal..."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and nods his head a bi and says "We can, but we want to make sure if someone shows up, we don't go all fight back, I mean it is a classic superhero thing but if we are looking for help, we don't want to have to fight and then them figure out we are good guys too."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I'm not planning on hurting anyone." Phoebe states, and she reaches into her pocket, and pulls out a copper-wrapped sapphire pendant, looking at it a moment, and then she tucks it back in. That one's still active.

    She considers, looking to the distant Downtown Skyline a moment, recalling her list of people who live in NYC, and she rubs the back of her neck.

    "... always a chance to attract bad guys if I shine too bright."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "So, what do you think we should do. I am not sure, they may have a place like Avengers or the Justice League." He will move to have a seat on the edge of the billboard "Do you have your costume with you?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "No, and most of the time I don't have a 'costume' for the occult stuff. Tended to get in the way when I did any hand-sigils while I was learning." Phoebe explains, and she looks at her hands -- paws -- claws? -- and she attempts to fold them the same way. "I mean, I know *intent* is the big thing behind it..."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to this and says "Want to cast a basic spell or something make sure it works the same? I know ya did a bit earlier and it felt like normal."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... let's get to a higher rooftop. Preferably something flat. If I'm going to be a signal, we'll want to make sure we can be seen far and wide." Phoebe states with a small smile as she looks to Bart, and she gives a small laugh. "Cannot... beleive you're a jack russel. You look like Wishbone."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to her, and says "What would you have seen me as?" He asks her, but does smile when she does. He scoops her up again "Watch the tail." And he is off, as he runs his tail does wag quite a bit showing how Bart does enjoy running. He will zoom around to four of five roofs before setteling on one.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Cheetah. But, y'know, biased." Phoebe admits, her pangolin tail wrapping around Bart's waist so that it doesn't fly out behind them as he goes from rooftop to rooftop. She wasn't sure if she's lost any of her groceries, she wasn't about to stop and ask. She curls her fingers slightly, and as they come to rest, and she gives a nod, and reaches for her backpack, and pulls out a white can of spraypaint.

    "If we're really lucky, someone's already spotted us and is going to swing by and ask us 'what the heck'

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and did not loose the groceries I mean Food, and Impulse, it aint going to be left behind thats for sure. He will nods and looks around along the roof sides, and says "I aint sure, I don't see anyone right now, not even the spider pig." He says and looks back to her. He does move to the groceries, and even the brands have changed somewhat.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "All right, well -- that should change in about five minutes." Phoebe states, and she draws her tail up, and shifts her weight a moment as she shakes the spraypaint can, and begins to cast a circle. She's mumbling as she does so, a thicker outer wall, a thinner inner wall. Lines leading, sacred geometry as she works the paint into the rooftop.

    "Amplification, like a magical microphone. This should get someone's attention. Dunno who's, but... y'know." she shrugs as the paint dries, and then she brings her hand down to it, stepping into the circle, and she activates it. Golden fire glimmers into being, and as Phoebe emits her Light, it trails through the geometry of the circle, and then lights up in a brilliant pillar of sunlight from the top of a building.

    She might have overdone it, just a little.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will watch after a bit and does not see anyone coming up, but then floating out of the ceiling a humanish crocodile will float up. He is wearing a red cape, while a blue shirt. He oddly enough has a mustache. As he comes back to the material plane. He looks over the symbol, and the two heroes "And who would you be?" Asks Crockter Strange.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe just... stares... momentarily. She was aware of Doctor Strange. He'd been into the Laughing Magician once or twice while she was there.

    The Crocodile was odd. She tilts her head head a moment, and she slips her clawed hands behind her back a moment, and takes a breath.

    "Ah... Strange, I presume?" she asks, and she looks to Bart a moment, then back to the good, muschateoed Doc-- err.. Crockter.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shrugs over at her, and says "Yes, I am Crockter Strange, sorcerer supreme, and you are not from here." He says as his hands move and energy forms around his eyes. His head moves back and says "and those are not your true forms, not exactly at least."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... well, at least I alerted the right type of person." Phoebe murmurs, and she gives a sheepish smile.

