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Latest revision as of 05:19, 24 December 2021

Now seeking scientists
Date of Scene: 21 December 2021
Location: Columbia University
Synopsis: Karai pays Madigan a visit with prospects of work. She isn't quite prepared for the geneticists personality.
Cast of Characters: Madigan Belle, Shredder

Madigan Belle has posed:
The early morning labs, wait, no, late night labs. Yes. It was late night when Madigan Belle had wandered her way all the way to Columbia University, worked on a few dozen projects while no one else except security passed by her door and then ... well, then it's time to go home and play some video games. She should be working on her PhD thesis, but she just hasn't gotten around to it what with all these other wonderful ideas to test and use free electricity and equipment.

Back to her apartment, then, she goes. In through the main entrance, past the door man, her leg braces and crutch make her an easy person to point out, along with her red hair causing her to stand out. She's chomping on a rice krispies treat, or three, while she rides the elevator up up up. She's like Superman but without all the wind, and finally. Ding. It opens into her large expensive apartment. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, a large giant living room, and nothing but windows for the outer most wall. Lots of figurines, rare comics on the walls, game systems from all over the world, tens of thousands of dollars spent on a cool looking gaming PC with all the distracting lights, and plenty of Disney Princess paraphernalia about the bedroom she uses, the kitchen theme, and random rare barbies and other figurines all about. Clearly she has a problem. More snacks are grabbed, chips, cookies, cake, an entire cake, and all of it is shuffled over to her couch and coffee table where she seems to be setting up for a dozen people worth of snacks.

Shredder has posed:
    Karai had been paying attention for a while. The young teenage ninja is not similar to her target in almost any way, except perhaps that she isn't much taller than Madigan. The key is to get her by herself for a conversation. It took some careful process to figure out who was helping to generate the powers for some of the local criminal enterprises, but she finally had gotten there.

    "Hi Madigan Belle," the young Japanese voice says from...somewhere? It wasn't until the entire completion of gathering the snacks and sitting down at the couch that the voice said something. She's by the back wall, a red scarve and a tunic-esque black outfit with tight black leggings. Small pauldrons are on her shoulders, and metal guards are on her shins. Her pose is a bit formal looking, as if she was a businesswoman. Just one that's dressed like a ninja, complete with a pair of ninja-to blades. One over her shoulder, the other on her hip.

Madigan Belle has posed:
There's some fast eye movement, and Madigan kind of looks over Karai a few dozen times from behind her glasses, and then she grins big, "Oh, my goodness. Are you an assassin sent to kill me? A ninja?! My very own ninja?" She is giddy, perhaps not the response given, she pauses, and brushes some crumbs off her plaid outer shirt, and holds up a hand, "Hold on, a second. Can we do one of those mirror things. Like in the bathroom? Can we start over? I mean, like, I could go be brushing my teeth and feel a wind on my neck. Then... I look up, nothing..." Her eyes furrow, she takes in a small gasp, then mimics spitting into a sink, looking up and then throwing her hands in the air and squealing, "Then -there- you are! Knife to my throat. How ever will our red headed ... vixen? No, I'm not so much a ... ooh, heart thr-no."

With that, she's looking up and off to a corner, she's been talking pretty fast this entire time, and then looks to the other side of her apartment, still up, quirking her mouth to the opposite side, trying to figure out something. "Cute damsel? I'm kind of a cute damsel, more than the others. That's a terrible movie, cause you can't kill me. I've got mobility issues, you can't torture me, I'd giggle too much, huh. Ooooh, you could hold my cake over the edge of a balcony and demand I give you one of my rare limited edition Ariel statues. That work for you?"

Shredder has posed:
    Karai, who seemed so sober-minded a moment ago, the one with control of the situation with her dramatic ninja entrance, falters. "What?" she curls one cheekbone in confusion. It's clear she doesn't know how to take the rather jovial response to her presence. "No. I'm not here to kill you," she says, frowning. "Ariel statues? Cake? Wait. No, stop," she holds up a hand, "I'm not making you a damsel or a movie," she tries to explain. "I don't usually get responses like this." What was she here for? She's had her concentration broken.

