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Latest revision as of 10:34, 4 December 2021

Hall of Tours
Date of Scene: 03 December 2021
Location: Monitor Room
Synopsis: Diana takes the young Morgan on a tour of the Hall of Justice.
Cast of Characters: Diana Prince, Morgan Finn

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had picked Morgan up from the Police station the other day, and though when she heard about what had happened she understood how he ended up there, she was still concerned about him. So another visit was in order, this time she sent a car to pick him up and bring him to the Hall of Justice of all places! The Hall was closed to the public for the day, the upper floors being a sort of public super hero space for visitors to come and immerse themselves in the Justice League mystique and fame.

When Morgan was brought inside, Diana was there, in her famous gold, red and blue armor, her hair loose about her shoulders and the lasso of Truth hanging on her right hip. She was speaking to a couple of workers who were performing jobs on the building, but was soon to separate and walk toward Morgan, a smile on her expression as she sees him.

"Welcome to the Hall of Justice." She says as she approachesd.

Within moments, the young man was taken on a tour of the Hall, eventually leading to this room in the sub-levels.

"And in here, is the meeting room, and monitoring room... showing all of the activity that the JLA is watching, across all of planet Earth." The Princess says as she enters the room with the other at her side.

Morgan Finn has posed:
Okay let's be real for a moment. Morgan already has a schoolboy crush on Diana, and seeing her in full costumed splendor. He just peers at her for a few beats too many, then remembers to breath in. "Diana," he says a little breathlessly. "This place.. this is..." He peers around the /literal/ Hall of Justice, and just like /that/ he is six years old again, mystified and wide-eyed.

"I can't.. I can't even believe this place. You.. you get to work here every day." He licks too-dry, nervous lips. Finally in a low, hushed whisper he says, "This is amazing. You're amazing." Not a bad compliment coming from, you know, a demigod.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana listens to the young man and smiles softly at his words as she leads him through the meeting room which comes before the wide staircase down to the monitoring section. She stops at one of the meeting room chairs around the table, to gather up a dark blue robe that was dangling over the back of one of the chairs. She folds it over her forearms, the bracers of Submission adorned on those wrists, as she holds the cloak in front of her now.

"Well, thank you. I have intentions for why I have brought you here though, Morgan." She admits as she motions for him to come down the small staircase to the next level where the monitor system is in full display, holographic images of Earth from all angles being shown.

"I want you to know, that there is nothing keeping you from being ... a member of the Justice League, if you ... keep up with your schooling, and thusly with your training in the years to come." She says as she walks with him.

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan Finn is walking next to Wonder Woman. In the Hall of Justice. I mean, seriously. He slips his hands into his front pants pockets, trying to display a composure that he definitely doesn't feel inside right now. "Diana, are you pissed? About what happened earlier?" Despite the fact that he's in one of the high-tech centers of, you know, the world he can't help but touch. He runs his finger along a control panel to feel the smooth metal. He doesn't actually touch any buttons or control, just feels the casing. "Because there is /nothing/ I can think of that I would like more than to become part of the Justice League. And I don't want to screw that up by making bad choices."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana comes to a stop near one of the chairs parked in front of the fancy high tech monitoring systems. She watches him reach out for the edge of the console and just shows him a faint smile at his question. "I am not." She says softly back at him, standing there with the blue garment folded over her arms in front of her now.

"You did not make a bad choice, per-se. You made a reckless choice. That being said... it is not like anyone in the Justice League does not make reckless choices too. Sometimes we have no other choice /to/ make." She notes as her eyes glance to the consoles, then back to him.

"I just hope that you will take what happened and learn from it, what you did right, and what you may not have done so right."

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan Finn looks up at Wonder Women, who is much taller than he. "A man was hurt through no fault of his own. Wrong place, wrong time. I couldn't let him die." He retracts his hand from the console. Yeah, he just touched a console. In the Hall of Justice! That will carry his mood for a few days.

Boldly -- demigods are bold, even young ones...maybe especially young ones -- he sits down in one of the chairs. "What could I have done differently, Diana? I don't wanna be... I don't wanna be an embarrassment to you. I owe you literally /everything/."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana too sits down on one of the chairs, perching on the edge of it with her cloak laying across her lap now. She smiles at Morgan and shakes her head softly side to side. "I was not there, so I cannot entirely say what was right, and what wasn't. I do know that you did what you feel you had to do, to help, though. So for that, I am proud of you." She says with another quick smile.

"But I do think you need to start training for combat situations, be it here at the Hall, or at the Themysciran Arts Center with some of my Amazon sisters. You ... if you are going to jump in to conflicts, need to learn how to control the abilities that you possess."

Morgan Finn has posed:
The young Morgan is very athletic, he is one of the best players on the Happy Harbor football team, but he knows nothing of battle. He's never even been in a fistfight.

