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The New Girl in Costume
Date of Scene: 02 January 2022
Location: Hammer Industries Warehouse
Synopsis: Glimmer runs into Cybernary and finds she's slightly out of her league...though she does have some helpful advice for a novice heroine.
Cast of Characters: Katrina Cupertino, Chloe Sharpe

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    It's night in the city that never sleeps. Also the city where crime tends to skyrocket over night, with darkness hiding all manner of incidents, some of which are reported, some of which won't get reported until the next day.

    In this case, a warehouse run by Hammer Industries that contains some shipping crates due to go out in the morning, but delayed due to a truck breakdown. It's fairly well protected, with good camera coverage and some on site guards.

    But they're the lowest bidder guards.

    Which is why they don't notice when the camera starts looping its transmission, or when one their outer guards are quietly knocked out via a zap of electricity delivered by fingers pressed against the back of their neck as Cybernary drops down behind them, then leaps back up on the roof to prowel to her next target. Best to knock them all out to give her time to search for what she needs to take out of the warehouse, after all.

Chloe Sharpe has posed:
Its only after the guards have been dispatched, stunned and lightly convulsing on the ground, that any real trouble begins for the cyborg. As she begins to open the closest shipping container, theres a flash of light from inside, sharper and quicker than a flashbang on the retinas. If she weren't blinded, she'd she the acrobatic form of a young woman, clad in a shimmering leotard, bounding out of one of the sealed containers. She actually leaps up, over and behind the woman, assuming a heroic pose that might be impressive, were her audience not blinded or unconcious. "Halt, evildoer! You face the Beacon of Justice..." She assumes a second pose. "...Glimmer!"

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    Kat blinks at the sudden flash, her eyes shimmering as they reset to respond to the sudden burst of light, then she turns blinks as the girl in the leotard leaps in and poses behind her. "....oh, you're adorable...." she purrs in a slightly husky voice with a hint of an odd accent. Almost Hawaiian? Polynesian? Hard to place.

    She puts a hand on her hip, looking Chloe over.

Chloe Sharpe has posed:
Chloe is clad in warped light, which shimmers a bit along her skin. Standing a bit short for a woman, she's not the most imposing figure. At the accusation of being adorable, she seems a bit thrown off her game, flustered. "I... I am not! I'm the Beacon of Justice, and I'm here to put a stop to you!" She lunges forward, keeping her front low as she tries to close in. In a practiced almost acrobatic motion, she aims a kick at Kat's torso. Its more flourish than substance, but its reasonably quick. At least by human standards.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    Cybernary cocks her horned head, but doesn't move, other than to slide one foot back slightly to brace. It's a bit like kicking a tree! Some give to her, but she barely wobbles as her metal hand snaps out and fastens around the extended leg's ankle. "The Beacon of Justice, hmmm?" she says, then tugs on the leg.

Chloe Sharpe has posed:
Glimmer finds herself being tugged almost casually off her feet, using her hands to brace herself against the cement of the warehouse floor when down becomes up. She offers an exaggerated "Hi-ya!" before trying to kick with all her strength at Cybernary's midriff. Only to groan a bit in pain from the effort. Realizing she's captured in that metal hand, she glares up at the cyborg, and her domino mask begins to glow a radiant gold. Once more, she tries blinding the woman before her.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    Cybernary turns her head to the side as the flash happens, blinking rapidly for a moment...but doesn't let go either. Her arm instead lifts up, attempting to upend Glimmer so she's dangling from the hold as she shifts. "That flash would be more effective if I didnt' have a hand on you already..." she suggests, her eyes glimmering. "Also, better against human eyes. Not cyber eyes." She peers down at Glimmer. "What else ya got?"

