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Rocket Red and Winter: One Night In Rumekistan
Date of Scene: 07 January 2022
Location: Rumekistan, Eastern Europe
Synopsis: Rocket Red and Winter successfully scout out the tiny former soviet blok nation of Rumekistan and successfully stop a HYDRA plot in the process.
Cast of Characters: Dmitri Pushkin, Nikolas Kamarov

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     The air is harsh and frostbitten in the skies of Rumekistan. It's a balmy and warm Minus 36 degrees F, with winds rushing by at 30 miles per hour. Snow pours down harsh and constantly in pure white sheets through the nights sky. Visibility is almost zero to the naked eye and with the windchill it's only a short step from warm and toasty to frostbitten skin.

     High above in the skies Rocket Red zips completely invisible to radar as he soars over the skies on the border of Rumekistan. His heads up display is cluttered as ever an episode of My Life As a Teenage Robot on one corner of the screen, his vital signs on a second, and a complete thermogrpahic satellite feed of the region in a third section.

     "You know Comrade it is good to be working with man of the people such as yourself." Dmitri offers in fluent Russian speaking with a slightly Siberian accent, though it's been mostly muted over the years. He flies just slow enough to avoid detection as he swoops through the skies. "Normally I am not blessed with companionship on such operations."

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
    In formation with Rocket Red is Winter, dressed in a winter Spetznaz uniform with ski goggles over his eyes to keep the snow out of his face as he flies along, the wind whistling and pulling at him as they arrow through the storm. "Neither am I." the stoic soldier rasps, shaking his head. "It's rare that I am assigned to an official mission outside of GRU. IT's a good change of pace."

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     Dmitri nods his head before holding his hand up to the side of his head while flying as if it'll better his communications ability. "Yes, and to add to matters it is a simple matter of a scouting mission." He smiles inside of his helmet looking over the complex miasma of data flowing across his screen half paying attention to the American children's cartoon on the side of his heads up display.

     Far bellow the two it appears that a number of absolutely ancient tanks are rolling their way out from an underground facility. On the ground level a man in a HYDRA uniform speaks to the well uniformed man by the side of the underground bunker. "You will not regret the purchase my comrade." The HYDRA officer officers extending his hand towards the Rumekistan Official who extends his own hand to meet in the middle. "With this many weapons and armor we should be able to safely secure our boarder from Russian advance."

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
    "A scouting mission, da. But one that may involve HYDRA, from reports." Winter's pale eyes flick back and forth behind his goggles as he scans the area, alert for anything unusual. "Local forces are one thing, but if they really are dealing with HYDRA, they may have especially dangerous equipment they've purchased or been given. It is certainly in HYDRA's interest to foment chaos on our border."

    He grunts in annoyance, pausing to sweep his bare hands over the goggles to clear the accumulation of snow on them. "I hope that your suits sensors can see better than I in this mess." He gives imself a little shake, sending a small spray of icy particles puffing out from his uniform and joining the sweep of snowflakes swirling around them both.

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     "Da comrade, thankfully this suit is equipped with the latest and greatest in sensors." Rocket Red zooms in down bellow before getting a reading on the two individuals shaking hands down in the snowy streets bellow. "I am seeing what appears to be some sort of bunker being unloaded, markings on individuals suggest HYDRA, and Rumekistan" He still can't get enough to identify either of them further than that through the snow that blocks his vision.

     "Look on the bright side comrade, at least the snow makes us hard to see as well." He chuckles before letting out a light gasp.

     Down bellow out from the bunker flows what appears to be modern mining suits. These advanced suits of power armor like the one that Dmitri had run into earlier in the day provide one hell of a punch with visible rocket pods on the arms and artificial intelligence to assist the pilot in general operations. "Looks like they have some big toys down there, want to swoop down for a better look Comrade Winter?"

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
    Winter narrows his eyes as she squints through the storm to see as best he can. "...looks like a convoy. I'm picking up a line of energy signatures. We'd best see what they have and if we need to break it now or later." He glances over, tilting his head. "And Winter is fine. The Soviets are long gone, my friend. Also shorter to yell if I need to duck." he adds with wry tone, the shimmering icy blue aura faintly visible through the swirling snow.

