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Latest revision as of 13:51, 17 March 2020

Second Coming
Date of Scene: 17 March 2020
Location: Bryant Park
Synopsis: Hope takes some time for herself, Cable returns and a heartfelt reunion is had.
Cast of Characters: Hope Summers, Cable

Hope Summers has posed:
Since her arrival in this timeline, Hope has settled enough to move from emergency reconnaissance to more far-reaching investigations. Things are...different here. And while she can read about it all she want from the safety of Xavier's school, she's never been the sort to read when she has the option of looking at it herself.

Admittedly, she did visit the library here. Half of that was just to see if it was really as big and full of books as people said. It was.

Once she was finished, though, she moved out to the park in search of something to eat. In military surplus cargo pants, a tank top, and a hoodie, she can easily pass for a local college student, as long as no one looks too closely.

Cable has posed:
It was quiet. Peaceful even. But even Hope would never cling to the silence.

Especially since there seems to be a ripple in the air. The water near the park turns to ice, kinetic energy goes haywire...electricity starts popping off everywhere....until it lets something out with enough speed to leave a flaming trail of the objects path.

Its enoug hto make some people start running. Maybe Hope too.

At least until she sees who it is.

The figure is crouched for a moment before he stands up straight and tall. Left arm is completely cybernetic. Combat boots, cargo pants, T-shirt of military design and an armored vest. On his back looks to be a futuristic rifle. White hair.

Its him. Its Cable. Especially when he turns to look at his surroundings with his broken Timeslider in his hand. "Damn." He grumbles.

But he needed to find Hope. To her, it was just a couple of days, a few weeks maybe. For Cable, it was longer. He needed to make sure she was alright.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope was standing in line by a pretzel cart when the first hint of ozone touched the air. Someone behind her shouted and turned to run, but Hope...

Brows furrowing, she steps away from the line, moving closer to the cart itself to crouch where she can gain some cover. The feeling of a timeslide is familiar, she just doesn't trust that it's necessarily a good thing.

Once the energy clears, she peeks out from the edge of the cart, her stomach dropping when she sees the figure there. The last time she saw Nathan, he was holding open a portal from the future to let the X-Men return to the present. He didn't make it. That this might actually be...

Cable has posed:
Cable reached for a person and yanked them over to him by the shoulder.


He grabbed a twenty-five something year old who looked absolutely terrified by the Terminator who grabbed him. "2020 man! Lemme go!"


"Fuckin' Monday man! Lemme go!"

Cable lets the man (who definitely wetted himself) run back home to his mother to cry about his day. Meanwhile, Cable doesn't use his telepathy because he doesn't want his TO Virus to spread. But he needs to find Hope, so restrictions be damned.

He touches on their mental link that he strengthened with her shortly before their...last mission. He should at least be in range.

<<Hope? Hope can you hear me?>>

Cable stops moving, just trying...-trying- to find her.

Hope Summers has posed:
It doesn't mean it's really him. It could still be Stryfe. It could be- There are a lot of possibilities for people who've moved through as many timelines as Hope has, but he's here, and he's alive, and...

Her hands clench as she tries to hold herself back, then she gives up on it, sprinting out from behind the cart and barrelling toward him. "Nathan!" she exclaims, flinging herself at him. At speed, in the park, with that rush of emotion...he might not see yet that she's older than when he left her, but that's far from her priority.

Cable has posed:
Cable keeps looking, but then he hears it. He hears his name being called in a time where nobody should know his name except for maybe a few people who remember him from the last time he was around this time period. He turns to see Hope sprinting at him.

It takes him a minute to comprehend it, all the survivor laws she just violated!

But then he doesn't care as he finds that Hope has flung herself right at him and he embraces her wholly and completely. "Hope. God, hope." Cable says with no small amount of relief before he pulls her away just so he can look her over.

"Are you safe? Are you okay? Anybody come here looking for you?" Its like he's checking her for any wounds or cuts or scratches or...well, any sign that any moron harmed what is essentially his child.

Hope Summers has posed:
In any other circumstance, Hope wouldn't have risked it. He knows that. He //taught// her that. For her to have actually run through an open space to him...Well, that's a hint that something's happened, at least.

She's quiet at first, arms wrapped tight around his neck and face pressed against his shoulder until he pulls her away to check on her. "I'm fine," she says quickly, looking away long enough to wipe at her eyes, trying to hide the action. "Totally fine. We beat them, and then there were mutants again, and there was this whole thing with the Phoenix, but Nathan, I did it. I stopped it, and I fixed it, and- But then I ended up here, but it's...I mean, it's sort of okay, it's a pretty nice place it's..."

She finally trails off, staring at him. "Nathan, you were dead. I saw you."

Cable has posed:
Cable noticed that she was crying. She never really could hide stuff like that from him, no matter how much she tried. He listens to her words when he realizes that there's not a single scratch on her. He takes a deep breath before he nods. "You did it? You beat the Phoenix?" He chuckles.

"Knew you had it in you kid."

Then she talks about his supposed death. "Hope...I didn't die. You went to a point in time, I went to another point. Though the intervals were a bit different because you...well, you're a little older. Soon as I was able to get back up on my feet, I started hunting. Unfortunately, time travel isn't an exact science...got lucky. My last jump." He offers the broken timeslider to Hope. "I'm sorry I put you through all that. I really am, Hope."

