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Latest revision as of 21:05, 30 December 2021

Daniel Chain (Scenesys ID: 3694)
Name: Pol
Superalias: Madwand
Gender: Male
Species: Homo Magi
Occupation: Transient musician/spellweaver
Citizenship: Limbo/United States
Residence: None
Education: Informal/sorcerous/infernal technical
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Mystic Arts, Street Level
Date of Birth 13 May 1996 (25) Played By
Height: 6'0" Weight: 162 lbs
Hair Color: Black with white steak Eye Color: Black
Theme Song: "Yume no Kakera" (Faiz version), "The Edge of Paradise" by Kamelot

Character Info


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A pawn in a hidden game, young Daniel Chain was spirited away from his cradle to the demonic realm of Limbo, with a demonic imposter left to grow in his place. Entrusted to a sect of demons dedicated to order and to the shaping of form, Daniel grew to adulthood under the name of Pol, and earning the title of "Madwand" in the course of his instruction in the ways of magic. But the time has come to bring the pawn into play, and Pol has been dispatched to Earth as the now-adult Daniel Chain, who wanders through city streets as a simple urban musician. Biding his time until the call comes to move into the final position, and bring the lifelong game either to the next stage, or to a shattering close.


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*1996: Born to parents Michael and Gloria Chain on Earth, United States.
:*1997: Two minor demon houses in Limbo engage in a bid for power under a series of mystic agreements known collectively as the Wormwood Accords. As part of the Accords, Daniel Chain is spirited away to Limbo and entrusted to the shapers of the Ebon Skein, and kept on a span of their web that keeps with Earth-normal timeflow.
*2001: Daniel is formally adopted by Seven-Binder Det of the Ebon Skein, and named clutch-brother to Det's hatchling Laq. As part of the adoption he is given the clutch-name "Pol," and the teaching of spellcraft begins.
*2011: Pol begins a formal apprenticeship with the Ebon Skein, and is gifted with one of Det's eyes to further aid in his teachings. Physical training and combat lessons are added to spellcraft teachings, out of survival necessity given the competitive nature of Skein apprentices.
*2020: Pol graduates from his apprenticeship, becoming the first human to be a fully-fledged member of the Ebon Skein. Master-Shaper Mor'sa bestows the title of "Madwand" to Pol as reference to his unconventional (by Skein standards, at least) style.
*2021: The Wormwood Accords are invoked after developments on Earth are reported. To fulfill them, Madwand Pol is dispatched to Earth under his birth name of Daniel Chain.

IC Journal

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Although the Skein are not sociable by nature, they do communicate freely to one another and themselves. This is part of their function as crafters -- the better to understand the nature of a thing, by communicating with it where communication is efficient. This inclination reflects in Pol's overall manner, as while there are things he's been warned not to discuss with Earthers, he carries an approachable air to him and is willing to engage others in conversation when it's sought.

While the Ebon Skein prides themselves on functionality to their craft, Pol has always found himself seeking out enjoyment and wonder beyond the simple pleasure of function. This has often reflected in his magecraft as well as his pasttimes, the latter of which have learned towards pursuits such music and sculpture. Though self-taught in many regards, he remains able to appreciate the delights these things have to offer, and looks to convey the same in his works.

Many will say that Limbo is no place for a child, that it is place of horrors that can twist one in umaginable ways. But for the one born Daniel Chain and given the name of Pol, it is simply home. What made it so was the presence of Det and his clutch-brother Laq -- whatever their motivations, they ensured that Pol was raised to adulthood in safety, and with the skills he would need to not only survive, but thrive. Because of this, Pol places particular value on family, and their role in guiding and nurturing the young.

While Pol was brought to Limbo well before his formal education began, the teachings of Det's nest as well as those of the Ebon Skein have yielded rewards in their own way. His ability to make use of those teachings throughout his growing years, from the understanding of concepts of architecture to the intricacies of the Skein's unique magecraft, speaks to an above-average level of intelligence and comprehension.

