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Latest revision as of 16:32, 7 January 2022

Dinner and a Movie
Date of Scene: 06 September 2021
Location: Tara Tsabedze - Room 601
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Tara Tsabedze, Henry McCoy

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Eating out all the time got expensive, and even though Tara now had a job, she didn't get paid yet so... shopping and inviting Hank to dinner was a better choice. She told him in the text message, that included her address, 'Bring a movie you like.'

In the kitchen she was finishing off baking a roast, she wanted it pink in the middle, like not quite still bleeding, but maybe if you stabbed it there might be a little blood. To go with it are baked potatoes, fresh green beans, and corn on the cob. Not entirely certain what he liked to drink, she had purchased a bottle of wine, a case of beer, and even had a bottle of rum with some soda in case he was a mixer type.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The man was prompt - not early, not late - but right on time. He had brought a bottle of wine - a gift for dinner. Also, a copy of Hamilton - the man had specific tastes! As he checked over his shirt and slacks, he nods to himself. A knock on the door, Henry patiently waiting after doing so.

He could smell dinner, it was certainly enticing, as was the company that was assured along with it.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Exiting the kitchen, Tara goes to the door to invite Hank in.

"Hello!" she chimes with a broad smile. "Come in, come in. I haven't done anything truly personal to this space, but it works for a dwelling."

Once he steps inside, she closes the door behind him. "The roast is almost done, then will need to rest for about fifteen min... did you bring wine?" She seems to change gears mid-sentence when she sees the bottle.

Henry McCoy has posed:
A smile when she answers the door. "K'Tara, thank you for inviting me over." Henry offers over, stepping in when she invites him to do so. He looks around the dwelling, grinning a bit. "Homes become homes over time - it will happen when you are ready for it." He mentions, looking back to her. He glances down to the wine when asked.

"Yes, I did. It's proper etiquette to bring a gift when visiting a friends home for the first time." He beams, offering the bottle over to her. "I thought you might enjoy the flavor of this one." A look around again, then to her. "How are you tonight?"

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Accepting the bottle, Tara takes a moment to read the label. She doesn't really know much about wines, only that some red, some are white, there are chardonnays and cabernets and thus ends her knowledge.

"I am quite well Hank, thank you for asking," she offers, heading back to the small kitchen. "I hope you are well. I decided that eating out every time would get expensive very quickly, and I have not yet been paid. Although I have the saving of the tribe, I prefer not to use it unless I have to."

Opening a small cabinet she removes too glasses, they aren't exactly wine glasses, but a glass is a glass. Setting them on the table, she uses a cork screw to pop the bottle of wine he brought open, and pours some into each glass.

"Oooh, it has a very nice aroma!" She chirps, sniffing at the air as the pours, then she sets the bottle down to collect both glasses, and offers one to him.

Henry McCoy has posed:
As she uncorks and pours out the wine, he moves a bit closer. "Indeed - and home cooking is often a better solution in the long run. It can be better catered to the needs of you and any guests." Henry grins. "I can also help with dinners, if you wish to go out another time." The doctor smiles, taking the glass.

He brings it up near his face, sniffing just a bit. "It is wonderful. Tony advised me of this winery, so... I looked into getting a few bottles from them. It was an excellent investment." He smiles. "What shall we toast to?"

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara can't help but sniff at the glass a few times, remembering that it's better to let a wine air a little before you take a drink anyway.

"Soon it will not matter," she says about the dinners. "The only uses I have for money are food, most everything else I can just make myself." She offers him a smile, then cants her head slightly, "But... if you would like to take me to dinner some time, I would not object. As for a toast..." she hmms softly, holding the glass up. "To friendships and new beginnings."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A slight footscuff and a nod from Henry. "I'd like that, K'Tara." He grins, chuckling just a bit. His glass is raised to hers, a gentle clink of drinkware. "To friendships and new beginnings, indeed." A smile and he nods, the man taking a sip after.

