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The Fuck Was That Matt
Date of Scene: 15 March 2020
Location: Alias Investigations
Synopsis: Jessica reprimends Matt for getting her trapped into a date with Dick Grayson.
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Matthew Murdock

Jessica Jones has posed:
Once Dick Grayson leaves, Jessica waits until the door closes, and then listens in carefully for footsteps, before looking to Matt for confirmation, "he within earshot still?" It's funny when she knows she can ask Matt that question, and get an honest response rather than a guesstimation, and Matt is supposedly the blind one. While waiting for Matt's reply, Jessica downs her...who remembers the count glass of whiskey.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt listens to Grayson's nimble footsteps as they head to the elevator down the hall and the vanish inside, all trace of him replaced by the sounds of tired machinery whirring as it lowers him down to the first floor. "Yeah, he's in the elevator now, we're good."

There's an appreciation for that reversal of position, and he leans forward to open the bag of Thai food, "Same stuff as last time, figured why risk change, right?" he says as he hands her one of the takeout boxes inside and a pair of chopsticks. Once it's just him and Jess, the blind act is dropped completely, with Matt standing up a little straighter as well. "So, what did you think of him and his case?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Fuck his case, why the hell would you give him the impression I'm looking for a date!? I was doing my damn hardest to be as polite about brushing him off, and there you go offering solutions to a problem that was already solved! What in the fuck, Murdock?" Jessica snarls angrily, though it doesn't stop her from snatching her share of Thai food, and reaching for the bag only to find no plastic fork. "Seriously? Just the sticks?" Jessica sighs theatrically, as she gets up and starts heading for her kitchen, "I'm not a fucking ninja like you, Matt, I don't know how to eat with sticks," there's a very loud noise of shuffling silverware in the drawer, before Jessica groans in aggravation and goes about the task of actually washing a fork for herself. "Fuck. I need a maid." She mutters, before eventually making her way back to her desk and sitting down in anger, somehow conveying emotion in the act of sitting, as she grabs the her box and starts shovelling food in her mouth. Chewing loudly. Maybe the food will calm her down about.

In that anger spike, she absolutely offered no words about Grayson's case, looks like Selina Kyle will have to endure a run in with Jessica. But the more she'll explore, the less Jessica will look forward to it.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Admittedly, may have overstepped," Matt agrees, calm in the face of Jess' rage. He's been here before, he knows the score. "Still, not sure how fixed that was anyhow, guy seemed pretty set on that dinner," he observes. "Anyhow, sorry, wasn't intending to set you up with the guy, just poking fun."

He smiles about the chopsticks, "You don't have to be a ninja to use these you know," he says, but that's surely not helping. Then he gets down to business, "Though there was something off about the guy, what he was feeling wasn't concern, but at the same time he wasn't lying or nervous," he says. "Also, he's clearly been keeping up his training from his acrobat days, fittest cop I've ever run into."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Ya think!?" Jessica glowers at Matt with a disproving shake of her head, once more her voice goes high pitched, "oh, Karen got dresses she can lend me, Karen is such a wonderful caring person!" That is followed by a deep groan, as she shovels some more food in her mouth, once again chewing intentionally loudly. "He's a fucking Bludhaven Detective, probably thinks he's better than me since he actually works for a P.D." Jessica snaps, shaking her head, "and he's Bruce Wayne's ward, so he'll expect table manners and etiquettes I just have no fucks to give about...this has disaster all over it. Hope I won't lose his stupid case as a result."

"I tried, Matt," Jessica says with a roll of her eyes, "these sticks just slips out of your hands, they're unreliable, and you can't even hold to food with them. They work better to push stuff off a plate into your mouth...oh, and getting splinters. They do that too."

"I noticed that as well, he was mighty fine for a police detective...you figure he's doing some extra-curricular work on the side?" Jessica wonders, before calming a bit and getting slightly more serious at the warning, "was there something else that didn't feel right? He's not looking to rape me or anything, is he? Because if he tries, I'll be in jail for his murder in public..."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt can sense the glower but he's unshaken by it as he moves to the sofa to eat his food. "Hmm, nah, I don't think he'd look down on you because of your job, that would have come out when he was explaining the case, like going into extra detail because he thinks PI's aren't real investigators. As for manners, guy grew up in a circus before he got adopted by a billionaire, probably glad to shake off the stuffy upper crust vibe, I know I would be." Though with the topic of chopsticks at hand he can't help but poke, "But probably good he didn't want to go for Chinese."

As to the what was off about the good detective, he shakes his head, "Definitely didn't get a predatory vibe, just that he wasn't telling us the whole story. Holding something back." As for the man's fitness, "Might be, yeah, or he might just keep it up to feel a connection to his old life. Actually saw him and his folks perform once, before," he gestures at his eyes. "They were pretty good."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"He pretty much admitted he was only curious about hiring me because of that impromptu twitter ad I put out, thanks to that Cackler asshole," Jessica muses, as she finally slows down her pace to normal eating, allowing for actual conversation. Maybe she's past the storm rage. "So you think he doesn't have issues looking down at P.I.s? That's good."

"Oh fuck you, Matt," Jessica snorts at the tease about Chinese retaurant. "You think I should be careful with that Selina lady?" Jessica honestly seems curious about Matt's out take, "to me it sounded like the real threat of the job is having to do it without Bruce Wayne finding out. A rich asshole like him probably has the entire world under surviellence to keep his endless money safe."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Right," Matt says. "Sounds like your ad put you on his radar at just the right time," he says, "You make sense as a choice, out of town, away from all that Bruce Wayne money, half the PI's in Gotham would probably run straight up to his mansion and let him know what Dick is cooking up, where as, tattling is not your style," he says with a little shrug, though by his tone he does respect that about her.

