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Latest revision as of 01:39, 17 March 2020

Happy Harbor: Some Concerns
Date of Scene: 16 March 2020
Location: Morrigan's Office
Synopsis: Morrigan has a talk with Samuel and everything is fine. Really.
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Samuel Morgan

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan had sent a note to Samuel stating that she needed to see him. It was generally ominous to get called into the office, but, Morrigan's tried not to be so cryptic when dealing with things. The door is open to her office and Duncan, the womans personal assistant lets Samuel know when he can go in.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It's a point of pride for Sam to always be at least five minutes early to an appointment. That gives him enough time to get his thoughts in order, and enough time for the person requiring his presence to adequately prepare as well. So it's at the appointed time, exact to almost the very second, that the teenager is ushered in by Duncon, who receives a polite nod in turn.

    "You wished to see me, ma'am?" For a second it looked like he was going to pull himself to attention, but the motion is forestalled at the very last moment. Instead he stands behind a chair, flanked as always by his companion, Bear. The German Shepherd is wearing his vest, considering it's still during school hours.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile when she sees Samuel, the woman stands and offers him a seat with a motion of her hand, "Come on in and have a seat, Mister Morgan." she tells him. There's a nod to Duncan and he closes the door on his way out.

Then Morrigan has a seat herself and gives a nod to Samuel, "I did." she states. "And I apologize if this is an uncomfortable thing, but, I've had a concern brought to my attention and I wanted to speak with you on it." she admits. "You aren't in any trouble. I will say that first." she points out.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Thank you." And so, Sam sits. Sits at a slight angle, so his back isn't to the door, with Bear sat next to him. He's not a small dog, even when sitting his head comes up high enough to comfortable clear an arm rest, so Sam almost automatically puts a hand on the Shepherd's head with his fingers between those expressive ears. Honestly, he almost looks like a Bond villain like that.

    "I'm glad to hear that, ma'am, although I'm obviously worried that there is a concern in the first place."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives an apologetic look for a moment, but she gives a nod to him, "I was a little surprised as well." she admits. "I'm guessing that thoughts were strong enough that someone else picked up on it." she tells him. "We had someone that said you were exhibiting some concerning thoughts. Such as wanting Godlike power, being able to kill with a single thought?" she looks to him.

We are not the thought police...but you can see how someone that is just near you and picks this up might think there's a concern." she states.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    The smile on Sam's face falters for a moment. It's replaced by an expression so neutral that he might be playing the final hand of the world poker tournament in Vegas. Bear tilts his head slightly and receives a soft scritch between the ears, the feeling of fur enough to keep Sam in the present moment even while his mind retraces a few steps and he locks down the exact moment he had that thought, tracing it back, remembering who was in the room and already discounting a few faces as being likely telepaths. "The thought I expressed, privately, in my own mind, during a moment of mental lapse..." Sam begins, making it clear what his opinion is on his thoughts being not only picked up on, but then broadcast to someone else for later dissection "... was that I believed that the solution to a superpowered individual going rogue would be to have a singular person capable of ending such a rogue threat. This was during an active debate about heroes, and the practical difficulties of organising them."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan lets him speak, she knew that it was probably not something he wanted other people to hear, but, it had been picked up on. "Mister Morgan, the person wasn't focusing on anyone. They stated that the thought was so strong that it came through without trying. So I'm guessing you were thinking on it in a very focused way." she admits.

"This isn't a reprimand or anything of the sort. I was concerned that there might be an issue somewhere and wanted to speak with you on it and see if we needed to offer assistance of any kind." she tells him.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Yes, that happens." Sam admits, though still in a deadpan. There appears to be an inner debate for a moment, and it ends with an exhale. "Truth be told, I don't know where it came from. One moment we were discussing heroes, the next... the next I think to myself, why, wouldn't it be great if I could gain the power to stop a hero like that, permanently? Not in those words either. I used to think like that a lot more, back in the day, but not since I walked away from that organisation. Surprised me enough that I had to excuse myself from that discussion."

