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Jimmy and a woman from literature
Date of Scene: 28 December 2021
Location: Uptown - St. Martin's Island
Synopsis: Mina met Jimmy, walked him to the subway station, all the while trying to convince him that she was doing nothing more than walking a, maybe, slightly intoxicated man to a safe place. Did he believe her? Who can say! But Mina felt that it was the right thing to do. She didn't get her reading time in tonight but it was worth it!
Cast of Characters: Jimmy Hudson, Mina Murray

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    The week between the holidays is a week that carries some measure of stigma with it. For some it's a time to celebrate or enjoy some time away from what responsibilities bind them, a vacation where Christmas can be looked back on, hopefully as a positive experience, and then there's the portent of another year's passage, another celebration to ring in the end of one year and the ascension of another. For a being of many years of existence it might not carry the same significance. But for one who has only lived a handful of decades...
    Such as James Hudson. For him he enjoyed the holidays for the most part, and the week between the two. To him it felt like the city was holding its breath. Little business was done, so many of the towering office buildings were closed, and people had more freedom to enjoy and wander the city, for it was ever popular with tourists in this time between.
    That being said, it was a time that James enjoyed walking the streets. Being around people, despite the cool of the temperature and the slush on the streets. Tonight he found himself leaving Haring's art studio, smiling as he lifted a hand to the handful of people he had spent the last few hours with. A small gathering, old friends from across the river where he worked before Xavier's. Good people.
    "Alright, thanks or the invite, guys." James was walking backwards on the sidewalk, lifting the wine glass in hand and using it to salute the handful of other people as they headed in the opposite direction.
    "You okay getting home, Jimmy?"
    "Who me? Of course. Just a hop on the red line."
    "Okay man, you be good."
    To which he responded, "Of course." But his smile might give the lie to those words.

Mina Murray has posed:
Mina Murray is out and about, she has no real social life, and she's way behind the times in terms of socializing. But a night walk around the holidays suits her well. She can walk in the sun just fine, but the night provides a calming air, something that she doesn't like to admit. Nevertheless she is walking in James' direction, holding a book she's been reading. In truth these walks more often than not lead to a place to read. Her normal routine hardly changes, the venue however can shift quite often.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    There is something about the man that walks down the sidewalk, wine glass in hand. Just a casual step, an easy-going manner, those are noted and likely not what stands out. What catches the senses of those aware might well be the subtle difference of scent to the man. The edge of something wild, akin to the wilderness and what creatures rush after prey in the shadows of long moonlight.
    It's a bare hint of a thing, yet it's there.
    And as he walks toward Mina his blue eyes meet hers and a companionable smile is given. A glance, a subtle flaring of nostrils, then he gives a nod before he takes a sip of that glass in hand, draining it of the last bit of wine.

Mina Murray has posed:
Mina Murray notices Jimmy's flaring nostrils as she passes him and then immediately stops. He doesn't seem to be a vampire, no as she eyes his skin, it seems alive as far as she can tell. Hands at her sides, her book clutched to a leg, she addresses Jimmy, "If a policeman sees you drinking in public, you could find yourself in a detox cell." Her British accent is quite clear and apparent, "Might I suggest a taxi?"

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    There's a pause, a subtle scuff of shoe, a turn to the side. The tall man's smile is easily given, though not from intoxication as curiously enough he shows none of the ruddiness, none of the subtly different flushes of color. He holds up the wineglass in hand and then takes another sip, draining it for the most part.
    Once that's done he holds up that glass a little, seeming perhaps a hint rebellious as he asks her, "I'm sorry, drinkin' what exactly?"
    He has an accent as well, a twinge of something Canadian if it was a Canadian that drove cattle for a chunk of his life.
    But then he lowers his eyes slightly, "But than you for your concern, that's a kindness."

Mina Murray has posed:
Mina Murray eyes the man's glass, "Oh I can smell the alcohol. I imagine that any police officer would at least suspect you. Not that they could directly accuse you of such without a whiff such as mine, but still I would recommend a taxi. I can call you one myself if you wish, even pay for it."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    For a moment, James exhales a breath, something that would almost be a laugh if only it was given more life. But he shakes his head and says, "I mean..." Looking down at his chest, his clothes, the pea coat he's wearing obscuring most of them save for the brown boots and the blue jeans... but then he's looking back up.
    "I can afford it, s'no worries. But I'll be good." As he says that he starts to step to the side, toward the nearby bus stop and the trash bin there which will likely get the plastic wine glass. A tilt of his head is given back toward he as he takes in another breath. Something about her does seem to smell... a little off for whatever reason. But hard to pin down. Almost like... Jubilee? That's weird.
    The glass is tossed into the bin, then he turns to her. "But I appreciate your concern, miss...?"

