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Latest revision as of 00:22, 9 December 2021

Out in the Wash II: Prelims
Date of Scene: 08 December 2021
Location: Mr. Bubble Laundromat, Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Atrid comes across Phoebe doin' an Investigate at the Laundromat. He doesn't beleive in magic, thinks tattoos are cool, and Phoebe, who is washing magic robes in order to try and bait a demonic possession of a washing machine, tries to keep it together since... you know... she was accosted by a possessed coke machine.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Atrid

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    There was a time when Phoebe Beacon was almost sure that demons didn't actually exist. Of course, when one inhabits a soda machine and launches quarters at your mentor, famous stage magician Zatanna Zatara -- nevermind the whole other instances she's had to deal with the occult -- some things can change your mind.

    So Phoebe is in her Investigator gear today, testing one of the laundromat machines with a load of red clothing, some of which is supernatural in make and requirement. She herself was earing a skirt and vest combo with an ascot. Who even wears an ascot?

    Her glasses were perched at the tip of her nose, her fingers curled around the edges of a leathery book.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen wanders into the laundromat, wearing a fedora today with a long black leather duster and his standard 90's hot topic catalogue get up. Spying Phoebe he grins and wanders over raising a hand. "He Pheebs whats up beautiful?" He says with a grin. "Why you watching the laundry spin?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe pauses a moment as she hears a familiar voice. She looks up, over the top of her book and sees Atrid, wrapped in leather and with a fedora on, and her eyebrows go up. She lows her eyes to her book, and then closes it, marking her page with a dried leaf and setting it in her backpack.

    "Atrid." she greets the other teen with a small nod, and steeples her fingers.

    "Trying to see if there is any remaining demonic entities... did I mention that I... sorta investigate supernatural stuff?" she inquires, looking back over to him.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen shakes his head moving closer his eyes on the machines before landing on Phoebe.

    "No you didn't mention that, though I don't personally believe in demons, humor me please by explaining why one would want to inhabit or possess something used to wash clothes? Is it like a panty thief demon?" He asks curiously.

    Atrid looks about flames licking his right hand while icicles form on his left he chuckles nervously before speaking again.

    "Im sorry I ran off the other day, but you asked if I was a Local, yes born and raised in Bayridge Brooklyn. As for what it was like I was picked on and bullied, when my parents found out I was a Mutant dad nearly beat me to death and did this." He gestures to his scars. "I was abandoned at the hospital lived on the streets for a while before the people from Xaviers took me in. Now I see more of the fun and passion of the city. Speaking of you never answered my question. So will you go out with me sometime?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Demons can inhabit or influence the physical world; it's difficult to possess the living, but as the world becomes weirder -- or in the case of the locality, more magic-dense due to the tendency of some folks not shielding themselves or a 'crack' in the veil between worlds and -- why the world would it be a 'panty theif demon'? The last one was called Magoth the Effervescent. He's bubbly and possessed the Coke machine." she motions to a coke machine in back of them. It clicks, and whrrrs as its cooling cycle begins.

    And then he announces his past. Her eyebrows go up again, and she breathes out a moment as she turns, and looks at the book a moment, then goes back to Atrid.

    "So. Xavier's, huh?" she asks, her eyebrows rising up.

    She notably does not address the question of if puttputt or movie-going is in their near future.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen says, "Thats cool, I'm glad you've got something you're passionate about to believe on. Me I believe in what I can see." Shrugging he continues on. "Yea Xaviers why?" He asks.

    Atrid looks at Phoebe curiously as she dodges again his asking her on a date the flames grow slightly and the ice covers his hand it seems this is more of a comfort thing for him than just nerves.

    "So ummmm....." And he trails off his eyes looking down before he looks back to the machines and than her."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I've met a few people who go to the school, that's all. For something that's supposed to be secret," she turns her gaze over to Atrid "Sure sounds like a lot of people like to talk about going there." she gives a slight grin, and she brings up her hand a moment.

    "I have a tendency to get people hurt, Atrid. Let's see how things shake out before I say yes to mini-golf?" she offers as a slight compromise, and then she breaths out.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen smiles softly and holds his hands up chuckling.

    "I can incinerate or turn people into Popsicles I'm sure ill be fine Pheebs, but we can definitely see how things go. But don't say no because you're trying to protect me, I can take care of myself." He says smiling he does indeed let it drop.

    He brushes a stray strand of hair out of his face. The flames and ice fading as he speaks next its with a smirk a telling one for those who know the mischievous teen.

    Hey Xaviers is just a school for gifted youngsters no more no less see not so secret." Laughing though he does start to reach out and stops. "Are you ok with touching? And ok so we hang out some more I'm ok with this."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gets a sort of sad expression about her, and she gives a one-armed shrug, scratching at the leather strap around her left wrist a moment.

    "Thank you for asking... I'm... kinda not into being touched until I'm comfortable. Bad times." she explains quietly, and she brings her hands up, holding her palms about five inches apart, and with a whispered spell, there's a little bit of a flash, and a golden fire burns between her palms for a heartbeat or two, and then dissipates.

    "No. I'm saying no to protect myself, Atrid." she murmurs gently.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen returns the hug his arm lingering around her back rubbing Phoebes arm softly.

    "I get bad experiences...I'm still skittish about men being around me, feels almost like my flames and ice are closer to the surface at those points." He says watching her spell he smiles and gives an appreciative whistle.

    Atrid holds up his right hand and ignites it, it starts orange before moving into blue and finally white flames. "I'm still not sure how hot or cold I can get, I know cold I can get to sub zero just not sure on coldest temp." He sighs at her last bit but its an understanding and sympathetic sound. "I understand and respect and sympathize with you saying no to protect yourself Pheebs. Truly I've been there still am in a lot of ways. But its also a lonely and sad life that leads to after all we all deserve to be happy with folks who care about us yes?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... well, I've learned that my experiences are not as bad as some." she replies somewhat stiffly to Atrid, and she wrinkles her nose a moment.