He sighs. "I'd rather move heaven and earth than break your heart."

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope shakes her head, arms tightening around his neck again. "It's okay. It's all okay. You're not dead, and you're here, and you're okay, and I'm okay, and-" For a moment, she just hugs him. He knows too well how rare happy moments have been in her life. No one is trying to kill her. There's no destiny hanging over her head. And Nathan is alive.

Finally, she lets her arms fall with a sigh of her own, taking a step back. "Well. Anyhow. I didn't think I'd ever see you again. Even if you hadn't been- Well, I was pretty sure the Phoenix dropped me here. But it's okay anyhow. It's actually pretty nice here so far. But there's some weird stuff to figure out. Genosha just got hit with a massive Sentinel attack."

From thank god you're alive directly to the tactical situation. Some things never change.

Cable has posed:
Cable takes the hug all over again, wrapping his arms around Hope and holding her tightly. "Everything is okay." Cable tells Hope. It was often a calming thing that Cable would do. Even if they were in heavy crossfire and chances of survival were slim, he'd tell her 'Everything is okay'. and would basically calm her, because he totally (cough) always had everything under control.

But he releases her when she releases him. "Well, if my understanding of the Phoenix is correct, its entirely within its power for it to break even the laws of space time. This is a time I haven't been in a long time. But everything looks...a little different." he pauses for a second before looking at her. "Have you gotten in touch with the X-Men?" Though in the futures they have visited, they were under many different names, but X-Men is generally the go-to.

Genosha is news to him. "Genosha was attacked by Sentinels?" Its not often Hope can catch Cable by surprise. "Tell me everything."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Yeah, I've been staying at the school," Hope nods, reaching into the pocket of her hoodie for a burner phone. "Laura's there. A lot of people are there, but...they're //way// younger than they should be by our numbers. Also, maybe try not to tell Jean everything, because she's had a lot to adjust to lately. Apparently Rachel showed up about a week before I did, and then a week //after// I did there was-"

She pauses, lips twisting. "Well. A version of you, I guess. Though he says he was made in a lab. But not like Stryfe? Either way though, she's, uh. I'm not sure she's handling it great. Genosha's still a developing situation."

Grimacing, she takes a moment to look around them as the people in the park start to gawk. "Let's...walk and talk," she suggests. "And you might wanna cover the gun. People are pretty civilized here." She pulls off her hoodie, reaching over to toss it over the armaments. "Supposedly Magneto's dead, but I'm not believing it until I see a body. Lorna's queen now, but she's kind of half hiding out at Xavier's trying to decide what to do. Wakanda offered aid though. They're going to send whatever energy readings they have from the attack to see where the Sentinel came from. It was supposedly way bigger than anything that's been seen, which made me think it was maybe from another future, but I also suggested she check with Atlantis in case it approached from the seafloor."

Cable has posed:
Cable nods softly to Hope as she reaches for a burner phone. Good, she's staying out of tracking habits. Cable's so proud he could almost cry, except for one of his eyes is robotic (though its really hard to tell) and thus, can't quite hit that all-natural tear. Oh well, Cable never cries anyway.

He's been through the worst of it.

Either way, Cable tilts his head for a second. "You said Rachel's here? -my- Rachel or a younger Rachel? She might not even know I exist quite yet." He gestures to Hope as they start to walk. "I'm a soldier Hope." He tells her for a second before he does exactly that, apparently splitting the rifle into two parts and hiding it on his person. Come prepared or not at all. "Bullshit." Cable says when Hope reveals that Magneto might be dead. When she says she doesn't believe it either, he nods. "Good. I've made my own attempts at him and It was often a draw. I'll believe it when I see his cold hands." Cable shakes his head. "Watch her like a hawk." He tells Hope about Lorna.

"Apple never falls far from the tree. But whoever made the attack must be extremely bold to challenge mutantkind on our territory and where we're strongest." FINALLY he gets to the thick of it. "He was like me, huh? Describe him. If its not Stryfe, he could still be a clone and another attempt by Apocalypse or Sinister to kill everyone."

He looks around. "And make yourself comfortable here, we'll be awhile."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Young Rachel. Like...dropped out of the future a couple weeks ago. Still kind of delicate about it," Hope summarizes as she walks, hands in her pockets. "Not that she's not due her trauma and all that, it's just...it's weird, seeing people when they're still kids too and don't have everything together. But yeah. I'm trying to help Lorna where we can. Kind of like to check on Wanda, all things considered."

At the question of Nate, she shakes her head. "He pretty much said that's what they did. Created him, that is. He goes by Nate Grey, he's a little rough around the edges, but he seems okay so far. Honestly, I'd pretty much set myself that I wasn't going anywhere," she shrugs. "Didn't have much to go back for. And if you're here now..."

Cable has posed:
Cable nods softly to Hope as she continues to inform Cable of the situation. Unlike Hope, Cable has a very disciplined manner of movement. Back straight, hands at his sides. "Fair enough. Honestly, if I had my way about things I'd let that family just go off and be isolated." Cable's always been hardline on the House of M and their effects on the world.

As she talks about other Nate, Cable nods. "I'll talk to him. Though I've often found other versions of me arn't very reasonable." Cable nods to Hope then as he wraps an arm around her shoulders.

"Then we are both home." It was always them against the world. Father and Daughter, back together again.