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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2020/03/16 |Location=April's Apartment |Synopsis=Seven hun'rit an' ninnytwo dates. |Cast of Characters=43,548 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#...")
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Latest revision as of 14:04, 17 March 2020

Date of Scene: 16 March 2020
Location: April's Apartment
Synopsis: Seven hun'rit an' ninnytwo dates.
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, April O'Neil

Harley Quinn has posed:
The scene sets upon a quiet afternoon at April O'Neil's apartment. The unfortunate womans roommate, and self proclaimed BFF, is laying upside down on the couch with, as previously noted in other such situations, April's phone. Her pigtails are dangling nearly to the carpet, swaying slightly as she hums to herself. Periodically glancing up at Frozen II on the television, she is going through a whole new series of right swipes.

"Says yer a doctor... hopefully ya got a PhD-" Somehow managing to make that sound like FAT "- dingle..." Text messgae, "Hey MDofLove771, I am CumminInApril224. Dee... tea... eff... an' send." The phone lays down beside her, fingers laced together on her exposed belly where her short shirt is hicked up because she's stretching out. Ankles crossed where they bend over the back of the couch.

"I'll hAAve the answers when I'm ooooldahhh!" Singing along with Olaf.

April O'Neil has posed:
Needless to say the Hyenas downstairs give away the arrival home of the Reporter via her bicycle. It becomes a cacophony of noise as April has to get her bike inside the back door into the stairwell and then hung up on the wall by it's tire. Plus she had a flat on the way home so she has to spend a minute or two checking that out before she exhales and starts up the stairs to the apartment.

When she comes inside, April is removing her bike helmet and hanging it up on the coat rack hook, then taking her yellow leather jacket off and shaking herself out of her black hoodie she had on under it. Leaving her in a Cobra Kai tshirt and blue jeans, black boots, looks over to Harley.

"You look like you're having fun." She says with a big exhale, sounding tired herself! "Anything exciting today, Missy Quinn?" She asks with a slight grin.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley hoists up on her hands, still hanging upside downish kind of, when April comes in. Bent at the waist from the weird position on the couch, "Heck yeah! I've watch't frozen two like forty times tuday." She says with a big beefy grin. She's not wearing any makeup, which makes her... different looking. Older maybe? Hard to put a finger on, no doubt, but she's almost never without some.. So it definitely stands out when she's not.

Also, April's phone is laying beside her.

"How about y- SHUT UP LOU! It aint dinnah time okay! I fed ya tha' gross pepperoni an' apple slice pizza was in the fridge, ya shouldn't be hungry.." Rolling her eyes and looking back to April, "Can ya believe the greed on them? Wha' was I even sayin'... I'm fluster't."

April O'Neil has posed:
April grins at Harley's reply. "I bet you've only watched it not even once!" She says back with regard to Frozen. "There it is." April states when she sees her phone and walks over to it to sit down beside Harley on the sofa and grab up her cellular black mirror device. "Do you know how hard it is to get through a day at work without this thing?" She asks as she flips it on and starts to re-associate herself with every young person's addiction, their phone.

April kicks her boots off one after the other and then wiggles her toes inside of the bright powder blue socks that are on her feet. "I ordered Bud and Lou some food online." She says, while zombie-staring at her phone's screen. "It should be here... Wednesday..."

"Did you download Tinder on my phone?" She asks, glancing over to Harley now on her right.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"I watch't it at /least/ one time if ya count all the times I got distract't cus yer phone kept goin' off.. Tha' whimpin' lookin' guy ya had doin' yer Camera at the interview says ya almost miss't yer deadline on the Luthor interview.. an' tha' somebody call't, I don't remember who he said. I'm sure it wasn't importan' though." Laying back down, totally not respecting boundries.

She resumes dangling, feet wiggling side to side off the back of the couch with her hands clutched together on her tum-tum, "OH! Yus I did! Yer gonna be happy ta know ya got seven hundr't an' ninytwo dates fer tonight." Beaming up at April, "At leas one'f them was supah hunky, he talks real dirty though, so I don't approve of tha' one." Pause, "Unless yer inta tha', I ain't judgin'."

Head lulls backwards to look at the screen, humming through the end of Olaf's song.

April O'Neil has posed:
April is not one for dating, she's too busy with work and... home now... to even consider it. She does a double take from her phone to Harley, back to her phone. "Seven huun..." She has to trail off her voice because it's... true? She can see the messages on her phone, and how she's been, well, exposed to the public? "Oh god, Harley." April says then as she flumps back into the sofa and drops the phone in to her lap.

She still is reading, still has it angled up so she can stare at it. "I recognize some of these names. -This- one is the cab driver that always stops and asks if I 'need a ride, babe?'"

"Harley, whyyyy!" She looks over at her 'friend' and huffs out a exhale. It's a tired sound, "I don't need seven hundred thirsty boys coming after m--" She pauses, raises her phone up. "He's kinda cute..."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley is beaming a grin up at April because she's so very certain that she's done good by her bestie. It isn't until the report starts getting that horrified look in her eyes that she starts to wonder if, maybe, she made a tintsy tiny mistake? Murmuring, under her breath, "Seven hun'rit an ninytwo." She corrects April's lowball estimate of how many dates she's suddenly got.

For tonight.

Then she mentions one of them being cute and she pops up onto her knees, pigtails bobbing, to lean over the back of April's shoulders with her chin resting on roomies head, "OH, aint tha' that african fella from What-kanda? I wondah what-kanda dingle he has, amirite?" Nudge nudge with her shoulder jutting forward, "Eh? EH?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April raises her phone up when Harley sits up beside her and they're both now staring at a picture of. "King T'Challa of Wakanda?" She has to narrow her eyes at the pictures. "That is him. He wouldn't be on Tinder. This has to be a fake profile. It's actually some forty year old pasty white shut-in who's living in a attic over his dad's garage."

