Tara Tsabedze

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Tara Tsabedze (Scenesys ID: 3022)
Name: K'tara Tsabedze
Superalias: Kivuli
Gender: Female
Species: Magical
Occupation: Nurse, Happy Harbor
Citizenship: Kenyan/American
Residence: New York
Education: Private Education
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Mystic Arts
Apparent Age: 30 Actual Age: 40
Date of Birth 17 Jul 1981 Played By Khoudia Diop
Height: 6'2" Weight: 150 lbs
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Golden Brown/Amber
Theme Song: The HU - Song of Women feat. Lzzy Hale

Character Info


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Touched by the goddess Bast, Tara is the Kivuli and exists to aid the world with her magics and serve as a living vessel for the goddess herself.


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The Paka ya Mwezi (Feline of the Moon) is one of the Kenyan tribes who traditionally protect the secret ways into Wakanda. The tribe believes that the moon is a Goddess named Bast, who grants the tribe unique magical talents to use for the good of the tribe (and the world). They consider great cats to be touched by the Goddess. They give offerings to all panthers and keep a habitat for them near their sacred sites.

The entire tribe lives both in this reality and an alternate dimension they claim is the moon (no one has ever questioned if it is or isn't really the moon). In lands blessed by Bast they can slip in and out of her sacred realm at will and traverse vast distances in just a few steps. This is only possible while in their native homelands, where Bast's influence is strong.

The tribe's mantra is, "Uchawi hutiririka kutoka mwezi, Nuru yake inaoga kabila katika utukufu, na kwa hivyo tunatembea kwenye vivuli." Translated: 'Magic flows from the moon, Her light baths the tribe in glory, and as such we all walk in Her shadows'.

Three castes cooperate in perfect harmony to ensure the tribe functions. Warriors, who defend the tribe; workers, who create everything the tribes needs to survive in both reality and Bast's realm; and the religious caste, which is considered the most important caste of them all and are responsible for the panthers, arts, and music. Everyone knows their place and their purpose. Each caste uses magic that aids their duties. They pass this knowledge to young adults after the rites of "mtu mzima", a ritual celebrating adulthood at around 14-15 years of age.

The caste is determined by the Elders interpreting markings on their body that appear within a month of birth. Any one may challenge the decision of the elders on this when they become adults and change castes if they win the challenge and prove the decision was incorrect.

The tribe is lead by the Baraza la Wazee (Council of Elders) which is comprised the three eldest living persons from each caste. Every decision is made through a vote of all nine, majority winning, and no one may abstain.

Once every ten to fifteen generations the tribe celebrates the birth of the Kivuli, "She who is the true feline of the moon". The purpose of the Kivuli is solely her own to choose and fulfill, but it is assumed the Goddess Moon will guide her along. Her presence is a blessing to the whole tribe and heralds a hundred years of good luck. No knowledge is denied the Kivuli, who is allowed to learn the magical rituals of all three castes. She acts as an intermediary to strengthen both the spiritual and temporal realms of the tribe. She is considered neither human nor panther, but a combination of both.


* 1981: Njeri, warrior of the tribe Paka ya Mwzi, gives birth to K'Tara under a full moon, the first Avatar of Bast born in fifteen generations. The tribe celebrates the arrival of their new Kivuli for an entire month. According to tradition, no caste is chosen and she is raised by the entire tribe.

* 1986: The forms of magic innate to the Kivuli reveal themselves in the dead of night, when Tara transforms to a feline for the first time. She begins changing her forms regularly to learn the abilities of the three forms more comprehensively.

* 1995: The rite of mtu mzima is held, and a celebration of Tara's fourteenth year and success is held on the moon (the alternate dimension the tribe says is the moon). Hundreds of tribal members from all around the world return to join the celebration, present gifts to the new adult member of the tribe, and receive blessings from the Kivuli.

* 1995-2010: Tara spends five years as a member of each caste, learning the ways and magics of each, while offering her blessings and skills to their purposes to the tribe.

* 2011: Tara begins wandering the continent of Africa offering aid to those who require it and learning about the nations beyond the tribe. Able to return to the tribe any time, she travels far and wide, learning numerous languages.
* 2016: Tara moves on to the North American continent, and begins learning completely new cultures and languages throughout Canada, America and Mexico. Her eyes are opened more fully to the struggles taking place around the world and what part me might play in helping the world as a whole.

* 2021: Settling in New York, Tara makes it her goal to find a group or place where she can offer her talents for the better of the entire world.