By and large the life of the Ebon Skein is a joyless one, as the emotion of joy is simply absent in their being, along with most other emotions. Inhuman in the truest sense of the word, while those of the Skein are capable of emotion, they could be considered detached or muted in comparison to the range of human feeling. There is affection, but no love; desire but no ambition; displeasure, but no hatred. To them, the craft is its own reward, the span of their existence spent within the repeated cycle of the creative process.

Whether by Daniel Chain's inherent human nature or simply his personality, within him rests a joy of living that even growing to adulthood within the Ebon Skein could not quench. From a giggling babe to an fearless explorer climbing lengths of web, to an eager student brimming with questions on the mystic, to a thoughtful craftsman who sings as he works, every phase of his life has seen him expressing delight in his environment and his place within it (with reactions of his peers ranging from confusion to dismay).

While not suffering the same trails as others growing to adulthood within Limbo, Pol has faced no small amount of adversity. Growing to adulthood within an alien culture, learning the intricacies of Ebon Skein spellcraft and the trials of formal apprenticeship. Each challenge has been faced with determination, and his ability to persevere while still being true to his basic nature is a testament to his willpower, something that persists even as he makes his way on Earth.

Character Sheet


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Eye of Det:
Although Pol was able to grasp the basics of Ebon Skein spellcraft at an early age, upon arriving at young adulthood and beginning formal apprenticeship, Pol's adopted father Det realized that his son's limited human scope would not be able to learn the intricacies of their intermediate and advanced arts. To compensate for this shortcoming, Det removed one of his eight eyes and implanted it in young Pol.

The Eye of Det allows Pol to perceive magic as part of visual spectrum, interpreting mystical forces and his ability to affect them as a series of colored strands or threads floating throughout the world around him. By itself it allows Pol no special visual or low-light abilities, although the persistence of magic of sufficient strength or presence may enough allow radiance for the Eye to see by, where there would otherwise be darkness. Pol is capable of shifting the eye between this magic-sight to regular vision at will, with the same effort one may focus their vision between near and far objects.

The Eye of Det has the appearance of a large red spider's eye, but a simple glamour taught by Det allows Pol to conceal it with the appearance of his natural eye laid over it. Use of this glamour limits his magic-sight ability to the allowance of simple cantrips, as its presence simply blocks his view of more powerful strands -- in order to effect moderate or major workings he must needs undo the glamour, rendering the Eye of Det visible to anyone looking at him.

To grasp the raw stuff of the universe, spin it into the shape you desire, bind its purpose towards your will -- that is the essence of the Ebon Skein's craft. While some would argue that this basic principle behind all magic, those of the Skein take a more literal view of this concept. Though being spiderlike in nature, they disdain the term "weavers" not only for the implication that their craft is limited to textiles, but for the implied limitation of their reach. Grasses can be "woven" while bricks cannot be, and the idea the Skein should have mastery over one and not the other, is ridiculous to the point of insulting. They are shapers of form, capable of drawing upon the stuff of Limbo itself and casting it into the making of their choice. This would give them the potential for immense power, save that the emotion of ambition is absent to those of the Skein. They are craftsmen, engineers, and artificers, fabricating structures and objects for the various denizens of Limbo who seek them, out of the simple pleasure of seeing form wrought from the formless, and the satisfaction of a job well done.

In terms of human magics, the Skein's craft combines elements of conjuration, transmutation, and binding. Theoretically speaking however, no working is beyond a Skein crafter's reach with enough time and dedication given to it. Where some "traditional" magecrafts may require obscure knowledge, such as secret names and exacting ritual diagrams without which the process simply cannot proceed, the longer a Skein crafter works on the task the deeper their understanding of it becomes, until they are able to arrive at the result even without the requisite knowledge. The timeframe involved for these workings varies based on nature and scale; personal and/or short-term workings can be effected within seconds or minutes, large-scale crafts or permanent enchantments may take hours or days, and grand-scale workings can take years, decades, or longer. At any given time within the Skein's web there are sections, possibly entire clutches, patiently working on long-term projects commissioned centuries ago, and handed down through the generations. The fact that Limbo's shifting nature means the commissioning client may no longer be relevant or even existing, is immaterial; the work is all, and will be completed pending a formal cancellation regardless of time spent.

