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Latest revision as of 16:23, 7 January 2022

Apartment Mayhem when you're 'haunted'.
Date of Scene: 21 November 2021
Location: Sara and Cael's apartment
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Sara Pezzini, Cael Becker, Wade Wilson

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The Nacho Night at the Triskelion had been a hit, for the most part. Sara had been late due to work, but was there just in time for Alis to get board and make a showing. All the way home, she had been debating two things. The first was how Alis as tethered to Cael, which has her wondering just how far Alis can move away from her roommate, and second, what fucking egg?

Parking her motorcycle in the parking spot she'd claimed as her own, a strip of cement that wasn't sidewalk and may at one time have been a grassy area. Spotting Wade she waves him over to give him a quick kiss, then unlocks the apartments main door to head in and up to the shared apartment.

"Come on in, make yourself at home. Food and drinks in there," she gestures toward the kitchen as she passes, heading down the hall to the living room. "Living room. My bedroom, and Cael's bedroom." Point, point again. "It's not much, but it's home."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Indeed, Cael isn't far behind. Her own motorcycle gets parked next to Sara's - as honestly, it's the more convenient and more often-used form of transport in this city. The C6 usually stays safely in a garage, covered and waiting for her. As she makes her way up to the apartment she's already mid-arguement with her sister. "Yeah, but what do you intend to //do// with it?" she's asking, as she opens the door, seemingly unaware of Wade's presence and talking to the air. That would make her look crazy before the invention of bluetooth technology, but now adays people just assume you're on the phone.
    Besides, what right does Wade have to call anyone crazy?
    "You're just goint to hold onto it forever and keep it... hidden? It's not //ours//. It belongs to the world. It's a piece of history!"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade falls into step behind both women and peers a little at Cael for a while. He can see she's not on blue-tooth but he talks to people who aren't there all the time so he figures maybe that's why Sara accepts his crazy so easily, she lives with it.

    He moves and falls down onto the couch. He's in his suit, as usual, complete with mask. He's not going to scar Cael with his face just yet.

    "So... is this a new thing or something she does on the reg?" he asks, pointing a finger at Cael and following her with precision as she walks.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Alis sighs loud and long, even though she doesn't have to breath... even Wade hears it, even if he can't see the teenager.

"But it's /mine/ now," she whines, again Wade able to hear the soft whispering voice but not seeing anyone. "I took it, and right now it's mine, mine all, mine." She sighs again, walking past Cael and stops to look at Wade.

"Why is he in a mask?" She asks, apparently forgetting that she has the 'voice on' activated at all. She had to to talk to Cael, just slipped her mind that it meant everyone could hear her.


Sara facepalms, and honest too goodness face right into the palm of her hand. They were still going on about this egg apparently, and now Alis was once again outing herself. Wade wasn't a risk, she knew that, but Alis didn't.

"Yep, this is a way new thing," she comments as she removes her coat, hangs it by her bedroom door, then walks over to flop on the couch beside Wade. "You don't have to keep that one," she adds, poking at the mask.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Because he looks like someone shoved his face in a meatgrinder, and either he's embarrassed about it, or he thinks I give a shit," Cael answers simply, likewise pulling off her own jacket - but unlike Sara who carefully hangs it by her door, she simply tosses it over the back of a chair at the table. "I'm turning the coffee pot on," she announces to the room at large.
    "Look, if you want shit, we can get you shit, Alis. I can order you a computer. We can get you some stuff to tinker on. Hell, I'll get you some Goddamned tchotchkes if you want. But we have to take the egg somewhere where it... //belongs//. At some point. I mean, I'm not saying //now// - I'd have to arrange some sort of anonymous drop for it anyways - and that takes a little time."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade gives Cael a *look* and then sighs before peeling the mask off. Underneath, it's not so much "meatgrinder" as "one mile from Chernobyl when the reactor went critical." "Fine fine. I'll take it off" he says with an exasperated sigh. "But for that I'm asking why your imaginary friend gets a voice and mine doesn't? Seems a little unfair in my opinion." It might be a product of his time with Sara or he's just feeling relaxed today, but Wade can banter like a pro if he puts his mind to it.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Alis' shoulders sag as she sighs and rolls her eyes a little. "I forgot he could hear me too, sorry... this is still new to me." she offers to Cael, then she moves to the doorway of the kitchen, partly in the hallway and just appears there in the sort of flesh.

