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Latest revision as of 16:33, 7 January 2022

A Martian in the Gardens
Date of Scene: 23 August 2021
Location: The Gardens
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: J'onn J'onzz, Lorna Dane

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Although it was only a short time that the Justice League had borrowed space on Asteroid M, J'onn had become rather fond of the amazing garden that floated in space upon it. He wasn't exactly certain if he was still welcome or not, what with the history the two organizations had, but the way he figured it they could always ask him to leave, and he would go.

Standing now in the center of the garden, he looked toward the dome and the image of the earth, the place he called home. There was something beautiful about the planet from this distance, the blue and greens beneath the white atmospheric clouds. Mars was also so... red. Although there were hundreds of reds in the colors, it was still just red.

Lorna Dane has posed:
There was so much going on down on Earth right now. So much that had directly or indirectly effected Lorna and those she called friends. Though she was feeling turmoil over it all still, she had done what she could for now and so sought out a place she knew would allow her some reflection and relaxation. Strange that it was here on this Asteroid that she had so despised due to the origin of it's creation. Even that had managed to be rectified, to some extent, and she couldn't deny that this place had it's charms. It wasn't everyone that had the privledge to enjoy the rare sight of Earth from orbit while also being around such lush greenery. This was one perk she couldn't deny she enjoyed indulging in on her trips up here.

The green-haired Queen of Genosha steps through to the gardens already tipping her head back to regard the expanse of space, and Earth hanging there in view while taking a deeply satisfying breath of the fresh air. It takes her a moment to realize the presence of another. And another moment to match the figure to a name--One of the JLA. Not one of the Brotherhood or even one of the others that resided here normally. Curious, and yet, she knew of the issues which had resultd in the Brotherhood opening their space-bound home as well. It wasn't her decision who could and couldn't be here. THIS wasn't her realm.

"It's a lovely view, isn't it?" She offers by way of greeting along with a smile. "I find this is a rather good place to collect my thoughts. I hadn't expected company."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
The Martian's eyes shift from the planet loaming large above them, to look now at the woman who spoke. Hers was not a face he knew, the voice unfamiliar, and by way of years upon years of practice, his ability to reach into people's minds was locked up nice and tight. Only the strongest of emotions could cause him to accidently peek.

A smile is offered on his inhuman face, softening the rough features that were common to all Martians. He may not know her, but it would be rude to ignore her.

"I remain uncertain if I am truly welcome here or not," he offers in response, his voice deep in tone yet calm, gentle even. "But I am quite fond of this garden, and this view. Would you prefer to be alone, or shall I proceed with proper introductions?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane tips her head in slight acknowledgement of his own uncertainty in that regard. "Nor I, but while I am here none will question your presence, either. So there's no reason not to enjoy some company at all. After all, I rather doubt you're about to cause any trouble." A bemused grin creeps over her at that thought. Surely not one of the JLA, they were a bit more formal and upstanding than any of the other groups she had dealt with in the past.

"I'm Lorna Dane," she offers out with hand extending to shake in greeting, if he was familiar with that gesture. "Of Genosha. I'm mainly allowed on the asteroid because I have family here."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Reaching to accept the offered hand, J'onn is careful not to grip too firmly while shaking it.

"I am J'onn J'onnz, it is a honor to meet you Lorna Dane." The smile remains on his face with the introduction, and when it is complete, he let's go of her hand. The custom was one he still didn't fully understand, even after being on the planet for as long as he had been, but it was social etiquette and required.

"I am in fact the least likely person to cause troubles," he then adds. "Batman might, Superman could, Wonder Woman would not bother, but I am more the kind to observe than actually cause trouble." He pauses there, one brow lifting slightly.

"Lorna Dane," he repeats her name, seeming in thought then ahs softly and nods. "I know where I have heard that name before. I am indeed very honored to meet you, Majesty."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane allows herself a little laugh and mock wince when he apparently places her name. It wasn't often she gave the full name, but 'Lorna' alone was rather telling. After all she wasn't know as Queen Dane, but by her first name. "I was hoping I might escape that for a bit... But most everyone on the Asteroid knows me to begin with given who my father is." A small look of chagrin there--He was either well beloved or... not. Depending on who it was. "Please, I don't really rely on the formalities of such things regardless. Even if a few of my guard do insist on it. I have my position due to necessity and circumstance, not out of any real claim to such a title." Though many would argue otherwise.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, J'onn. I so rarely get to speak with members of such groups outside of ill circumstance." A glance is cast toward the sight of Earth again as she adds, "Of which we seem to have had quite a few lately."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
His eyes swing back to the planet now, his expression calm yet a little serious around his eyes.

