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Latest revision as of 15:27, 7 January 2022

Sledding Gotham Style
Date of Scene: 04 January 2022
Location: Coventry - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Sledding at the hill by the Zoo turns demonic.
Cast of Characters: Stephanie Brown, Ree, Jason Blood, Jan de Wit, Jason Todd, Boonsri Chietsonkrit

Stephanie Brown has posed:
In Coventry there is a large hill nearby to the Gotham Zoo. Part of a public park, it gets used by people a lot of the time to enjoy a picnic before or after a trip into the Zoo. For the large hill affords a wonderful view of the animal enclosures and other attractions fenced in down below.

But in winter? It becomes something else entirely. Snow gets hard-packed by repeated runs of sleds and innertubes. Kids build up mounds of snow, enhancing natural contours to create jumps in certain places.

The steep slopes make for exciting runs, and the hill is long enough the rides last a fair length of time. A rope is run up one side to help people pull themselves up on any particularly icy days. Down below, vendors have pulled up, food trucks, some with special warm drinks prepared for the cold, snowy day that has the hill seeing some use.

Ree has posed:
The girl at the very top of the mountain of snow cricks her neck left, then right. She takes a deep breath, then says, "Okay. This is fully possible, and you're going to survive it. You've seen it done before, and without this level of gear."

She pauses, then leans down. And then...it's time.

"GO, MY MINIONS!" She calls out, and suddenly the children she's been distributing trash can lids to leap onto their new conveyances, and start down the slope like a wave of tiny poorly balanced ...children!

"MUAhahaha! IT BEGINS!" She laughs maniacally, her tail swishing back and forth. THE POWER~!

Jason Blood has posed:
While many are here at the zoo for sledding, there are at least a few curious about animals. Maybe. Or just out for a stroll, before finding themselves amidst a celebratory sledding. Who knows what brought Jason Blood to the zoo tonight - perhaps some premonition that there would be more on display than mere animals.

Walking carefully along the pathways that had been cleared of snow, Jason Blood walks with hands clasped behind his back at the wrists. He pauses, on occasion, to review one of the display. Not finding precisely what he was looking for, if anything, he continues along the way, slowly and inexorably progressing towards the region designated as the bottom of the hill for the sledders. Some sort of unfortunate catastrophe is most certainly in store.

Jan de Wit has posed:
The world is turning out... to be more odd than normal. A vacation from NYC seemed to be in order for Jan, being on his break between performances and all. The dancer was visiting Gotham for the lovely snowy weather this season. Dressed in a warm wool coat and a hand-knitted scarf, he looks toasty as can be. Add to it that he stopped at one of the food trucks to get a large cocoa, and he's right as rain.

He watches from the bottom of the hill, amused and enthralled by the people enjoying the thrill of sledding. Sleds and taboggans skip across the goodly amount of snow, all manner of cheers of delight from the children and adults alike. A smirk at the coordinated wave of Ree's minions and a shake of his head. This will go... poorly?

Jason Todd has posed:
A sight no one would really expect is Jason Todd wandering through Coventry Park in the snow is Jason Todd. Especially when it's not Sad Boy In Snow time.

Not that he's allowed to do that, it's been forbidden for years. Alfred's orders.

"I'm telling you, Steph," Jason says in hushed tones made for private conversations in public. "I'm gonna go to Manhattan. Probably won't take the new bike Bruce got me, though. We'd both be furious if some angel wrecked it." He pauses.

"Besides, I haven't put weapon compartments on it yet."

Boonsri Chietsonkrit has posed:
A figure strolls through the zoo, regardless of whether it's open or not. The person is clad in a trench over a hoodie, the latter of which is apparent by the fact that the hood is fabric of a type inconsistent with any visible part of the trench. Her swarthy features are partly concealed behind the collar, with the undercoat tugged slightly up so that her chin is behind the zipper. Raven bangs and hood protect the rest against the chill.