Along with Pol's formal training as a member of the Ebon Skein, his clutch-father Det has also imparted a number of personal magics to him in the course of his life, to protect his human ward in their trials. At the current time, the range of Pol's spellcraft includes the following feats: empathic communication to creatures of insect and animal intelligence and moderate telepathic communication to creatures of intelligence above that, the ability to reshape organic and inorganic matter, the gathering and direction of elemental forces, the ability to weave illusions, the ability to create barriers of mystic force and directs bolts or lashes of the same, and the ability to levitate or ride on mystical currents.

Pol's use of the Eye of Det and the fabrication nature of the Ebon Skein's craft, means the bulk of his spellwork is gesture-based. The core of all spellcraft may be personal will and mental energy, but physical movements help to guide and reinforce that will, and the extra limbs that Skein members bear makes then particularly adept at manipulating the forces around them. There are occasionally vocal components, but emphasis more on the reactiveness of specific tones and meters, than the actual words or language itself. For Pol, this last manifests in the form of music, the addition of rhythm and harmony making up for the gap created by his limited number of limbs.

To the outside observer therefore, to see Daniel Chain at work with his casting would be to see him catching at or sweeping hands along invisible strings, occasionally voicing bursts of song that ring out without of proper words.


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Ars Magica:
While the guiding forces behind the bulk of Pol's spellcasting are artistry and instinct, formal education in mystic arts has also been provided by both his adopted father and the instructors of the Ebon Skein. While a number of these lessons are only applicable within Limbo itself (such as the translations of certain types of runic and the location of specific leylines) there are enough universal constants that Pol can consider himself moderately knowledgeable in the area of general mystical concepts, such as occult symbology and elemental balances.

On its face, the Ebon Skein is by and large a meritocracy, with position and ranking determined by the ability of its crafters. Where complications arise however, are with what are considered as "merit" and "ability." To those of the Skein the work is all, but that's not to say the end result is all there is to the work. Thorough understanding of both the process and its materials are necessary, as it's believed these are requirements to work a crafting in the truest sense, rather than a shallow facade. To the Skein, that understanding extends to understanding of very world they live in -- and so, the ability *to* live in said world is considered to have weight in determining a crafter's position.

Among those holding apprenticeship among the Skein, eagerness to prove this understanding is especially prevalent. Though the emotion of ambition is largely absent, opinions will inevitably vary as to whose understanding and workmanship is superior among one's peers -- and challenges will inevitably arise for a fellow apprentice to put their skills to the test. Murder is not permitted, but calls to demonstrate ability in both spellwork and survival are tolerated. And should any of those demonstrations result in injury or death, such are often waved away by Skein elders as the impetuousness of youth.

For the physical part of those demonstrations, combat among the Ebon Skein is often an involved affair. Spiderlike anatomy that includes multiple eyes and limbs, allows for rapid movement along three dimensions with both physical combat and spellwork coming into play, sometimes simultaneously. To ensure his survival among the more impetuous of his peers, Pol's clutch-father Det attempted to impress as much of the Skein's fighting style onto his adopted son as he could, adapting it with his charge's reduced physical ability in mind.

The end result is a high-mobility fighting style that makes use of the environment, similar to parkour or free-running, centered on jumping between strands or multiple levels of web. A single short blade is used for quick slashes or chitin-piercing stabs, while spellwork is woven with the free hand. Pol is also to further make use of his singing in combat, calling out enchantment-laden battlesongs to empower his attacks or bolster his defenses.

