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Latest revision as of 21:24, 15 December 2021

And the cooks had to work overtime.
Date of Scene: 15 December 2021
Location: Clark's Bar and Grill
Synopsis: A nice conversation is had
Cast of Characters: Gilgamesh, Bart Allen

Gilgamesh has posed:
Clark's Bar and Grill is a happening place during lunch. There's a bunch of people grabbing drinks and food and chatting loudly while they look out for supeheroes to appear. Despite being kind of crowded there's a couple of free stools at the bar.

That works out for Gilgamesh, however. The Eternal, wearing his black and gold uniform, lands softly outside after flying over and enters the establishment, taking a look around before spotting the empty seats and heading for one of them. As he's not particularly well known yet he doesn't get bothered too much, but a touristy looking pair approach and ask for selfies. Not wanting to disappoint, the ancient being stands between them and puts on a big smile as they snap some shots with their phones.

A younger person walks towards the superhero and asks, "Who are you?"

"Gilgamesh," replies the man with a smile. "Former king of Uruk. Some of the first recorded writings are about me, you know." He's not getting to his seat any time soon as he's inundated with questions from the young person.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen was passing through and saw the advertisement. He decide to stop in, and look for a place to sit. With a bit of a blur one of those open seats now has a speedster in costume sitting in it. He smiles and once the waitress sees him, he makes an order, the waitress calls out "Got a Flash special with cheese hold the onions."

Gilgamesh has posed:
"I just took a break from adventuring for a while, but I'm back now," Gilgamesh is explaining to someone, sliding between guests to make it to the last empty stool. Settling in he looks over at the other new arrival and nods politely, "Hello. How's it going?" Then he scoops up a menu, looking through it closely as he makes decisions on what to order. "Hmm. Not a bad variety," he says of the menu. "Might have to go with a burger today. See how they are here."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and nods a bit to the man "I went with a few." He tells the man "Hoping they are good." He offers his hand to the other man and says "Impulse, heard your Gilgamesh as in the one from the history books?"

Gilgamesh has posed:
"Pleased to meet you, Impulse," Gilgamesh reaches out to shake the youth's hand. "Yeah. One and the same," there's a little chuckle with that. "I've been around a while, just kind of out of the public eye. Used to pretend I was a regular soldier for a long time, trying to help out countries I believed in, but then there were the crusades and the Spanish Inquisition..." He shrugs. "Decided to take a few centuries to pursue other ventures."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, his head a bit and says "I can imagine with a life span like that you have to figure out quite a few things to do to keep it exciting." And as they are talking a dozen burgers and fries are brought to the young speedster

Gilgamesh has posed:
"You've got one hell of an appetite," Gilgamesh comments to Impulse when he sees the kid's order. "Just one of those burgers for me, please, with a coke and fries," the Eternal says to the server with a grin. Then it's back to talking to the other guest, "Yeah. I'm actually a chef now, in addition to being a warrior. For the last five centuries I focused myself on mastering cooking to the best of my abilities. Turns out I really like preparing food for people. Now there's just so much trouble in the world that I figured it's time for me to come out of retirement, though."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit to this and while the man was making his order three of the burgers and a side of fries have already been consumed. He looks over to Gilgamesh? Oh a chef? What type of cooking do you prefer, you probably know quite a few dishes that have been lost to time.

Gilgamesh has posed:
"You name it, I can cook it," says Gilgamesh proudly. "I've studied foods from all over the world. My favorite thing to do is to try combining flavors from different cultures to try to figure out new recipes. I ran a few kitchens in the last few hundred years, all over the world. Last century I spent in Australia, though. I liked living there because it's an out of the way place with all the modern amenities."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to this and says "I might be able to name a few things, but I wager it would be more from lack of ingredients." He offers and now half the food he had ordered is gone. "I gotta admit, I like the idea of a hero friendly place, is nice to not have to convince people my 12 burgers are only 2 or so."

Gilgamesh has posed:
"Exotic ingredients?" asks Gil with a smile. "You've piqued my interest. What are they and where can they be found?" As his burger is brought out he has a bite and nods approvingly. Then he nods once more, this time at Impulse, "It is nice. If you ever come to where I work in my secret identity don't be shy about ordering enough food for yourself."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Other planets mostly, or a few chemical compounds that have not been put together here yet." He offers and says to the other man "I was born in the other direction than you were."

Gilgamesh has posed:
"Damn," says Gil with a frown. "That sounds like it might be a bit out of my way. Still, all the new flavors humanity has come up with over the years has kept me quite busy." Then he lifts his eyebrows, "You're from the future? Are you so fast that you travel backwards through time?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen makes a soso motion with his hand "I could possibly but did not get here under my own power, a long story and one best not for random ears." He admits "But this is my home now, and I do my best to help with it as much as I can."

Gilgamesh has posed:
Gilgamesh nods a couple of times in between bites of food. Once he washes it down with his coke he says, "That's a good way to be. Put as much good out into the world as you can. I find it leads to contentment. And there are lots of ways to help people, too. I got a couple folks I'm training to protect themselves. There's a young man who told me the food at his school cafeteria was mostly boring so I wrote him a cookbook that he can use in his dorm room's kitchenette. I save cats from tall trees." He shrugs, "Also, I stop crimes and stuff."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to this and says "I work with a couple hero groups, but I also try to help animals, and educate some people on it. Beast Boy inspired some videos I did on the internet to help with that."

Gilgamesh has posed:
"That's great!" exclaims Gilgamesh. "It's good to coordinate with others when you're taking action. And helping animals is great since they can't speak for themselves." Then he chuckles, "I have to admit that I'm not great with the internet yet. It's been around for decades, but I didn't really need it very often except for emails and looking for recipes."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to this and says "It has quite a lot of interesting things, but you have to make sure you don't let yourself get to engrossed into it. I would wager some would be interested to head a bit abot the past in things that may have been lost to most.

Gilgamesh has posed:
"Yeah, I don't mind talking about the past but I prefer to do it in person," says Gilgamesh thoughtfully. "If I put it on paper people might think it's meant to be a completely objective thing when everything I say could be misremembered or I might have a bias I'm unaware of. If it's spoken I hope folks catch on that a lot of the things I talk about are colored by my experiences."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to this and says "Make sense, like I don't talk about the future, as I am not sure it is the same one I am from. " He admits. He orders a piece ofevery type of pie they have.

Gilgamesh has posed:
Finishing off his meal, Gil has some more of his drink, "One thing I think I understand is that the future can change. A wise man once said 'There is no fate but what we make for ourselves'. It's as true now as it was the first time I heard it. I just wish more people were dedicated to making sure that fate would smile at everyone instead of just themselves."