Mina Murray has posed:
Mina Murray smiles, "My name is Mina. I fancy myself a scientist, I know well the scent of alcohol, and other chemical ingredients. I am also someone who does not like watching people make mistakes and suffering the consquences of them. I have made far too many myself in my time." She watches him toss the glass into a proper bin, "I am also glad to see that you do not litter. Call me a good Samaritan."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "Mina Samaritan, then." Her newly granted name is given as he tilts his head to the side curiously glancing down along the path she had been wandering upon their initial meeting. He tilts his head back and gestures with the uncurling of a hand along the sidewalk as he murmurs, "I'm James Hudson. Jimmy if you're so inclined."
    He turns and eases his hands into the pockets of that large black coat and then murmurs, "If you don't mind some company, the subway I intend to take is available down this way as well as the other. So it'd be no problem."

Mina Murray has posed:
Mina Murray smiles again, "Very well. It never hurts to make an acquaintance." She gestures forward, "After you." She will walk beside him, "Yes I am a scientist and a woman who wants to see people live up to their better selves. There is nothing wrong with drinking, but police don't see it that way, indeed public drinking seems to be a hanging offense these days." She chuckles, "I love a good bourbon myself. Just within the confines of my own home."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "Have you had much difficulty with it?" James says, amusement lighting his features. Something about her manner, her tone, the rhythm of her speech... it seems to draw him in some ways to match or at least take on a rhythm similar to her own. Not mocking nor affecting, more just perhaps lending himself more toward the formal.
    Even if his words are what he might consider humorous.
    "Oh you seem well versed in the topic. Often runnin' about drinkin' in public, gettin' harried by the police. And now, after your many many incarcerations for public intoxication you choose to share your wisdom. That is kind of you." His half-smile might give the hint to his teasing, if the words didn't entirely.

Mina Murray has posed:
Mina Murray chuckles, "I've known men and women who did such things back home. I'm from the UK, if my accent didn't give that away, but people are people no matter where you live. I was raised in a proper fashion, to be a 'true lady.' I took from that wisdom what made sense to me and here I am. I am not the woman my parents envisioned that I would be but I believe that I embody the best of what they would have wanted. They were simply too old fashioned to see the possibilties. I have experience aplenty, and I know that a single arrest for a minor offense can do wonders on one's self esteem. Darkness does not need to feed on much to grow. It has a light appetite but it is also gluttonous. It will devour far more than it needs if given the chance and grow fat at your expense. You have done nothing evil but take care.. this simple thing can lead to a much greater travesty."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    Strolling along beside Mina, it's clear that James is paying attention, his eyes shifted to the side and thoughts curious. His brow quirks as she speaks to herself and her own experiences, but when she heads down the path of light and dark that he seems taken a back slightly, perhaps even skeptical.
    Though when she nears the moral of her tale at the end there he nods a little. "Either you're a very kind soul, Mina Samaritan, or you're a curious one. Perhaps both."
    A look down the sidewalk, "What brings you out this night?"

Mina Murray has posed:
Mina Murray smiles, "Both indeed. I am always learning but I always look to impart what I have learned. As for why I am out tonight?" She gestures to her book at her side, clasped within her left hand, "I was actually looking for a quiet place to read. But it seems that fate had other plans for me. You might very well have gone home unbothered, but what about the next time you decide to wander into the dark, after drinking? This might even be a first time for you. But your senses are dulled, your judgement can be ruined. This is a dangerous city mister Jimmy. I just want to make sure that you get home alright. It's not what I planned but it's more important than reading my book."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "Ah, well. As to that," James says with a slight twist to his features. Amusement lighting them as he looks sidelong to the mysterious woman as she strolls along at his side. "My senses are... reasonably well at their job, I assure you."
    One gloved hand slides out of his pocket as he pushes it through his rough mane of hair, the wind catching a little as they walk. He strolls along, occasionally a car rolls by with its wheels whisking through the water and slush.
    "And I've always managed to make it home on my own before, despite my penchant for taking my wine with me. But I suppose I am lucky to have a protector such as yourself, Ms. Mina."