Boonsri grew up in warmer climes, so it's hard for her to enjoy this, but watching the happenings is another matter entirely! She scales the wall effortlessly, perching atop it to watch the sliders on the hill.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown walks alongside Jason Todd, the snow crunching under her boots with each step. The cold weather attire worn by the poor girl from Bristol doesn't match the poor girl part. A new snow suit custom made for her by Jason's sibling has Stephanie ready for the sledding hill. Worn across her back is one of those metal disk sleds that has no means of steering. It has been painted like Captain America's shield. Which is precisely why she has it strapped across her back.

A passing kid sees the sled and "ooooos" at it, drawing a big grin from the blue-eyed blond. "Stay in school," she says in her best Cap-like voice as she flashes the grin to the kid, before turning back to Jason Todd.

Lowering her voice, Stephanie says, "And, you know how is about that kind of... supernatural stuff too. I mean doesn't stop him from dealing with it. Just hates seeing anyone involved in it. But, hey, if it kept you safe, it would be worth it, right?" she says.

Ree has posed:
"They're such good kids," the demon girl says, wiping away a tear as she watches them all slide away from her. Into snowbanks mostly; those things are awful sledding devices. "KEEP LEFT!" she shouts, not wanting that one kid to crash into the tanker truck that's been parked there for, like, weeks. Water truck? Probably. Gotham is weird.

"....the other left, never mind." She shrugs, then surveys her dominion. "Well, I suppose now I have to start a showball fight. It's a requirement, right?" She shrugs, then bends over and starts making snowballs...

Jason Blood has posed:
The shouting attracts a vague interest from Jason Blood, much the same way any loud piercing noise would. The image of a demon keeps it. Narrowing his eyes slightly, he regards the demonic figure sending children off into the snow as sacrifices to the gods of cold with a certain bit of curiosity. He continues his slow walk along the path, not changing his pace in any way, as the slow amble draws him closer to the demon's hill.

Jason Todd has posed:
"He is like that," Jason replies with a nod as they crest to the top of the hill. He surveys the squad of children as they go careening down the hill. An expression flashes over his face. It's an instant, blink and you'll miss it, kind of thing. Nostalgia and pain. Then again, that's pretty much Jason's entire life.

Back to current, happier things. "How's Dick doing, anyway? We haven't ... caught up in a while." Not like he's made an effort, but then again, neither has Dick. His attention focuses on the Youth Squad. He considers instigating a snowball fight.

Boonsri Chietsonkrit has posed:
Boonsri Chietsonkrit just sits atop the wall enjoying the show. Her booted feet brace against the brick and mortar as her hands clutch beside her, the posture of someone ready to dismount at a moment's notice. She could be paranoid, or she could just be biding her time in spite of having somewhere to be.

Either way...

The swarthy featured girl in the trench is otherwise mindful not to draw too much more attention to herself than her position atop the wall already would to the perceptive.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown misses out on Boonsri going up onto the wall, but with Jason Todd her eyes are pulled to the kids on the sled hill. The sight of the predicament the kids are in upon launching on the steering-free trash lids only seems to excite Stephanie at the prospect of doing the same with her Cap shield sled.

"Dick's really good. Likes his partner at work. Really nice guy, has a daughter with a canon for a softball arm. Seriously I am afraid if a batter crowds the plate she's going to leave a hole through them like that one bad cowboy movie with Sharon Stone where the light shines through the bullet hole," Stephanie says with a laugh.

"Well, I wasn't planning to go up there," she says of the more serious matter of New York. "Someone needs to keep an eye on here still. But willing to if you need help. Just call."

She removes the sled from her back. "So, going to give this a try?" she asks.

Ree has posed:
"Armed and dangerous. That's what they'll call me in the news, when this breaks. The Demon of Bunker Hill. No, that's cliche. I should join a hockey team, I wonder if Jersey is hiring." She talks to herself a bit, getting snowballs ready. Then she eyes the world.

Deep breath in, and she tests her ammunition to see how well it'll fly. It splats on the side of that awful truck, and she grins. "Perfect."