Improvised Casting:
As a requirement of graduation from apprenticeship to becoming a formal member of the Ebon Skein, apprentices are required to submit a piece of craftwork representing not only the sum total of their abilities, but their own personal philosophy. A title is then bestowed upon them which reflects on both this work and their general nature, and their role within the Ebon Skein as well.

Pol's submission was a channeling rod forged from precious metals and exotic materials, and decorated with various colors and engravings depicting the elemental forces involved. Despite what was seen as needless embellishments, the rod itself was functional, with some of the design elements actually improving its output with channels for guiding energy worked within the engravings. Because of this there was no reason to deny Pol his graduation, and for his unconventional style he was granted the title of "Madwand," describing a thing outside the bounds of logic and reason, but possessing undeniable power.

Pol's unconventional style stems from his approach to Ebon Skein spellwork, taking it from the perspective of an artist rather than that of a technician. There have been instances where he would reach out and snatch at passing forces to work into his crafting, or add design elements of purely aesthetic value, for no other reason than it felt right and pleasing to do so. This has resulted in a share of mishaps and injury over the years, but has has also yielded surprising returns with results surpassing expectation.

Though instructed in a number of conventional spells by formal instructors as well as his adopted sire, Pol will often tweak his workings on the fly to get the results he seeks when he feels the conventional is not enough. A cantrip to purify drinking water may be modified to disinfect a wound; a simple fireball may have air pulled from its surroundings and concentrated in place, increasing its explosive force. Whereas to most practitioners these applications may require specific knowledge of formulae and parameters to alter, for Pol this is a matter of instinct, allowing his feelings to guide his works towards the goal he seeks.

Although the majority of the Ebon Skein's craftwork deals with the mystical arts, necessity requires a level of familiarity with the mundane aspect as well. Rather than having sects dedicated to specific schools of craft, the approach of the Ebon Skein is to give all of its members a level of teaching in various arts and the use of magic to make up for any shortcomings, with particular strengths and talents being acknowledged on an individual basis. This results in fewer pure specialists in their craft, but allows the whole to contribute on mostly equal terms, with specific practitioners gaining recognition for particular skills to call upon (such as Pol himself, who may be called upon for his "Madwand" approach where stalled projects require unconventional solutions).

Pol's formal tutoring within the Skein would have equivalence to an Earth college junior education in: architecture and engineering (to understand structure and assembly of such), mathematics (for calculating angles, speed, and weight), early industrial technology (to understand inner workings and the play of gears, electric circuits, and so forth), and a smattering of artisan skills such as blacksmithing, woodcarving, weaving, and glassmaking (to understand the construction of weapons and personal items). Pol's understanding of these various topics however is mostly academic, with only just enough practical skill to demonstrate that knowledge without putting it into regular practice (he knows the pieces of a sword, he knows how they join together, but would find it very difficult to forge one from start to finish).

The mysterious portals throughout Limbo carry the potential to open the realm to other realities, Earth being one of them. In order to better understand this aspect of their world, strands of the Ebon Skein's web are sometimes stretched out into other realities to relay concepts and images from those realities back to the Skein, to further their comprehension of how these outside forces affect their world. It's because of this surveillance that a younger Pol came to learn of music, an artifice that would normally be absent to those of the Ebon Skein, but the human boy immediately found himself attracted to.

Over the years, Pol refined this love of music into a self-taught form of singing, using a created psuedo-language that relies on vocal tones and consonant breaks to evoke and convey emotion, rather than an actual structured lyrical form. In emulation of the musician who first caught his interest, Pol has also taught himself acoustic guitar, and plays at the level of an accomplished amateur.

To fully understand the nature of Limbo and the works done within it, younglings within the Ebon Skein are often given survival lessons, and encouraged to make outings into the surrounding layers to observe other demons and their ways. This can potentially be fatal, as while most denizens of Limbo recognize the Ebon Skein as useful in some regard and leave them be, others either lack the ability to comprehend this, or are of the rank or mindset to simply not care. But for those who survive, they return from their outings with a deeper understanding of both those who would call upon their craft, and those the craft will work upon.