When Diana says she's proud of him, well he can do nothing but look down at his feet, yep there they are down there, two of them, encased in brown Skechers. "They tell me my father is a great healer, one of the creators of medicine, a god of mercy." He absently turns the strange metal ring on his left forefinger. He looks back to Diana. "Now I don't know whether or not I believe that to literally be true, but what does that mean? Can I.. can I learn to fight? Would it be right? I don't know what my responsibilities are. I mean, I have the world's most absentee father."

Diana Prince has posed:
This response garners a knowing smile from the Princess. "We share something similar in that regard, Morgan." She says as she sits there on the edge of the tall backed chair. "But learning to fight is not about being able to cause fights. It is about being able to end them. We do not fight for aggressive purposes, we fight for defensive purposes. This is why it would be prudent for you to learn. However, this is a personal decision, one that you have to make on your own. I have been training since I was your age... a very long time ago..." She smiles again. "But... I can say, from my vantage point, that my abilities to fight, when it matters most, has been nothing short of my life's greatest accomplishment. Which is to say, I am proud of what I have learned, and how I have been able to put it to use to guard others who might need protection in dire times."

Morgan Finn has posed:
You can always tell when someone is listening -- /really/ listening -- because they aren't nodding and they aren't saying 'yep' and 'uh-huh'. They're doing exactly what Morgan does when Diana explains: sitting motionless, locked on the speaker. When she finishes, Morgan draws in a deep breath. In a hushed tone he murmurs, "I don't know if this is okay for me to ask, and please forgive me if I'm out of line, but have you.. had to take a life? Like, been in a situation where there was no other choice but to end a life?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana levels her slim pointed chin as she stares across the space between them at the consoles. She lets his question linger for a moment before she nods her head solemnly once to it. "I have." She says in a quiet tone of her voice. "Many times." She adds equally somber in pitch.

"It is a necessary part of what we do. But. It is only done with extreme reasoning. Some in the League have differing opinions on this matter, and that is to be expected, but we all have faith in each other's judgement to make the right call when we have to make it."

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan Finn's eyes glisten a bit. "What if I can't do it? What if the time comes and a life has to be taken and I can't do it? I could get a teammate hurt or killed because of my inaction." He leans back in the chair, the poor posture of youth.

He looks back to Diana. "How can someone train for that? How did you first know you could do it? That you were capable of it and wouldn't freeze when the moment came?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana listens to this question and she leans forward to put her right hand atop his left. She gives it a light squeeze. "You do not think about things like that." She says back at him. "You merely train hard, learn your best, and do your best with what you /have/ learned. Your training will come to the forefront in moments where you need it most. It becomes part of who you are, and an extension of yourself." She says as she leans back again and puts her hand back upon her cloak.

"All we can do is our best with what we have to work with. Those closest to us will believe in us too."

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan Finn smiles gratefully at Diana for the hand squeeze. It's not his schoolboy crush smile, but rather a genuine look from one supernatural being to another of gratitude. He sits up straight once again and draws in a deep breath. "I want to start training. I want to learn everything I can. If I have to learn to fight in order to foster peace then so be it." Then he murmurs low, "Maybe my father might be proud, if he even knows I exist."

Diana Prince has posed:
The Princess shows a quick smile at him, and his words before she just gently nods her head a couple times. "Then training you shall have." She says back at him softly before her eyes glance to the monitor displays again. "Let us go and check the training facilities here then, shall we?" She asks as she looks back at him with one of those big happy smiles of hers.

She starts to stand up then and sweeps her cloak around her shoulders, sending the fancy blue garment twirling around her form.

"I am proud of you." She says then back at him. "For what /that/ is worth." She adds with a little grin.

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan Finn likewise rises to his feet. He falls in next to Wonder Woman, and gives the much taller, much stronger figure a playful shoulder bump with his shoulder. It's not unlike a chihuahua shoulder bumping a German shepherd. "It's means a lot to me. You saved my life in so many different ways." As the two walk toward the training facilities he asks, "So how many weeks of training until I get a magic lasso, anyway?" he asks, chuckling. Why shouldn't he be in a good mood. He's in the Hall of Frickin' Justice with Wonder Frickin' Woman!

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana is no easily pushed individual! The bump in to her is like bumping in to a wall! A soft wall, but still! She releases a light laugh as they walk toward the stairs again up to the conference area. "Oh, lets not get WAY ahead of ourselves now." She says back to him while moving around the table now.

"You will start off with the shoelace of Truth, and work your way up." She says over at him with a glimmer of amusement on her expression as they make for the doors again out in to the under-levels corridor.

"But... along those lines, which kind of training are you interested in?" She asks him next as they walk. "Something more traditional to standard League members, or something more martial like Amazon training? It is up to you what styles you wish to delve in to."

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan Finn beams from the physical contact. It's not even the way he feels about Diana, it's just that he spends so much time alone that it's nice to know he can feel someone else, to be alive alongside someone else. "Shoelace of Truth?" he quips comically. "I think you may be fibbing about that artifact." His eyes gleam and glitter with life.

"Well, what are my choices? I mean, I don't know what I'm capable of. Like...I don't think I could ever, you know, /shoot/ someone. Maybe something based around subduing a bad guy?" How is this kind-hearted young man going to be molded into a warrior?