"The formality ended there," he offers quietly in that same calm tone. "It was important to acknowledge who you are, then move past it if that is your desire. Often times we are thrust into situations we are not prepared for, nor that we desire, and yet we find ourselves right in the middle of them anyway. I am certain you are a fine ruler Ms Dane," his eyes return to her. "Even if it is not what you expected or planned."

Turning slightly, he makes certain to keep his hands in plain sight and not to get too close, he doesn't want her thinking he's going to try something, because honestly that is the further thing from his mind. "We cannot choose who are family is, nor can we change it. You should not be judged by who you are related to, but instead on your own merits and flaws. I realize that most are likely unable to look past the familial connection, and will make assumptions based entirely on that alone, but I am not what of those people. The human way of... assuming the worst, I believe that is the phrase, is not something I am capable of."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane dips her head in quiet thanks to the acknowledgement of not continuing on with formalities. It was one of her sticking points that she'd never quite grown accustomed to. Even with his stiff motions to show he meant no harm she manages to relax. Or perhaps because of it. Either way she does, and lets out a small sigh at mention of judgement.

"Thank you, I appreciate that." There's a pause before she picks up the obvious remark. "I rather gathered by your name, but you're not human? If I can ask where you're from?" She offers a smile of her own though before assuring, "If it's a topic you would rather not speak of though I can understand as well. There seems to be a lot of individuals that end up on Earth from other locations for various reasons."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
A soft but deep chuckle is offered to Lorna as J'onn watches her and the obvious question is asked. There was a time when he concealed it all behind human masks, but the world was changing and he wanted to be himself as often as he could now. He has seen how many humans reacted negatively to those not like themselves, especially toward the Mutants and Inhumans, but he had defended this planet from chaos and trouble long before most alive today even existed, so now he was himself.

"I do not mind speaking of my origins," he offers with that chuckle. "I am a Martian. I believe humans refer to us as 'little green men'. Where as they got the color correct, we are not little." He gestures to himself as an example.

"I have been on Earth for several hundred years, though until recently, I blended in with humanity to make it easier. In the last few years however, that has changed. My work with the Justice League is one reason, the other is that difference make us all stronger, not weaker, and should be applauded, not reviled."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane can't help but laugh in response to that remark, though she's quick to cover her mouth with her hand in an attempt to stifle it. "No, you're definately not small by any means," she has to admit with a bit of amusement. He was rather tall even compared to some of the taller mutants she knew. "And I know some very tall people to begin with. I do agree though, that diversity is something which ought to be celebrated. I'm glad that you're able to be yourself again, rather than 'blend in' though I can imagine that's a very handy skill to have as well."

Here she has to pause before considering, "Are you all so long lived or is that something specific to shapeshifters? It seems every one that I meet is rather old. Not that it's a bad thing," she hastens to add with hands coming up placatingly in case she'd said something offensive. "It just seems to be the case in my limited experience."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
With a slight gesture of his hand toward the nearest bench, J'onn moves to sit on the end of it carefully, making sure there is plenty of room for her if she wishes to sit.

"My people are very long lived," he offers once he's settled. "We are all able to change our appearance to blend in if they wish, though most of my people are still on Mars."

For a brief moment there is something sad in his eyes, hovering there before he forces it away. "It has been a long time since I saw my people, but I have come to accept all of Earth as my people. It does not matter to me their origins, there is something amazing about human beings."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane rather knew that look or one very similar to it. Without word she takes the silent invitation to sit beside him on the bench as she listens to him speak of his home planet, however breifly. "There's nothing wrong with being homesick or missing those you knew. Even if where you are is good as well. That is a rather long time to be without those like yourself, though."

A little awkwardly she reaches out to pat his hand hoping to offer some comfort in a small way. "If it helps any I'm rather glad to have met you."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn offers a smile as he looks back to Lorna, a slight tilt to his head.

"Thank you," he offers, using his other hand to pat hers in return. "It does make a difference. I have difficulties making friends, because I am so different and even the way I think is different. I cannot return to my planet, not because of any crime or such, but for reasons I cannot explain at this time."

