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Latest revision as of 09:13, 9 December 2021

A New Old Friend
Date of Scene: 08 December 2021
Location: Cafeteria and Bar
Synopsis: Lorna meets Paris Bennet over the buffet.
Cast of Characters: Lorna Dane, Paris Bennet

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane has claimed herself a seat at the bar. Those few mutants who were around were familiar enough with her presence here that she didn't need to worry about any who might be in awe of seeing the Queen of Genosha aka Magneto's daughter. Odd that she found refuge from the need for such theatrics on the Asteroid of all places. A tablet lays close at hand so she can work though for now she was simply enjoying a glass of white wine while contemplating what she ought to get from the cafeteria to eat with it.

Paris Bennet has posed:
The tall newcomer probably draws all of the eyes that Lorna is failing to. When you are a literal crusader and managed to make Rip Van Winkle sound like an afternoon nap, word tends to get around. There was also something about him having actually met the one Magnus has been chasing...

Bennet is in line dressed in his purple and black uniform. Evidently he's all about the SOS and coleslaw, because that's what he gets at the buffet. He could probably use it, because the color in his features is somewhat absent though physically the big man moves fine.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane hears a few murmurs from those around her which finally drags her gaze away from the tablet she'd been skimming over almost non-stop since arriving. The newest arrival earns a quick lift of eyebrows as she puts two and two together with what she's heard so far. Which was to say... Not much. Her father wasn't really one who kept her up to date on most matters unless he deemed it important. Plus, she had her hands full with her own duties.

Curiosity and a little grumbling of her stomach finally lures her to her feet to head for the buffet herself. Plucking up a plate she inclines her head toward the rather tall man. "Good evening," she offers as she pauses to start filling her plate. Salad. Always veggies first but she had her eye on some of that prime rib a bit further down the way. "You're drawing quite a lot of attention from everyone it seems," she adds with a bit of a grin.

Paris Bennet has posed:
The big man glances over at Lorna. Even people whose height he is comparable with he is generally broader than, being genuinely solid of build so it isn't a matter of height with him at just over six feet. As he regards Lorna, he purses his lips in consideration for a moment. He's thinking through how to appropriately reply.

Eventually, Bennet simply decided to roll with in his french accent,"I'm something of an accidental spectacle, madam. I do not mean to detract."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"You're fine, I was simply teasing a bit. The Asteroid gets new faces quite often, but rarely do they draw so much interest," Lorna explains as she offers up a small shrug. The fact that he had an accent didn't seem to bother her at all though. It only takes a moment of thought to tell herself to pay a bit more attention in case there was some slip up in phrasing or pronunciation that would give her pause to understand further. "I thought I might come introduce myself. As well as get some dinner," she adds with a glance cast to the food arranged thoughtfully. Sometimes too many choices was just too many choices. Especially when it was all good.

"I'm Lorna Dane. A pleasure to meet you, sir."

Paris Bennet has posed:
Golden within gold eyes blink slowly at her initial explanation, as if not quite comprehending before offering a somewhat awkward smile as he nods in agreement that might be feigned. He then places the name with a slight widening of his gaze,"Ah, oui. The Lady Darkholme mentioned you. Lord Erik's daughter. A pleasure. I am Bennet du Paris. As for the selection, I have trouble perusing as I confess to not knowing what most of it is."

Lorna Dane has posed:
There's a moment of hesitation as Lorna considers that. A nod is given, and she oh-so-casually inquires, "The 'Lady Darkholme' didn't mention my title did she? It doesn't merit much concern here after all." Moving on to more important topics, she gestures toward the arrangement of food. "If you've any questions I'm sure I can explain. Though there's little here that isn't delicious." So saying she pauses to get some roasted small potatoes which cause her pause. "Oh, this is... Definitely something you wouldn't know if what I've heard of your origins is correct. These are called potatoes. They're a root vegetable, and quite good. Especially with steak," she adds as a slice of that ribeye is FINALLY loaded onto her plate. Oh yes.

Paris Bennet has posed:
Bennet arches a brow as he clams up to follow the lady with plate in tow. She knows her food, evidently and won't argue the point. He's not big on such things. He does eventually comment then ask however,"Clarice showed me some of this, but I did not get to ask, how do you get such a selection up here, so far above the earth? Surely your teleporters have other things to do, with all due respect."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane glances over her shoulder at the tall man she now has in tow. Though she's pointed out a few items to him she pauses here to allow him to add more to his own plate if he'd like, as well as to answer his question. "There are quite a few teleporters that work in the Brotherhood. Though there are also ships that can come up as well with supplies. As far as the variety?" Here she pauses to consider looking over the selection. "Honestly I'm not entirely certain on that. I rarely deal in the day-to-day running of this place. It's father's, while I handle Genosha. I imagine most of the food selection is for the kitchen staff to manage, however." Tilting her head she offers, "If you've enough to try for now, you're welcome to join me to eat. I've a table over there."