    "So no one's tried to gauage your temperature range? Why not? What kind of science department do they have in that school?!" she asks in an incredulous sort of voice, looking over to Atrid, and then looking momentarily peturbed.

    "That is... somewhat disturbing. I mean, what if you lost control and they didn't know what fire extinguisher type would be best suited to contend with the flames?" she questions, "... or do they just use an ABC and hope for the best?"

    ABC works well on most magical fires. Not on Hellfire though. Just spreads it around.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen blinks shaking his head thoughtfully.

    "Well in truth I should up at 17, and felt like that kind of closeness and togetherness was just well it scared me. That and not getting along with one of the students S/O. I took off for a few months, but I'm assuming as white is the hottest of flames and I'm not sure where the ability originates, I mean I'm not sure if I use hell fire or something akin to it. I'm sure it would take a special type of extinguisher. Long story short I took off before any could gauge my Temps. I always was more of a loner now though, well now its different I guess."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Aaah, so you're not a *student* at Xavier's..." Phoebe holds a finger up, "you're a drop-out. Which is fine. I got expelled last year for fighting. Obviously hasn't affected my education any." she states. The water drains from the washer, and Phoebe checks her watch. "mmm. The effects may need time or energy to build up... and I don't have a dowsing kit on me. Mmnh." she considers, and rubs her chin a moment before she scratches at her left wrist again.

    "Have you tried getting back in touch with them? Winter... Winter is a pretty hard time to be out on the street."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen chuckles and shakes his head.

    "I was on the streets most of the winter last year I have ways of keeping warm, and getting food. But your concern is appreciated Pheebs. But I'm actually back at the school not a drop out and hell finishing my senior year. College won't be a thing most likely but meh." Chuckling. "They don't usually turn their backs on you once they've brought you in, They're good people like that." He says taking her hand in his to stop her scratching.

    "Is that a nervous tick type thing like my freezing stuff? The scratching thing I mean." He asks curiously and concerned.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... something like that." Phoebe replies with a slight smile to Atrid, and she hits the lock on the washer, and pulls what looks like some sort of heavy, linen robe out of it.

    "Good. I used to help the homeless in Gotham, until it got too dangerous. A lot of the people I knew died last year. Winters just don't seem to get easier in Gotham." she mutters quietly, pulling the heavy robes from the washer and picking up her basket, she goes to the dryer, swipes the payment card she has, and starts hitting buttons.

    "I wouldn't know. Not a mutant." she comments absently. "I'm supernatural."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen smiles and sidles up beside her.

    "Doesnt mean I can't bring you to visit, I mean I know others bring close friends or their significant others who don't go to school or live there, to hang out." He says smiling. "So darlin' tell me than what is the scratching about, I'm a bit of a curious person by nature."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe levels A Look to Atrid, and she tilts her head back.

    "I have a tattoo on my wrist. It itches." she explains in the most simple fashion, and then goes to load the heavy linens into the dryer. "And I've been to Westchester, but not the school. I... don't know if I'd be welcome. I mean, I know enough of the students that I could probably express dismay and be super embarrassing. I'm good for that." she murmurs, giving a shake of her head.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen perks and the mention of a tattoo.

    "Bad ass, lemme see, I'm totally gonna be gettin' ink. Well I mean I could now just need to find a good place." And her last bit he looks to Phoebe and smiles warmly and reassuringly. "No you're fine, I'm sure of it, tag along with me some day ok?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Oh... it's... kind of personal." Phoebe murmurs quietly, and scratches at the leather covering her wrist a little harder. Atrid, if he's sharp, might be able to see that there are dog liscence tags in the leather itself. She closes and locks the dryer door, and then looks to Atrid. "What kind of ink are you considering? Something meaningful?" she questions, raising her eyebrows.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen does indeed catch the tags and takes her hand again this time lacing their fingers together.

    "Definitely meaningful, first im thinking some flames and glaciers flames at the right wrist glaciers on the left. Let people who know of my abilities know which hand does what." He says with a smile but he asks no further on the tags. "Fair enough you don't have to tell me or show me.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a slight smile. "So elemental control is a big part of your life, and you'd advertise what you can do?" she gives a small smile, and she shrugs.

    "My mentor... had a lot of tattoos. Wards, protective stuff. That's what mine is. It's not very exciting to look at." she gives a small laugh.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen smiles giving her hand a squeeze smiling.

    "If it has meaning to you, than its more than awesome and exciting to look at." He says giving that warn smile. "I don't know about wards and stuff, but I mean yea I'd say my elemental control is a big part of my life and it'd be advertised to those in the know to anyone else they're just cool tats.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe slooowly extracts her hand from Atrid's, and just sort of gives a soft sound.

    "I understand that you're trying to be nice, Atrid, but I'm... just..." she trails off a moment, and she breathes out.

    "You're a nice guy, but yo u're coming on a little strong, you know?"

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen blinks and looks down.

    "Im so sorry I didn't realize..." He says pulling his hands back and scooting further away a deep blush forming on his face. "I'm so very sorry, I know you don't like touch, I should of been more mindful.""

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Yeah, you might want to be more mindful. Depending on how stressed I am, it's first instinct to throw a pun--" she pauses, and she looks at her wristwatch.

    "... huh. Duty calls." she murmurs quietly, and looks to Atrid.

    "Well, I'm going to have to figuratively put this on the back burner. My dad needs a hand." she states with a shrug. "Catch you later sometime." she states, giving the poor offending dryer a WHACK with her hand to stop it, and goes to extract her still wet laundry from it.