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Latest revision as of 15:47, 8 December 2021

Comes Out in the Wash
Date of Scene: 08 December 2021
Location: Happy Bubbles Laundromat
Synopsis: Formerly the Happy Bubble Laundromat, under new management after repairs the Mr. Bubble Laundromat has an issue with possessed coke machine who's a fan of Zatanna Zatara! Zee and Phoee end up returning the little imp from whence it came, but not without Zatanna taking a dime to the head and Phoebe losing her laundry... again.

So if you see random socks down 52nd Avenue in Clinton, please return them to the Curio?

Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Zatanna Zatara

Phoebe Beacon has posed:

    It's a laundromat, a perfect place to launder money because there's no attendents, there's no real cameras, there's nothing but the spinning of laundry, blissfully unaware of the goings on of the world around it.

    And it's also Laundry Day, as evidenced by the fact that Phoebe is wearing mis-matched socks, yoga pants (with an adorable goat peering out of the back pocket), and a T-shirt proclaiming that she was, in fact, the QUEEN OF THE F*CKING UNIVERSE.

    That shirt was free. She got it because the front has a happy pangolin on it. She didn't realize the back had WORDS until after she left the second-hand store.

    Idu, in his gangly puppy glorry, was padding around on a rainbow color leash, with a happy yellow and blue collar with a gold disk marked IDU. On the flip side it has an Eye of Re for Active Protection. HIs tail is whipping back and forth so hard that his feet are moving.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zee whether she will admit it or not, lives the life of a Princess. She grew up with servants and a cook, so had the amazing adventure of having to learn to do it on her own when she decided to leave Shadowcrest and launch out on her own, .

Laundry, too. Separating colors? Laundry soap? Not a single idea. Oddly enough, life back stage taught about ironing. Useful things like how to iron squares of silk into very small packages.

So, it is not laundry day for the mistress of magic (read that princess of magic) she is frankly on Phoebe's trail for a little catch up, check-in, etc.

"Hah! Found you." Said on a triumphant note. Zee immediately is on puppy level getting reacquainted with the waggle butt.

"Such a good Idu... so good. How is housebreaking going?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "AACGH--" Phoebe gives a momentary flail in the washer, pulling out of it and falling to her goat-decorated butt on the floor of the laundromat, and she gives Zee a look that is trying to say 'grr, arg' but says more 'meeh, baah'. Then she cracks a smile, and gives a wave to her sister-in-arms, even if she herself wasn't quite the princess.

    "I'm not convinced that he's just sentient and not sapient. Or that he poops at all." Phoebe admits, still half-buried in the washer that she's trying to empty into an already heavy looking basket.

    Phoebe, being a Generation Z person, doesn't sort her laundry by color. Of course if she did, it'd be hard to find one 'color' to her wardrobe. A mass of black shirts, denim jeans, brilliantly colored socks and jersey knit hair-wraps and a couple satin sleep caps. Everything smells Ocean Fresh with the hint of baking soda (because it's the only thing she's found that gets the smell of cigarettes out of her clothing).

    Idu loves the attention. HIs tail wags harder, and he nips at Zee's fingertips. He's definitely more lively.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Being Zatanna, princess she may be, once she has decided that someone is in her circle, makes no distinctions for human or dog or magic user.

"Our little spirit dog, gift of the gods...aren't you? Yes, no nips but kisses Idu. 'course you're sapient. Just look at your mom and auntie!""

She straightens after a final kiss and caress to the dog, "Can I help?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Who's going to argue with Zatanna Zatara that a little dog can't be part of her circle?

    Idu gives a 'ruawwwwwu...' sound, and sits his butt down on Zatanna's foot. His tail wags.

    "No, no, I've got it. Not my first time doing laundry here. As long as I don't have any *notes* in my pockets this time..." she comments, looking out the window.

    There was a park bench there once. It's broken still.

    Phoebe takes a breath, and lets it out slowly.
    The drink machine in the corner grumbles, burbles, and turns onto a cool mode.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Who pays attention to drink machines? Not Zatanna, certainly, except in Japan where they vend hot coffee that is actually decent to drink and ramen that is better than a package. They sing and talk to you there. Here?

Zatanna looks over her shoulder at it. Then back at the goat staring at her from Phoebe's backside.

"It occurs to me that we need to put a washer and dryer into the Curio." She makes a note to herself.

"If we are going to pay attention to these recent threats then let's do this stuff at home. Right? I wonder if the building has the wiring for it?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Here they grumble at you like old men, these vending machines. And cough, whirrr, and grumble again. Phoebe doesn't seem to pay it any mind at all. The Goat stares back at Zee from Phoebe's backside.