Then she lets fly.

"You get a snowball, and you get a snowball, and you get a snowbball.."

Makeshift weaponry skill.

Do not have it. XD

Jan de Wit has posed:
There's a warm smile at the sled symbol that Stephanie is sporting. He chuckles, sipping his cocoa as the two pass by. NYC Refugees such as himself have little to base first impressions on - but so far everyone seems to be quite friendly.

Well, for the most part.

There is that red-hued woman lobbing snowballs down on those unsuspecting people! Jan takes a step back, sipping his cocoa and glancing about for cover, should the need arise.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason smiles slightly as Steph pulls her sled. "I think you should go first. Just in case you crack your head open. Someone has to show the video to Dick." And Tim, and Damien, and Bruce, and Babs.

"Honestly, I might get in on that snowball fight, but that might just be unfair."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The blond college student gives a soft laugh at the comment about showing a video of her crashing. She opens her mouth to reply to Jason Todd, when one of the thrown snowballs suddenly hits her in the back of head. Snow flies in all directions, like harmless-but-cold shrapnel.

Stephanie rubs a gloved hand across the back of her head to dislodge some of the snow clinging there, and turns to look over towards where the impish figure is hurling snowballs. Stephanie's eyes narrow and she says quietly to Jason. "Unfair is fine. Make her pay, Jason. Make her paaaaay," she says, drawing out the last word. Then she dons her stocking cap she hadn't put on yet, and jogs towards the snow hill. She tells Jan on the way past, "Watch out for snowballs!"

Boonsri Chietsonkrit has posed:
The girl in the trench bounds off of the wall landing in a crouch from which she readily rightens. She strolls over to get a better view of things with a smile at the widely errant snowballs exploding round the kids.

Then somehow one smacks her square in the shoulder.

But from who?

The world may never know.

Boonsri ducks behind a carm deciding that's probably the safest bet for the moment while she practices sculpting one of her own...

Jason Blood has posed:
Deciding to let the curiosity get the better of him, Jason Blood moves over to stand off to the side but able to view Ree atop her hill. He subtly starts to make some hand gestures while mumbling to himself.

At least as subtly as a grown ass man with a white shock of hair can be staring at a bunch of kids frolicking in the snow while talking to himself and making likely obscene hand gestures.

Jason Todd has posed:
Steph gets nailed, and Jason, ever dutiful, laughs. He catches that look, though, and follows it stealthily. He frowns slightly when he's asked to make her pay. Almost by reflex, one hand starts to reach for the small of his back, under his jacket, but he stops himself.

Bad Jason, no shooting people in the PARK.

Instead, he just nods and reaches into his coat pocket, pulling a white ski mask out. Tugging it on, he rolls his neck. When Steph looks back, Jason is gone. Not that this is unfamiliar.

Ree has posed:
Whistling to herself as she makes more snowballs, the devil king of the mountail uses her tail to grab another. She flings it without looking, which ends up with a snowball stick firmly in someone's hot dog as they're about to take a bite. Zoos have hot dogs right?

The fact that she's about to lose her status is Top Dog is irrelevant, damnit. Her ability to take on master assassins is still poor. And she's easily distracted, by that cute guy with the hand gestures and the funk. Also, incoming retaliatory projectiles!


Jan de Wit has posed:
The blessing about being a dancer, is having a bit of grace. At least on solid ground! Thankfully, Jan's still on the cleared path as snowballs begin being tossed in his direction by the children. They very nearly hit him, though he slips out of the way of each in just the nick of time. Cheater. He grins at the impish fun being had - then downs the rest of his cocoa.

The cup is tossed into the trash, before he dips down to start forming his own snowball. Retaliation will be had!

Boonsri Chietsonkrit has posed:
The first snowball of Boonsri.

She hopes it isn't too tightly packed, she's never made one before! She picks the largish specimen up and takes aim haphazardly...

And hurls the thing wildly!