Madigan Belle has posed:
There's a furrowing of her brows, as Madigan realizes Karai ISN'T her personal assassin, "Oh. Well, that's... I guess, good." She frowns for a moment, taking in a deep breath and then puffing out her cheeks as she lets it seep out in a long long long exaggerated sigh. "Well, that's... kind of problematic, because now I have this whole idea in my head. A cake that is going to be dropped, but why is someone so invested in a cake? It's because her mother made one just like that for her when she was only 3 years old. And her entire life, she's wasted it basically, learning how to make this PERFECT cake, and that's lead to all her fame, fortune, everything. And in that moment, you are basically threatening her life, willing to toss her inspiration off a balcony, the final, perfect, cake, she's learned to make again and again."

Madigan takees in a dramatic breath, and puffs up her chest, as she looks off toward the wall, "Alexa, dramatic colors." And suddenly a bunch of LEDs light up the living room, purples and reds, some brighter than others to work like mood lighting, "And the rest of the movie is flashbacks to times when she was trying to be noticed, trying to be better. And then? Then, oh, then, by the end of the movie she gets a soft smile." She tries to mimic it, too big, then too small, then a smirk, so she brings her fingers to her face and fiddles with her lips for a moment, "Luhk thush." Then she releases her face, "'Drop it.' She says, because in that moment, where her life flashes before her eyes, she realizes she wasn't making the cake to get noticed, she was making it, because it was her. Her all along, perfect, each time." A faux sniffle as she grins, and looks over, "You want a role? I mean, with a costume change, we could totally pull this off. I have lots of hats."

Shredder has posed:
    There isn't a lot of movement as Alexa flashes the colors around the room, but Karai's eyes follow the change, knit in confusion. "Okay, let's try this again," she says with a huff, trying to move past Madi's created movie scene.
    "I've been following you. I know you've been working on some experimental genetics." she holds both hands up as if somehow they could tangibly keep the conversation on track by forming a corridor. "I think I can do better than some thugs can offer you. Better working equipment, better materials. I can get you all the things to help you do your experiments. Because I want something better than what you're doing for the gangs around here." There, she got it out!

Madigan Belle has posed:
There's the let's try this again words, and Madigan's face lights up. Didn't she want to do a do-over, to get this whole moving thing going? So she starts to wiggle in her seat, using the arm of the couch to help pull herself to her leg braced feet, they lock to keep her upright as she fishes for her crutch. Then it comes to her, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

"Yeah, that makes a LOT more sense, doesn't it? Shame though, you really have a talent for the movies that is clearly not being tapped." Her eyebrows arch some as she smiles and rocks her head back and forth to some internal music while you talk, "You want to experiment? Cool. I just need vic... test subjects. And a goal. I can totally use your equipment, I've got a few different places I do stuff, and none of them are really suitable for independent contract work..."

Quickly, she's agreed super quickly, "What is it you wanna do? Get bigger muscles? Boobs? Legs? Feet? Hands? Super powers? Do you have super powers? What about giant octopi? Intelligent fish? I made some really really cool rats recently, though one got eaten and the other is... I think, still fighting a mecha somewhere..." She looks around as if that rat may just be here.

Shredder has posed:
    The boobs comment turns Karai's face red, and she presses a hand against her chest momentarily, which is fairly average for a sixteen year old girl. Well, maybe a little less than average. "What? NO!" She clenches her teeth a little. "We are trying to make people with superpowers, yes. Not me. I'm fine," she says. "But we can get you test subjects. Willing ones, even. But no intentional killing."

