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Spooky Propositions
Date of Scene: 26 November 2021
Location: Ruins -- Roosevelt Island
Synopsis: Spider-Man meets up with Blake Riviere, and discusses crimefighting, costumes, and the alleviation of boredom.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Blake Riviere

Peter Parker has posed:
Friday night, 10 PM. Black Friday is gasping its last, there's already been one round of leftovers to consume, and the weekend beckons.

Spider-Man, however, isn't up for going into a food coma. He's had to keep a little busy. And recent events have brought a few things up that he'd like to talk to someone about. A PARTICULAR someone.
And what better to meet a creature of the night than a haunted ruin of the Smallpox Hospital? He didn't know about any ghosts, but it was a trouble magnet for the occult-y kind of trouble.

He had sent the message to the lady in question. He idly wondered if she'd found replacements for the trashed clothing...

Blake Riviere has posed:
Thankfully, it had been the week for shopping, and one didn't live for as long as Blake without finding herself a decent tailor or a sizable wardrobe. With the message recieved and the relatively 'early' evening hour, the small creep of a chill in the air that might be taken for a ghost very swiftly formed the familier misty silhouette until Blake's form came into view, wrapped in another black and red number of short skirts, stockings and the ribbons that always played to the 'gothic image'.

"Hello Peter," she spoke, lazy familarity in her quiet tones. "What brings you out tonight?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Ah yes, the Riviere Chill. He has a name for it now. He felt it as he saw the darkness seem to flutter and coalesce until Blake stepped out of it. Never failed to give him that chill, in spite of what he knew about her personality.

"The usual. Crime, grime, and slime. Although it's nice to see you out and about...you cleaned up pretty good."

He paused for a moment, then added, "I...hoped you had someone to spend Thanksgiving with."

Blake Riviere has posed:
A chuckle at that, Blake waves a hand dismissively and a shrug of her shoulders. "I feel like I had to bathe for a day and a half, but I am better." As for Thanksgiving? She shakes her head lightly, lazily crossing her arms under her bust and shrugging. "It is a holiday that predates my arrival in this country, and usually results in people stuffing themselves to the point I can taste it when I feed. It is usually a 'quiet night' for me."

She pauses, tilting her head lightly to the side. "And yourself? Did you spend your time with your own paramour? Or were you left chasing holiday wickedness?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey smiled a little under the mask. "Actually, yes. My girlfriend and my best friend came over to spend Thanksgiving with me and Aunt May. It was...a very good day for us." He does sound a little abashed, like he was bragging about a big meal in front of one who hadn't had any.

"Well...if you don't have anyone when Christmas rolls around, you have a standing invitation to spend it with us."

He looks around, then takes a deep breath. "What have you been up to lately?'

Blake Riviere has posed:
That...actually has Blake blinking, tilting her head to the side with that. "Christmas with your family?" she muses before gesturing to herself. "If nothing else, I am curious how you would explain me to your family and your girlfriend, unless I suppose she is of a similarly masked persuasion." The vampiress, tilts her head to the side, those blue eyes currently looking for more human than the vampiric red she was capable of.

"I have been around, up to my usual antics when I can. I tangled with a demon sent to hunt me down, but he was quite apologetic after the fact. Strangely enough, I think seeing that I had shapeshifted into a cat at one point made him sympathetic." A shrug to the strangeness of it all, Blake gives a soft chuckle. "You seem nervous Spider-Man, and while I appreciate the invitation I am sure you wouldn't call me to a place like this just for small talk."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nodded. "You'd be surprised at what my Aunt May can handle. And for the reason for tonight's bull session..."

Spider-Man took another deep breath. "...I wanted to ask you about the last couple of times you helped me out with the gun deal and that drug buy. How you felt about doing that sort of thing. I hadn't forgotten your willingness to help in a New York Minute."

Blake Riviere has posed:
There was jests to be made about catering for her, but Blake lets them pass as Peter continued speaking, a tilt of her head as she listens and a shrug of her shoulders for a moment. "I was able to offer aid, I did. I might be a vampire after all, but I had my fill of being a monster quite a long time ago."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nodded. "Yeah...I could tell. You may be a supernatural creature who'd need SPF One Million sunscreen...but you're no monster. The thing I was going to ask is...if you might want to take up crimefighting as a new occupation. If you'd like to become a solid part of an admittedly-loosely-organized supergroup."