Mina Murray has posed:
Mina Murray shrugs, "I was raised to see men as protectors, even when it's not directly needed, but rather it is a gesture of decency. Why can't a woman extend the same? You may not need any help at all but you have it regardless. It is a simple kindness, hospitality, something that I am giving freely. And conversation in good faith is never painful is it? I have no ulterior motive. You will arrive safely at your home and probably never see me again. If anything I have said helps you, then it was time well spent, if not? Then it was still time well spent for me. In a sense that could be read as a selfish gesture. But I believe that small moments can change anyone's life. You may not even need to change but perhaps you will remember my words and change someone else who does need it."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "That's a nice way of looking at things, Mina." He strolls along, hands in the pockets of that coat. Though distantly there is the sign above that stairwell that displays for the Red Line, a destination they both can see but his gait is not one that is hurried nor rushed. Still casual as he moves.
    "Or," He tilts his head to the side, "Could all be a trick. To walk along, wander the street, find somewhere to get a vulnerable nice person such as myself alone. And then whabam." He nods slowly, "You tackle me and steal my wallet, and I'm left here..."
    His lip twists up as he looks toward the sky, "Bereft, my world view shattered, forlorn for what has come to mankind when someone so seemingly kind preys upon the vulnerable and innocent."

Mina Murray has posed:
Mina Murray laughs, stifling the louder sounds with a hand over her mouth, "Oh I can understand why you would expect that. I did say that this was a dangerous city. And yes there are those among us who would do such a thing. But you will see that I have no such intentions. I will see you to wherever you wish to end our party, and go on your own way. I will not follow you, in fact where I am heading is in the opposite direction. We have passed several alleys now, and as a woman I could suddenly have a 'problem', and need to step into a dark place to address it. I might even need your help. And awkward but duty inspiring circumstance. You might have felt obliged to assist me. Women have done that and worse Jimmy. I am just walking and I have no intention of leading you anywhere other than a train, or taxi, or whatever your preferred method of travel might me.:

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "Indeed," He agrees when she reiterates that it's a dangerous city. He keeps walking along, half-smiling to himself as he listens to the words she offers. "Ah, but you see?"
    James tilts his head to the side as she finishes speaking. "The very fact you noticed those places, those alleyways, those quiet areas hidden from view. It makes me think you must be an old aficionado at the trade. Taking some out of view and then striking, and running off cackling into the night as you count out my..."
    He pauses and with no qualms withdraws his wallet from inside his coat pocket and counts out four bills. "My twenty two dollars. I'm onto you, Mina." Though his smile is wry when they reach the corner of the street and he tilts his head to her, "But thank you, it's been nice walking with you. I'm just over there." He nods in the direction of the subway station stairwell.

Mina Murray has posed:
Mina Murray smiles again, "I have a colorful career and so I do notice such things. Perhaps you do as well, but I am not one to pry. If you do have such experience, then you know that I would not relinquish such an advantage if I intended to cause you harm. What am I left with now? To bash you over the head with my book? Or draw a pathetically small blade from a sheathe strapped to my boot? Or a pistol taped to my wrist beneath the sleeves of my shirt?" She rolls up her sleeves, and pulls at her pants to reveal nothing, "No Jimmy. This is a kindness and nothing more."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "To be fair," James says as he walks, and perhaps reveals a bit about himself when he confides, "Some of the most deadly people I know are seemingly kind women, some a good bit smaller than yourself. To be fair."
    A nod is given as he then walks across the street once the light changes, strolling on up to the subway station. He rests a hand on the railing that surrounds it by keeps speaking to her in that calm tone of his. "So I've learned not to underestimate even the most polite individuals I've met." Another deep breath is taken, then he exhales slowly. "It is a lovely night though, isn't it?"

Mina Murray has posed:
Mina Murray nods, "It is and it would be a sin against God to sully it with murder. I am not particulary religious anymore, but I still believe that violence has its' place, and if you believe nothing else that I have said, then know that this is hardly the time, or place for such violence. You are now at your destination, I will not enter the train with you." She holds up her hands, "This was a simple kindness, you will go where you need to, and I will walk away. Such a rare thing these days, someone with no agenda, at least not a selfish one. Food for thought isn't it?"

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "I imagine so," James says with a curious tilt of his head, "Have a good night, Mina." And as he says that he turns, starting to stroll down those steps, taking them with that easy rolling gait. It doesn't take too long before she is left with her own thoughts.