He decides now is a good time for a subject change, "You said that you come here to be alone, to think? What troubles you now that you have come? Perhaps I can assist in some way."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"That's fine. We've all been through so much, not all needs explanation anyway," Lorna reasons. She was attempting to be more open and understanding of those here in the Brotherhood, too. Seeing what some were capable of versus how they could care for someone was such a drastic change it was difficult to wrap her head around. Yet she was learning to do so.

"Sometimes not to think so much as to not think. I worry about Genosha, about my friends, about so much. A friend recently pointed out that I apparently don't take enough time to let myself relax." Should she speak of it? Shouldn't she? She wasn't entirely sure. He was a stranger after all. Her head ducks down breifly to let her fingers run through her hair with a sigh. "I do need to relax more. And open myself up more to friends as well. I've been trying so hard to be a solid rock others can depend on, and in doing so I feel as if I'm starting to let the world go by. My friends are all finding people to care about in this mess of events. I'm happy for them. Just suddenly realizing I'm keeping myself apart from it in some ways."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn ahs softly and nods, reaching over to very gently lay his hand on her shoulder as a gesture of comfort. He understood this far more than she may realize.

"To not think, to not ask questions and just let your mind be free. I fully understand how difficult that can be," he offers with a gentle smile. "I also understand the other. We get so busy worrying about all the little things around us, the people we care about. We use up all our energy offering what advice we can, and sometimes even physical means to a fight, and by the end of the day we have used up all our energy. We lie there alone in a bed, staring at the ceiling or out a window and wonder where the day went, and how it is that once again we are alone."

Removing his hand, it returns to his lap. "You say that you keep yourself apart from it in some ways, the question you should as is why. Are you looking for something specific? Are you afraid of what it might mean to open yourself up to someone? Clearly, you do not have to answer these questions verbally," he lift his hand slightly, in a sort of whoa gesture, trying to emphasize the importance of what he just said about not speaking. "You are welcome to of you would like, but I am not seeking to pry."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"I... I honestly don't know the answer to that," Lorna has to admit rather openly. It was honest though: she didn't know why she had been avoiding such things. Her mind wanders a bit considering all of those she knew and realizes it was like one rather big family. "I suppose." Is all she murmers aloud before a quick shake of her head comes. "I dated once before this whole Queen thing came up. It didn't end well." Her lips move, about to say more, but she presses them together instead opting not to give further details. It was more the realization of the situation now that she'd had a moment to think about it.

Looking vaguely amused she glances back toward him with a faint smile. "I suppose I didn't have the best self esteem after that situation. I believe the phrase 'dropped like a hot potato' is rather accurate to how it all ended. But that," she adds glancing away again to nod to herself. "Was a rather long time ago. It doesn't hurt as much as it used to by far."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
So as not to appear like he is staring, J'onn looks out toward the garden as she speaks, but his eyes return after only a short time.

"Self analysis is always the most difficult," he comments. "Finding the reasons for the things we do or do not do, and not the surface reason. The past effects us in many ways, both good and bad, but more often than not it is the bad that holds on with a death grip. How you let the past effect you in the present is completely human," he pauses with a slight blink. "No, that is not the correct phrase. How you let the past effect you in the present is completely natural for humans. There." He chuckles slightly, not trying to make light of her concerns, but at himself.

"Sometimes English is a tough language. I do not understand how any one could drop you like that, you are a kind and considerate person. I may have only just met you, and no I am not using any of my talents no you. It is a... gut feeling. You are kind, you care more about your friends than yourself. You are considerate, playing their thoughts and needs before your own, but I do agree with your friends, you do need to find a way to take time for yourself. I have heard this myself from others, that I need to do the same, thus I am sitting in a garden on a Mutant made Asteroid, talking to a lovely woman."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"English is a *horrible* language all in all," Lorna has to agree before she pauses with a moment of concentration. Then she switches to Russian. Her accent was... quite noticable. "<<As is this one, but my siblings speak it so I have been making an effort to learn and practice when I can.>>" Which wasn't often for as rarely as she saw them. Conversational level she could do. Fluent? That was different. It takes another tick of thought to swap back to English again which she does with a little flex of her tongue pressing out against her upper lip. "I'm really not good at Russian though." Really it's all said in a way that is buying her time to avoid responding to the compliment given her. It was one of those moments she had to think about again all over.

