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Latest revision as of 21:42, 3 January 2022

A Silver Dragon Rampant Upon a Field of White
Date of Scene: 01 January 2022
Location: Rabbit's Foot Occult
Synopsis: James investigates the nature of the card he received and meets Veira.
Cast of Characters: Veira Lazarescu, Jimmy Hudson

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Most people are probably recovering from hangovers and other things. Veira and Atilla did not have an eventful New Year's though so there is no hard partying to rest up from. She'd decided that it was time to stock up on some supplies and the Rabbit's Foot was a good place to do business. The tall woman is dressed in black jeans, boots and a black overcoat. A dark red scarf and gloves have giver her safety from the cold. She looks over a few books as she wanders the establishment, her eye roaming the covers as she does.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    It wasn't New Year's when the curious card had come into his possession. It was a week before, during the Eve of Christmas when Santa had been making his trip across the world and the man known as James Hudson had left the comfort of the school that he worked and lived at. It was during that time that the small portrait was given to him. Plain card stock, yet with the depiction of the draconic clear on its surface. Eastern in origin it seemed, yet there had been such... solemnity with its presentation. Such seriousness. And no small amount of eeriness.
    Enough to move him to investigate. For though James Hudson's life up until the last year had been somewhat at ease. The past eleven months had let him know that there was more to the world than he knew. Even when facing the wildness of the world's events.
    A search had exhausted his googlefu. And none of the school's magically inclined individuals had been available save for one to mention off handedly a store where experts gathered at times. The Rabbit's Foot.
    The bell jangled when the old door opened, announcing a customer on this first day of the New Year. Curious, for the foot traffic had been so slow. And at a glance he was not one that seemed like he would frequent such a place. Tall, weathered looking, stern in feature though handsome. Jimmy had that subtle hint of puzzlement on his features that the normies wore when they came in to buy a gift for their hippie friends. Though, at the least, he seemed friendly enough.
    "Evenin'." Just a word given to the person on duty at the register. Then he was slowly moving to walk the aisles.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
There is a greeting to Jimmy from behind the counter and the usual 'if you need help, please let us know'. But no one tries to crowd the man or anything else of that nature.

The bell jingling to admit another patron makes Veira look up from her books as she's never sure who might turn up in these places. Seeing the man that enters isn't something she usually sees in occult shops, but looks could be deceiving. She herself didn't look like she was a few birthdays away from fifty. She puts one of the books back on the shelf where it had been picked up from before she moves on in her perusal.

She walks around the aisle to see where the new arrival might be going.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    For a time he's reading the markings on the aisles, sliding a hand along a display that depicts some insight into the behavior and belief for witchcraft and wiccans. His eyes linger on some of the decor, the trinkets, the tchotckes. His lip curves up slightly at the clothes as he considers a t-shirt that has Jack Skellington on it in some prominence.
    There is definitely something... mid-West to him maybe? Or maybe more North. He's just wearing blue jeans and a large black pea coat that hangs on his broad-shouldered frame rather well.
    Then it's at an aisle where he spots the spine of a book. He checks the aisle mark, 'Eastern Symbollism' and if she has eyes on him in that moment he seems to nod to himself. There's a brief moment when he catches sight of her. Deep blue eyes meet her gaze. There's a hint of a second-glance, likely she's seen its like before for she is a woman worthy of remark. Then that same smile easily given before he steps down that aisle.
    The book he pulls down is a treatise on symbology in the use of incantations and for now... that's what he peruses.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira's gives a bit of a look back to Jimmy after she looks down the way, because she could see something that others might not. There's a smile given to him, "Hello." she inclines her head to him. While she looks young, her mannerisms and gaze tell another story. She shifts the book in her hands and smiles at the selection he's going for.

"I don't mean to intrude, but did you need help finding anything? Sometimes diving into things is sometimes...overwhelming." she tells him with a bit of a smile. "If I'm presuming wrong then I offer apologies." she adds.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    She advanced, and appeared again around that corner and in his aisle. Thens he offers a greeting and his attention shifts to her fully. That smile is there again, though this time it reaches his eyes. He turns his shoulders a little, granting more room in that initial thought that she might be needing to get by.
    But then she makes her offer and she'll see a hint of relief wash over his features. It's quick, and perhaps not too many would notice it so easily. But it's there. "That would be a kindness."
    There's that accent again, subdued though as he keeps his voice down as if this were a library. "Presume away." The corner of his mouth curves up a little. And then that is when she'll see it, the card in his hand. Small and white with no text nor markings on it save for... a dragon in silver rampant and exultant for whatever reason. He has it resting in his hand as he had been perusing the book. "Was just digging on the origin of this. No idea, myself. Let myself go off on a wild hare and figured... I'd take a look in here."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira offers him an easy smile, "You don't look like the type that frequents these sorts of places, so I figured I'd offer." she tells him. "And some are stubborn enough that they don't want help." she adds with a chuckle to that. She has a little bit of an accent when she speaks certain words, like her homeland just hasn't agreed to let her go fully American.