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     "What can I say I am old fashioned man comrade." Dmitri certainly speaks in an old fashioned way, his vernacular all makes him SOUND just as old as he is. The choice of phrases the choice of words the way he pronounces them makes it clear that he was born and raised in the Soviet Union by party schools, potentially with party parents.

     He chuckles to himself as he flies lower circling round the area. "I am getting too much interference to see quite clearly but it looks as if they are running T-34's and some sort of walker robots." He squints his eyes forcing the heads up display to zoom and enhance best that it can though he still can't make out much.

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
    "Mmm...T-34-85s. Museum pieces practically. Not even T-54s or 55s. Light guns." His lips twist as he considers. "Not hard to disable, tipping them will take them out of action. The other energy signatures though...humanoid. Armor of some sort, possibly converted heavy mining armor. You've run into those recently, da?"

    He considers, his brow furrowing slightly. "If you can keep the suits busy, I can disable the tanks then come back to help you?"

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     Dmitri swoops lower and lower still towards the ground. "Yes, I was responsible for the acquisition of one that found its way into the hands of American criminals just earlier today." As he zips lower a round flies past his armor exploding in the sky next to him. "Well looks like no time for planning, only time for acting." He chuckles to himself before zipping towards the ground at mach 10 breaching the sound barrier with an earth shattering kaboom.

     Dmitri skims across the snow kicking it up further in every direction. The way that he flies is fully intended to grab attention as missiles begin to fly in each and every direction attempting to haphazardly make the shot against him and instead blowing away buildings in the distance no doubt carrying more military value.

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
Winter doesn't say more; they're both professionals and know what they've got to do. He does start flying more eratically as Dimitri shoots off, pushing more power to his own flight abilities as he dodges between the rounds, rocketing down to slam into the frozen pavement next to the lead tank, twisting and smashing his shoulder into it as he lifts with a grunt, toppling the tank on its side with a crash, then shooting upwards to avoid the second tank in line pumping a shot from its main cannon into him, before he goes low again, this time under the front of the second tank, planting his feet, then pushing off to flip it up and over onto its back wit another *CLANG* of armor against pavement.

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     The slipstream kicks up so much snow that it reveals the earth beneath the snow, the fresh grass hidden from view for so long. As the missiles fire they're caught up in the slipstream falling out of their trajectory and instead slamming hard into the ground.

     Rocket can't hope to take on this many suits in a fair fight, but instead he hopes to distract and disarm them by getting the suits to offload their payload as quickly as possible.

     He doesn't allow them to get a good look at his armor, at least not a good enough look to see the number, that much should protect his group from retribution at the hands of the Rumekistan government.

     He spins up towards the air as he nears the end of the firing line zipping back up into the air and holding position just long enough for the army of suits to get a lock on him. He then proceeds to speed directly towards them using the wake of his slipstream to catch the rockets out of the air and send them tumbling back to the ground another barrage of duds hitting into the grass and pavement.

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
    There's no time for anything fancy, not if he's going to support Dmitri before he's overwhelmed by the sheer number of suits. So Winter doesn't bother with anything fancy, running past the second tank to the third, jumping to the side as another shell whistle past, then turns into the third tank, shoulder blocking it and sending it screeching bbackwards as it spins around, one of its treads breaking apart from the torque, then slams it right into the fourth tank, hefting it with a yell and dropping it so it lies on its side on top of the last tank, crushing its gun barrel and leaving the third unable to aim and neither able to move.

    As the missiles go spinning off crazily in all directions, detonating as they slam into the ground, into treets, or in two cases into the immobile tanks, Winter takes to the air again, raising a hand and sending a bright blue laser lancing otu of his palm that he uses to slice through the legs of one of the mining armors, trying to disable them without doing TOO much damage to the pilot inside. "They are very energetic..." he calls, dodging to the side as another spray of missiles comes corkscrewing his way.

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     "You are telling me comrade." Dmitri offers as he zips by another suit slamming its own rocket into itself causing a small detonation which damages the suit enough to cause it to topple over to one side collapsing into a second suit disabling both for the time being. "I've almost been hit a few times already." He slows down somewhat landing on the back of one of the mining suits for a brief moments respite. He clings like a suckerfish to the back of a shark just long enough for the suits automated targeting systems to lock back onto him sending a barrage of missiles into the back of the friendly suit of mining armor. "At least now we know how people keep getting these suits."

