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Latest revision as of 03:27, 4 January 2022

Royal Reunion
Date of Scene: 31 December 2021
Location: Atlantean Embassy
Synopsis: Lorna and Namor discuss the future of Genosha and Atlantis.
Cast of Characters: Namor, Lorna Dane

Namor has posed:
The Atlantean palace bureaucracy had tried to stifle the request for the monarchs of Genosha and Atlantis to meet. More on the assumption that Namor would be too busy or unwilling to wade into politics on the matter just yet. But when the Prince of Atlantis received word of it, he quickly made sure to bring the meeting to the forefront of his schedule. It took barely three hours for the Atlanteans to return with a communique saying the Queen was welcome at the Atlantean Embassy.

The royal chambers are well-decorated. A great deal of Atlantean art - statuary and bas reliefs as paintings do not fair well beneath the water - adorns the walls. A throne wrought from seastone sits on a dais at the far corner of the room, though Namor himself does not sit in it. Rather he stands, wearing a simple black scaled bodysuit rather than the armor and regalia he wore to the Gala.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Buearacracy was awful just about everywhere. Even Lorna had to deal with it in spite of her lack of putting up with red tape when she was dealing with things herself. When the request comes across though saying she's allowed to visit she wastes no further time. Opting for a similar suit as what she'd worn in the interview (she was trying to come up with some kind of Genoshan Style for monarchy--Not an easy feat given there was nothing to base it off of). A quick teleport to the Embassy from her own allows her to come straight away.

When led into the room by the Atlantean workers she incliens her head at them with a simple, "Thank you." Though, should she be? It was difficult some times to determine how one should act as a ruler. Still, manners were never bad, right? Right.

Pausing just past the door she offers the other monarch a smile. "Good to see you again, Namor. I think we've a few things we ought to speak about."

Namor has posed:
When Namor sees Lorna, there's none of the regal and imperious air he usually adopts in public. He's still Namor, of course, but he lets a smile light his features. He extends both hands, as though to embrace her should she not recoil or refuse.

"Lorna," he answers, still smiling, "The pleasure is entirely my own. I had hoped the information packet I sent you might have cleared some things up, but I understand there are questions. Please. I would happily answer them."

He gestures towards the throne, gesturing for her to sit.

"I saw your interview. You understood my meaning quite well, I thought. And of course, Atlantis will recognize dual citizenship rights with Genosha. But I feel it should go much further than that."

Lorna Dane has posed:
It's not the seeming friendliness that surprises Lorna but the actual, honest to goodness throne here. Of course he would have one where ever he went in an official capacity. When he extends his hands she steps forward to greet him in like manner with a chuckle. They weren't strangers after all. He had aided Genosha during it's first troubles as well.

"It did answer quite a few, but several of my people are rather... Militantly loyal to my father still. It's best that I handle any and all concerns that I can from the onset to avoid any potential clashing." Stepping back she pauses when he gesture to the throne earning a bemused grin from her.

"You know, I've never actually sat on a throne before," she points out with no small amount of amusement. "Just some very fancy office chairs. Are you certain? It is yours after all." Then again he had gestured for her to sit, so she moves to do so. Out of habit she swings one leg up to cross over the knee of the other casually.

"Thank you, I think Dual-citizenship would help to mend any potential barriers before they might arise. What else is it you were considering, though?"

Namor has posed:
"I must admit, Lorna," Namor says with a lamentful frown, "Your father is not a leader. He may have the charisma, but he has all the flexibility of a cold iron rod. He would break before he would bend. It is a noble sentiment in an activist, but in a ruler? It just cannot lead anywhere good. It is why I am grateful that you are the ruler of Genosha. It will ensure my propositions are considered fairly."

When she queries about the throne, he nods his head and even takes her hand to guide her. Encouraging her to sit in it.

"Absolutely. A queen should sit a throne, I think. Even if it is not her own."

He takes a deep breath, considering his words before speaking them: "Genosha is still weak. I do not say it as an insult but as simple fact. I appreciate that it is rebuilding - I have done my 'homework', despite what your friend at the ABC suggests. It survives now on the strength of the world's indifference. But your father sits aboard a weapon of destruction that only needs a nudge to cause unparalleled chaos. No one will defend Genosha if he acts, and there is no telling that he will not."