"Thank you. For not using your power without permission, and for the compliments," she offers up with a softer smile. "This has been a pleasant conversation all around. It's been quite nice to meet you."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
When she speaks Russian, J'onn's eyes sparkle with happiness. One of many languages he speaks, he hasn't had the chance to speak it in a while.

<<"You speak quite well, though there is an accent.">> he offers with a broad smile, then he also switches back to English. "I try very hard not to use my abilities, which was difficult in the beginning as it was a primary form of commination and interaction for my people. The ability to know someone on that level, so indepthly, it is an honor, but I do keep it to myself."

Lifting his head, he looks slightly away toward the trees, "There is even a breeze. I would be interested to know how they do that." Realizing that was completely random he looks back, "I apologize, that was rude. I am enjoying our conversation as well Ms Dane, it truly is an honor to have met you."

Lorna Dane has posed:
With a remark about the breeze, so off topic but still a good point, Lorna can only laugh a little. "Just Lorna is fine. As for the breeze..." She does glance around at that curiously herself. "For all I know they've managed some form of independent weather system in here. There's quite a few mutants with a vast array of abilities that live and work here." Some more violent than others. "Even I don't know the extent of all the talent available to have made such a place possible."

"I've a few friends that are telepaths. They've mentioned how it can be, though generally they only extend their abilities when necessary." She tips her head to regard him a moment thoughtfully. "If everyone were capable of it, I imagine it would be quite different here as well in that case. Generally though they try to repress it to keep individuality..." Her head shakes a little. "I can't really recall the last time I had such a conversation. It's admittedly nice to be able to talk openly about abilities without fear of being seen as odd for it. If you ever wish to talk again, I'd be quite open to it."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn's hand moves to the pocket of his suit and removes a small business card, well at least it looks small in his hand, and offers it to her. It's a simple card with his name, the title 'Martian Manhunter', the Justice League emblem and a phone number.

"I do not mean to be forward with this," he says quietly. "But I thought perhaps if I shared the number, and there was a time you would like to talk again about anything, you could call." He's obviously not that good at this, but his intentions are well intended.

"Sometimes it is more difficult to block others out, especially when the emotions in a room are running high, or if there are a large number of people in the room. Crowded places can be so difficult to manage, I prefer smaller groups or one on one."

He pauses there to look at the garden and then realizes how that sounds. Still just as calm as he has been the entire time, he looks back to add, "I do not mean that to sound like a proposition Ms D... Lorna," self correction. "Merely as a statement of preference, so if we do meet again to talk, perhaps over coffee or tea... a less crowded place would be preferred."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane reaches out to accept the card which was perfectly reasonable sized in her own hand. She wasn't short by average standards but compared to him there was quite a size difference. "I'd like that," she agrees only to pause at his apparent slip. Or clarification in case she took it wrong. A small, inelegant snort of half-repressed laughter comes before she manages to stifle herself with a hand quickly clapped over her mouth.

"I'm sorry... You're perfectly fine. I hadn't taken it that way, but I will keep in mind about avoiding crowds. I'm not overly fond of them myself most of the time." Then just to assure him further she gives his arm a small pat. "I don't think you're the sort that would suggest otherwise. You don't seem that crude... or blatantly forward at least," she reasons still amused. "I should be going for now though. I hope you're enjoying your stay here, regardless of the reason why."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
As she moves to stand, he also stands, that is called gentlemanly and that is something that he always is.

"I do not believe I could be crude, even if I wanted to," he comments with a chuckle, grateful she didn't take his words wrong. Sometimes he didn't English well. "I was a true pleasure speaking with you Lorna, I do hope we can meet again. Perhaps I will tell others that I met a lovely woman who is out of this world."

Count down, five... four... three... two... one. "Yes," he smiles playfully. "that was corny, I apologize."

Lorna Dane has posed:
That earns a singular blink before another faint snort of laughter. "Yes, just a bit, but no worse than any other geological puns I've heard in my life." Nevermind she had a somewhat nerdy degree. One she didn't get to use too often, though had at least been useful during the rebuilding at Genosha. Inclining her head she offers back, "I look forward to it. Have a pleasant evening. Or day. Depending. I mean we *are* on an asteroid, after all." Day and night didn't quite work the usual way when in orbit.