    Now Sam leans back, narrowing his eyes slightly. "I'm honestly very concerned that a telepath was allowed to be anywhere near me. There's enough knowledge in my head that they could endanger their own life by accidentally..." and yes, he stresses that word unnecessarily "... picking up on such knowledge."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a nod to that, "I can understand thoughts being something that focuses on an extreme." she tells him. "Is there anything that we can do in the future to sort of, maybe help with those not getting so focused on?" she asks him. "I know your SHIELD training and skills give a unique set of circumstances. I just want to make sure we are doing everything to help." she states.

Then there's a quirk of an eyebrow, "We didn't have any idea that you being around a telepath would be a problem. I'm guessing when schedules were made that was not something that was thought on." she frowns. "Are you saying you don't want to be around any telepaths?" she asks him.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Oh dear. It seems like some wires may have gotten crossed when the dossier was handed over... or, possibly, some details had been obfuscated. Now would not be the time to address the greatest misconception, but this does seem to be the venue to address a relatively lesser one. "Ma'am, I'm a trained assassin. My mind is ... a whirlpool of things most people never want to know about. My concern is for the sanity of the telepath, and their safety. You can't betray a secret if you don't know it."

    Pointedly, he pets Bear for a few moments, and when he looks back it's with a smile. "I'm in therapy. Serious therapy. So serious that I need to have a trained dog with me just to stay centered and mostly sane on a daily basis. I'm not dangerous and I'm not violent unless provoked, but I can't give you the same guarantee for my thoughts. Under those conditions, in these circumstances, what would be your assessment about having a telepath near me, especially one who accidentally intrudes on someone else's thoughts?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I am aware that you are a trained assassin." Morrigan tells him. "The fact that you aren't out of your teens and have that training is something I wish you didn't have." she adds. "The telepath is fine." she points out.

"We don't think that you are a danger to anyone or that there will be violence. And I know that the therapy is serious." she frowns. "I'll see about rearranging schedules by the end of Spring Break and we'll make sure that no Telepaths are in a class with you. While I hate restricting things, it is probably what is best for things." she admits. "And I do not have an assessment. I'll try to fix the situation so that it doesn't happen again though." she states.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Luckily it won't take much rescheduling." And now, Sam looks directly at Morrigan again, with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. "I'm very busy with my MIT courses, and the only classes I still have mixed with other students are history and social studies. Both of those I go to when I'm bored with other things. I'll make it simpler for everyone involved and limit my participation in those classes further."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks right back to him, not afraid to do that, "If you feel that you don't need to go to those classes then that's perfectly fine, Mister Morgan and your choice." she states to that. "We have an MIT graduate that just took a job here...and is not a telepath to my knowledge if you'd like to have someone to talk Engineering and things of that nature with. He might be a good font of information." she tells him.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Now that gets his attention. Even Bear perks his ears at that news... sometimes it seems like these two are one singular consciousness. "I'd absolutely love to hear their perspective on a few things I'm working on. It's always hard designing in a vacuum."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile to that, "Mister Dane Whitman is teaching Engineering here. He just started today." she tells Samuel. "If you like I can send an email to point him your way or you can tell him I pointed you to him. He's a pretty interesting fellow even outside of his MIT experience." she admits.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "An introduction would be thoroughly appreciated." Sam nods, giving a wink to Bear, who gives one right back. "Was there anything else that needed your time, Ma'am?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a nod to that, "I'll see if I can get you guys together and talking then." she tells him. Then there's a look between him and Bear and a bit of a tired smile, "No, Mister Morgan that's all that was needing talked on. You guys are free to go and enjoy the rest of your day." she tells him.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    And so, Sam stands. He does so with decorum, with poise, and above all with no sudden moves. "Thank you for your time, Ma'am. You must have a lot to do." With that, he takes one step to the side to clear the chair, one step backwards and turns on that leading foot, leaving the office at his usual pace of two steps a minute. Some habits die very hard indeed.