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Latest revision as of 09:16, 9 December 2021

Remember That One Time In Hell
Date of Scene: 05 December 2021
Location: Asgardian Embassy
Synopsis: Thor drinks... and SMOKES! Gasp!
Cast of Characters: Thor, Jane Foster

Thor has posed:
Thor arrives, all gasping, grunting, and carrying. Two large items find themselves on his shoulders. One, a large Keg that was obviously Asgardian mead from the finest stocks - perhaps Odin's own stash. On the other shoulder is a strange crate, with a stamp from the depths of the Nine Realms...did that say, Nidavellir? The land of the Dwarves?

Jane Foster has posed:
Sometimes a girl needs a bottle of mead, even if mead of Asgardian ilk rarely earns itself a pass into mortal hands. For good reason. Even the greatest heroes probably would manage a few sips before hitting the floor. Welcome though she is, Jane expects to receive a short glass or a demitasse of honey wine decided upon by a well-meaning Aesir bartender.

Mind you, she's not even particularly sure what reception she might receive in the hall. Sliding into a seat at a huge trestle table is bound to earn a bit of space around her, surely, as the chosen mortal! Whatever it is, coming as the Midgard representative in the Council of "Places Not Asgard and Asgard" might lend some distinction. Her gaze follows the ripples of silence breaking conversations, not caused by her taking a spot somewhere so much as the presence of monstrously intriguing containers. Shouts and approving calls roll over her greeting, and why try to compete with them? She raises her hand in hello, certainly not farewell.

Thor has posed:
The prince of Asgard lands in the room with a smile, an uproarious laugh, and a grunt, as he hoists the heavy keg and mysterious crate onto the nearest table - scattering the inhabitants of said table. Looking around, his eyes land on Jane, and even though you would think it impossible, they light up even more!

"Lady Jane! It is good to see you once more! I come bearing gifts in this time of celebration!" Looking over at the "barkeep" Thor nods, points at the keg, and smiles. "A round for everyone here! First pour goes to the Lady of Asgard over there!" Pointing at Jane, Thor turns, opens the Nidavellir crate, and takes out two long, cylindrical items.

Jane Foster has posed:

Not shouted by an angry dad. Not spoken like an amused mom or befuddled brother. The piping clarity lilts up and through a hubbub from fellow Aesir and assorted friends, for the embassy probably gathers them from all over. However many elves, dwarves, hobbits, Saurons and... wait, wrong story.

However many denizens of the Nine Realms opt to visit earth, surely they get to the embassy. And they probably bubble loudly and happily in the friendliest royal's company. Therefore the cheery and amused group forced to resettle with their drinks and company will not suffer too much.

"You bear gifts? Have you gone hunting or decided to gift us all cloaks now that it's cold?" The conversation point there is moot; not like New York gets cold enough for an icebear pelt, but you never know. "What is this? I didn't expect you to bring me a gift." Her gaze rises in surprise, eyebrows arching slightly.

And maybe then, or not, he might realize she's been speaking fluently in Aesir all along, not English.

Thor has posed:
"I do indeed! I "beer" gifts"!" Thor laughs, obviously amused at his incredible wit and sense of humour. His exhuberance and charm did tend to come through in his boisterous demeanor. "No cloaks. No hunting. However, I did score us two gifts befiting the Gods themselves!"

Waving towards the Keg, Thor says, "Asgardian mead. The good stuff!"

Next, Thor motions towards the crate. "Next, Nidavellirian Cigars. A true blessing of the Dwarves." Tapping his hammer, Thor grins. "When they are not crafting the greatest weapons of the Nine Realms!"

With a smile, Thor raises an eyebrow speaking to her in true Aesir. "I am impressed Lady Jane. Your tongue has become quite talented in coversing in the true language of our people." Not "my" people. Bowing ever slightly, Thor hands Jane one of the two objects in his left hand - Thor keeps one for himself. The amazing aroma from the cigar can already be noticed. "Does anyone have a light?"

Jane Foster has posed:
"Oh dear." Jane stifles a laugh, hand going to her mouth. "You have discovered puns and dad jokes." The exuberance and sheer, raw enthusiasm for life proves infectious even to the most sober individuals, else how does that explain Hogun?

His broad gestures notwithstanding, Thor receives a low laugh. "They smoke in Nidavellir, do they? I imagine this tobacco grows happily in mist and smells like the rain when you burn it?" Mysteries about these vices deserve some consideration, doesn't she? Its aroma is something she'll sniff at, anyway. Alas, his question gets a shake of her head. "None here, though I hope someone will have a lighter or firestarter. What /do/ you tend to use for them?"

Someone indeed sooner will have a light and happily send it over with a toss, whatever it is. "How did you come by these? You've surely got a story. I don't imagine you get into a shop to purchase the likes of that."

Thor has posed:
Thor stands up straight and briefly looks puzzled. "Dad jokes. I am not a Dad. At least I do not think I am. It is possible. Do you know something I do not Lady Jane?" Thor looks serious for a few moments, before his frown turns into a smile. As per Jane's thoughts, perhaps he briefly channeled Hogun?

As Jane's description reaches his ears, Thor's smile widens. "You know the land then! Yes, the Dwarves are a hardy race, and i find myself spending time there now and then." Now there was, indeed, a story. A lot of them.

"Perhaps I will tell the story someday. "Ulik was involved, as were other dark foes! Vanquished of course. Short version, their King slips me some of their best tobacco now and then...and their best cigars."

Thor grabs a mug of mead after offering a flagon to Jane. "Drink up! Smoke and enjoy1 For tomorrow, we may fall in glorious battle and journey to Valhalla once more!"

Jane Foster has posed:
"Are you implying that..." Jane widens her eyes slightly, almost faulted. "Is everyone in a family way lately? I am starting to think it is catching."

Perhaps her startled, wide-eyed look would give further pause for serious concern, except that Thor's banter receives equal measures of low, dusky laughter even though she speaks usually in a modulated mezzo soprano. "I've tried to make a point of understanding the different realms, at least to sound a little less like an uneducated child to you or among your people. Nothing quite so bad as forever forcing a conversation to come to a grinding halt for an explanation, though you are endlessly patient with me. Fandral, too. But that's not how I prefer to test someone's mood." Another rueful smile dimples her cheek, at least for a moment. Though that moment passes as she settles back.

"Lord Ulik? I should have to hear more of who he is. Though if the king appreciates your help and pays in such handsome gifts, then it's a good story to be had."

She accepts the flagon with a murmur of gratitude, and raises the cup. "To further good relations there, and no unexpected surprises until the morrow. Though if you fall in glorious battle, I might just plain refuse to let them transport you away and insist you're set to rights."

As if a Valkyrie ever halted for that.

As if he didn't pull her straight out of the broken Underworld where his father's own tithe of the dead was stolen by a half-dozen other gods. Stranger things have happened.