A slight purr at the flavor profile, the man sighing happily. "So, how is Happy Harbor? Hopefully they haven't had need for your healing skills, thusfar?" He asks. "Making new friends there as well, I hope?"

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara takes a small sip of the wine and the expression on her face indicates she loves it, even before she can swallow.

"This is a /very/ nice wine, Hank... either that, or I am clueless, but thank you for this." She sets the glass on the table for now and turns to open the oven. With pot holders she takes the roast out and sets it on the stove to begin the 'resting' process.

"My first day and a young girl broke her arm," she says then, turning back to look at him before settling into one of the chairs at the table. It is a small table, they will be sitting close whether they want to or not. "She fell from a tree, and her friend, who is a speedster, brought her to me, aaand of course they both had to bombard me with perhaps oh... three thousand questions regarding my healing, my appearance, my claws, and pretty much everything else."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A slight wince. "Hopefully she wasn't too traumatized by the injury." Henry smiles. "Judging by the sound of it, though, she was far more focused on you than the possible pain from the fracture." A slight chuckle. "Perhaps another blessing of your heritage?" Another sip is taken from the wine.

He takes a seat, carefully - no need to ruin her furniture! "I am curious - with your gifts, do you need to set the break? Does it remove the pain?" He is curious, after all.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
The furniture in the room was all made by her tribe, it's meant to hold her in a combat form, it can handle Hank bouncing on it. She tapes her claws on the surface of the table lightly as she takes another sip.

"The first step to healing a broken bone is to set it of course," she explains. "But with the magic I can 'numb' the area so she felt nothing. In fact I might have numbed a bit too much, it took her about ten minutes to regain feeling in her hand." She giggles softly. "I was so worried, my first student and it was a break of her dominant arm. I had to study some medical procedures of course, but the magic tells me where the break it, or the internal wound for that matter, then I merely have to concentrate on that."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry listens, nodding at the explanation. "I am sure her shock had plenty to do with that. The human body is rather amazing in how it copes with pain." A slight chuckle. "If you ever want any assistance with anatomy and other medical studies, do let me know? I enjoy teaching, and tend to blather on about the sciences." A cheeky grin.

"I am sure she is glad you were there to help, K'Tara. You likely helped her avoid a lot of discomfort, pain and physical therapy." A nod. "It's a good thing."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Reaching over Tara lays her hand on Hank's arm, her eyes widening as a broad smile touches her face.

"I would very much like to learn from you Hank," she states without pause. "I think listening to you... blather," this seems to be a word she doesn't know, but since he used it, she used it. "about science would be very educational. I am still lacking a great deal of knowledge about the human body, and every minute I can save it a minute they are not in pain.

The smile does not fade, not does she take her hand off his arm, "The girl had the ability to 'will' part of the pain away, in fact it is likely with practice, she could have healed it herself, though not set the bone."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The man looks down to her hand on his arm, then back to her with a grin. "It'd be an honor to teach you whatever you'd like to brush up on, or learn." He beams. "Though I've not particularly gotten my medical diploma, I have studied all the sciences needed." A chuckle. "My odd life has had me in a position to have to perform surgeries and tend to my friends on many occasions." A shake of his head.

A blink, the man ohohing. "One of the gifted children, then. Interesting ability. Perhaps with some more training and learning about herself, she'll be able to do exactly as you say." Another sip of his wine. "We are a fascinating people, K'Tara. Exquisite in our differences."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
She nods enthusiastically, "That is one of the things I /love/ about this world, so many differences and yet at the core, so many similarities."

Removing her hand, she stands to go and start fetching the food. Roast is sliced and many slices, many, many slices go onto each plate. "Do you like butter and sour cream on your baked potatoes?" She asks, already removing the potatoes from the oven to put on the plates. Next is the corn, complete with butter to roll it in if wanted. The last item on the plate is the fresh green beans that she steamed, so they remain crisp and light.

Moving the plates to the table, she then collects more butter and sour cream, in case he wants it, two bottles of water from the fridge, and finally some fresh rolls because they looked good.