Madigan Belle has posed:
"Hmmm." Quirking her mouth to one side, then the other, with a deeper HmmmmmmMMmmmMmnnnh, like she's thinking really hard. Didn't she already agree? She's squinting her eyes a little, raising one eyebrow up, and nodding her head slowly, "Hmmm mmmmh, I hear you, I do. Really." There's a moment where the tip of her tongue sneaks out between her teeth, as she lightly squeezes it, chewing just a bit with her front teeth, "Mmm hmmm, yep yep. All of that sounds great. Except, one thing. What about unintentional killing? I mean, it just..." She shrugs and raises up her arms, and then lets them fall to her sides, like 'there's nothing to do about it', "Happens sometimes, amIright?"

Shredder has posed:
    "Sometimes accidents happen," Karai says straightly. "It's understandable that there are risks involved." She moves away from the wall, and starts to examine the apartment more fully, looking at the mountain of sweets present with a mild curiosity. "What do you most often use in order to achieve the powers with your subjects?" she asks. "Is it a chemical solution? Genetic splicing?"

Madigan Belle has posed:
Now, Madigan grins and nods her head a few times, "Accidents -do- happen. Especially when pressing the boundaries of what genetic material is able to withstand." She shuffles a bit, to get closer to Karai, investigating her with those glasses rimmed eyes. Her legs don't let her run or walk easily, she has to rotate her hips to move one of her legs forward, let it lock in place, then move the other to do the same. She does that a few times, and hmmmms, quirking her mouth, "Well, I'm basically like, the world's best geneticist. And I'm close, if not up there, for like, chemistry. So, yeah, a little bit of column A and a little bit of column B, but there isn't any way that I'd give away my secrets. I mean..." She scoffs and laughs a little, "You'd have to have someone torture those out of me." A pause and she raises her eyebrows up, curiously, "Preferably, some kind of alien monster thingie. I'd love to see one up close, I've only met like, people looking aliens and they aren't that cool."

Shredder has posed:
    Karai has a 'no comment' look when Madigan claims herself to be the best geneticist. "So, I have to ask, if you're the best geneticist and you give people superpowers..." she glances down at Madigan's physical limitations. "Why haven't you done anything about your own challenges?" she asks. It seems like a natural thing to do to the ninja. "I can see about finding alien DNA to experiment with. It's not always the easiest thing to attain."

Madigan Belle has posed:
There's a little shrug, "I mean, seriously, right? Why am I all hobbling about if I can just whip up a cure?" She offers and then mentions, "My issue is a bit more extreme than what you might think. A simple, ohhh, nerve condition where things aren't firing correctly, leg breakage, muscles being all messed up or whatever, sure. Easy peasy. Mine isn't so simple, I had nerve regression as a result of... well, an accident, experiment, both?" She chuckles a little at that, and shrugs her shoulders some more, "If I fix this issue, I present a new one, and lose something very near and dear to my heart. Well, that special sauce, that makes me me. So, it isn't so fixable, as you might imagine." She clucks her tongue at the roof of her mouth a few times and then lifts up her arms and shakes them like a kid getting a marshmallow, "Yay. Aliens. If you find some, if not, I'm totally okay with working on other things. It's just, that's like, aliens are at the top of my preferred list. Every good horror movie begins and ends with Aliens." There's a look around quickly, as she bends down to her coffee table, and grabs a handful of chips, and idly starts to crunch them, holding out her handful to 'share' if Karai wanted some.

Shredder has posed:
    Karai seems to judge the answer, as if there was some sort of test built into it. She looks down at the chips as they are offered. "No thank you," she answers. She purses her lips for a moment, seeming to mull over the scenario. "Very well. I have some things in mind that I hope to bring some success to my organization. If you are able to successfully create something to help us tackle a rather noteworthy accomplishment, then I'm sure not only will you be well paid, but you could also gain access to more resources for your experiments. What I require must be very strong, because I want it to make a remarkable show of force."

