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Latest revision as of 06:38, 21 December 2021

Hey Man
Date of Scene: 19 December 2021
Location: Avengers Mansion - Training Facility
Synopsis: Clint and Tony meet up, and while Tony studies his drones, Clint's looking for target practice.
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Clint Barton

Tony Stark has posed:
There's a lot of sound going on in the training area -- little blam-slam sounds, whirring noises, pings and boops and beeps....

Investigation will reveal an odd little warzone, made up almost entirely of maybe two dozen little robotic flying drones zooming around each other, pivoting and shooting each other with little red and blue darts. It looks like a brawl is going on, red vs. blue!

The drones chatter and scold one another, get shot, bully up on one of the shooters to cover that one in darts... it's quite a circus.

On the side, using a bench press bench more like a couch, is Tony, playing on a handheld device while laying on his back. There are no weights racked there, he appears to just be relaxing in athletic gear while the bots have their shooting match and squabble as a backdrop.

Clint Barton has posed:
Unlike other Avengers, like Cap, Thor, and Banner, Clint is one of the teammates that actually have to train to keep their skills sharp and does not have to rely on some incredible superhuman powers. So, with his bow in hand, Clint is walking towards the training area with a full quiver of regular arrows on his back. He's dressed plainly, a black t-shirt with blue jeans.

Though what he manages to discover is apparently Tony Stark playing videogames while apparently, drones scatter and get shot at by each other. Classic red vs. blue tactics going on here, and it looks like Stak is testing some new technology.

"Not exactly push ups and squats, Tony." Clint comments with all the deadpanned sass of an angry nun, even if his eyes are targeted to the device in Stark's hands. "Are you playing with drones again?"

Tony Stark has posed:
Indeed, Clint the ordinary non-powered Avenger has walked into a zone currently occupied by ... another non-powered Avenger. Tony's usually, in general, more cloaked or private about his workouts, unless they involved suited-up teamwork. The only time he's seen touching most of this equipment is to install new software or fix a hardware problem.

"Yep, you caught me avoiding leg day," Tony chuckles, still focused on his device -- but every Avenger knows better than to think Tony can't multitask. He's certainly able to do both that and chat with Clint.

"Nah, they're entertaining themselves, while I entertain /my/self," Tony smiles. "By the way, red team'll register those blue jeans as an enemy, and the red team is winning," Tony adds helpfully, innocently.

The drones haven't oriented yet, they're still in their own battle, clearly keeping to a marked off area. "That's not really a /warning/. More that if you prefer to be on the red team, you'll have to change clothes," Tony chatters, a smile both on his lips and in his voice.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Something about the blue jeans and the blue team doesn't bother me too much. Everyone roots for the underdogs don't they?" Clint surmises, though he shrugs a little bit. "So what's the occasion? Leg day for the brain or just testing out new toys for the field? What's the play?" Classic SHIELD, fearing perhaps intelligence or just genuinely curious in what the billionaire philanthropist is up to today.

Though he approaches closer and draws an arrow from his quiver. "Well, I could use the target practice. You mind making this live?" He tells Tony a moment. "You can even use that controller of yours to make it a good challenge. Gotta keep all of our skills sharp, don't know when the next threat is coming."

He sounds like Nat.

"Anyway man, how's it going?"

Tony Stark has posed:
"If you want to use arrows, I'd rather you NOT poke holes in them just yet, give me a minute to turn their shielding on. They're just using little darts right now -- it's a test in their ability to learn. Red and Blue each have two captains, and I'm seeing how they evolve in my little exercise," Tony explains. He never minds explaining, and he balances not being too technical with also not talking down to anybody. Part of that charisma that's bareable about the man, while so many other parts of his personality CAN be a bit much.

"So far the captains are arguing a lot. It's been a pretty accurate simulation," Tony laughs. But the robots clearly take five as Tony fiddles with his handheld tablet, and little domes ZOT into existance, then shift more invisible. Three blue bots over on a 'bench', as if they were on time-out, wiggle a little.

"Yeah, fine, you're back in," Tony grants them, and they zoom back into the 'play' area.

There are areas to duck behind, but most of the stuff in the room is other training equipment - such as the punching bag which is covered in little darts from a dire war they must have had around it.

"Going well for me, really. Pepper's trying to turn the tower into being decorated like a mall ready for Santa, and I'm resisting," Tony adds, but there's amusement in the tone. He isn't really bothered by it. "What've you been up to?"

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint frowns a little bit at Tony. "Alawys sucking the joy out of everything. Just saying, arrows are better than darts." Clint puts an arrow back in his quiver as he waits for the shielding to be placed. "So they're trying to learn...what, human concepts of teamwork?" He asks of Tony, apparently Clint doesn't care too much for machines. "I'm just saying man, I've seen Terminator, I don't think its gonna end well."

Eat your heart out, Ultron.

He watches Tony give some drones that got the penalty box treatment their time in the sun, and they head right back into the play area. "Glad to hear, buddy. You and Pepper still going strong?' He questions the Iron Man, though he shrugs his shoulders.

"Eh, not much. Trying to keep my skills sharp for the next mission, whenever it happens. Gonna try and get together with Nat and see what's on the up and up. Anything suspicious that you've noticed lately? Any action?" Clint looks antsy.

He wants to get back in the field.

Tony Stark has posed:
"Hardly Skynet. All the blame for those bad ideas can rest on Hank Pym. I wash my hands of it," Tony laughs in answer. Ever one to happily throw Hank under the bus of Ultron whenever needed. No, that won't be lived down.

"I'm not going to repeat his bad ideas. I'm going to do all new ones," Tony teases.

"But no, my 'captains' are just proxy for human commanders. It's not ideal, but later we'll escalate to giving you a pod of drones that will pick up on your commands and help cover you. I can't imagine you'd be /that/ upset with expendable helpers," Tony finally sits up, stretching his back and neck. He's sore through one shoulder, which could explain the resting, though Tony tends not to mention it.

"Action? Yeah, had a mad scientist throwing some sticky goo-creatures around. We didn't get all of the scientists; happy to have YOU get covered in monster snot for the next one. Consider youself on speed-dial. That wasn't fun to clean off my armor."

"Pepper and I are great, yep. No complaints. Though I'll need a new adjective for my list, I suppose, if I retire 'playboy.'..."

Clint Barton has posed:
"Heh." Clint snorts out a short laugh as Tony throws all of the blame on Hank Pym for the creation of a Skynet-like entity who wanted to destroy all of mankind. "Well, we'll never let him live that one down, will we Tony?" Clint questions Tony then, though he looks at the drones as they continue to play their game, each one gaining an advantage over the other.

"Maybe not new ones like it, yeah? Unless you really want me to see if an arrow can pierce through tough armor. Hint: it can. I just...you know, no more murderbots." Clint tells Tony with a bit of complaining, but, he seems to be amused as he gets a text. "Speaking of old friends, that looks like its my cue. Better get out of here before I start asking questions about sticky goo monsters." He shakes his head and starts heading for the door, though he stops just before the exit it.

"It was really good seeing you, Tony, happy to hear that you and Pepper are going strong. Stay good to her yeah? She's one of the good ones, far as I can tell." He gives the Billionaire a two-finger salute. "Maybe 'faithfully committed ex-bachelor?'" He outtones as he exits.