Look out..!

Jason Blood has posed:
A frown slips across Jason Blood's face. He tilts his head, regarding Ree for a moment, and then starts making different finger gestures in her general direction. He seems to be trying a different series one after the other, and each time his frown deepens. It's reached the point where the edges of his lips on either side of his face threaten to fall completely below his chin.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown heads up on the snowy hill, perhaps not truly realizing what hell she hath wrought upon Ree by sicking Jason on her. Though past experiences of Stephanie's have left her not exactly enamored by demons. Especially ones that claw you and leave magical infections behind.

Those thoughts are quickly left behind though as Stephanie trudges up the hill to the top. She waits in line for a family on innertubes, with a little three year old who is going down with Dad, but crying because he's scared. They eventually push off and Stephanie is up.

She runs at the edge of the hill and then dives onto the Captain America sled (for which he probably did not receive a royalty, poor guy). She begins sliding down, rapidly accelerating, and letting out a whoop of joy.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason is absolutely a son of the Bat. In those moments where he is lost to the senses, he is busy. He is unconsciously doing math in his head, figuring angles and lines of fire. Ways to strike from stealth in a blinding fury only to fade away. Setting traps.

This is how a Bat wages (snowball) War.

Jason circles wide around Ree, a loose bit of paracord in his left hand. He almost seems to erupt from the snow in front of the ... imp(?)-girl, throwing his snowball in a ... not very accurate and almost weak toss. He waits a beat for the dodge to begin, then he yanks the cord.


On Ree's sides and at her back, Jason has manages to locate three flexible saplings, working quickly and silently to transform them into catapaults. He loads each with a ball of snow the size of a volleyball. The artillery loaded, he packs a snowball and slinks.


Jason rips on the cord, releasing the tree-apaults, hurling big snowballs at Ree from THREE DIRECTIONS. What will happen?!

Ree has posed:
Regret nothing. Yeah, right.

One snowball from Boonsri, too easy. Another slow one from that other guy. Feh. Challenge me. "Oh come ON," Ree says, fully aware that this can't possibly go wrong. "Someone try a little harder!"

Five seconds later she's literally buried under snow, and a boot is sticking out of the pile. It. Was. GLORIOUS. And she stood there and took it like the absolute tool that she is. Deserved every bit, and she'd not have had it any other way.

You can come out now though, Ree.


Somebody unbury her before she suffocates..

Jason Blood has posed:
The smirk is replaced by a concerned frown, and Jason Blood springs into action. He runs at the top of the hill and gestures a bit less subtly than before. Words spill out from his mouth - Latin? Sumerian? Who knows. But as he finishes the North Wind arrives. Maybe it was Norwegian?

A blast of air blows across the top of the hill, scattering the snow away to immediately unbury Ree as he dashed over towards her.

The snowy hill may or may not have been dumped entirely on a figure so stealthy that Jason Blood could not possibly see whether he was in the path of the snow.

Jan de Wit has posed:
The snowpocalypse is not unnoticed by Jan. He looks to his hand where his single snowball resides. Huh. No way that'll be noticed. Still, he does toss the powdery ballistic sphere in the direction of the buried Ree. The trajectory is just right - landing with a a *piff* on her boot.

The indignity of it all!

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie wooshes down the hill like greased lightning. She's even hearing John Travolta's voice in her head. Faster and faster the saucer-sled goes, with no real ability to control it. Stephanie sees that ahead of her is a bump in the hill that kids have turned into a jump.

And that's the moment she remember her old nemesis. Gravity. She can almost hear the sinister chuckle as she flies over the jump and the ground falls away from her. She tumbles in the air, and just gets the saucer back under her in time as she hits the ground hard. Not as hard as a Solomon Grundy punch, but she'll feel that tomorrow.

Relieved that she survived, she looks up and finds the legs of Jan and Boonsri ahead of her as she hits the open ground and slides further than expected, right towards them!