Chloe Sharpe has posed:
Glimmer offers a soft little gasp as she's suddenly hoisted almost effortlessly into the air. She scambles a second for ground, but her fingers only brush the floor. Not enough room to brace. She bites her bottom lip at that question, then gets an idea. Maybe the metal hand wouldn't feel her if she suddenly disappeared? She takes a deep breath, then exhales, and as she does, the image of her scatters into a shower of photons, like sea form dissolving her. She's invisible, unsure if that would trick the cyborg woman. She's really, really hoping it does.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
"Oh, THAT is a good trick..." the cyborg says, tilting her head a bit as her lips curve up in a faint smile, then her hand lowers. Enough for Glimmer's hands to reach the floor if she's still in the position she was before, before she lets go of her ankle, stepping back slightly. "Really should have led with that. Don't play fair, hit someone when they're not looking. Don't announce yourself unless you need to keep them distracted." She's actually enjoying this a bit, her head tilting s she dials up her hearing, trying to track Glimmer by the sound of her movements.

Chloe Sharpe has posed:
Glimmer finds her cheeks flushing, though the red doesn't show. She's being toyed with. Still, she's got one trick under her sleeve. Still invisible, she steps back slowly, keeping herself cloaked draining her stamina even as she stands still. The only tell is the sound of her leaping from her spot, trying to aim a leaping kick with both feet straight into Katrina's sternum. All of her weight and the force of gravity is all she can muster, unarmed.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    The sudden rush of moment has Cybernary's eyes snapping in Glimmer's directly as she turns to face her, then grunts as the feet slam into her, taking a couple steps backwards as she deliberately doesn't brace. "Not a bad shot..." she says, one hand reaching out as he makes a grab for the invisible heroine. "Not your standard thug though. They'd be knocked breathless by that." She grins. "I don't quite breath the same way though."

Chloe Sharpe has posed:
Chloe Sharpe cries out as she's grabbed, once more by the leg. A less graceful thump announces her collision with your leg, and slowly she blinks back into view, her image wavering at first, then solidifying. "Jeez..." She is covered in a sheen of sweat now, her chest rising and falling with heavy breath. Clearly, her powers take a lot out of her. She tries to offer her most winning smile. "G... good fight! Don't suppose you'd just... let me go now?"

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
"Hmmmm...." Cybernary says, tapping her chin. "If I let you go right now though, you can run off and call the police." she points out. "So I can't have you running off yet, but I do need to carry this box....decisions decisions..." She slits her eyes. "I suppose I could just take you with me and the box and let you go somewhere where I'll be long gone by the time you can alert authorities...."

Chloe Sharpe has posed:
Chloe Sharpe blinks, her head tilting with obvious confusion, "Well, I mean, ideally you wouldn't take the box, but that sounds oddly nice for a villain." She takes the moment of reprieve to ragain her breath. Not that she'd be able to do much more than run from this tank of a woman, even if she was freed. "I... I'm Glimmer! Who're you?" She's stalling, rather obviously, but she tries to look cute while doing so.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    Cybernary shrugs her shapely shoulders. "I've got no grief with you. No reason to hurt you when I'm not being paid to do so." She curves her lips up slightly, blue eyes watching the younger girl. "Cybernary." she offers. "More a mercenary than a villain....or at least, it's not my vocation, particularly." She reaches down with her other hand, trying to slide it around Chloe's waist and heft her up on one shoulder.

Chloe Sharpe has posed:
Chloe Sharpe isn't particularly difficult to handle, fairly light and not resisting at this point. She is a bit soft against the cyborg's neck and shoulder, the curvy thing grumbling a bit. "Damn it. I practiced those moves all morning with my friend. I just can't do anything against you powerhouse type. And the robot eyes thing? Thats cheating!" She pouts a bit, crossing her arms over her chest as she's carried. She seems most concerned that she lost. "Just you wait! In a few years, I bet I'll have, like, lasers and stuff!"

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
"I am very cheaty, yes." Cybernary agrees, holding out her right hand as she keeps the left in place against Chloe's back to keep her from wiggling free. The metal seems to writhe, reshaping into a oversized claw that she closes over one of the medium sized storage boxes, about the size of ...well, her and Chloe together...then lifts it up without any obvious effort. "And lasers would probably be more effective. Or start carrying weapons. Tasers or cattle prods probably will work for most types you're likely to fight. And invisibility means you can walk right up to them and jab them when they don't know you're there." She starts heading to the door out of the warehouse. "You're remarkably cushy for a acrobatic heroine...."