While the bulk Pol's education is centered on Limbo's flora and fauna, which can be very different from Earth's, the basics are similar enough that at least part of these skills can still apply even without the use of magic. These include the knowledge of how to recognize drinkable water, how to build fires, how to construct basic shelters, and how to set simple traps for food, and clean and cook the resulting carcass. The more complex survival arts, such as the use of medicinal plants and the telling of time by position of the sky and sun, are only applicable within Limbo.


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Family units within the Ebon Skein are known as "clutches," with nests spread throughout the Skein housing clutches ranging in size from two to several hundred. The philosophy behind this number varies -- more hands means more workers, and yet quantity does not equal quality. As such, the size of clutches throughout the Skein are is inconsistent, and with arguments for both greater and smaller numbers being equally valid, no size is seen as unusual.

Prior to Daniel Chain's formal adoption, Seven-Binder Det shared a nest with only his son Laq. However, Det found himself drawn to something in young Daniel, finding a strange appeal in the human youth's never-ending energy and curiosity. With young Daniel simply being dumped into the Skein as a sort of communal project, Det was the one who spend the most time in guiding and educating the boy, taking the time to answer questions when the boy's speech developed and showing young Daniel the ways' . Upon Daniel's reaching five human years of age, Det formally adopted Daniel to take full-time responsibility for him, bonding him Laq as clutch-brother and granting him the adopted name of "Pol."

Though regarded as a practical if cordial craftsman, Det holds an undeniable affection for both his sons, and would be willing to assist Pol if guidance is sought outside the Skein's formal channels, even if this assistance is little more than the offering of advice. Although clutch-brother Laq is often confused by his human brother's ways and initially resented Pol's presence within their nest, he found himself coming to accept his brother's presence, acknowledging the validity of his human perspective even without having full understanding of it; as such, he is less inclined to immediately offer aid than their father would be, but Laq does value his sibling and will give his aid when it is actively sought.

Charmed by the vision of a street musician singing while strumming an acoustic guitar, the creation of one of his own was young Daniel Chain's first craftwork as Pol, creating a working instrument from materials made in Limbo. A condition of his departure to Earth however, was that he was not permitted to take any of Limbo's devices with him. As such, one of Daniel's first pieces of business while on Earth was to acquire enough currency to purchase a secondhand guitar of his own, using his magics to repair and refine it to his liking, and now carries it with him as part of his personal effects.

By itself, the guitar has no special properties aside from being of exceptional quality, a construct of wood and six strings of metal. However, while playing it Daniel is more in touch with his artistic inclinations, lending strength to his magic as his focus sharpens on that aspect of his personality. The additional use of rhythm and tone also act as substitute for his gesture-based spellwork, allowing him to work magics without requiring the use of his hands so long as he continues to sing and play.

Personal Effects:
Though dispatched to Earth for a specific mission, Daniel Chain lives his life there a transient, busking for bits of currency and sleeping in safety wherever he may lay, behind veils of illusion and elemental wards. Although a large part of his living on Earth is supplemented by magic, practical necessity has taught him that it's useful to carry a small amount of mundane items on his person as well, either as supplements to his magics or tools for basic living. Acquired through various means, these items include the following: a wallet with a fake ID in the name of Daniel Chain, his guitar, and a backpack containing: a small hand mirror, a few lengths of cotton gauze, a folding pocketknife, a compass, and a flask for water.

The Ebon Skein:
Although the crafters of Ebon Skein hold no real position in Limbo's hierarchy, they are afforded a degree of respect and autonomy by virtue of simply excelling at their purpose. Most high-ranking demon lords are capable of creating their own structures and artifacts by their magic, but for those of insufficient rank or those simply seeking expedience, the Ebon Skein can be commissioned for projects on their behalf, with payments taking various forms. As such, the Skein has recognition throughout multiple levels of Limbo's power structure, ranging from admiration and fear at the lower ends of that structure, to acceptance and indifference at the higher ends.