Boonsri Chietsonkrit has posed:
Boonsri Chietsonkrit peers at Blood with curiosity coloring her features. The semiprofessional translator in her is instinctively making connections with the speech flowing from his mouth with the handful that she is fluent in. She reckons a few of the words, but it was too sudden for her to really be certain what it was that he jabbered.

Not that it mattered.

She blinks at the burial of the lizard girl, or demon girl whatever person. This is an unfortunate situation. She ducks out of hiding to sprint over and help her out in the spirit of proper sportsmanship!

Or she would have, had she not gotten bowled over while her head was off in la la land...

Jason Todd has posed:
Mission Accomplished. Jason makes ready to do the Batman Vanishing Act once more, but he didn't count on WIZARDRY. The Other Jason does his wiggle-fingers thing to unbury Ree just as the Red Hood goes to make his covert getaway.

And gets buried. Only his right hand sticking out from the pile for now.

It quivers in rage. Or maybe it's just cold.

Ree has posed:
White flag. Ree is waving a white flag, when she comes up for air. Helped by magic (ooh! cool!) or not, she still waves da flag.

It's her bra. It's white, and it's a flag. She lost that round, and is not going for the sin of Pride today. Modesty however is apparently off the menu.

"Oh. Hello there," she says to Jason Blood, who's helping her to not die. "Sec." She quickly adjusts her top, then tries again.

"Hi. Are we dating yet? I'm not sure. Oh, duck."

And she pulls Jason out of the way of SNOWBATGIRL!

Patent pending. YOu can't have it, it's mine.

Jan de Wit has posed:
I believe the proper term was ass over teakettle. Jan is careened into, even as he's cheering his well-placed snowball attack. That's going to leave a bruise! Even so, Jan manages to salvage the impact, turning over in a sommersault, to land in the softer snow. Still, shins. Ow!

Looking up in a slight daze, he glances around for Stephanie America. "Are you all right?" He asks, propping himself up on one elbow.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason Blood thought he was helping the demon. He is used to doing that, actually. But this demon is way, WAY more physically appealing than the one he is used to helping. "Uh," is all he manages, somewhat distracted by the situation and unable to answer any questions before Ree yanks him out of the way. It is just enough to take him from his feet, especially since they are still standing on a mound of snow.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown clambers to her feet after the collisions. She dusts snow off of her snowsuit and then looks after the two people she hit. "Ack, I'm so sorry. I swear I had the brakes on this thing checked just the other day," she says, giving the patriot sled a nudge with her foot. She reaches down a hand to both Jan and Boonsri to offer them help up, and then looks around for Jason Todd.

"Jason!? Hey Jason, where'd you get to?" she calls out, apparently missing the glove for the moment. A little asphyxiation can't hurt him too much more, can it?

Boonsri Chietsonkrit has posed:
Boonsri accepts the hand up, possibly affording a glimpse of the bracers strapped to her wrists beneath the sleeves. She smiles modestly at the girl with a suppressed giggle, offering,"I think he went to do what I was going to do, if you're calling for the fellow you were with."

At that, she starts to make her way down the sidewalk...

Convenient distraction is convenient...

Ree has posed:
Asphyxiation is kissing, right? That's not going to kill Jason, he's immune. Though really, Ree giving him a reward for saving her, that's not a BAD thing, right? Planting one on the demon...ic...guy doesn't seem to be against Ree's religion, though the bra seems to have been forgotten.

"Should meet more guys like this," she says, her ass absolutely freezing in the snow and WET, OH GOD SO WET!

"Can you get off me though?"

Jason Blood has posed:
This is an unusual position for Jason Blood. Being on top of the demon, that is. Usually he ... well, "it's complicated".

"Yes, of course," he replies in his sultry British accent. He quickly tries to push himself off of Ree in an effort at reclaiming some propriety, but settles for flopping off her and rolling down the hill a bit, ending up with quick a good bit of snow on him as it is. "I do have some questions..."