IC Journal

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She is aware of her abilities and talents and confident in her ability to use them. She is not without her weaknesses, and she admits to those without shame, but knowing what she can and cannot do gives her confidence to do what needs to be done.

She is set on her path and nothing will get in her way to achieving the end goals. Some would say she is blinded an unachievable goals and that her tunnel vision to reaching these goals will be her undoing, but she sees her actions as determination and nothing more.

Because she is neither human nor feline, but a combination of both, she is a feisty and playful person. Practical jokes, harmless flirting, playing games, these are all things that bring out the feisty in her.

She is fervently loyal to the Paka ya Mwezi, and nothing on this universe will change that. This same personality trait applies to friends outside the tribe.

Character Sheet


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Bast's Knowledge:
Bast is an Egyptian goddess, the Panther God of the Wakandans, and wears many other hats with numerous other worshippers. The knowledge of the goddess herself, and the many aspects she represents, can be accessed by Tara when needed. Through this ability Tara can read Ancient Egyptian texts, hieroglyphs, the ancient Egyptian language, and knows of the history of Wakanda (among others).

Each of her forms has their own unique set of claws.
Birth Form: Her nails are a great deal thicker than human nails and act as claws in regards to slashing attacks. They are not retractable.
Combat Form: Her claws are hard as steel and impossible to break. They are not retractile.
Feline form: The claws on her paws are just like normal panther claws.

Enhanced Hearing:
Due to having feline ears, her hearing is considered beyond human, but not full super natural. She can hear the faintest sounds, but not miles away.

Healing Moon:
The same silvery white energies that are used for all other forms of her magic can be channeled into healing energy that, while she is touching the person, passes her own regeneration to them.

Magical Creation:
Conceived of two humans, Tara was touched by Bast at the moment of her creation. She was changed into a magical being with the purpose of serving as the cat goddesses living avatar, a vessel in which Bast's radiance and power could safely reside without burning up the shell. This touch is the reason that Tara does not appear human, instead she resembles the goddess Bast, who can choose at any time to take over Tara's body and live physically in this world and whether or not to let Tara remember what occurs during this time.

Moon Magic:
Certain simple spells use energies of the moon used on herself or others, examples include: starting a fire, seeing through complete darkness, and bolstering someone's energy like a super potent energy drink to refresh fatigue or forgo sleep an extra few hours. These same energies can also be used to weave and create simple items of natural materials with no moving parts, examples include: creating clothing, jewelry and shoes, and making simple tasteless food and small amounts of water.

Moon Paths:
At any time, anywhere in the world, Tara can step through shadows and return to the moon realm of the tribe. She can then choose to step out anywhere in the world she wishes that she has already been. She can take people with her in and out of the moon realm, but the more people moved in this way, the harder it is on her. This power can also be used to 'step' up to a average city block in distance, but she can only use it on herself.

Moon Strikes:
As a ranged attack: She is able to form balls of silvery white light and shoot them at the enemy. The effect of this attack is a massive taser of electrical-like shock.
As a hand to hand attack: She is able to enhance her claw attack which gives the added effected of coursing silvery white moon energy through the victims body with a small electrical-like shock.

Moon's Eyes:
She can see in near total darkness, so long as there is any moon in the sky (whether indoor or outdoors). This form of vision also permits her to see magical energies in use our surrounding people.

Felines have a unique way of scenting and tracking things, by breathing through their nose and mouth at the same time and basically 'tasting' the scent. Once obtained, it can be followed like any other scent tracking creature.

Her body will regenerated at an accelerated pace in the moonlight (sundown to sunrise), wounds healing in a matter of minutes while she is resting. On the nights of the new moon and in the daytime the regeneration is slowed down to half that rate. Due to the on and off regeneration, she can expect to live a longer life than normal humans, but no one is certain exactly how long she can live. This is also evident in the fact that she appears to have stopped aging in the ages of her late twenties.

Unlike other shape changers in the world, Tara is limited to specific forms she can take that will never change. Birth Form, Combat Form, and Feline form. She cannot change her gender.
Birth form: This is a human form with cat eyes, thick nails that look like claws, cat ears instead of human ears, and muscular build covered in a very light layer of black fur.
Combat form: This is the large, war-like form of the Warrior Caste. It is seven feet in height, thick muscled, covered in thick black fur, feline head, claws on feet and hands. In this form she gains superior strength and stamina.
Feline form: This form is literally a solid dark black panther.