He takes another deep breath: "I think Genosha should become a protectorate of Atlantis. A state within our borders. Administered and overseen by you, but under the protection of the undersea legions."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane accepts the offered hand to lead her to the throne before she settles down. It's the discussion which earns a small frown from her in response. Such talk of her father was always difficult to deal with. "I know. I'm still not pleased with his knee-jerk reaction to a potential threat causing him to strip Genosha of all it's metal leaving our people in further trouble. All to build that asteroid."

"You know, I've seen to it that the infrastructure we've rebuilt uses as little ferrous metal as possible. A small assurance to my people that the situation will not be allowed to be repeated." Where they could use other metals, they did. Where they could use something OTHER than metal they absolutely did.

Her thoughts trail off to listen further to Namor speak of being weak. A small displeased sigh comes from her, but she inclines her head in apparent agreement with the sentiment. She couldn't argue it after all. The offer made, she pauses to consider the idea. "It... perhaps has some merit to the suggestion."

Namor has posed:
"We use seastone ourselves," Namor explains, gesturing to the art on the wall and even the throne Lorna sits on, "It is very malleable with the right treatment, but much sturdier and without any iron elements. I'd gladly have our court engineer assign you some for use in the reconstruction efforts. Consider it a gesture of goodwill after a potential misunderstanding."

"I would not wish to take from you, Lorna. I am neither power-hungry or a tyrant. I simply want what is best. I see the threats we may face in the future, and every fiber of my being tells me to prepare for it. There would be no question of your rulership. All I would ask is that I be permitted to consult with you on matters of state. Just as you would have a seat on the council of Atlantis as a lady of the Atlantean peerage."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane allows her fingers to run over the armrest of the throne feeling the seastone lightly. It was far smoother than she had expected, anticipating that it would be more akin to coral. "I'd heard they finally reconstructed the formula for the concrete the Romans produced as well. Apparently the missing ingredient was sea water." An amused grin creeps over her, and she regards the stone beneath her touch a moment longer.

"To be honest, I have been wanting to establish a council for Genosha as well. I'm one person. Should something happen to me, I don't wish the entire nation to be thrown into turmoil."

At this she pauses to offer Namor a smile. "Should I worry about what being a lady of Atlantean peerage requires? I'm not exactly well-versed in how most royalty acts."

Namor has posed:
"If you mean do you need to come away with me to Atlantis and be my sea-bride? Then no, it does not require that. You would simply sit in council on certain matters, and be required to oversea the health and wellbeing of your subjects. You do so already as Queen of Genosha."

Namor shifts to sit on the arm of the throne that Lorna isn't investigating, leaning in with all the care and sincerity of a close friend: "That is why I make this offer, Lorna. I want to keep Genosha safe. Keep you safe. If something happens, I would ensure that the state carry on according to your wishes and that the title passes to your rightful heir. Should something happen to me, you and the council would ensure the same."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane covers her mouth with a hand trying not to laugh at his response. "Sea bride?" She ventures incredulously. "That wasn't what I meant. More expecting I'd have to attend fancy parties or something. A council I can do easily enough. I do enough of that currently." Politics. She'd spent so much time lately being diplomatic.

When he leans in like that she pauses to regard him thoughtfully once more. "I'm more concerned with the state of my people. This will take time... but." But. God, was he right? She dips her head momentarily to rub at the bridge of her nose as thoughts begin to run through her mind. Things that needed to be done. With a little grumble she mutters, "I suppose I will have to name an heir at some point. I don't exactly have a successor." Someone long lived wouldn't have so many issues.

"I suppose I'm convinced enough, Namor, but I've no idea how to proceed with this."

Namor has posed:
"I will say we begin by not concerning ourselves with this right this moment," Namor answers, rising from his seat before striding around before her and offering his hand, "It is a matter that will keep. You are a lady with the weight of the world on her shoulders, and you should take some time to shrug a little off or at least share it."

"Come," he tells her, "We will dine. You will tell me more about Genosha and your rebuilding efforts, and I will make sure you have food and drink enough to forget your worries."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"I..." Food? Lorna pauses to consider that while her eyes track his movements. When was the last time she ate? Surely around lunch. Then she'd had coffee. And more coffee. It probably was time for an actual meal as opposed to the quick sandwich she'd indulged in for her so-called lunch. It was just easier to eat one-handed while going over paperwork.

"I think that does sound lovely, actually," she has to agree as she reaches out to take the offered hand to rise to her feet again. "Thank you for your hospitality, Namor."