He laughs about the Chinese food thing, before crinkling his nose and shaking his head, "Sounds like she's just trying to add to her fortune, doesn't sound desperate, either, I think I read something about her doing charity events for big cats, not usually the first choice for someone on their last dime. Yeah, mostly I think you've got it right, the issue will be keeping off Bruce Wayne's radar while you dig around his personal life. Got a plan?" he asks her. "Either way, sounds like a nice change of pace from the usual cheating asshole cases you get. By the way, thanks for sending me Mrs. Finnerman, she signed on as a client for her divorce."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Hey, I deserve some dumb luck with all the shit I've been through," Jessica snorts, "with any luck, I can do well, and maybe that rich fuck Wayne would hire me sometime." She smiles at Matt's compliments as he gives a fair assessment, "that's true, I know how to compartmentalize better than most P.I.s out there."

"That's exactly my angle, Murdock, I'm going to attend one of these galas and approach her, see what I can learn in person," Jessica admits, "I don't think she's a gold digger, but I do think she's a bleeding heart for cats for whatever fucked up reason. I hope it's not a sex fetish...if she locks me in a basement and makes me pretend to be a cat, you promise to find me and kill me. Right after you let me kill her. Deal, Matt?"

Jessica grins, "you're welcome, and I hope you give her what she deserves, her husband was one fucking gaslighting asshole. Also, you're the best, I always recommend you to good people." There's the unspoken word that suggests she has someone else in mind for the bad people. Jessica does take all sorts, unlike Matt who is surprisingly ethical for a lawyer.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"True," Matt says of the world owing Jessica some dumb luck. Hell, by his count it owed her a few lottery wins and a free cruise around the world but the case would have to do. "Yeah, that'd be a good deal, on retainer with Bruce Wayne," he says with a smile. "And with a cop in Bludhaven owing you a favour too."

"True, and it's appreciated, given all you know about me," he says. After all by the time he had revealed who he was to the team she'd figured him out. "Being devil boy and all," he offers with a warm smile at the nickname.

"We'll make sure she gets her fair share," he says. "And hopefully a better life without her husband," he tells her, his concern for Mrs. Finnerman clear in his voice. Yes, weird right? A lawyer who gives a shit. Speaking of the good ones and the bad, "And how is Jeri these days?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"It's a catchy name, I gotta hand it to you," Jessica jokes, before adding, "if I had to go with a hero name, it would probably suck. I figure those things aren't so easy, there can only be one Wonder Woman, what's left after that? Whiskey Gal?"

She points at Matt when he mentions the plan for Mrs. Finnerman, "see? That right there is why I don't date, I'm the one who more often than not sees where that shit leads to." She smiles like she just won a case herself, before snorting, "Jeri's as perfect as ever. Always winning, always swimming in money, and I think she personally enjoys undressing other lawyers in court...she must get like, actual pleasure out of it. I'd imagine she orgasms more from that than anything she does in the bedroom," Jessica laughs as she goes back to finishing her meal.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt laughs, "Thanks, like the other one I didn't pick it, I just sort of went with it," he says. The guy putting the footage of him online called him Daredevil and the name stuck. He grins wide, though at Whiskey Gal. "You know that might work," he jokes lightly. "Easy jump to an endorsement deal." He shakes his head and tucks into his food.

"I can imagine your cases kind of take the shine off of it," Matt says with a nod. "Can't say listening to the couples in my building exactly helps me believe love conquers all," he shrugs. "But sometimes a person or two cuts through all that," he says, before his smile becomes wry and he points with his chopsticks. "Maybe Detective Grayson is one of those," he says, totally fucking with her at this point.

There's a pained expression on Matt's face as he says, "Not an image I needed in my head. But good to know she's still pretty much her," he says before finishing his noodles. "Anyhow I've been a big enough pain in your ass for one day, sametime next week?" he asks beginning to get up.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Yeah...it does have a nice ring, doesn't it? The Adventures of Devil Boy and Whiskey Gal would sure sell comics," Jessica jokes, before shaking her head, "good thing I'm not a hero or I'd be tempted to give it a go." She doesn't sound serious about it for one second.

"You ever dated anyone, Murdock?" Jessica asks as it kinda popped in conversation, and besides, he kinda forced a date on her, it was only fair. "Yeah...sure, Dick Grayson, ward of Bruce Wayne, going to pick asshole Jessica from Hell's Kitchen and take her to the Wayne Palace for some real quality whiskey. As if...I know how life works, Matt. Don't sell me on dreams." Yeah, she's not at all looking forward to that date.

"I'll tell you that much, Matt, if I was on trial with potential death penalty on the line, I'd probably go with Jeri...no offense."

As she finishes her Thai food, Jessica grins, "sure, next time next week, only next week...let's do away with Find Jessica A Date, it's a lame game."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Can practically see it already," Matt says with the usual wry grin he gives when poking fun at his blindness.

That smile becomes a more quizzical look at the sudden question about his dating life, "Seriously? Yes, once," the other serious relationship in his life wasn't exactly dating in the strictest sense. "Most of the time I look for something shorter term. Work, the other job..." he gives a shrug. "I'd ask, 'how about you' but I think we've covered that."

"Probably right, anyhow I shouldn't tease about things like that," he says of her and Grayson. He tosses his take out box in the trash. "Sure thing," he says with an apologetic smile. "I'll just stick to getting you work."