"I'm not imaginary, I'm dead, there's a difference," she offers to Wade, then steps back into the kitchen to walk over to Cael and whisper-whispers in her ear, "We can deliver the egg ourselves. You get to where it needs to go, I'll take it in, appear, leave it, disappear. It's that easy, but for right now, it's mine."


Sara looks to were Alis was before she appeared then back to Wade, and with a laugh scoots in to sit next to him, putting an arm around him. Just as she was about to say something, Alis appeared and explained it for her, that made it easier.

"Coffee would be great," she calls to Cael, then says more room volume. "Alis is our ghostly roommate and Cael's dead sister."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "He's Sara's boyfriend. It's fine. Besides, if he did anything that put you at risk - I'd shoot him multiple times. And then come back and do it again, on a regular basis. I can be vindictive like that," Cael remarks in a cheerful voice - even as she measuring grinds into the coffee maker, and getting the thing started. She also starts fixing up a tray with all the usual add-ins - sugar, cream, whiskey...
    "See, the problem with you just dropping it off yourself is the materializing part. Museums are another of those places known for video cameras - so it might be safer arranging a drop still. Unless you're proposing we leave it in a bathroom stall and tell them to go find it in //there//," she remarks in a dry tone.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade blinks. "Oh! She's just... there all the time now?" he asks, looking at the semi-corporeal girl. "She was the Mansion, I didn't know it was an on all the time thing." He wraps an arm around Sara's shoulders and crosses his legs.

    He didn't catch the first whispers, but Cael's words did catch his attention. "Museum heists--or reverse heists--are tricky..." he says and then adds quickly. "Or so I've been told. Hypothetically. Of course... I mean, the security systems alone are a bitch to contend with, most exhibits are pressure and weight sensitive so the slightest disturbance brings the popo." He frowns and glances at his side. "Sorry," he says to Sara. "I meant that in the nicest way possible..."

    "What's the size of the package?" he asks. "...Hypothetically, of course." It seems he's in a mood to talk shop and perhaps his experience might be of assistance in this matter.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Alis giggles as she pats Cael on the back. "I'll wear a black cat suit and wear a mask! They'll never know, they'll think they're being reversed burgled... it'll be great, Cael... we can do this." And then she skips into the living room and skids to a stop when she sees Wade without the mask, staring.

Before she can stop herself she blurts out, "Holy mother of god!" then quickly throws in a, "Sara has a boyfriend!" as an attempt to cover up for her reaction. Then she backs up and into the kitchen. "I'm just gonna hide in here for a while," she says quietly, bonking her head on the counter over and over again.


Settling in, snuggled against Wade, Sara looks more than comfortable, she also looks content and happy... that is until Alis pulls a teenager reaction to Wade and disappears back into the kitchen like it never happened. Her eyes narrow, that protective streak running up her spine as she tries to work out a way to make Alis suffer without doing real damage.

"Don't worry about it Wade," she offers, still plotting in her head. "I realize all the possible contracts you could take, and may take, and complete because you're just that good. So long as I don't know about the illegal ones, like stealing something from a Museum, it's all good." She leans over and places a kiss on his cheek, making sure the mask does not go back on by loving on him.

"If we look at this logically, people would think I stole Witchblade from the exhibit. He jumped on wrist, but how to you legally explain that? Shit happens, besides, I work homicide."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael snorts at Alis's retreat to the kitchen, and pats her sister on the shoulder. It still blows her mind that she can do that. "I didn't really think- I don't know. I thought you couldn't wear stuff," Cael admits, just before she adds, "//Jesus,// Alis, I told you he looked like he fell in a meatgrinder. What did you //expect//?" she asks, before moving to stand in the doorway to the kitchen, leaning back against the frame as she waits for the coffee to finish.
    "It's an //egg//," she repeats. "It's pretty small. About..." she mimes the size of a goose egg in her hands. "You know - softball sized, give or take. But egg shaped. In a stand." She watches the pair in curiosity to see if either of them get the significance of wanting to drop off an egg at a museum. "I figure if we drop it off at the MOMA - they'd be able to figure out where it belongs. You know?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade shrugs and sighs at Alis' response. "You know I get that a lot..." but then there's a Sara snuggling with him and that's nice. "Like... fabrege?" he asks. "Or is it really an egg? Like... a fossil?" he asks. Sara's proximity gives her the ability to all but see the wheels turning in his head.