April taps her thumb on the messages icon and brings up a list of icons with all the messages sent to her loaded with pics. "Every other one of them is a dick pic, Harley. This is what you've done to me." She glances over to her friend and can't help but crack a smile even if it's a tired one. "You're unstoppable. You realize that right?"

Some part of the reporter thinks she's got a friend here who is trying to help her, but still, this is trouble. "You didn't give out the address to here, did you? I mean, there's not going to be -line- forming outside is there?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"I unno, tha' could be him... I mean did ya see tha Basketball game where he was sittin' there payin' the camera man ta keep pointin' the kiss cam at him an' Princess Prince?" How does nobody realize that sounds like a character from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood? "He prolly has it fer when he's in New York... Le's wha' the profile says." Snatching Aprils' phone with quick hands to thumb towards the profile.

"King of Wakanda... come be tha panther of mah heart an' loins. I mean tha' sounds regal... I'm fallin' for'em myself." Twisting around to use April's lap as a pillow, she holds the phone back up to her. "I aint never been call't unstoppable... incouragisable maybe, but nevah unstoppable.. B-Man use to stop me all tha time.. an' his prepubescent paramilitary daycare."

Conspiratory grin goes here.

"I unno... did I?" The doorbell rings.

... "Tha' was jus' coincidence."

April O'Neil has posed:
April relinquishes her phone over to Harley and just lays back as the other uses her lap as a pillow. She leans her head back and stares at the television playing the animated movie. She has to laugh and groan together when the mention of the 'panther of my heart and loins' is mentioned. "There's no -way- that is real." She has to reply then.

"B-Man. You mean the Batman?" She raises her head up and glances down at Harley. "You think I could get him on my podcast?" She asks, with a sly grin. "Probably not, huh?"

Her head drops back, her eyes shuuuut--- DOORBELL!

Her eyes FLASH OPEN.

"I'm -not- answering that!"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Bud and Lou are going //ape shit// at the doorbell, so whoever was on the otherside probably run off anyways... Harley waits a few, squinting as if doing so helps her hear somehow, shen shrugs and drops her head back down in April's lap.

"Well, I don't know if'n he'd evah come fer the purpose of bein' interviewed, but I gots an idea how we could sneak him on tha show?" Peeking up at her with an equally sly grin. "See, what if'n I lure him there by doin' suh'n he thinks he needs tah stop me foah, an' then when he shows up SURPRISE I'M APRIL O'NEIL WIT QUESTIONS!"

April O'Neil has posed:
The hyena noises aside, April just laughs and groans a little more. She has a decent security system in this place that Donnie setup for her so she has a little box on her tv that pops up to show who's outside and what it shows is a portly man running back down the alleyway and looking over his shoulder to make sure the wild hyenas he'd just set off don't make it out of the Antique's shop's back door entrance.

There's gonna be a lot of broken hearted chodes in the city tonight!

"Well then." April says, turning the security camera off with a press of a button on the remote she gathered up in her hand. "Enough of /that/." the remote is dropped off to the side then and she looks down at Harley now laying her head on her lap.

"I don't wanna get punched by the Batman, Harley." She says at her friend with a smirk. "I'd just like to talk to him. I figure he wouldn't have much to say if we loured him in to a trap though... But it is kind of tempting." There's a hint of a grin and then her phone beeps with more messages and she groans and lays her head back again!

Harley Quinn has posed:
Thankfully, April has a Harley to answer these phone beeps! Taking it up to fiddle with it, putting in April's code, which she knows for some reason that is probably better not to ask about, "Oh he's coot... look't this dick pic he sent." Holding it up and over Aprils' face so all she has to do is open her eyes.

"Imma sen'em a message. How's this soun'?" Thumb thumb thumb, "Hey, nice weiner.. I am quivery mess of delight from yer elegant message... could you show me picture of credit card next to weiner so I can see relative size?" See? This is why Harley is a good criminal!


April O'Neil has posed:
April can't stop herself from peering out just a liiittle to see the picture but she then whimpers audibly and closes her eyes again. Her head starts to shake back and forth against the cushion of the sofa and she has to laugh at the response being sent. "If he actually sends that, lets just please use it for something good. Like... pizza sent to a homeless shelter or something, that's good, right?"

"Okay." She puts her hands down on the sofa and pushes to get up, to ease herself out from beneath Harley's lap-pillow and to stand up. "I'm going to take a shower and then make some dinner. I gotta make Lou and Bud something too so they don't get whiny, right?" She adjusts her shirt as she stands and starts to march toward the bathroom.

"Don't tell any of them where we are, they'll start scalin' the building trying to get up in here to see us!" She says along the way to the open door.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"I'll letcha know if he does." Harley lifts up easily in a crunch move to facilitate April getting up, then lounges out properly on the couch. She's just wearing a t-shirt herself.. well t-shirt and some underpants anyways! She aint a heathen alright? Nasty bastards readin' this hopin' to catch Harly slippin' in the buff? Ya nasty. Yer all nasty.

Rolling onto herside with her temple braced in her palm she tucks April's phone into the left boob part of her bra beneath the babydoll shirt, "Yeah, they're a buncha babies when they aint ate in a couple hours... maybe we can take'em fer a walk?" An idea!

"Maybe we can make all yer seven hun'rit an' ninytwo dates clean up tha stairs? It's startin' to smell like horse lips an' assholes goin' outside."