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Hand To Hand:
All of her hand to hand combat techniques are based on the use of her claws in either birth or combat forms. It is a combination of several forms martial arts and brawling proficiency.

Naturally Graceful:
She is blessed with the natural grace of the feline, always landing on her feet and able to dodge attacks more readily because of it. It is very difficult to actually knock her over.


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The Paka Ya Mwezi:
Although the tribe is not wealthy, they trade their wares and magics around the African continent for modern funds and have built up a rather substantial trust fund to which the Kivuli has access for her needs. Also, in times of great need, the warrior's of the tribe can be called into action to aid the Kivuli should she require it.


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Because she is neither human nor feline but is a creature of pure magic, her genetic make-up makes it impossible for her to conceive children.

Because the nails on her hands are a set length that can never changed and are thick like claws, she has extreme troubles with fine manipulation with her hands.

Daylight Hours:
In the day time hours (sunrise to sunset) all of her abilities are half effective. Her moon strikes at range loose their range and potency almost entirely.

Light Sensitivity:
She has light sensitive eyes, both bright artificial light and the sun. Most often a pair of sunglasses will aid with this, but she her sight is still limited in direct lights that are bright.

Looks Like a Mutant:
Born with cat ears, cat eyes, claws for nails and a fine layer of fur on her body, many mistake her for being a Mutant when in fact she is not. Because of this she gets pulled into mutant business constantly, and though she is willing to aid the mutant cause, she isn't one.

Moon Magic:
Because her magic only works from the energies of the earth's moon, if she is anywhere else in the universe that the moon isn't; other dimensions, other planets, etc. her magics become limited only to the energy presently stored within herself. Once it runs out, she is just like any other person in the world.

The Vessel:
When Bast takes control of Tara's body, there is a price to be paid for the vessel.

The first is that there no guarantee that Tara will remember what occurs during that time. Whether it's an hour, a day, a week or even a month. Bast decides if her vessel has any recall of the time.

The second is that housing the radiance of a goddess takes a toll on the vessel, and when control is returned to Tara (no matter the amount of time passed), the magic that Tara calls from the moon is diminished to the point that recovery is required. The amount of recovery is directly related to how long Bast has control and what the goddess does while in control, but even an hour of time could require a day of recovery with no magic.



