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Latest revision as of 16:32, 7 January 2022

Shadow Spider and Kai: Rooftop
Date of Scene: 29 August 2021
Location: Location
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Kainashi, Miles Morales

Kainashi has posed:
    There is a little array playing music on a rooftop of an abandoned school, the building closed down but not yet demolished.

    THe playground was dangerous, they had said. There was a big, square-tower jungle gym. See-saws. A broken fance and some metal slides.

    MEanwhile: Kickstart my Heart was playing as someone was using the old playground as her personal agility training area, moving quickly, looping herself between spaces in the big metal jungle gym, swinging herself over bars with grace that belied her great strength. Swinging down, bounding along the tops of the sea saws, slamming the high ends down before she leaps for the slide, crouching down as she works her way down, and then she skates along in an arc, backwards, looking over her shoulder.

    It was nice to get out in the fresh air, and the night was just cool enough that she could be very active without everheating. She was wearing a tank top tonight, and a pair of denim cutoffs.

Miles Morales has posed:
     Not far from the abandoned school, a pizza floats through the air. At least, that's what it seems like at first glance. There's nobody visibly holding the box as it moves along, moving in big arcs as though it were jumping on nothing with its lack of legs. Then it makes a particularly large jump from one rooftop over the street to land on the fance of the abandoned structure. And a figure in a black and red outfit appears crouching on the post.

     Miles peers into the playground, noting Kainashi doing her agility exercises. He just observes her for a while curiously, then hops down to the ground and starts walking towards her. Not sneakng up because he doesn't want to startle her and get punched in the face. Once closer he calls out, "Hey Kai! I brought the pie." He waves to the teenage mutant ninja pitbull, lifting the box with his other hand. "Hope you haven't been waiting for me too long." He's met up with the doggirl a few times since first running into her. She seems nice, and she's pretty good company. He glances around. "Decided to still not bring any of your friends along, huh?"

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi skates in a circle, and she pauses, sniffing the air as she cruises to a stop. Mmm. Pizza. Who doesn't like pizza? And beneath the smell of Pizza -- Shadow Spider. Who isn't drowning in cheap spray-on smell-good like some guys his age. That's good.

    She skates backwards another couple of feet before turning, and skating towards where MIles lands.

    "Hey!" she smiles. "And no, no one wanted to come out on agility runs today. There's only one who's more agile than me and he's like... head and shoulders above." she gives a wry grin. "The rest of 'em are knees and toes below!"

Miles Morales has posed:
     Miles nods his head to her. "Yeah? Who's that?" He opens the box. "I got the toppings you asked for." Once she gets close, he reaches out with his free hand and playfully rubs her ears. "You ARE pretty agile." About what he would expect from a ninja, really! He glances around, then adds, "Where you want to eat?" He's eyeing the roof of the school himself. But, that's the sort of place spiders are drawn to. Well, Spiders. He begins to walk towards the building in question, moving quickly since she's on skates.

Kainashi has posed:
    "What would you expect? I'm a ninja." Kainashi states as she turns around and skates backwards a little bit, then stumbles over an uneven area, gets drawn over, over-corrects, and lands on her butt. She gives a petulant sort of look, and then flops to her back.

    "Here is as good as anywhere." she states on the cracked hardtop of the old school.

    "An' that's one of the brothers. Well, I mean they're all pretty agile, but I've got a lot of raw talent. Just sometimes my strength overrides the agility and instead of going over somethin' I kinda barrel through it. Luckily--" she sits up, and flexes an arm.

Miles Morales has posed:
     Shadow-Spider chuckles softly when Kainashi falls over, not particularly worried. She seems a lot tougher than she looks, and she looks tough to begin with. He crouches down on the ground next to her and sets the pizza box on her belly, opening it and taking out a slice. He dangles it over her muzzle, pushing his mask up to his nose and picking up his own slice with the other, taking a bite. "Mmmf. Brothers. You said there were four of them?" He peers down at the muscley kunoichi. "I'm more agility than brawn myself. Some of my own... siblings, are physically stronger than me. None of them can beat me on speed though. I can also beat them on stealth, what with the camo thing." Munch munch. "Mmm. So, you been keeping out of trouble since I last saw you?"

Kainashi has posed:
    "ME? Trouble? Nah." Kai replies as she sits up, moving the pizza to her lap and accepting the slice (all meat all the time with extra cheeeese), and she's happily nomming, tearing off chunks. Shadow-Spider would be able to catch looks at her teeth; they look pretty strong and could probably easily puncture someone's arm or leg. "An' yeah. There's four of them, an' my sort-of-adopted-older-sister type, and then a humany person and her scary roommate." she states, giving a slight shrug as she gives a wry little grin.