Henry McCoy has posed:
He stands as she does, proper manners and all. "Oh, butter is just fine. Perhaps a dash of salt?" He shifts from foot to foot, looking as if he wants to help, but not wanting to interfere with her hosting. "Should I pour more wine?" He wonders, looking to the glasses and back to her with a smile.

He makes sure the table is clear for her to set down the plates, only taking a seat once she has again. "This smells wonderful, K'Tara. And looks divine." A grin to her. "I cannot wait to dig in." A napkin is placed over his lap.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
"More wine would be great," Tara replies as she moves back to the table. "Salt and pepper shakers are the little moons on the table. One of the children in the tribe made them for me. They are not very accurate, but they were a useful gift I could use."

When she is sure everything is on the table, she takes her seat again. "The beef and green beans are from the tribe," she explains. "The potatoes and corn are from the store. The rolls are from the bakery, and you should start eating now." She grins broadly at this, then takes a napkin to put in her lap.

Using a knife and fork is something of trained skill, and something Hank probably fully understands. The claws get in the way, but she's had a life time of practice to make it a little less awkward.

Henry McCoy has posed:
More wine is poured! A good amount for each, enough for the meal and a bit more. The shakers are picked up carefully, the man treating them as if they were family heirlooms. "They are very cute - they would tend to go with your motif, yes?" Henry grins to her. A little salt for his potato, then the shaker is offered over to her should she like.

Even with practice, she can see that manipulating the fork and knife is a bit tricky for the blue man. His recently acquired hand configuration is still something he struggles with. Still, he takes his time, slicing the roast up on his plate as the butter melts onto the potato. "Bakery? Is there one nearby?" He wonders.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara accepts the salt shaker to add to the green beans, her potato gets butter and sour cream first, then a little salt.

:There is one about three blocks from here," she sort of points in the completely wrong direction, but he should still get the idea. "They bake all kinds of American breads and pastries. I picked up some cannoli from them as well, for desert."

She doesn't make it obvious that she is watching his hands, but she is. Every part of her, just like with Kurt's hands, wants to offer to try and undo whatever it was that did it, to fix them. She knows it would likely be considered rude to just blurt out, 'Hey, let me unscrew up your hands!', as some mutants might take offense to the offer no matter how it is given. The only reason she even considers it is because she remembered him mentioning it was a fairly recent change.

After cutting off a bite of the beef, and adding just a bit of the baked potato to the fork, she takes the bite and chews it thoroughly before a sip of wine is taken.

"There is something I would like to ask you," she says softly. "But I am afraid I might offend you if I do."

Henry McCoy has posed:
If he notices her watching his hands, he doesn't show it. He listens about the bakery, nodding. "I will have to check it out - carbs are a weakness of mine." He admits, with a chortle. "Cannoli? You're spoiling me, K'Tara." Henry grins over to her, taking a bite of the roast first.

He savors the taste, mmming as he chews politely. "Fantastic... it's cooked just right." The man compliments. A pause as she mentions she has something to ask. "I cannot imagine your intent is to offend or upset me, honestly. Feel free to ask any question - if I can answer, I will."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
His politeness was never missed, it seemed to ingrained in who he was. Tara liked that about him, maybe more than she was willing to admit. Pleased that he enjoyed the meal, she beams a smile, but that quickly shifts back to a more concerned expression on her face.

"My intent is not to offend, but some might find this... very offensive," she begins. "When we first met, you commented that your hands were a... recent change, but I did not feel right inquiring further about it at that time. We had just met after all. I do not mean to pry Hank, but I am curious to know how this change came... but..." she pauses slightly, chewing a little at her bottom lip. "I must admit I am more curious to know if I could help revert your hands to what you were used to."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry gives an oh, and a smile. "Well, I think a discussion of how would be better ... saved for another time. It isn't a pleasant tale, and certainly not a good memory for me. I would not want to sour the evening with such despicable discussions. I've nothing to hide from you on that, of course - and will be glad to talk about it with you." He assures, nodding to her. The fork is set down, the man extending his fingers - stretching a bit. Utensils can cramp after a bit!