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
    "Yes, and who to go after to make sure it stops!" Winter agrees, his aura pulsing as the missiles arc in towards him, then his energy blasting out in a concussive orb around him, the missiles exploding harmlessly against the shockwave. He darts forward, going low to snag the legs of one of the other armors as she spins it around, hurling it at one of its fellow armors as both go down with a crash of shattering metal.

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     Already the numbers are thinning but there is a small army of these mining suits available as the two fight their way through. Missiles continue to soar through the sky landing in wild directions causing collateral damage in every which way. Dmitri flies up high and begins to concentrate himself using his technopathy to begin disassembling one of the suits from further up in the air.

     He holds his hands up to the sides of his head pressing against his helmet as a surge of orange energy engulfs one of the suits pulling it apart into base components allowing the pilot to fall to the ground before he shuts off his technopathy allowing the parts to fall to the floor in a chaotic pile.

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
    There's just too many missiles flying to avoid all damage. Luckily Winter has already pushes some of his power back into his physical defenses, bobbing weaving between the missile. One rocket catches one of the nearby pines, blowing apart most of its drunk as it topples over and nearly lands on Winter as he jets up to dodge it, then holds up an arm over his face as some small arms are fired as well, bouncing off his forearm, then catches a missile in his side with a grunt before blasting out another consussive.

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     With combined effort the two men begin to whittle down the army of powered suits. It's a vast ocean of suits and yet the two are making good progress. Dmitri zips back down as the missiles fly back towards him catching a missile to the fact which knocks him out of the air and sends him bowling THROUGH one of the suits of armor causing it to violently explode in the process.

     Dmitri crashes into the snow at high speeds causing dirt and snow to pile up ahead of him as he builds a small trench through the ground. He shakes his head slowly rising back up to a stand as he looks about in every direction to make certain that he's still alive.

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
    "Rocket!" Winter snaps as the suit goes flying and plows in the ground, the snow sprayed into the air making it difficult to tell at first what it might be. When Dmitri rises again though, Winter's scowl lesees, but only for a moment as he accelerates, then slams into the middle of the suits, the ground shaking as it dimples in a crater from the superhuman implact, and hopefully throws off the suits from following up on their advantage.

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     "Hokey smokes that knocked the air out of me." Dmitri offers as he rises back up to a stand trying to kick himself back up into the air. It's only due to the quick thinking of Winter that he's not pelted with a wall of missiles.

     Winter manages to knock them off their percarious balance on their feet sending the suits reeling for a brief moment to collect themselves before their learning algorithms can actively send a hail of missiles. It's just enough to save rockets life.

     Rocket kicks himself back into the air with a rickety start. His thrusters boost him up into the air a few feet before cutting out and sending him plowing back into the snow. Rocket uses this time to attempt a field repair using his technokenesis.

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
    A quick glance towards the sputtering suit as it goes up, then crashes back down again into the snow drift. "Bozhei moi..." he mutters as the robotic suits start shaking off their stun, before he roars, lunging forwards and grabbing the nearest, then spinning it around before hurling it into the largest group of the suits as an improvised missile with some serious strength behind it, robotic parts flying in all directions as a contingent go down, either permanently or badly damaged. "Not lying down on the job, are eyou?!" he calls, the bluisih aura around him gathering in his hands before twin beams of electricity snap out, arcing between the upright suits.

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     "The blast knocked out my rocket system." Dmitri offers as he keeps himself low wrapped in the glowing orange energy. He slowly begins to knit back together his armor into place working steadily with his mind and the suit in order to keep the field stabilized while he re-assembles himself.

     Several rockets pelt into the ground around Dmitri causing snow to fly high into the air and debris along with it showering him in snow and dirt. He focuses his entire attention on repairing his own suit considering himself lucky that the robots weren't made to take out man sized targets but tank sized rocks.

     "Just a little bit more and." Dmitri kicks off into the air like a rocket sending fourth a massive sonic boom from where he had been waiting. He flies up high into the air before crashing back down firing off his laser beams into the arms of near by armor suits. The force of his lasers manages to cut off several limbs making the suits all but useless as he zips through the crowd taking out several more of their number.

     "There's too many of them." Dmitri calls over coms. "Could you imagine the bloodbath if they got these fully retrofit with modern technology?"