Here gaze drops down to the card and she gives a curious quirk of ebon brows, "That is quite interesting." she states. "I can tell you for certain that the card itself isn't magical. In case that was on your mind." she muses.

"But dragons have so many uses in symbology and things. A lot of companies and others like to use them as icons and banners." she frowns as she gives a look down to her right and then back to the card. "I've not seen it myself, but hopefully we can find it with a little digging." she offers.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "Oh I don't?" James says easily enough, and his own smile is a vibrant thing that reaches his eyes as he follows along with her. Then gently, though perhaps with a hint of joviality he replies, "You don't know, maybe I'm a big time..." He lifts a hand, fingers flaring slightly. "Spell... person... mage." Because that's totally a term and doesn't seem at all like he's pulling words from the ether.
    Though when she speaks to the symbol he falls silent and listens, eyebrows quirking as he nods a little with her words. Sometimes he looks at the card as she speaks, other times he follows along with the movement of her lips. Then she reveals the card isn't magic and his brow rises. "I hadn't thought that could be a thing." Perhaps he should have.
    Then she elaborates more. "That's kind of you to help. But if his is a hassle..." He lets that last word hang there, giving her a way out if she'd prefer.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"Umm, no, no you don't." Veira chuckles at that. "But then again, I shouldn't judge a book by its cover when it comes to the realms of magic users." she admits. "Everyone is capable of magic, just...most never really know it or it's beyond their grasp." she frowns to that. Though she moves on after that.

"Dragons are actually a favorite of mine. I've done a lot of looking into them, it's why I was surprised I've never seen something like that before." she states as she points to the card. "But yes, objects can be magical. Even a paper card or things like that." she explains.

When he lets the word hassle hang she shakes her head, "I actually enjoy researching. So it's no hassle." she smiles. "They have tables we could sit at to go through things. Unless you want to just sit in the aisle." she offers.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    As she speaks he nods at points, and might be a touch trusting that he's accepting her as an expert. Since really he doesn't know her from Adam. Yet that may just be the type of person he is. She elaborates about her views on magic. On dragons. Then about research.
    But what does he key on in main at the end of her words?
    "They're alright with that?" People sitting in the aisles. As if that was some horrible scandalous practice.
    But then he presses past it and nods, "A table's fine I imagine. But..." He tilts his head, lip curved up a little, "Thank you for your time and effort. I appreciate it."
    And as easy as that he will walk with her to get settled for that research, ready to do what's needed to be done to get things going.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira looks at a few of the titles on the shelves and picks a few books out, "Doesn't hurt to start here really." she states. Then she smiles, "Oh...I don't know, I've sat in the aisle a few times but I move if people need around me." she explains. "It's really no trouble to help out. I have all the time in the world." she admits. Maybe that sounded a bit literal.

Then she realizes something, "I'm Veira by the way. I absolutely forgot to introduce myself like a weirdo."

Then she's heading to go sit down with books in hand and dive into researching!

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "James," The name is given nigh unto instantly after she offers hers, reflex of course. But then he adds as he tilts his head a little and smiles with a hint of self-deprecation. "Or Jimmy, to my friends."
    But that said he's walking along with her and if she needs any help carrying one or two then of course he'll take up that burden. Yet it's off toward the tables toward the back that are reserved perhaps for just such an occasion as he walks in her wake. When they get to one and the books are off-loaded he'll take a moment to pull a chair slightly out from under the table then undoes the buttons of his large pea coat. Once he's free of it, revealing a black hoodie that is perhaps a little snug on him, he rests the coat on the back of the chair then takes a seat.
    Books are divvied up and he'll start to go through one, likely taking a good bit more time than she since she knows where to look. His efforts? Mainly looking for that emblem and flipping through pages.
    A moment passes and he asks, "Do you work here, Veira?