    "I think I've done a few jobs of that size... that's the tricky part. With big things, just leave it at the doorstep and most of the time it gets to where it needs to go. Trojan Horse method..." he frowns and shakes his head. "Small things are harder to place discreetly. Because you're often larger than the package... like this one, and so the focus is on you, the dropper not the drop."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Alis thumps her head a few more times, not that it hurts or that she can really feel it all that well anyway, then looks up to Cael. Enough self abuse. Sure it wasn't the most couth of reactions, but dayum that's not what she expected.

"The focus can stay on me, cause I don't leave finger prints, my face isn't in some computer, and I can disappear without a trace... literally," she says, peeking out of the kitchen at the couple on the couch.

"That's kind of adorable," she says more quietly, just to Cael though good ears can pick it up. "Sickeningly so really... look at em."


Sara suddenly blinks and sits up quickly. She just realized what Alis and Cael were talking about, and why the alarms had gone off.

"Fucking hell Cael!" She exclaims, staring at her roommate. "Are you saying Alis took the Faberge egg from the vault? How the hell did she even know about it? The entire mission was almost screwed because of that and you didn't think to mention it to anyone?"

She sighs, shaking her head slowly before snuggling back in against Wade. "That could have been so bad... Sam may be right, we may need to find something entertaining while we're working."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Why would I drop of a fossilized egg at the Museum of Modern Art, Wade?" Cael asks in a dry tone - even as the lightbulb goes on for Sara, causing Cael to wince.
    "I... should have," she admits. "...probably. But that's a whole 'hey guys, so sorry about that, my dead sister put the entire mission at risk' conversation," that she's a little leary of having. "I mean - I hadn't even told them she exists, though given that she keeps appearing on security cameras," and in front of multiple agents, "it doesn't seem like keeping Alis a secret is really an option. Best case scenerio, she becomes part of the team and we put her abilities to //use//? That'll keep her from getting bored, but..." It increases the risk to Alis dramatically.
    Looking between them both she adds, "It's the Royal Danish egg, specifically. Real pretty. I don't suppose you want to show off your prize again, Alis?" Not like any of them could take it from her.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade shrugs. "Because you have no class?" he says with a grin. "Walked into that one." He listens for a moment and then frowns as the egg's identity is revealed. He whistles. "Nice piece of $33 million paperweight you've got there."

    He looks at the ghost girl trying to hide from him. "Why did she take it and... what sort of mission did it jeapordize?" He frowns. "I wasn't aware SHIELD was in the habit of stealing national treasures." He gives both agents an arch look.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Alis steps around into the hallway, looking from Cael to Wade. "I took it because it's sooooo fricken beautiful," she admits, then adds, "And because it was in a vault rather than where it should be. I'll go get it." She then walks toward the wall across from the kitchen doorway and disappears either into the wall or just from sight.


"The mission is classified," Sara says rather quickly. "The egg taking had nothing to do with it, it just happened."

Now she looks back to Cael, "That's not a bad idea Cael, to get Alis involved with SHIELD. Not a lot of their missions are of a nature that would put a ghost at risk, nothing magical in nature. That's usually the other department or... the... shit." She looks between Wade and Cael. It wasn't like her to slip up like that about something she wasn't supposed to even hint at.

"Okay listen... I didn't say that, I didn't hint at it, you know nothing, got it?" She again looks between the two. "Please? I slipped up, not supposed to talk about it. It's one of those uber classified things.... but in regards to Alis, our missions shouldn't be a risk, Cael, so it might be an option."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael makes a 'bu-bu' incorrect buzzer sound when Wade calls it a 'national treasure,' amusement crossing her features. "Try again. You might want to look up the 'Royal Danish' egg on your phone," she remarks with some amusement. "This is going to be //news.// Well. Whenever we talk Alis into letting it go."
    She turns back into the kitchen, pouring the coffee out into a carafe, and putting it onto a tray along with the mugs, with a small tin of cookies. They don't //always// have cannolis after all. She brings the tray out to the coffee table, setting it down and taking a seat.
    Looking towards Sara she remarks quietly, "I should probably make an appointment with one of the Senior Agents, yeah? ...come clean about Alis?" Just the thought of it fills her with dread. There's a part of her afraid to trust SHIELD with that knowledge. They wouldn't try to contain or experiment on Alis. ...would they?

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade looks at Sara with the blankest of stares. There could be absolutely nothing in his head for the amount of nothing that his expression convey. "Why, Officer Pezzini, I have no idea what you are talking about..." he says with the same dead stare and an equally dead voice.