    "Where would we put it? Not that the wiring can't handle it -- I bet if I asked really nicely though, I could get Tim to check on it. He's smart. And then Bart would do the rewiring, and pretty sure at this point I can forge the paperwork to say it was inspected..." Phoebe leans back on her heels a moment, and scratches at her sternum, right below the hem of her T-shirt that says she is, indeed, Queen of the F*cking Universe. She takes out a sock with happy sushi rolls all over it and ponders it thoughtfully.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"The other one has undoubtedly gone to sock limbo. Got any good finding spells?" The machine hiccups and seems to go quiet.

"It sounds like a plan, thing is if we get someone who is square, will it be filed in the Records Office of the Building Inspections commission. Do you cover that, too, O Queen of the Universe?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "If I did --" Phoebe begins, and she leans over to take a quick look in her basket "... there'd be a great many things I'd have back." Phoebe states, and she reaches up and scratches at her chest again, her expression looking lost as she considers something --

    And then the vending machine rattles again. Its refridgeration appears to break, rattling, cracking, and then beginning to fog. There is a settling chill that comes upon the area, a pricking against skin as something Dark wends its way, and the vending machine begins to just slooowly turn towards the two occupant mages and the canine.

    Idu begins to growl. It's a low growl for the puppy, hackles rising up, teeth bared, as the puppy puts itself between the vending machine and its mum and auntie.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"What is bothering you, Phoebe? Does our Idu have fleas and you get bitten?" Zee imitates Pheobe's scratching gesture before a puzzled frown puts a line between her brows. She glances down at Idu, following his nose pointing to the vending machine that fogs the air with cold.

"Really? You feel that, don't you, Phoebe?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Just an irritation." Phoebe answers, too quickly. She rehearsed that line. Flea bites heal before they really bother her. Mosquitoes too. Damn lucky girl, she is.

    And she turns her attention to the fog machine. She physically winces.

    "Not again..." she trails off, and she produces one of her throwing knives from her yogoat pants. No. Don't ask where she hid such a thing, that way layeth madness.

    The vending machine Thump.
            THUMPS in the direction of the two mages. Phoebe's light magic caressess her fingers with its rosy, coppery glow.

    "I AM MAGOTH THE EFFERVESCENT!" the barritone voice howls as the temperature further drops. "YOU PUNY MAGES WILL BOW TO MY GREATNESS!"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna laughs after doing a double-take at Phoebe's knife. "I'd just as soon pull the tab on your can and let you go flat, Magoth!"

"Seen this before, have you Phoebe?"

".pots htogaM," she drops nonchalantly.

"This will give us time to figure out what's up with this. Feels like a minor demon to me."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... ah. Last time, somehow, a summoning circle got put through the wash in a pair of jeans. Had to do a capture circle in the street. Chas knew about it." she breathes out, and she breathes out.

    Magoth, however, pauses. Mid-hop.

     #-1 FUNCTION (ANSI) EXPECTS 2 ARGUMENTS BUT GOT 1 Magoth curses and threatens, trying to break through the spellwork that Zatanna's worked, and Phoebe wrinkles her nose.

    "At least the last one was called 'The Unclean'. How can you take something that is threatening you with bubbles seriously? How is it that I have encountered *two* at this place that have threatened me with bubbles?!" Phoebe protests.

    Little Idu is still barking threateningly. Although it's more 'awruing adorably' with his ears pinned back.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... ah. Last time, somehow, a summoning circle got put through the wash in a pair of jeans. Had to do a capture circle in the street. Chas knew about it." she breathes out, and she breathes out.

    Magoth, however, pauses. Mid-hop.

     HOW DARE YOU COMMAND MAGOTH. I SHALL DESTROY YOU WITH MY CARBONATION! Magoth curses and threatens, trying to break through the spellwork that Zatanna's worked, and Phoebe wrinkles her nose.

    "At least the last one was called 'The Unclean'. How can you take something that is threatening you with bubbles seriously? How is it that I have encountered *two* at this place that have threatened me with bubbles?!" Phoebe protests.

    Little Idu is still barking threateningly. Although it's more 'awruing adorably' with his ears pinned back.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Well, we can always send it back to its hell of jingles and marketing couldn't we? Zatanna makes duck lips between her fingers.

Half amused, half intrigued, "We want him to be "the Flat". So how do we uncork the fizzy Magoth? Hmmmm. We could empty out his cans."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
     ARE.... ARE YOU DEBATING ON PROCESS OF ELIMINATION OF MAGOTH?! HOW DARE YOU! YOUR PUNY HUMAN MAGICS CANNOT HOLD ME FOR LONG! I. AM. MAGOOOOOTH! the possessed machine protests about how not seriously they're taking his threats. The machine shudders, and a diet Mountain Dew pops out of it, rattling to the floor.

    It's a coke machine. How'd that get in there?