Blake Riviere has posed:
She doesn't bother to correct him about sunlight, after all it was the most common weakness for most of her kind even if it wasn't her own...and he had really only seen her at night come to think of it. Instead there's merely a soft chuckle that melts into a look of suprise as his question unfurls.

"Crime Fighting?" she repeats, lifting one hand to rest against her cheek as she settles to sit, knees together and a smile on those painted lips. "Catchy name, mask, stopping bank robbers and the like? Just how do the others of this group feel about you inviting a vampire into your 'treehouse'?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man is startled into a laugh. "Miss Riviere, we have a few Spiders, one Amazon from Themiscyra, one Kryptonian, one human/alien symbiote...really, what about this group says 'exclusionary in any way' to you?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
A raise of her brow, a shrug of partially bare shoulders and she lifts a hand. "Well, if nothing else you have me curious enough to meet them. But if anyone starts trying to stake me, I reserve the right to eat them for it." A wink, she was probably making a jest.


Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey rolls his eyes. "Yeah, you must be thinking of some other group. You haven't yet said how you'd feel about actually doing it, though. We'd have to think of a code name, a costume...you may not have some of the hang-ups *I* have about being recognized, but having the wrong someone recognize you would be a problem."

Blake Riviere has posed:
How did she feel? Blake seemed to pause and ponder that, tilting her head to the side in thought. "I am...curious," she admits, a tilt of her head given in thought before she gestures to herself. "Recognition is not so difficult a concern for me generally," she begins, her form shifting in a crossing of shadow for a moment until Spidey found himself looking at the very publicly recognizable figure of Supergirl, cape and all sitting as the vampiress had been moments ago, another shift showing perhaps the stranger image of the masked Spider himself before it melted away and Blake was herself again.

"But...Well, I could see myself willing to give it a try."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey blinks as she switches her persona in...a few surprising ways. "Okay...something like that would come in handy. Only, what happens if you get distracted? Never mind...you ought to have something you can wear that you don't have to think about, because anything can happen. Besides...well..." He finished lamely, "...it was just a thought. But setting you up with a Spider-Comm rig would have to happen. Communication is one of our big advantages. I could have something you could wear without issues..."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"If I am distracted? Not a thing. But were I to be rendered unconcious, asleep or..." she trails off, certainly fond enough of the hero but not quite willing to start talking openly of her weaknesses. "Incapacitated, it would revert me back to what you see now. I am most comfortable in my own skin after all, but I can make minor adjustments rather than simply mirroring."

A point puntuated, her hair seems to move of its own accord, fastened high and tight to her head as it 'warms' from black to a deep blonde and then falls free and back to the midnight shade.

"Still, perhaps a mask would be of use, and I can understand the importance of communication after all."

Granted, the last time she'd worked with a team for an extended period of time had been in the 40's, but she doesn't bother to expand on that.

"As long as it is comfortable enough I will be able to wear it without issue. I do not leave my clothing behind when I turn to mist or change my form after all."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man chuckles. "A pair of earbuds, a set of contact lenses, a choker necklace, a set of gloves. That's basically it. Unless you can shoot beams from your eyes, I don't think it will impede you in the slightest. I've made a few advances in its implementation."

Blake Riviere has posed:
A light chuckle at that, Blake pauses for a moment in consideration before shrugging her shoulders and chuckling. "Lasers are not part of my nature, no. Most of that would go completely unchanged or unnoticable amongst my usual attire. Dependant on fashion of course."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "I'll see that you get the complete rig in a few days. Now...I took the liberty of making some mask designs when I first had this idea. I also had a few ideas for codenames, but I'm sure a lot of them sound...melodramatic..."