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
    "They are annoying enough as they are!" Winter agrees, then leaps back, flying clear as a fusillade of missiles streak into the area around where he was standing, dodging back and forth as he continues to try and raw fire to buy Dmitri time. "Hell with it..." He suddenly darts to the side, then grabs hold of the second tank he flipped, grunting as he lands and pushes his power into his strength, letting out a groan as he picks up the tank then hurls it towards the middle of the oncoming suits in a deliberate roll, looking to crush as many of them as he can, or at least breaking up their formation again.

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
The formation scatters to the wind, only a few of the initial sizeable army remain, a few scattered and injured suits of armor. Dmitri zips through taking out two more with a direct blast of two twin linked laser weapons directly to the torso of the suits. He zips through the air before slowing himself down to admire his handiwork.

     While he's examining the carnage looking for his next target a missile fires off in his direction just barely skating past his form and slamming into a nearby tree turning it into a towering inferno of wood chips and cinders. He looks over his shoulder. "Great Scott that one was close for comfort."

     There's only two left standing out of the entire army, two lone figures who simply begin to back up towards the entrance of the massive underground bunker for security.

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
    Winter takes to the air again, shooting upwards as he narrowly avoids a pair of rockets as they streak off into the snowstorm to explode in distant orange flashes. "Not getting old are you?" Winter says, grimly amused as he focuses energy in one hand, before a briliant yellow beam bunches out and through one of the remaining suits, bisecting it as the smoking, molten halves crash to the ground. "Maybe you can catch those two and I'll get this last one, hmm?"

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     "You're only as old as you feel comrade." Dmitri zips through the air doing a loop-d-loop through the sky as he tests out his repair job on the fly. "and between you and me I always feel like a child at heart." He chuckles to himself as he zooms through the air picking up more and more speed. He fires off two sets of lasers into the front of the suit causing it to grow more and more hot until it starts to melt and then he does the craziest thing. He crashes through one side of the suit and out the other.

     There's no regard for the pilot or for the suit itself as he crashes in one side and out the other now covered in a thin layer of viscera as he flies through the air dripping wet which quickly freezes solid against his armor. He turns in the air spinning round with a contrail following behind and a red laser passes over his armor wiping clean the suit in a jiffy as it passes over using laser heat to anihilate the frozen blood that was covering him as he readies for another pass.

     The pilot of the second suit pauses in shock unable to fully process the horrors of war that he has just witnessed. His mouth goes agape inside of the suit as he stammers for a moment his moral shattered like the suit of his brother standing beside him.

     He ejects into the snow and begins running on foot looking for an escape from this nightmere.

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
    Winter mmms, seeing the man running and shoots forward through the air to grab him by the back of his uniform, picking him up effortlessly from the ground. "And a prisoner....are there any others?" he says, glancing over to he of the actual suit sensors. "If we can grab their weapon distributor, we may be able to find their other armories." There's a crackle as a taser charge worth of electricity arcs down the hand holding the luckless pilot, just enough to stun him so he won't be an issue.

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     Rocket Red stops in the air and uses his scanner on the surroundings it's hard to see in the winter weather exactly what's going on but his sensors make it at least possible to notice what others might miss. In the distance he spots a series of footprints in the snow made during the chaos of the battle.

    Dmitri circles round zipping down towards a nearby car that had been setting itself up to make a getaway. He ducks himself down towards the roof of the car and rips his hands throug the lightly armored roof ripping up the driver and passenger in his grasp.

     It's a lucky strike that Winter manages to point out the possibility of prisoners otherwise Dmitri may have missed them completely.

     "You are meaning these two ey Comrade?" He offers a bright smile before hoisting up the two figures into the air as he flies his way back over the carnage of the battlefield. There are surprisingly few people who are left alive after their assault but some people clamor their way out of the downed tanks others climb into the frozen winter out of broken down suits of armor. It's complete chaos on the battlefield.

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
    Icy blue eyes run over Dmitri's catch as Winter nods, holding his own prisoner like a scruffed kitten one handed, the winter wind catching hold of his silvery ponytail as it whips back and forth behind him. He drops off his unconscious burden just inside the bunker and joins Dmitri in securing any other survivors, giving them medical aid where he can. "A good haul...this should blunt their attempts to cause trouble, eh?"