    "Eh, I could extract him?" Phoebe questions, rubbing the back of her neck. "I have chalk in my bag. A quick circle to hold him, and then banish him back to where he belongs?" Phoebe suggests thoughtfully. "Could always trap him in a glass bottle. He'd be a smashing addition to my shelf."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe's nose wrinkles. "Zee, what's a Tamogotchi?" she questions, leaning over to the older magi

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Got to know where he came from to banish him there, you know."

Still facing the machine so she can avoid taking a Mountain Dew in the knee, Zee's eyes track sideways at Phoebe, "Are you implying I'm a weeb, Phoebe?" Chin high, she replies. "Tamago means egg in Japanese. Little egg-shaped digital pets that were all the rage in Japan before you were born. Gosh, does that make me old?"

"Muttering, "I can't believe I'm talking to a vending machine," she asks, "?morf emoc uoy did erehW" (Where did you come from?)

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Absolutely not, if any of us is a Weeb, it's Tim." Phoebe gently accuses the absent friend, and she stretches her fingers. "I generally just aim for 'Hell' and let them sort it out..." she murmurs quietly, and then she adds on "And you are *not* old, Zee. And seriously if anyone says you are... kick 'em in the shins. Or something." Phoebe replies, and she picks up Idu, who is still puppy-barking and wriggling as more magic gets cast.


    From the drink slot, there is a fanart print that is produced. It is not appropriate for such young eyes as Phoebe's. No one should be wearing *only* that much fishnet.

    Zee has a silver sharpy lodged at her from the coin slot.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zee sidesteps the sharpy after a quick grab at the fanart print. Eyes flashing with the threat of hell, she shakes the picture at the machine, "I'm going to Rule 34 you back to the lowest circle of Hell, you fizzy groupie!"

"Right, no finesse for this asshole. Hell it is. You want to do it? Or shall I?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    It's a really horrible, 100-per-cent anime fanservice print. It even has the hands and feet 'artfully' hidden because -- you know -- hands and feet are hard!

    MAGOTH REFUSES TO BE BANISHED! the demon growls, the vending machine shaking with fury, trying to break through Zatanna's magic, trying to use demonic will to get past the powerful magician's words and wards!

    "I got it." Phoebe states, and she sets Idu on the ground, and goes to approaching the fiendish coke machine.

    And then there's a low pulse, and a violet shade jumps from the coke machine to the change machine.

    Which begins to rapid-fire launch quarters at the two!

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Ouch," she dodges a quarter and gets hit by a nickel. "Ouch," a dime smacks her.

Enough! ".retsnom elttil uoy ezeerF"

"Go ahead and hit it Phoebe! Ouch!"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The little shade was about to jump again, this time to the dispensing machine for single-use packets of cheap detergent -- and with Zee's help, it's frozen, hanging, half-real in midair. It's UGLY. It looks like a Gremlin from the movie of the same name decided to breed with an avocado and the result melted a little bit and turned a motley purple!

    Phoebe is quick with her chalk -- a mandala is inscribed (it has to be perfect, Phoebe!), and Phoebe brings both hands down to the floor.

    "Te ad Orcum redire posco, Laundromatum relinque!" Phoebe commands, and the circle lights up brilliantly, her braids flying up and around her as the magic activates, and the young Exorcist and Demonologist attempts to send the little perv back to Hell!

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I wonder if he is the looker in his family? Zatanna's raven-black hair waves in the wind of Phoebe's magic. She calmly adds a magician's equivalent of a punt to the the purple beasty. Appearing to grow taller, Zee casts a shadow over the little gollem.

"Back into the heat and unemployment you go. Timing herself to Phoebe finishing a perfect chalk circle, she adds a little push. ".lleh ot thgiartS".

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebes magic swirls around, copper and rose-gold to Zatanna's blue and white-gold, and the violet shade gives a low cry, barritone surprising for such a tiny creature, and with a soft sound of a soda can exploding in perfect reverse, Magoth the Effervescent is returned to Hell. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

    Idu's growling halts, and he sits, happily on Zatanna's foot again, looking up at 'Aunt Zee' adoringly in a way that only puppies can.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"How long for your clothes to dry, Phoebe? I'm hungry."

She looks down at the adoring face, "Want to go for a walk? We can pick something up at the Deli. Lovely work, Phoebe."

She fingers a red mark on her face, "The little monster, got me good once."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Ah, gimmie about ten minutes to get them in the dryer and I'll join you?" Phoebe asks, and she looks around at the discarded change, and she preses her lips in a thin line.

    "Little annoying jerk." she states back to Zee, and she breathes out.

    "Never when I'm wearing the jeans." she mutters, rubbing her YoGoat pants, and giving a breath out.

    "My treat."