    He looks at Cael and frowns. "Oh... you mean... you mean you found it?" he asks, arching a brow. "That's... that's a bit bigger than national treasure."

    "Wow... okay... so you found the egg on an... adventure..." he was going to be careful for the moment. "And... your sister thought, 'Ooh pretty!' and snatched it." He looks to the wall where the woman disappeared. "And she's just stowed it away somewhere?" he asks, his expression becoming slightly alarmed.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara detaches from Wade long enough to pour coffee into two cups, one for her, one for him. Into hers goes a little sugar and cream, a hint of the whiskey and then she stirs.

"Cael, I get you're concerned about Alis," she starts off with, looking to Wade for a quick, "Want anything in your coffee?" then she looks back to Cael, her expression going serious.

"She is a part of Witchblade now, so I assure you, /he/ assures you, they won't do a god damned thing to her." She keeps her eyes on Cael a moment longer, indication of just how serious she was about this, then decorates Wade's coffee the way he wants (or doesn't) and sits back with both cups, getting comfortable against him again, and offering him his.

Then she changes gears back to the egg, as her brain catches up with which one Cael is saying it is. "Wait... are you serious? The Royal Danish Faberge egg? Son of a bitch..." yep, her brain is a little slow when Witchblade is pitching a small bit in there with her. "... we have to convince her to pass it over."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Alright," Cael says quietly, before pouring herself some coffee as well, and adding a slightly more liberabl amount of whiskey than has become her norm. The thought of going into an office and explaining about her dead sister to someone she doesn't know? ...it's terrifying. But as things stand, she's putting missions at risk. //Fuck//.
    "Ladies and gentlemen - he can be taught!" Cael exclaims, flashing Wade an amused smile. "Yes, that's about the size of it. She's stashed it - and won't tell me where, or how. I'm thinking it's probably physically somewhere in the building? In a crawl space or something? Who knows - but we can't just leave it there and risk someone else coming across it. Best case scenario - they figure out what it is and sell it for money, but if they don't... It could end up lost again, damaged, or destroyed." So yes. Cael very much wants to get the egg into responsible hands.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade instructs Sara on the finer points of his coffee. Three sugars, splash of cream, splash of whiskey. The he furrows his brow, adding more wrinkles to the already scarrified tissue of his face as she settles against him and he takes the mug. "Alright... do you know *why* she's holding on to it so hard? Like... I mean, yeah, you stole it... but what can you really do with it aside from look at it."

    He frowns. "And you can get just as much viewing from a museum. And as a ghost... she should have free reign to go and see it all she wants, right?" He shakes his head. "There has to be more to it than just 'oh look I did a thing.' I mean, ghosts are bored to oblivion but... that just seems... I don't know... Petty? Can ghosts be petty?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Alis heard nothing of the conversation that was had. She walks out of the wall behind Cael, not that Wade or Cael can see it, then materializes in the room. Supported in both of her hands is one of the largest Faberge eggs. At nine inches of gold and diamonds, the Danish Jubilee Egg is an amazing and beautiful item crafted by the Russian jeweller Peter Carl Faberge in the year 1903. The truth is, she has a tight grip on the thing, but not so tight as to damage it.

"See? I didn't lose it, no one found it and they won't find it, the place I hide it isn't accessible by the living... without sledgehammers and jack hammers." She states with a huge grin on her face, and a sparkle in her eyes. "The first thing ever that I could pick up and take with me."


A sip of coffee is taken, it's still hot but damn did Sara want that sip. "Ghosts can be anything the living can be Wade," she explains. "You have to remember that ghosts were all living people once, they are literally a incorporeal version of who they were when they were alive. Poltergeist, spirits, specters, disir, and so many other chosen names for the once living, now dead ghost-like creatures, are twisted souls without any of the humanity they once had."

When Alis appears her eyes widen at the sparkling bobble in the ghost-girl's hands. "Wow..." is all she can say to that.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Wade," Cael remarks in a dry voice, "She's seventeen. She'll always be seventeen." Yes. Ghosts can be petty, and that seems to be all she has to say on the subject. She sips her coffee again - her gaze locking onto the egg once Alis reappears, enjoying it in silence for a moment. "Well. Let everyone take turns holding millions of dollars in their hands," she suggests. "When else will any of us get the chance? It's a remarkable piece of modern history."
    Wryly she adds, "I'm glad you took it, you know. It shouldn't have stayed in that place - lost and hidden away. Though maybe next time you run it by me before you try to botch a mission, yeah?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade raises his hand at the mention of holding millions of dollars... but lowers it at modern history. He looks at the egg and the girl for a while. "Alright..." he says, "I can help you return it properly without her getting into trouble... but... it's going to take some planning."

