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Latest revision as of 05:19, 24 December 2021

Leaving the Roost
Date of Scene: 22 December 2021
Location: Level 4 - Recreation - The Roost
Synopsis: Jon, M'Gann and Gabby retreat in the Bioship while realizing the extent of the situation at The Roost.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Jonathan Sims, M'gann M'orzz

Gabby Kinney has posed:
It had been an eventful night to say the least. With everything as wrapped up as it could be, the flight to regroup elsewhere was relatively peaceful. Somber. Gabby had stepped away from the flight of the ship which she had no business doing in the first place to clean herself up a bit. It didn't take much since the only damage she had was a bloodied nose. In retrospect it wasn't the greatest idea. Just one she had thought would help if it worked. She stands facing the wall of the ship wiping her nose clean with a napkin or cloth or something she found for the purpose.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon's turned off the Archivist transformation and let himself slump back into one of the seats of the plane. Tim and Phoebe being missing has his emotions in a tangle, and he takes a moment to try to unknot it all, with slow deep breaths. He rests his head on the back of the seat and stares at the ceiling of the plane.

    "How's the nose?" he asks Gabby. The nose he broke. On purpose. Ooof.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances back toward the untransformed Jon at the question with a hint of surprise. It fades in a flash to be replaced by a smile. "Oh it's all healed already," she assures moving the napkin aside to show off her perfectly fine nose. It was just some dried blood after all. To prove her point she pokes at her own nose with her free hand to show it's perfectly fine. "Besides, I can't feel any pain to begin with. Thanks for doing that... I thought it might trigger..." She pauses with a sigh. "Thought maybe if I had enhanced senses it'd help find them."

Here she pauses, letting her gaze fall down to the toes of her boots as she considers her words. "I know that mutations can be forced through repeated trauma. It's... it was done on some others a few years ago by a mad scientist. He tortured them until they developed secondary mutations. Tortured me, too, but I'm okay." Lightly clearing her throat she adds, "I guess everyone getting kidnapped right now is reminding me of it a bit."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
The ship flies through the night sky, staying well above regular air traffic routes, cloaked in the upper atmosphere at the edge of space.

In the command chair, M'gann broods as she directs the ship's flight. Either the the kidnapping hit her really hard or something happened to her before she showed up and the kidnapping and destruction of the roost only made it worse, either way M'gann is far from her happy cheery self as she flies the ship.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Something makes Jon's breath catch in his throat at what Gabby says. "Oh," he says. "Oh, good lord, that's... a /terrible/ idea." He swallows, and tries to hold in the wave of pain and terror the poor Martian telepath in the front would feel. She doesn't need that, right now.

    "You're doing well," he adds, in a firmer tone of voice. "Stepping up, taking on the responsibility you've been given. I'm sure Red will be proud."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"It was the first thought that I had so I ran with it. At least until I saw other things needed to be done," Gabby explains rather honestly as she shifts to glance around the ship. M'gann was quiet, rather too quiet. She might not have enhanced senses but she was observant. "Thanks for sticking by me. I don't know what that lady's problem was but it was just getting in the way of things. And I'm sure Red appreciates that you're safe here with us, too. He'd worry otherwise," she points out attempting to help his nerves a bit.

Moving toward the pilot seat she reaches out to gently touch M'gann's shoulder. The obvious question is to ask if she's all right. How could she be though? With all that happened. Instead she asks, "Do you need to talk, Miss Martian?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"It's fine." It's almost definitely not, M'gann is a tangle of emotions though that she isn't quite sure how to deal with. "We will find them and get our friends back. They will pay for what they've done."

She takes a deep breath looking at Gabby and finally says, "All the powers in the world, and I'm always too late." It's eating away at her.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Power isn't everything," Jon says softly. "Look at Red--he's got no powers at all, and he's just as competent at any of this as the rest of us." He looks up to Tim, in a lot of ways, as a hero and as a friend. It amazes him, constantly, that Tim has /no/ superpowers at all and yet does all he does.

    Well, okay, money, but still. Most people with money don't do what Tim does.

    "You're welcome," he adds. "A lot of adults look at people your age and see children... and a lot of /people/ in general look at those less experienced and assume they should walk in and take over. But this is /your/ team--I'm just here to help."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"It's NOT okay. And it's okay if YOU aren't okay, too. A lot of horrible stuff just happened to our friends and family, and none of us were able to stop it. Not just you." Gabby purses her lips together tight with a deep breath drawn as she digs deep to find that calm confidence she's had to rely on before. How strange that it was so closely mingled with anger at all that had happened. Anger could lead to a lot of things, though, and in this case it's determination in dealing with the situation. "We'll get then back. I've lost nine sisters already. I'm not going to lose another."

She glances back toward Jon giving a smile in response. "Kinda wish the people I went to school with realized that. I appreciate they gave me the freedom to be a kid, but they didn't give me the freedom to use what I know to help." Here she pauses, adding, "I'm not sure I'm the best to be 'in charge' at all in this case, either, but I'm the one that the Roost will recognize as far as codes to go reactivate it when we need to. In the field though..." Here she pauses glancing back toward M'Gann. "I'm willing to defer to those who have more experience with the team. What do you think we should do, Miss Martian?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann clenches a fist and there is some momentary turbulence before she manages to steady her emotions and internally apologize to the ship for whatever darkness came over her as she was listening to Jon.

"You're right. This is.. There's just, a side of me I don't like. I'm so /angry/ and I ...I need to get control." She's either struggling to find the right words or dancing around something, possibly both. "If they were in front of me right now, I'm not sure I could hold myself back."

She shakes her head as if to shake off the feelings. "We need to regroup. Then figure out how we find them and make them pay."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon frowns over toward M'gann. "Anger is a valid emotional response to this," he says. "But you're right--it's your actions that matter. I... well, I speak from knowledge of /human/ emotional states, and I know it's best for us to acknowledge and accept our emotions without letting them control us." He laughs softly. "Most of us are still working on that."

    A pause, and then he adds, "Sounds like a good plan. I'll be here, for whatever's needed."

    He smiles to Gabby. "I know the feeling. Events of late have thrust me into... coordinating, at least. Leading, to a degree. People keep looking to me. It's... strange, when you don't think you're the right choice. But I think everyone has that worry, to start. It's good to know your limits."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances up toward the ceiling of the ship at that little shudder that ripples through in response to M'Gann's emotions almost spilling over. Slowly she returns her gaze back to M'Gann with a dip of her head in acknowledgement as control is regained. "I trust you to know where to brings us, then. I've uploaded the video feeds that I could find from the Roost. We can go over them to get some insight on who we're dealing with and how they operate." Though given M'Gann's already angered state perhaps she ought to do that herself.

Turning away she moves to a seat to sink down into it resisting the urge to give a tired sigh. "It's always frustrating not being able to react when your emotions are high and you're wired. Now's the time to think and plan though." A slight smile is flashed at Jon in response. "We're glad to have you here. Might help for us to grab a snack and drink. Basic stuff, I know, but I know people can tend to forget those things when upset. We need to be at full strength."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann makes a face. "Emotions are difficult things, dangerous things." She takes a breath. "I am going to focus on flying the ship. We will be there soon." Wherever there is. "And then we can look for clues and begin planning our counter attack."

The martian young woman then closes her eyes and appears to be meditating, which is partially true as she see's out of BioShip's sensors instead of her own eyes, communing with the vessel that was her only friend before joining the outsiders and trying to reclaim some semblence of her center before the trip ends and the work of rescuing their friends begins again in earnest.