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Tara Tsabedze has 40 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Theme of the Crime: Party on!...responsibly July 13th, 2022 Costumes are worn, money is exchanged, and a hat is shredded
On The Road Home June 11th, 2022 Having to miss the Terry transport due to reasons, Mike catches the Tsabedze express instead
Sun King Ascendant: Total Eclipse of the Heart May 15th, 2022 The Heliopolitans--and a couple of allies--fight a pack of werewolves during the lunar eclipse. All goes well until someone in Egypt seals the power of Khonshu, leaving Moon Knight nearly dead from a wound. He survives, but for how long?
Meeting the Moon May 8th, 2022 Cael visits the Midnight Mission to give offerings to Ma'at and Bast, and meets Tara - they have a drink and talk.
The Suit Makes The Panther April 3rd, 2022 Tara learns a little more of Black Panther's views of Wakanda and the world.
Cat Nearby, Guard Your Countertops March 8th, 2022 Tara/Bast go shopping at a Wakandan market. T'Challa finds out, comes to see what is going on.
A meeting in the evening January 20th, 2022 Tara gets a little help with typing up reports from J'onn/
A chance meeting January 17th, 2022 Tara meets Artemis in the Centinel Hotel lobby... Bast is highly amused.
Dracul Rising: Blood of the Snake January 2nd, 2022 The Heliopolitans rescue the Archivist from the Irappu. Two vampires are killed, one gets away, and Jubilee is hurt!
Mother's Night December 20th, 2021 The SHIELD Winter Holiday party is interrupted by strange surges of energy. What at first appears to be a young woman who had been in a car crash turns out to be a spirit of Fate, who has an annoyingly vague warning for the agents.
Not Quite Heliopolis, But Close Enough December 6th, 2021 The first collective meeting of the Heliopolitans comes to order. On the dockett: vampire incursion, looming cult threats, and body-hopping wizards just to name a few of the various threats to public safety of the group. A decision is made to take the fight to bad guys, before the Mission itself turns into a warzone.
Dracul Rising: The Price of a Pint November 28th, 2021 The Heliopolitans take out a vampire nest at Allen Creek Shelter in Queens, and find more questions than answers. What blood magic were they doing in the basement? Why did the vampires have pictures of the group? And who is the young girl they found who can produce fire from her hands and understands ancient Egyptian?
The Moon calls to Nephthys November 25th, 2021 Zara is called to the Midnight Mission. Mr. Knight is not there, but Jon and Tara stand in his stead. They meet the Goddess Nephthys, and Jon is given a cryptic message...
Late Night at the Midnight Mission November 24th, 2021 An impromptu meeting at the Midnight Mission
Bushwacked in Bushwick November 15th, 2021 The Brotherhood meet Cable and Hope - after they work together to put an end to some violence in Bushwick.
Panthera November 10th, 2021 T'Challa and Tara catch up on current events, and she seeks to give him some advice.
Bring Your Pet to Milkshake Day November 4th, 2021 A group of random folks all end up at Mootant Town Milkshakes to get their free shake for bringing their pets in! Oddities insue!
What's a little sparring between lovers November 3rd, 2021 A few attacks, a few dodges, and a great deal of fun between the Beast and The Feline of the MOon
Pantheon's are a Relative Thing October 30th, 2021 Moon Knight and K'Tara Tsabedze meet. The Lunar siblings form a pact together and agree that the Darkness they both fight against has likely met its match with their combined strength.
The Archivist's B-Day Bash October 25th, 2021 Party was great, until John ran out of booze in the backroom and let his anger get the best of him. Probably another day ending in Y these days.
Warding the Curio October 24th, 2021 For the Night Brigade, the evening is spent getting to know one another while John, with help from Zatanna worked his magic on the Wards. A blood offering is nearly too much for one vampiric member of the team, but in the end... it was the bond of newly forming friendships that pulled it all together.
PoP: Care Bears Gone Wrong October 19th, 2021 Wal-Mart is bad enough, but when a Thinning brings a blast from Nettie's past to bare, it gets all kinds of weird. Who knew that Cocomelon and Barbie could be so *brutal*? The good guys get the win at the end of another day ending in Y for the Night Brigade.
A tour of the School October 18th, 2021 Lovely tour of Xavier's school, Tara gets to meet Rogue and have a lovely conversation with Laxmi
Busy Day. October 10th, 2021 What he hopes is going to be a day spent drinking and reading at the bar for John turns into an offer for help in return for knowledge, meeting one of Nettie's Poppets and hiring a bouncer. It was a busy day and it hasn't even started yet.
A visit to the Asteroid to see Clarice October 7th, 2021 Hank takes Tara to Asteroid M so she can speak to Clarice and Theo, and see the stars!
The Black Eyed Children October 7th, 2021 Happy Harbor is visited by the Black Eyed Children.
Dinner At the Mansion with Hank September 28th, 2021 Dinner and dancing, the perfect night... and morning.
=A Fishy Evening September 15th, 2021 No description
Clarice's Search Continues... September 12th, 2021 Clarice seeks advice from Tara.
Dinner and a Movie September 6th, 2021 No description
Dark Truths in Light sand (pt 1) September 3rd, 2021 Lydia embarks on her trip to Egypt to meet the coven that she has been invited to join. The trip was long and hot, but their destination at the end was an idyllic oasis where Lydia and the Contessa could rest up. They have a discussion and secrets are revealed.
The Last Kenny Roger's Roasters... Do They Have Chicken September 1st, 2021 Dinner at Kenny Roger's Roasters went well. Clarice, Henry, Kury and Tara enjoyed chicken!
Jedi Cannot Fly August 31st, 2021 Maddie falls out of a tree - and she and Irie meet the new school nurse.
Milkshakes for lunch... yes please! August 29th, 2021 Nothing like making a new friend over milkshakes, Henry's a nice Mutant, and so soft to the touch.
Bikers, Booze, and Blasting Music August 7th, 2021 Leg 2 of the concert tour has gone by without a demon in sig- Wait. Ghost Rider showed up? Crap.
And the clinic goes on. August 7th, 2021 No description
Just Another Evening in Harlem... August 5th, 2021 Tara met Robbie, they has a brief conversation
A Visit to see the King August 3rd, 2021 T'Challa begins to pull back the curtain on the truth about Wakanda to a unique visitor from a neighboring tribe.
New To Town... August 1st, 2021 Laxmi and Tara had milkshakes and talked.
Meet and Greet at the LM July 31st, 2021 People gathered, talked, drank and nothing tried to kill John - miracles can happen.


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Tara Tsabedze has 40 finished logs.

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Tara Tsabedze has been credited in 0 shows.

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Tara Tsabedze has been credited in 0 albums.

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Tara Tsabedze has authored 0 books.

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