"How familiar are you with mutations among humankind? The Homo Sapiens Superior variant?" He wonders. He taps at the table. "Initially, I was born a mutant. I had a denser muscle tissue, a more vibrant intellect, and large hands and feet." A look to his hands, turning them over. "No fur, no animal features - just... a little off if you were to look at me. Most had no idea."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara listens as she speaks and offers a nod. "Of course, you do not have to speak about anything you do not wish to," she offers. "The how can wait for another time if you prefer."

Taking a sip of her wine as he continues she hmms softly before saying, "I know a great deal actually. Because I have always been mistaken as a mutant, it is their communities that I have been a part of outside of my tribe. Humans are usually uncomfortable around me, so most of the healing and discovery I have done is with mutants."

Henry McCoy has posed:
"I went to college, excelled at school. I was a star athelete as well - my inborn gifts put me ahead of others on the football field." A slight grin at that. "I loved being in the game, playing and leading my team to victory. I had the nickname of the Magilla Gorilla." A chuckle. "Eventually they found out I was a mutant, and I was asked to leave the team." A slight shrug. "I understand why, but it still stung." There's no doubt in that, his vocal tone as evidence.

"I studied with a Professor Xavier - he took me in and let me continue upon my learning career. I started working for Brand Corporation once I finished my doctorate studies." A tap of his finger to the table. "I discovered a serum that would theoretically activate latent mutations in people for a short time. They... wanted to use it for nefarious purposes. So I had to get rid of it - I destroyed my work, and injected myself with the serum."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara continues to nibble while she listens, but really she's more interested in what he's saying than that food, and that's saying something. When he talks about football however, the change in his tone gets her hand laid on his arm in a comforting way.

"I am sorry that you had to stop something you clearly loved," she says quietly. "It seems unfair to me, but I suppose I understand."

Then he is speaking about a serum, and her head tilts, even if her hand remains on his arm. "You... injected yourself," she repeats in surprise, then her tone shifts to concern. "What did it do to you Hank?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
He smiles at her consoling, nodding to her. "Thank you. Perhaps one day, they'll have more sports open for mutantkind." A grin. "Either way, I had my days in the sun on the football field." A chuckle. "The serum unlocked a secondary mutation for me. Making me more agile, stronger... and covered in blue fur. My featured changed to a more bestial visage - somewhat simian in nature." A slight shrug. "There was no hiding my being a mutant after that."

"That was in two-thousand sixteen." He looks to his hands. "It was in twenty twenty that I suffered this last transformation." The man looks to the table. "It took more than my hands from me. It made me stronger, faster - even heal a bit quicker than normal people." A slight shrug. "But it took some of my control, some of my mind. I often have to fight urges of the Beast."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Without really consciously thinking about it, Tara caresses his arm lightly, again in a comforting manner but completely reactionary.

"It is likely that in your life time, these changes would not have taken place," she says softly. "If not for the serum, and whatever it is that happened on twenty-twenty. I may actually be able to help you Hank, because all though your mutation has advanced, it was not natural. I cannot be certain, I would have to study you with magical eyes, but it very well may be possible to at least modify some aspects, such as your hands."

Sliding her hand up his arm she takes one of his hands in both of hers, caressing the back of it lightly. "That is, if you wish. You are perfect as you are, never think this is an attempt to make you anything more than you are, which is perfect. I just see you struggle with your hands, and I know as a surgeon and a doctor, your hands are important."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a quiet moment, the man thinking. "I appreciate the offer, K'Tara. It is amazingly generous." A slight smile, his eyes finding hers. "Right now, I have looked into the genetics of it all - and this was in my DNA. It was unlocked, perhaps with actions of my own or others, but it was part of my genetic code." He explains.