Paris Bennet has posed:
Bennet admits to himself that the steak looks excellent, so he does go for that following her example as he nods at the explanation. His expression remains somewhat dubious but he doesn't press the subject and instead falls quiet to join the magnetomancer, or magnetokineticist, or whatever her variety is properly called. He himself has no clue, having missed out on the Enlightenment through the Industrial Revolution entirely. He settles for offering her a simple,"I thank you, mademoiselle. I shall."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane waits until he's had a proper amount on his plate before turning crisply on her heel to walk toward where she had sat before. Her wine glass remains there, and she reaches for it as she leans back into her chair thankful that the stools here had backs at least. It did tend to help a bit on keeping upright with proper posture. "You're quite welcome. I'm making a point to meet more of the new visitors here. And please, just Lorna is fine. We're having dinner after all," she points out with as reassuring a smile as she can muster. "If you'd like a drink the bartenders here can get anything you might like." The bartender in question perks having heard mention of his services, and gives a nod toward the pair.

Paris Bennet has posed:
The knight glances over to the bartender with an expression of consideration. After a beat, he requests,"The house Merlot, por favor."

With that out of the way, Bennet returns to Lorna and clears his throat as he regards her, then states plainly,"My apologies. where I'm from this would be scandal."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane lifts her glass of white wine to take a sip. It wouldn't quite go with the steak, but she enjoyed the drink in general. A nod is given toward the bartender along with a tip of her own glass. "Mine as well, thank you. I could use a refill." Her attention shifts back toward Paris considering him a moment only to grin with some amusement. "A scandal? Well Perhaps in your era, yes, but I believe a Queen can chose who ever she dines with as well."

Paris Bennet has posed:
Bennet hrms at her response, having none forthcoming. He slices into his own steak in silence then as the drinks are tended to. The big guy eventually raises his gaze back up and asks,"And what does the queen wish to ascertain from this meeting beyond my present status?"

Yes, Bennet is rather uncertain about this, as his terse reply demonstrates. The drinks are brought as he pops his first bite in and eyes the evidently youthful Queen

Lorna Dane has posed:
Ah ha. The lack of surprise almost--almost--is a dissapointment but it did mean that likely Clarice, Raven, and perhaps others had already informed him of her apparent status as Queen of Genosha. It wasn't something she tried to flaunt around people when she could avoid it though she had slipped into the diplomatic mindset easy enough when needed. A smile is offered back, along with a shake of her head at his tension. "Merely satisfying my curiosity. I do realize that this current world may be a bit overwhelming for you, given your origins. If you need a break from the station, Genosha is open to you."

Paris Bennet has posed:
Paris Bennet arches a pale brow at her offer, the tension subsiding somewhat as he considers that then notes,"I should mention that I require a meeting with Doctor Hathaway before that, though I look forward to accepting the offer. It was made apparent to me what happened in Genosha. I saw it in Clarice's mind, an accident but enough for clarity."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Genosha is recovering, if slowly. However there are still many places that extra hands are always needed," Lorna admits with a far more serious frown as she considers. "But it is a paradise in it's own right as well. Beaches, woods, simplier things. Of course, do what you are required to do as well. The offer stands open, and Clarice has ready access to Genosha. As she does to many other places. I'm attempting to rebuild it into a safe haven for our kind and those who support us."

Paris Bennet has posed:
Bennet cuts and devours the steak as he listens to her. His expression is neutral as he does, which is enhanced by the gold within gold eyes regarding her. He finally nods and expresses,"I would be honored. I understand a great deal is happening there with many opportunities."

The big man's expression almost shines at the offer and reply, and he takes up the delivered glass at that!

Lorna Dane has posed:
"You're quite welcome. Please, enjoy your stay here. There are many who can help you as well if need be. Though I'm sure you're already in good hands if Mystique and Clarice are known to you." She finishes off her own meal with a quick dab of her napkin feeling as if she ought to be a little MORE mannered than usual given she was around someone who may have been around real royalty before. "Thank you for the company, Sir Bennet. I've work to tend to for the rest of the night. Have a good evening." With that she rises, taking her tablet with her, and a gesture sends the metal tray with the dishes she'd used over to the tub meant for bussing. No sense going that way when she was leaving the other.