Blake Riviere has posed:
That was enough to get a quirk of her brow, hand at her cheek shifting to draw a finger over her lip and then rest under her chin. A smirk, a tilt of her head and her other hand is lifted with a little beckon. "Well then Spider-Man, tell me what exactly is the names that come to mind when you look at me."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey reached into his backpack and pulled out a small notebook. Because of course he takes notes.
He opens the notebook, flips a few pages past the web-grenade designs, then finds the page and hands it to Blake.


...apparently Spider-Man has a lot of time to think about stuff like this while web-slinging.

Blake Riviere has posed:
"I am...sensing a theme," Blake speaks, her tones following a quirk of her amusement as her eyes move down the list.

Her appreciation is...somewhat mixed, but he put a bit of effort in so that's...nice? The book is offered back with a soft laugh, a shrug of her shoulders. "I suppose it will require some thought, no?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nodded as he took back the notebook. She didn't laugh at him so that's something.
"Yep. But as Batman showed, being scary has its benefits. I don't think you have the lack of gravitas to be a clown like me. Being scary works better for you."

Blake Riviere has posed:
The fact that 'Nightshade' had been his first on the list wasn't lost on her, even if she'd never shared her birth name with pretty much anyone, but the vampiress nods lightly and considers for a moment more.

"There is...crossover we will say, with some such as the bat or similar. But I will think of something. Perhaps 'Lady Night' or 'Night Queen' or somesuch."

Well, at least she was getting into the spirit of things.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "Yeah. Shorter is better, in any case. You don't want to get zapped by 200,000 volts before you finish something like 'Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.'" He looked around for a moment, then said, "What do you know about forensic science?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Countess is a little on the nose, I have been called 'Draculina' before but...well, that feels far too tied to another. " A lazy shrug, she murmers another to herself before folding her hands in her lap.

"A basic understanding, I have studied medicine and nursing over the last centuries, not Forensics."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods. "The issue with being a vigilante is that you operate at the behest of the police department. While you have the ability to do things the police are bound not to do, it also means you can mess up the ability for the police to do their job. The first few months meant some flashy fights, but they also meant I made a mess of crime scenes...and although the bad guys may have been black-and-blue, they also got off scot-free when they arrived in the courtroom. So...I had to learn how to preserve a crime scene while still collecting samples that would not impede a police investigation. Lifting fingerprints, analyzing substances, typing blood, and other learned skills. I can even give you access to a forensics lab where you can do your own research."

Blake Riviere has posed:
The vampiress nods lightly, smoothing a hand over her skirt as she sits. "I am...a huntress more than a detective, but I will consider what you have said should I take action. If we are truely being honest, for me to cross paths with a simple purse snatcher or mugger is...overkill, one might say. I will learn what I can, but the forensic sciences may well be best left to those who know them better for now."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man chuckled. "I think that you can be very effective, if you are trained in what to look for. And with our Spider-Comm system, you can share data with others who can help you out with what you find. Imagine finding an object you can take a picture of, send to the network, and have someone identify it in seconds for you."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"I'm sure that I can learn over time," she muses aloud before offering a soft laugh and finally making to stand. "An invitation to christmas, an offer to join a crime fighting team and suggestions for a name..." Blake lists off on her fingers before grinning at the spider. "I must say this has been an unexpected little evening."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man returns the smile, only his is not as broad. "Unexpected in a good way, I hope. It's completely cool if you don't want to, though. I just figured...you're gifted, smart, talented...I think you could make a real difference."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"If nothing else," The vampiress muses as she lifts her arms upwards, stretching her back and limbs out in an almost feline nature with a soft yawning sigh of comfort. "It could be a fun little experience," she muses before opening her eyes once more with a soft giggle. "If nothing else, working out a costume could be entertaining."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey shrugs. "I dunno if you deal with boredom a lot...if I was hundreds of years old, I'd get bored out of my skull...but this would be something productive."

Blake Riviere has posed:
Blake laughs at that, crossing her arms under her bust before shaking her head lightly. "Perhaps I will get bored of things one day, and certainly it is at times, but as long as humanity is around, as long as they are creating, dreaming, doing things...I'm sure there will always be something new for me to see and experience. The world is wonderous Spider-Man, even for those of us who have been in it longer than most."