Chloe Sharpe has posed:
Chloe Sharpe bites her bottom lip at being called 'cushy,' "Yeah, well, I'm hardly the best at it. Its a passion more than a talent, and I'm lucky I'm leggy and short to do it." She squirms a little, said cushiony bottom rippling lightly with each step the cyborg takes. "Frankly, as we've seen tonight, robot amazon is the better build." She tilts her head a bit, considering herself, "Though maybe a stun baton could be a smart investment. It just doesn't seem very... light-themed."

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    Cybernary hehs. "Better to be more effective short term than in theme. Maybe work on small illusions, holding your invisibility longer." Her left index finger taps Chloe's side where she's holding her. "Maybe work up to something more protective than the leotard...they're not exactly made for fighting." She walks out in long strides, glancing up, then flexing her knees as she leaps up, landing on the roof of the next warehouse over as she starts to walk her way across it, perhaps out of some consideration for her temporary prisoner not being jarred aorund as much as if she was running.

Chloe Sharpe has posed:
Chloe Sharpe blinks, "Hey, wait, what're you-" A high-pitched squeal sounds from the captive heroine as the cyborg leaps the gap, her and the heavy box in tow. Its not until she lands the Glimmer lightly slaps along the cyborg's back, "That was -way- too dangerous!" She takes a moment to collect herself, and grumbles at the older woman's comment, "Yeah, well, we don't all have armories filled with high-tech augmentations and weapons. Or teams of people with scanners for when crime happens. Some of us hear about a possible break-in from a guard while working a shift at their coffee shop, and then decide they're going to try and help out to get their name's out there." She grumbles lightly, clearly pouting at this point.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
"Part of being a heroine, I guess. OR at least a vigilante heroine." Cybernary says, her voice sounding amused. "Everyone needs money to get what they want. Or at least a way to get the resources. It's not exactly something you can pick up on minimum wage." She shrugs slightly, leaping from one warehouse to the next and continuing along, making some distance from the Hammer warehouse.

Chloe Sharpe has posed:
Chloe Sharpe likely attracts more attention than the cyborg would like through the occasional scream when the two are airborne. She clings like a monkey to the taller woman, desperate not to fall-off in mid-air. Still, it hardly seems intentional, the heroine's fear at being crushed under a warehouse box after a massive drop... frankly, quite founded, from her perspective. After some time, they were quite a few buildings away from the warehouse, the heroine looking like she very much wants to get off this ride.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    Eventually, Cybernary heads to a fire escape at the edge of the warehouse distract, taking it down, then carefully lowering the box, then latching onto the bottom of the escape to lower herself down without bouncing Chloe around. "This should be far enough..." she says, glancing over at Chloe. "...if you're not latched on permanently at this point, that is."

Chloe Sharpe has posed:
Chloe Sharpe finally relaxes her grip, and with a bit of effort, manages to get down on her own two feet. "Jeez. I... suppose you could have done a lot worse to me. Multiple times. So... uh... thanks?" She sounds unsure, her domino mask and leotard a lot less shimmery, clearly exhausted. "...Hope that isn't like, terrible secret radioactive death juice for supervillains or something. But, if you promise not to talk about how you kicked my ass at the local bad guy bar, I'll just call this a wash. Fair?"

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
"I usually don't ask what's in the box. As long as there isn't someone in deepfreeze in one or something." Cybernary says, shrugging slightly. "Doesn't help me to know usually." She grins a bit. "Hmmm you want me to promise now? Weeeeelll....hmmm. What do I get out of it?" she says with a teasing smirk as she peers down at the shorter girl.

Chloe Sharpe has posed:
Chloe Sharpe crosses her arms over her chest, blue eyes narrowing a bit as she pouts under that smirk. "We've already established I'm a minimum wage worker. I don't think I have anything you'd want. But hey, you want to brag about kicking my butt, you go right ahead. I'm don't have the rep to be worth bragging about." She grins, waves, and finally starts to strut off. Slowly. She's very sore.