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"It's nice to meet you, Jimmy." Veira states with a smile as she removes her gloves, to show the pale hands beneath them. There are scars that mar her fingers and trail up, probably continuing but her coat blocks the view. She settles into her chair and looks over the spines of the books, "Maybe I'll start here." she murmurs as she sits it aside.

She falls quiet, her fingers skimming pages and there is a few notes taken mentally. His question makes her look up and there's a chuckle, "No, I work for the government." she states. "What do you do?" she asks him in turn.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    The pages turn slowly with a soft 'fnap', the paper whispering a little as it settles. The book he's looking at has many images of various symbols, starting with Sanskrit and he continues to peruse with a casual ease. Occasionally he glances up and keeps an eye on her now and again, nostrils flaring slightly as he takes a deep breath, then exhales slowly.
    "The government? In a good way, or a bad way?" Which is a curious way of asking. But then he perhaps skips past his own question by answering the one she asked of him.
    "I," He starts. "Am a teacher. Physical Education, and History." James smiles a little as he looks down at the page, "For a school up North." Though no mention of how far North.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira looks through the book, finding little in it as she goes, but it's not done yet. She gives a nod to his question, "Yes. The Government." she chuckles. "I work for Homeland Security. I know, something that most don't expect when talking to me." she muses to that.

She looks over the book at him, "Do you like doing what you do?" she asks him. "Kids seem to be a joy, but I've never had any. Much to my parents dismay." she rolls her eyes a bit at that.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "Oh like that gal..." He starts to say about her working for the government or Homeland Security. Perhaps some image from pop culture flitting into his thoughts and then realizing... that that might be a bit rude to make that comparison, or might make him seem like a bit of a bumpkin that that is what he thinks of.
    So he dives out of that thought and instead focuses on what she asks of him, his smile broadens at the mention of whether or not he likes doing what he does. "I like being a teacher. And kids can be pretty great. They can also be kinda terrible sometimes, but the great times far outweigh the others."
    Then he smiles at the last thing she mentions and he nods, "And yeah, though the best part of being a teacher is sure you get the kids for a time. But then you get to give 'em back."
    He turns the page on his book, lowers his eyes to it for a moment, then looks back up. "Of course, you prolly understand I have a good bit of curiousity about what you do. But also figure you prolly can't talk about it much."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira looks at him and squints that one eye of hers, though her left hidden beneath the stylish eyepatch kinda does it as well, "I get told I remind people of that goth girl from NCIS...which is kind of on the nose. I, like Abby will easily nerd out on something and I'm too chipper after sugar sometimes." she muses. "I'm not easy to offend, Jimmy. So please speak freely." she tells him with a warm smile.

"My mother was a teacher before she retired. She said much the same, that you can give them back at the end of the day." she chuckles. "Do you teach world history or a specific subject?" she asks him as she settles the book to the side and picks up another.

"I can talk about some things. I just can't talk about anything that is classified or would require you to have clearance. IRS folks have it so much nicer." she teases.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    She has his number, and the way his cheeks color slightly as he looks down likely shows it. But he looks back up and meets her singular gaze and murmurs, "I've only seen a few episodes but..." He offers in way of saving grace, "She seems like a fun person."
    But then she mentions her mother being a teacher and he leans forward a bit on the table, partially closing the book he had been looking through. "World History, American History. Though, in the interest of full disclosure, I'm more a substitute when that comes up. It's a private school. Small staff. So I pick up the slack. But..." He gives a slow now as he imparts this mean bit of wisdom and insight, "I run a mean dodge ball game."
    Perhaps he's serious, though the flicker of amusement in his blue eyes might well say otherwise.
    Then she mentions the IRS and he draws his lower lip between his teeth, nose crinkling slightly. "See, better you work for Homeland Security. If you said IRS I woulda stomped outta here and never returned." Likely an exaggeration.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a bit of a grin at that, "I bet she is as well. We aren't all mopey, we goths." she tells him. "I think covering all history is a good thing. There's a lot here in America that gets left out of the curriculum, though I'm sure it being a private school they'd get a very good lesson." she looks thoughtful at that. "So you're mainly the Phys Ed teacher hmm?" she smiles. "And I'm sure you do. I definitely don't miss the days of being hit in the face with a ball." she shakes her head.