Madigan Belle has posed:
There's a passive wave of her hand filled with chips, Madigan nods her head at the same time, "Sure sure." She offers quickly, "Super strong, remarkable show of force." She tilts her head back and forth quickly, in these little micro bounces as she's chomping on her chips. "Did you want to show me where I'll be working? Do I have to only wear my underwear? Cause that's not possible, I promise I won't steal much. Ooooh ooooh, in terms of payment. I like money, but what I'd like even more, is a favor." She looks super serious for a moment, but it doesn't last, as her nose scrunches up, she grins big to show off her teeth, and shakes with a bit of laughter, "I've always wanted to say that." Chomp chomp. "You -sure- you don't want to film a movie with me? I think it'd be a hit..."

Shredder has posed:
    Karai quirks a brow. "Your underwear?" she asks. "No! No, please remain fully dressed," she says as she suddenly realizes the implication of the question. "And don't steal from us. What kind of favor would you want? Depending on the nature, it may be workable. I can show you where you'd be working, but you'll have to know that the location must remain silent. And if it is discovered that you are unable to maintain that discretion, I can't take responsibility for how my jonin would respond."

Madigan Belle has posed:
"Jo-nin?" Madigan quirks her mouth at that, and just continues, "Yeah, cause, you know, drugs. I mean, don't tell me you let your drug handlers stay fully clothed? That's just bad for business." She shakes her head disapprovingly, quirking part of her mouth up to the side, "Well, good, cause, I need my braces and whatever. And I promise, that I'll try not to steal. My hands just find things sometimes, I'm like a hobbit that way. Do you like Lord of the Rings? I'm not sure there were ninja in there, so maybe more representation." A little bit of a ramble, but she gets back on track, "Uh, I don't tell anyone where I work, for anything. But you sure are making it tempting to tell folks, I mean, I've never been attacked by a Jonin. A crazy crocodile man, sure, but no Jonins."

Shredder has posed:
    "Jonin," Karai repeats. "He's the master of our clan, and he is not someone you want to be against you," she warns. "And we don't prepare street drugs in our clan's base. "We are much more interested in the genetic and robotic sciences. It allows us to be free from the rabble that seeks drug control over the masses. But more on that when you've proven yourself trustworthy with the information." It's a very matter-of-fact type of tone. "But I can arrange for you to be introduced to the working facilities. We have a few scientists already, but most of them lack...creativity."

Madigan Belle has posed:
Those eyes grow, wider, as you tell Madigan how dangerous this Jonin is, and she is off in a distracted stare for a moment, like zoning out as you talk about other things, "Oh oh, yeah, scientists. Lack creativity, in their entirety. It's so laaaaaaame, they're also usually pretty old. I mean, I've been doing this stuff since..." SHe pauses and thinks, "Well, always, really, science, it is CURIOSITY!" She gets loud suddenly and then pauses, and grins some more, "Well, whenever you wanna show me I'm free. Except on some days, I do play some games, have to keep my standings up, and there's food. I'd assume, provided, regularly, freely, a buffet close by..."

Shredder has posed:
    "Yes. Well," Karai pulls a card. Yes, a ninja with a business card! It's even simple and has no name and everything. "I am Karai," she finally introduces herself. "We will arrange a time when is suitable, and hopefully this can be a mutually beneficial arrangement." For someone so young, she certainly lacks the youthful demeanor that most of her peers would have. So cold and stoic! Probably because she's a ninja. They gotta keep up appearances, you know.

Madigan Belle has posed:
Taking the card, quirking her mouth back and forth, Madigan inspects it, looking it over, sniffing it a few times even, and then looks over to Karai, "Cool cool. I'm Madigan Belle, Madi for short. You... already knew that... right, right, yeah, Ninja, in my room. I totally forgot how we got here, you know? And, I'm so happy you didn't drop my cake off the balcony. Great movie, but wowzers, am I starved." She turns and starts heading back toward her kitchen, grabbing a few chips along the way, "I'd offer for you to stay for dinner, but there's not really enough for the both of us..."