    "I've done retreival work... this is... just that but backwards." He frowns and fixes the girl with a stare, not malicious, not angry, just focused. "As long as you're willing to give it over to the proper people. I don't want to go through all the work just to have you turn up in two weeks with it in your hands or your stash again."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
At Cael's mention of letting everyone holding it, Alis hugs the thing to her like it's a precious baby. "You just want me to give it back now," she snipes quickly, staring at her sister intently. "I'm not ready to give it back yet! I promise, I will give it back and when I do," she looks to Wade. "I won't take it back... but I want to see this all the way through. I saw Cael looking at pictures of it, I saw it in the vault, I saved it, I want to give it back... or at least help, because they can't hurt me. Deal?"


Sara finally gets her words back, still staring at the egg in Alis' hands. "No one's going to take it from you this minute," she says, eyeing Cael. She was aware that Alis could just take that thing and they'd never see it again. Even if Cael did try to take it now and stash it, Alis could find it and that would be that.

"Besides Cael," her expression changes. "We don't touch it without gloves. Even the slightest hint of a fingerprint is all that's needed these days. So if you want to touch it, get some leather gloves on.'

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Oh, come on. I don't think any of us could take the thing away from you - you'd just snatch it back and disappear," Cael points out in amusement. "I'm not trying to trick you, here." A curious look crosses her features before she adds, "Hell - that could be bloody useful, actually." Out in the field. Alis making weapons disappear from people's hands - snatching up laptops with vital intel. There's endless possibilities, there...
    "...we could wipe it down," she mutters quietly. Because honestly, actually holding it in your bare hands is different... "But you're right."
    Leaning over, she reeeeeaches for the pocket of her jacket, and pulls out a pair of leather gloves - shaking them at Sara.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade doesn't have an issue, his standard suit comes with gloves already. "I don't want to touch it but..." he nods at the girl. "Look, you helping out with the placement and seeing it through, I'm fine with. I know a person who ight be able to help with some of the less than legal aspects of the operation. And she is almost..." he pauses. "Alright. She's as good as--and sometimes better than--I am with these sorts of things, but she cheats so it doesn't count." There is a petulant turn to his lips at this.

    He shrugs. "I think before either of you think of admitting her to Strategic Homeland etc etc. you need to clear this up. Becuase the moment they find out she's holding this... your asses might be on the line."

    He looks at Sara. "And personally, I might take some offense to that since I like your ass where it is on your terms." It was only a matter of time before Wade busted out the lewdness in front of the roomies.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Alis narrows her eyes as she looks between Cael and Wade, then sort of nods a little as she says, "Alright."

Walking over to the coffee table she sets the egg down slowly, perhaps too slowly, very clingy apparently, but it does get set down.


Sara doesn't immediately reach for the gloves, first she has to says in a teasing tone, "Not my ass. I have no connection to the thief, that's all Cael." Then she gives Wade a kiss, one of those kinds of kisses that borders on passion but doesn't go too far. Getting Wade worked up at the moment was not her plan... not right now, that's later.

"However, Alis being part of SHIELD should wait until that goes where it needs to go," she points at the egg with her coffee cup then takes a drink. "That said... I need to get some sleep. You two enjoy touching that thing, then Wade... join me in my room."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Seriously, Alis, when have I //ever// taken your stuff?" Cael asks. "...permanently." Taking another foster-kid's stuff is a big offense. They don't get nice things often - so the temptation to steal is high, and the pain felt if that happens is equally high. So while Sara and Wade may not get Alis's reluctance, Cael does.
    Still - gloves pulled on, she picks up the object, turning it over in her hands to study it intently, and finding the clever little clasp that allows it to hinge open. "How does someone even make something like this?" she breathes in an awed voice - paying no attention to Sara and Wade.
    They can retreat if they like. Cael will stay here trying to talk her sister into a timeline for the egg's surrender.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade doesn't really need to touch it. Material objects like that had never interested him beyond their monetary value. Now... if it was a signed first edition vinyl of "Make it Big" then he'd want his mits all over it. "One to two years of design and metalwork" he says rising to follow the bearer of Witchblade.

    "Like an old watch... but more..." he says. "I'll be in touch and I'll let you me my protege." He smiles and closes the door to the bedroom with his boot as he passes the threshold.