There's a laugh that bubbles up when he jokes about the IRS, "I mean...I wouldn't blame you." she points out as she's flipping a page. After a moment she gives an excited hand wave, "Oh...here might be something."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "That's true, you don't seem mopey at all." James says and then she asks him about being a Phys Ed teacher in that particular way, perhaps a subtle emphasis on the 'hmm' and that question mark? Definitely something about that question mark.
    "Yeah, mainly." Then his tone slips a little more formal, just a hint of it entering his words. "Is there something wrong with being a Phys Ed teacher, Agent Veira?"
    But then any further inquiry is cut off as he's drawn closer leaning partially over her shoulder to see what she has found. His brow furrows as he tries to see what the text might contain as he takes a deep breath and looks a little thoughtful.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira's truthful in talking with him. And maybe a bit too oversharing. She doesn't see that as a bad thing though. "Oh I can get mopey." she tells him with a serious look to him. "But I try to stay upbeat. Doesn't help others to be down." she states. There is a little bit of a flirt, but it's not fully leaned into with the question on the Physical Education.

She shakes her head at his question, "No, I mean you've got the build and things for it. I wouldn't have been surprised if you told me you were a gym instructor or something similar." she states. It was her turn to be a little embarrassed!

She points him to a picture that is similar to the card he carries, "This mentions a group using the symbol. Where did you get that card?" she asks him.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    The way he's looking at her, she can read that subtle hint of admonishment, but it's not something for true, more a playful thing tinged with curiousity as he teased her back and accepted that she was upbeat. But what maintained that hint of reproach in that gaze was as she explained /how/ it was ok for someone to be a Phys Ed teacher.
    "The build. And Things." She can likely /hear/ that capital T, but he fails in maintaining that stern look as he draws his lower lip between his teeth to worry it briefly, a hint of a smile returning.
    But then the task at hand swoops in to the rescue and those so blue eyes lower to focus on the text before her. He brings the paper card up and sets it down beside her, resting his hand next to the book as he leans closer, eyes focused on the imagery before him. "It was given to me, an invitation it was said to a contest in the future. It was strange since, well as you can see there's no writing on it."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a look to him, "Oh." she whispers. "I mean...oh wow, I've not stuck my foot in my mouth in a long time." she gives a half hearted chuckle. "I'm sure you're aware that you're a nice looking guy. So I'm not going to pretend it's not noticed." she laughs softly.

She looks to the card as it's settled down and explained. She gives a look back to him, "Well, they might have just invited you to a Mortal Kombat convention or something?" she offers, trying to joke about it. "Then again...with everything in this world it might actually be Mortal Kombat." she breathes out. She picks up another book and flips it open, a finger sliding down the index page, "Here it is again." she points out as she finds the page. "This is pretty interesting." she murmurs to him.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "I'm just giving you a hard time," The way he says that, gentle, his tone easing and a touch of warmth is there in it. His blue eyes hold her gaze for a moment and he says, "But that's a nice thing for you to say." He worries that corner of his mouth just very slightly as he looks in her good eye, no hesitance in his manner and with a smile that threatens to grow.
    "You are a striking woman, yourself. And a super secret agent. So... you win really." The tone lifts there at the end, a hint of humor. Flirtatious, and giving it gently back.
    But then he turns his head and looks at the information she has at hand when she asks about the invitation. "Mortal Kombat..." His tone eases into the incredulous, "Are you serious?" He follows as she gestures, leaning over and looking down at the paper. Another inhale is drawn, held. Then he tilts his head, "What is it?"
    It was just a small lift of his head, barely a touch of motion, but it was enough as they both look at that tome that his breath brushes the curve of her neck as he looks to her, their shoulders close enough to almost touch.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a smile to him, "I don't really get out much, not that it's an excuse..." she muses. The mention of her being a striking woman causes her cheeks to flush just a little, "That's very kind of you to say, Jimmy." she tells him quietly. "Not a secret agent though. I'm not that cool." she admits. "You know, I've never looked into it, but if there is a competition like that we have a lot of shoo ins around New York." she tells him. Like the Avengers.