Despite being human, Pol's earning of a formal title has earned him recognition as a full-fledged crafter of the Skein. His position is determined by ability for any given task commissioned to the Skein, with the freedom to exert authority stemming from his expertise in that given task. With only the Master-Shaper holding undisputed authority over Skein workings, Pol's ability to actually command Skein resources will vary at any given time, depending on the needs of the Skein as a whole at a given moment. His position as a crafter however, does allow him to consult with his peers when their own work allows for it, potentially allowing him to gain insight into a given structure or situation if his own ability proves insufficient.

This position only applies within Limbo itself, as the Ebon Skein takes no active interest in realms outside of Limbo for anything other than research purposes.

Wormwood Accords:
The Wormwood Accords are a series of binding agreements created between two demonic houses, set down in formal arcane language on a number of cursed scrolls. It was under these Accords that Daniel Chain was taken as a child to be raised in Limbo, while a demon lordling was sent to Earth to be raised in his place. It is under the same Accords that Daniel Chain, now Madwand Pol, has returned to Earth, and makes his way there at the current time in pursuit of this demon changeling.

The language of the Accords is complex to the point of incomprehensibility, and the ultimate goal behind their formation has yet to be revealed. They appear to offer Pol a degree of protection, but the conditions of that protection are obscure and specific. For example, they allowed young Daniel Chain to be raised among the Ebon Skein without being purged as unfit, or altered from his human form to better serve their needs, but afforded him no protection during his survival training or from the deadly competitiveness of his fellow apprentices, leaving him to his own teachings and devices. The Accords have directed Pol to take leave from his duties with the Ebon Skein to act on Earth, but have given him no special resources or direction to achieve his goal there.

The specific conditions and end purpose of the Wormwood Accords are not known at this time, and thus are not a resource that Pol can freely call upon. However, they do appear to offer Pol an amount of protection from forces in Limbo, which would normally be considered a permanently scarring if not outright lethal to an unaided child. They do not appear to offer Pol any particular protection while on Earth.


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Although some would laugh at the idea of morality among demons, the Ebon Skein holds to a loose concept of morality as relates to their role as crafters. These tend to revolve around concepts such as wastefulness of materials and effort, the claiming of ability above one's actual proficiency, and similar relevant ideas. The human concepts of "right" and "wrong" may vary according to culture, but even the universal constants among those concepts almost never carry weight to those of the Ebon Skein.

This is likewise reflected in Pol's upbringing, and though human by birth, human morality is a thing which has yet to take root in him. Violence for its own sake and murder for selfish reasons are seen as wasteful to him, and the concept of vices such as theft, race hatred, and avarice are simply puzzling. As such, when faced with these concepts he will indeed respond with puzzlement instead of outrage or indignation, and will often dismiss occurances of these vices as either irrelevant, or something that needs to be resolved within the same system that created them.

This lack of moral expression applies not only to his reactions to events, but potentially his actions as well. While not one to indulge in needless cruelty, this is only due to the fact that he does not carry sadistic nature; he takes no pleasure in the suffering of others, but has no issue with inflicting it if's the most expedient way to achieve his goal. He is not purely of the mindset of the "end justifies the means" but only because he is perceptive enough to know that some means may cause unintended complications towards an end, much as careless tap with a hammer and chisel may cause deep-running cracks to ruin the last part of a sculpting.

An exception to this however, is in the matter of children. Although he is aware a harsh hand may be required to impart skills needed to survive, deliberate brutalization of children is something that stirs a deep anger within him, resonating directly with the affections he has with his own family and their role in nurturing him. It is one of the conditions in which he may be moved to violence, and likewise one in which his lack of mortality may come into play, as his access to magic allows him to the means to work a punishment which he deems suitable to the crime, regardless of the sensibilities of others.