Miles Morales has posed:
     His head tilts to the side curiously. "Humany person?" That was interesting. He didn't recall her mentioning any other humans that interacted with the mutants. He chomps the meat lovers again. It is pretty good. And New York has the best pizza. "No more dealing with those... Foot, guys? I've kept an eye out for them but haven't seen any so far. Which I guess makes sense what with ninjas." His own teeth are standard human. Pearly and straight. It's hard to tell his exact age by seeing just part of his face, but combined with his voice and general build, it's a fair guess he's probably either a teenager or not far into his twenties.

Kainashi has posed:
    And of course it's hard to guage what Kai's actual age might be. She's nine, but her body and demeanor would say closer to sixteen, seventeen.

    "Humany person. There's a few they trust. I don't trust as many." she states with admission, and she frowns, rubbing her face quietly, and then realizing there is pizza grease on there, she runs her tongue along the side of her muzzle.

    "So, do you have eight eyes like a spider under there?"

Miles Morales has posed:
     Miles nods his head. "I hope I'll end up being one of those." He leans closer and lightly bumps her shoulder with his own, grabbing another slice of pizza. The question makes him blink a few times, not that she can see it. Then he laughs. "No, I just have the two. I don't particularly look like a spider beneath the costume. Sorry." He shrugs a shoulder, then muches some more. "Mmmm. I do hope to meet them sometime. If they're as nice as you, I bet they're good company." He gives a smile over at the pitbull.

Kainashi has posed:
    "Mmm. That's what Spider-Man said too." she states quietly, and she leans back a moment. "How come you guys get all these neat powers and still look all human! That's haaardly faaaair." she whines. "Meanwhile I have to hide and pay delivery drivers from the shadows if I want hotwings!" she complains, then flops back to her back. "They're pretty great. One made me a tanto. The others are super nice except for the one I hit with a dumpster."

Miles Morales has posed:
     Miles winces slightly. "I don't know. I'm sorry about that. I'd help if I could, but... I'm not one of those super smart superheroes. I'm just me." He reaches over again. Rubbing her ears comfortingly. "I mean... at least you're able to think well enough to be unhappy about all of this, right? I don't know if you'd rather you stayed a dog. Though I guess you'd rather you became entirely human..." He smiles at her. "At least you're still cute?" Dogs were cute. This was well known. Maybe it was a little weird telling that to a dog MUTANT though.

Kainashi has posed:
    The canine turns her amber gaze over to Miles, and she gives a shrug. "I wouldn't want to be human. HUmans kind of suck -- no offense. You guys have the best deal, you got the whole world. Everything society makes, it makes for your use -- and the minute something different comes up you guys have a weird tendency to destroy it." she states, with unusual wiseness for how dumb she proports herself to be.

    "... like you take a bunch of potential superheros and put them in one ghetto in Brooklyn."

Miles Morales has posed:
     The words from the mutant girl for some reason make Miles's lips twitch. "Well. I'd like it if everybody in the world was treated equally... sadly, that's not humans sem to act a lot of the time. Even among humans." He sits there quietly for a time, then thinks. "I'm not going to go too much into this, but... lets just say, mutatns are just the most recent and most visible sub-section of humanity that people have been unfair to in this country. There are people in this town that wouldn't be any happier to have me walk into a room than they would you. But not everybody is like that. I don't like the whole Mutant Town thing. I hope it can change someday. But... it's not something that'll happen overnight." Or possibly ever. But that was a really depressing thought he chose not to entertain.

Kainashi has posed:
    "Eh. I know. Humans have sucked for/ever/. I get history lessons. They're interesting if they're about fighting or martial arts or food, but the politics is kinda boring." she frowns. "You would think that ninjas don't have to learn stuff like that, but apparently it's handy for trivia knight and for solving puzzles in video games." Kainashi replies, and she turns back to Miles, her nose sniffing a moment.

    "... but luckily, younger humans are... better, I guess? Most of them aren't as bad. I mean, you don't hate me."

Miles Morales has posed:
     Miles nods at her. "I can't argue with that. History can be boring. Though, it can be useful to know these things. And it helps you get in touch with where you came from. I dunno." He shrugs a shoulder. A smile touches his lips again. "Younger people are more likely to be open minded, yeah. I feel like a LOT of the prejudice was learned from older generations. So as people get more and more open minded, their kids will be even more so. The way the whole world is drawing closer together with the internet is helping there. And I think eventually..." Another shrug. "Anyway. Yeah. I don't hate you, Kai. In fact, I'd like to think that we're friends. You're a good person as far as I can tell."

Kainashi has posed:
    "I came from a petstore. Maybe. Or a pound. Backyard breeder. Who knows?" Kai states, and she brings her hands back up and over her face. Humans did those scars, caused all those injuries. It would be so easy to just blindly hate them...

    "We're friends, Shadow. We are." she states quietly. "I promise. We're friends."

Miles Morales has posed:
     Miles nods his head slightly, then bumps his shoulder against hers again. "Good." He lets it go at that, and just sits there for a while with his firend, looking off into the distance.