"I ... My mind is my most important thing. I've been trying to focus, and it's worked to some extent. Most of my more pressing mental issues, only occur when in high stress combat situations." Henry mentions.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Seeing that he seems pretty set on the hand thing, DNA, genetics, for now... Tara offers a nod of acceptance. She will simply have to show him through other means that she was serious about understanding mutations and the genetics behind it. The mind, that was another matter, and one that has her thinking.

"Can you describe what happens?" she asks softly. "In these high stress combat situations? What does your mind do? If it is too difficult, of course you do not have to speak of it."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry chews on a bite for a moment, thinking. "I ... fall to my more bestial thoughts. Emotion rules, instinct takes over. My mind becomes more animal than man." He explains, dabbing at his lips with a napkin. "My logic and reason goes out the window - and it is hard to come back from. I tend to be more vicious in battle, not concerned about gravely hurting my enemies."

"Sometimes I feel like a passenger in my own body, when it happens. I can bear witness, but not affect anything."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Taking another small bite, Tara listens to the explanation as Henry gives it, and something in her eyes indicates she understands all too well what he is talking about. Taking a sip of her wine, she sets the glass back on the table and offers him a smile.

"We are all animals Hank," she says softly, then her smiles goes even broader. "Even human beings are animals. Some would say that the evolution of the human mind is one of the most amazing things of all time, that we went from mere animalistic thinking, fight or flight, survival, to this." She gestures to the room around them.

"Yet, there is still hatred, violence, aberrations of the most... heinous. Humans blame the animalistic side of us all, but where in the animal kingdom does one species deliberately hunt down and attempt to extinct another species of animal? No. Because there is more to the animal mind than humans realize. Perhaps what you need Hank, is not to learn how to control the animal mind, but learn how to work with it."

Henry McCoy has posed:
He does listen, taking a sip of his wine as well. His eyes follow her gesture to the room they are within. "Perhaps. I would say it is one of the more impressive leaps of evolution, yes. Self-awareness and sentience, then add on the capacity for logic and learning." A grin. "Many other animals are on the cusp, I would say. Humans crossed over into the more advanced stage." Henry sets his glass down.

"I think working with it would help, yes - but I fear losing logic, losing my understanding of science, and any other number of things I've learned along the way. Sometimes it feels as if those are being pushed away from me."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Reaching over Tara takes his hand, holding it up a moment into both their lines of sight.

"You say that this is your genetics, this is your DNA, and there for it cannot change, yes?" Her smiles turns coy. "Then by that logic, the logic you love, does that not mean the 'beast' as you call it, is also your genetics, your DNA?"

She lowers his hand back down, caressing the back of it lightly before letting go, all the while smiling softly at him. "So, by your logic, everything that you are now is as you are supposed to be. Have you lost your logic? Have you lost your science? You say that you fear it will happen, but has it? The harder you struggled against a thing, the harder it becomes to keep a hold of it. So, I can help you understand the Beast, and perhaps in time I can help you control the Beast. It may even be possible to remove him if that is what you want, but... you have already said, he is as much your genetics and DNA as your hands."

Henry McCoy has posed:
How dare she logic at him! Henry watches her hands, then her eyes. A chuckle and a nod. "Perhaps. As I mentioned, I am interested in help - I've had another friend offer the same, and I am all for sorting how to better live as I am now, in mind and body." The man admits with a grin. "I am not turning down help, K'Tara - I am very appreciative of it. I will be glad to take you up on some of the offers, yes?"

"I am very glad I came over ... I am enjoying our time together greatly." He admits, a slight shift on his seat. "Thank you for your hospitality and your friendship."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
The last of the roast disappears into her mouth to be savored and swallowed. She can't seem to stop smiling at him, like there is no other expression to be offered.

"I did not mean to imply that you were rejecting my assistance, I was merely using your own logic against you. Anything that I can do, I will do," she says, turning slightly in her chair. "But most importantly, understand, you are perfect as you are, and you are my friend."

"Would you like coffee to go with the cannoli?" she then asks, preparing to stand.