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana leads him out in to the corridor and takes a right that will lead them back toward the juncture that they had come out of the lift in to. But instead of taking a left back to the lift, she takes another right instead.

"Well. There are artforms from the mortal world, such as jiu jitsu, Brazil, or others from other corners of the world. But." She looks over and down at him with a small smile. "I am obviously partial to the stylings of my people. Of course, I doubt you want to be fitted for a Pteruges." She says then, letting that linger a moment before speaking again.

"The gladiator skirt that attaches to a Curias." She says, playfully again of course to see his reaction!

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan Finn wrinkles his nose, eyes gleaming. "What? I'd look badass as a gladiator!" he exclaims. "Buuuuut what does wearing one of those have to do with learning to be effective on the street?" He then leaps a few feet and takes on a mock martial pose. "Excuse me, sir, unhand that young lady right now!" he calls out to absolutely no one. Right now he's just an overgrown puppy at play. "Otherwise I shall be forced to battle you in the arena!"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana steps up to the large black glass doors that lead in to some other part of the under-levels of the Hall of Justice. She pauses there as she watches him doing this, and she smiles lightly at the show of silly behavior. "Well. It is tradition, you see." She says before she reaches up to tap the glowing panel beside the dark glass doors.

The split open with a hiss and reveal a large chamber on the other side. Diana stands by that glowing control panel and she taps a few buttons before within the chamber, the darkly lit room suddenly fades in to the form of a full gladiator arena, sprawling and massive with the sun shining down from above, like a doorway to another world just appeared in front of Morgan.

A second after that and the arena suddenly fills up with an audience that fades in to the stands, all cheering.

"Your battle arena, awaits." Diana says then to the young man.

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan Finn's eyes open wide with utter wonder. "What the Starship Enterprise is going on?" he says, his voice thick with amazement. He walks up to the edge of the hall, right to where the glass doors opened. But he does not pass through. He looks up at Diana. "Is this like holographic type stuff?" he asks, maybe not too unlike how a caveman might inquire about fire.

The looks out over the stands. "I can't believe I'm here. I'm so lucky to be here. I wonder if my mom can see me? In the Hall of Justice, with Wonder Woman." He looks up at Diana with a smile. "She would have liked you," he says with a grin. Apparently the rather expensive therapy was worth the money because Morgan seems very well-adjusted about the death of his mother less than two years ago.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana lowers her hand from the control panel and just watches his reaction. It makes her laugh softly once more as she glances within the room with the vibrant arena full of life and wonder. "It is technology acquired from alien donations. It allows us to train in safer ways than we might be able to otherwise. So yes, it is 'holo graphic' in nature, to a degree. But it is much more beyond that too." The artificial intelligence that operates it, can create whatever we want simply by asking it, and providing with instructions to fine tune what it is we desire. Then, we can store the programs in the system, to be called upon whenever we need, or wish, for them." She explains.

Diana turns to the open doors and walks in through them, passing out of shadow and in to the sunlight, to a roaring applause from the crowd. She waves to them with her raised left hand, then looks back to Morgan. She motions for him to join her out in the arena.

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan Finn draws in a deeeeeeeeeep breath and bites his lower lip against a nervous grin. But his eyes glitter with such energy and excitement. "Just.. come right in there? In that arena full of screaming fans?"

The teen laughs and lifts one leg, holding out in space dramatically before finally *plopping* it down inside the arena. He takes a few more steps until he's standing near Diana. He turns around in a complete circle looking at the crowd. "None of them are real, but you couldn't tell."

Diana Prince has posed:
Morgan's antics on how he enters the arena, gets another uproar of applause and even laughter from the audience... apparently they are well designed for reactions! The Princess, looking over her shoulder, laughs softly at his big step in to the arena, and she nods her head at what he says, giving another look around. "They can all be interacted with, should you desire. But... their primary goal here is to watch a training session. Generally, this program is used by my sisters and I to perform our practices, but... if this is something you are interested in as well, then I figure that you might as well be introduced to it also." She smiles still.

Her eyes roam around the fighting floor before she looks back at him. "Of course, I would likely remove the audience as you start out, to reduce distractions, at first... but... we would work up to this, eventually!"

Morgan Finn has posed:
Just about at the moment Diana says 'They can all be interacted with should you desire' Morgan's gaze falls on a very lovely young lady simulacrum in the audience. It makes his face turn beet red and he turns away from her. "So can we start tomorrow? After school?" He seems extremely enthused about this new path that has opened before him. Then he quickly interjects, "I mean, if it's not like a problem. I don't want to be a burden. You've done so much for me. I feel like I hardly deserve any of it."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana shakes her head side to side. "Of course you deserve it." She responds to him. "And to that, yes, we can begin as soon as then." She adds as she looks back out at the arena for a moment before she turns and starts to walk back toward the doors. "Come on, we shall go see if the cafe upstairs is serving something delicious this afternoon."

And of course they will be!