Lost In the Moment:
Regardless of his circumstances or the environment of the moment, the time when Pol truly feels genuine pleasure or outright joy is when he is working his craft, whether it is the shaping of an artifact or a strumming a simple piece of music. Because of his approach towards magic, a number of minor effects tend to take place during these times, manifestations of power nudged along idle currents of fancy. Ultimately these effects are harmless, and include happenings such as forming shapes from smoke, coaxing animals to frolic, or inducing dreams of the fantastic in those already asleep. However, these occurrences mean that Pol's magic flows freely form him during these times, and though not in great enough quantity to cause harm, in a noticeable enough quanitiy to act as a beacon towards those who may harbor ill intent towards magic-using quarry.

Mark of Limbo:
When young Daniel Chain reached five years of age, Seven-Binder Det made the decision to formally adopt the child into his clutch, and name him clutch-brother to his son Laq. Part of that naming involved a ritual that transferred a portion of Laq's essence into the human child, fully awakening young Daniel's potential for magic and attuning it towards the Ebon Skein's brand of spellcraft, and leaving the child with permanent physical changes in the form of a white streak in his hair, and the scar of a spider-bite on the inside of his wrist.

Although the obvious changes don't amount to more than that, there is still the fact that the stuff of Limbo now flows in Pol's veins, marking him as a denizen of that realm. His human nature holds enough dominance to keep it from being apparent to other humans, or causing more than unease in some animals. For those with particular sensitivity towards the infernal or the occult however, he is easily identified as an inhuman presence (or having inhuman influence, at least).

Material Resistance:
While the Ebon Skein prides themsleves on being shapers of form with potentially nothing beyond their reach, Daniel Chain has lived the whole of his life in Limbo, gaining both practical familiarity and formal training in manipulation of its native forces. The elements of Earth however, are of an entirely different nature and though many would consider them simple when compared to Limbo's exotic materials, to Pol they are alien substances which resist his attempts to work them, limiting the scope of his magic.

Diffuse elemental forces such as air and fire are easiest to work with, as are simple energies such as light and lightning -- spells involving conjuring or directing these forces can be cast without any particular difficulty. Spells involving solid materials such as earth and stone are harder, as differences in mineral composition from Limbo's norm as well as the presence of trace chemicals require greater depth of understanding, or more power to push the process through to the result. Compound materials are the hardest to work with, limiting Pol's ability to immediately affect inorganic matter to the level of tempered steel. Anything stronger or more complicated than this, will require a greater concentration of time or effort, and so becomes impractical for any situation that requires an immediate magical working.



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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Daniel Chain has 11 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Causing Trouble in the Club! April 10th, 2022 A chance encounter with strangers at a nightclub turns to chaos and potential danger. And faeries.
Don't Drink & Get Tattooed March 17th, 2022 It's St. Patrick's Day. That means there are drunk folks...and someone gets offended before throwing beer. Daniel is looking for someone and gets into the middle.
Thread and Flame March 7th, 2022 No description
If it's Coffee of DOOM you know it's good! February 22nd, 2022 People at a coffee shop
Deus Hex Machina February 5th, 2022 A Barbie Girl in a Mr. Bill World.
Lights, Camera, Mojo! February 5th, 2022 No description
The Art of Madness January 27th, 2022 No Pink Giraffles were harmed in the staging of this scene
Magic and Mystery Avail You January 26th, 2022 Sarah Rainmaker talks to Daniel Chain in Manhattan about powers
Interesting magic trails January 24th, 2022 She still doesn't know, Neon Green, or BLUE!?!
Spinner, and Madwand: Drinking your Troubles Away January 10th, 2022 A drunken Spinner and Daniel Chain share a quick conversation.
A witch, a magician, and a succubus walk into a bar. Ow! December 29th, 2021 No description


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Daniel Chain has been credited in 0 albums.

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Daniel Chain has authored 0 books.

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