With him this close he can probably smell the mix of wood smoke and some underlying floral scent in her hair. There is an all too keen awareness that he's close enough to breath down her neck in the literal way, "It looks like..." she skims down the page, "It's connected to a group of warriors in the Qinghai province?" she looks to him, quirking her brow. "Wonder what it's about." she wonders aloud.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "Still, fairly cool. Though yes, less cool." His tone is amused, teasing, and despite his hesitations and worries about trying to dig on this thing he finds... that he's enjoying himself. It's like a gift given and from out of nowhere. He lifts his chin, perhaps not picking up on her meaning, "Shoo ins?"
    Easing a little to the side to give her a touch more room, he had turned and realized that proximity. Then drew back slightly though that scent, the hint of it, and her features gave him a moment of hesitance.
    She offers further insight and he murmurs, "Warriors in Qinghai..." He holds that phrase in his thoughts, committing it to memory.
    Then he decides that in for a penny...
    "It was given to me by a woman who called herself Shiva. I was at a small gathering. Christmas Eve. She was there to speak with a man she gave another one of those to. We spoke a bit after, and before she departed..." He gestures to the card then, imagining that is enough of an end to the tale for now.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"I mean, you don't have to go fight in a martial arts tournament to save the world...so that's good." Veira points out with a smile. "Shoo ins like the Avengers and others mainly. You know...super heros." she explains. "China's known for a lot of warriorish type groups. Maybe this is something that they thought you'd be interested in." she looks to the card again.

Then he explains how he received the card and there's an odd look, "Someone named after the goddess Shiva or another Shiva I wonder. Very curious though or she's got an eye for people needing to research." she grins. "Well, we have solved some of your case, I feel better about the day now." she admits with a look to him.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "Yeah," He answers at first, as he puzzles over what he's told. That did make sense with some of the things that had been said, and some of the information. Though there had also been a bit of mystery to things. As well as a lot of things unsaid. "The other person whom she spoke with," His eyes distance for a time, then return to her.
    "He might've been a hero." Though he never learned the man's name. "The other fella."
    "Mmm," He finally offers as the sum approximation of his thoughts, shaking his head as he mulls things over. Then he comes back to the here and now and says, "Hey, I appreciate you taking the time to help me."
    His lips part as he seems about to say something else, then perhaps remembers what she said some small time ago. He murmurs, "You... would you maybe want to talk again some time down the line?"
    His smile returns, a hint of color touching his cheeks, perhaps not so much embarrassment. And more that warmth that comes when one reaches out to another. "Maybe get some coffee?"

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a gentle nod to that as she closes the book and then stacks it on her little pile that was growing, "I'm a fan of dragons, so think I'll add this to my library." she tells him with a smile. She does give him a curious look when he speaks of the other fella, but she doesn't ask anything about it. He'd say something if he wanted to. His thanks makes her wave her hand gently, "Don't mention it. I enjoy helping out when I can." she states truthfully. She was an odd one.

His question is met with a slight pause, thinking over things, "I'd like that." she admits. "I don't really have a lot of friends, so making new ones is always something that I'm looking to do." she grins as she pulls her card case out of her pocket and makes with handing one over to him.

The warmth of his cheeks is noted and his question is asked. It leaves her searching for an answer for a moment, her brain arguing with her over it was a good idea. "I'd love to get coffee and speak with you again, Jimmy." she makes the decision to go for it.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "That'd be great." He says, that smile broadening as he accepts the card from her. A glance is given to it and then he slides it into one of the front pockets of his jeans. He glances to the side, brow furrowing for a moment. Then he brushes a thumb across the ridge of his brow, looking pensive for a moment.
    "I think..." He says as he turns and reaches for his coat, digging into the pockets within until eventually... he emerges with his prize being one of his business cards that he doesn't normally carry. Why this one? Well the proof of the matter is that when he presents it to her it has a scribbled list with three groceries on the back, 'Two lbs tatos, 2 lbs chicken thighs, low sodium broth.'
    A little half-smile is there as he offers it to her and indeed on the good side it proclaims, 'James Hudson, Xavier's School for the Gifted'. He also offers an explanation, "Sorry, was makin' some soup."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira's card is pretty standard, but it has the Homeland Security logo, her name and her job title on it. Nothing too fancy. She watches him curiously as he moves to find whatever he is searching for in his pocket. The emergence of a card makes her smile. She accepts it with a little dip of her head, "Thank you." she tells him. She flips it over and reads the grocery list on the back, "You can never go wrong with a good soup." she tells him after a moment.

She flips the card back over and looks at it with a gentle smile, noting the school name. She's not sure she's heard of that. But she doesn't ask. She slips her gloves back on before she rises, "If I learn anything new about the group before coffee I'll give you a call or shoot you a text." she tells him with a grin. "But for now I have to get going. Atilla gets angry if he doesn't get his evening meal on the hour and honestly I can't afford him chewing through another door." she chuckles. "Be safe, Jimmy. It was very nice to meet you." she tells him as she takes her books and heads to the register with them. That gives her a nice view of him collecting his jacket and heading off to replace the books he'd gathered.