    "You are correct. My name is Phoebe Beacon, this is my associate, Impulse. We're... not a Jack Russel or Pangolin, ordinarily. We're a bit lost."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "Yes, we are totally different looking, well mostly different looking. He adds in. The good Doctor, nods slowly and says "And how did you get here if I may ask Miss Beacon and Mr. Impulse?" He sits there floating talking to the two.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Suitably advanced futuristic technology. Unfortunately, I don't know coordinates to my home plane." Phoebe explains. She gives a gentle smile "Kinda fell into a portal by a villian by the name of Abra Kadabra -- is that right, Bart? He's from your family's rogues."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and nods his head "Techno guy who wants everyone to think he knows magic." He nods his head a bit and reaches up scratching behind his ear, and his food starts thumping. When he realizes it he stops. "Sorry." He says, and the Good Crocter nods his head a bit to this and says "I maybe able to help you find your way home, but it will take a bit of study and perhaps talking to a few others."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe looks over to Bart as his foot taps, and she gives a slight smile to him, and shakes her head.

    "Understandable. Probably difficult to trace back our paths?" she questions, and she looks down at the glowing circle, and then with a motion, dismisses the fire, embarrassedly stomping out a really stubburn bit of flame. The circle in paint then fades away.

Bart Allen has posed:
Crocktor Strange will nod a bit and says "I hate to say this but may take a couple days to get things sorted out. I know of a place where you two can stay while we figure it out, and maybe you can help us or even if you wish to explore the world a bit.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a nod. "Thank you, I was... going to ask for recommendations for shelter..." scritchscritch against her head-scales a moment, her tail curling in a little twist as she admits out: "... this is my first time falling through a dimensional rift. At least we didn't also go back in time. That'd complicate things so much."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head and says "Hey if it was not for time travel I would not have some of my best friends." He smiles and the Crockter raises a brow but nods "Time travel may make it more difficult yes." He will summon a piece of paper and gives them an address, and yes it is the curio. It seems there are things that are common in both worlds. " Bart will look over and says "Do people pay for recyceling here?" He asks, trying to figure out how he and Phoebe may have some funds here. Again a brow raised but a nod. The Crockter gives the note to Phoebe.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    544 West 53rd. Oh good. Yes, the Curio.

    Phoebe straightens a moment, her scales giving a little bit of a rattle before she turns to Bart, and raises her eyeridges. "Home." she gives a small smile, adn gives a nod to Drocter Strange. "Thank you, I appreciate your help immensely, Crockter Strange. Should you have any need of my help, you need only call." she gives a small grin, and she motions to Bart "We're just a minute away."

Bart Allen has posed:
the Crocktor will nod and with a hand movement he fades away. Bart looks over and says "Hey should we use our real names?" But Strange is gone, and Bart looks to Phoebe "Where are we not a minute away from?" With a smirk.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    ".... oh, I mean, Doctor Strange lives in New York. I can't imagine he's too far away if you're still speedy." Phoebe replies to Bart, and she goes to grab her box. "Well, the address is where the Curio is in our New York. Ready to see me stress out?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to her, and says "It will be ok, no reason to stress Phoebe." He will move to pick her up, and says "Ready?" Actually letting her prepare.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Bart ... what if he's there?" Phoebe asks quietly, and she loops one of her arms around his neck, her tail looping around his waist again, holding her box with her other arm close.

    She takes a deep breath.

    "As ready as I'll ever be."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to her, and says "Well one if he is, he is not the same one, and two You can control what you want them to know about you. You are in control of what you let anyone here know." He then zooms off to show up at a familiar building.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The two stand outside the building. The Curio is still carved into a stone scroll over the arched doorway. It smells like cigarettes. It feels like Home.

    "So, who's going to be the manager if we ring that bell?" she questions, stepping up the stairs and she reaches for the 'Building Manager' bell. The code to unlock it is the same as back home, and Phoebe wraps her tail around her own ankles nervously, her scales clicking against the concrete of the steps before she looks to Bart.

Bart Allen has posed:
it takes a moment, but a female cat opens the door. She is a black cat with the tip of her tail white. Wearing janes and a loose blouse, she seems to have been relaxing around the house. She steps to the door and looks you both over, and says "Miss Beacon and Mr. Impulse?" She asks, seems she has recieved a call on them.