Jan de Wit has posed:
Jan waits for Boonsri to be aided to her feet first. Then he'll accept help up, if still offered. "Who is Jason?" He's still a bit loopy from the sudden meeting with Stephanie. "No need to apologize - I wasn't paying attention." He muses, slowly dusting himself off from the snow that'd sprinkled over him in the tumble.

Another look around, to make sure no one was seriously injured. "Part and parcel of the sledding experience, I am sure. Running into people and things unexpectedly."

Jason Todd has posed:
The hand sticking out of the pile twitches and quivers. The snow shakes and then it ERUPTS as Jason bursts free, looking like a way less furry Yeti. He says some words that would make parents cover their children's ears. He starts to shake the snow off as he works his way out of the pile.

The Red Hood gives the leaving Jason Blood A Look.

He wrenches the doused ski mask off his head, his hair now an (even more) unruly mess.

"That went great, until it didn't."

Ree has posed:
Ree is looking at the fleeing Boonsri and Jan. Not fleeing Jan. Important distinction. "Oh hey, you didn't die. Nice." She upnods, then turns to try and find ot who attacked her with all the damn snow. Seriously.

Jason Todd gets a snowball. I don't care, it happens.

THEN she says, "Okay, I can do questions now. But I warn you the answers are all 42."

Oh lord, she's one of THOSE.

Boonsri Chietsonkrit has posed:
And just like that, Boonsri is skeedaddled.

Awkwardness successfully fled, the wall crouching, trenchcoat wearing shortstack is down the sidewalk and well away from random lizard smooching people and errant star spangled sleds.

There's less hazardous venues to stalk this evening, she's sure.

Jason Blood has posed:
Slowly standing up and brushing the snow from his clothes, Jason Blood shakes his head as he regards Ree. "Probably best not to be discussed out in the open," he says, shivering a bit. He is not immune to the cold unfortunately.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
At the question from Jan, Stephanie Brown does a slow 360 looking for signs of Jason Todd. "Friend of mine that came with me," she says, and finally spots Jason as he emerges from the snow.

The blond coed breaks out in giggles and pulls her phone out of a pocket. "Definitely need to preserve this for posterity," she says, snapping a picture of Jason covered with snow. The phone goes back in her pocket as she takes a few steps over towards him. "I was going to ask if you won," she says slowly, and then eyes his snowy appearance up and down in an overt way. "But, ah, I'm guessing no?"

Jason Todd has posed:
"I did win. My victory over the target was total and complete," Jason says haughtily. "Then a third party involved themselves and used trickery and wizardry to bury me in snow." He sniffs. "It was an unprovoked attack on my person, and I will exact justice the next time I see them."

He still looked like a snowed over rat, ruining the vibe he's giving.

Ree has posed:

Devil Girl Ree then leaps off the mountain, landing on her feet, and slides the few remaining metres to the bottom. It looks fun!

Then she bends over, makes another snowball, and lobs it in Jan's direction. Because Jan.

And then she's off, heading for a place. With things, and warm places you can take your pants off to dry them. What do you call those places, where you dry clothing? They have those...things? You can dry your clothes there.

Oh, right. Churches! She's going to a church, to dry her pants. "Coming?"

The Adventure Continues.

Jason Blood has posed:
It would certainly not be the worst decision he has made in his centuries long life. But it could be up there.

Jason Blood hops to an trots down the snowcovered hill in pursuit of the demon. He is unaware that he has set in motion the events that will lead eventually to a grand conflict which shall be known as -- the Jasoning - Todd vs Blood. Part II.

Jan de Wit has posed:
The snowball from Ree is sidestepped, without Jan even looking. Again, cheating! Also, he's preserving his modesty by avoiding looking at the topless she-devil. A nod to Stephanie, then Jason. "Wizardry. Is that common in Gotham? Should I look for a new vacation spot?" The man chuckles.

Once he's sure he's dusted the majority of snow from him, his hands go into his pockets for warmth. "I should have brought gloves." He laments.