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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2021/08/15 |Location=Recreation Room |Synopsis=No description |Cast of Characters=2622,588 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:2622|Yukio (262...")
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Latest revision as of 16:33, 7 January 2022

Date of Scene: 15 August 2021
Location: Recreation Room
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Yukio, Negasonic

Yukio has posed:
Yukio has been using her expert ninja skills to stealthily spy on the rec room, waiting for it to clear up, and when it finally did she took her chance. She had seen the not too often used karoke machine, and using her thumb drive, was able to feed some Japanese selections into it. Major win!

Safe in the knowledge absolutely no one would be watching or listening, and so she's happily dressed in her sailor fuku and practices her true aspiration. Becoming an idol!

Her dance is a bit odd looking. faliling arms every which way and shifting her legs very skillfully, and yet in odd shapes that makes her slide about the Rec Room in a silly fashion, as she belts out the lyrics, "Yaritakunai koto akita. Arigato yokei na osewa..." throwing her arms and bobbing her head energetically.

Negasonic has posed:
On a normal day, Ellie could be consider a casual ninja by dent of just stalking around alone. She keeps to herself, slinks to places where nobody usually is, or goes to popular places at times nobody is usually around. Like tonight when she shows up at the Rec Room. Her cellphone up, thumbs working the screen as she slides into the room where Yukio is getting down to some japanese tunes.

Blue eyes flick up over the top of her screen, watching the Asian sing with not but the glow of her screen to illuminate her features. Hood up over her hair, which has started to grow out a little, eyes squinting in mild (super mild) amusement. Silently watching without interruption because she's a horrible person.

Yukio has posed:
Yukio would have likely been embarrassed to silence if she knew she had an audience, unfortunately, Negasonic is a horrible person. While being invested in the lyrics, the singing and the dancing she tries to mimic, too many of her senses are preoccupied. So while normally she'd easily tell when someone is sneaking by, even when they're good, at the moment, she's not at all focused on that danger. So instead of dropping the mic and looking for a place to hide, she just continues to dance carelessly. If Negasonic noticed Yukio around the school, the girl always seems reserved, subdued, quiet. Now she was energetic, free, and by the looks of it having a great time.

Now it's a point in the dance she shuffles closer to the tv, and further away, sliding about while skipping and shifting her feet in odd, ridiculous angles. "Nai! Doko ni mo nai! Mitsukaranai! Inai nai nai nai nai baa..." that last lyric is completed with an intentionally silly expression, making her look a bit dumb, before she snaps it off and goes back to shaking her head wildly, her pink locks flying every which way.

Negasonic has posed:
Well this is just free entertainment. Ellie lifts her phone up in one hand to take several photos of this and one video of this singing and dancing show. It isn't until she's collected enough evidence to put together one hell of a blackmail file that she speaks up. "You sure that's how the song goes?" Not that she has a single clue in hell. She neither speaks japanese nor knows the song from which the words originate.

Her hands go into the pockets of her leather coat, tugging it down over her shoulders with the hood pulling tight on her head. Silently, smugly, watching the fall out from her rude awakening of presence within the safety bubble of karoke circle.

Yukio has posed:
Yukio remains oblivious to the certified horrible person, Negasonic, collecting blackmail evidence in the form of embarrassing pictures and even worst, a video recording. This allows her to keep vibing with the song, and just as her arms wave infront of her and she prepares for the difficult lower pitched solo, she hears Ellie talk and absolutely jumps in a horrified reaction, flipping around in the air and landing inches from the tv, facing Negasonic.

For a moment her eyes open as wide as they can, horror readily apparent on her face, which is paler than usual, as she calls out loudly, "Iyada! Iyada! Iyada!" Hiding her face with her arms crossing infront of it, screaming what is obviously akin to 'stop' or 'NOOOO!!!'

What makes it all the more comical is that after her initial reaction, her fingers part a little while her hands cover her face, and peeking in the gaps in her open fingers, she murmurs, "I shingu..s-sing, correcto, is my favorite song," she sounds quite misreable as she makes the claim.

A sharp eye spots the phone in Ellie's hand and immediately she gasps, "you take photo!?"

Negasonic has posed:
Ellie inclines her head, lips pulled tight against her teeth with her checks puffed just slightly in what is a smuggish expression, if ever there was. "I'm sure." It's not terribly difficult for her to keep from smiling, since Ellie's generally don't do much smiling, but there's laughter in her blue eyes.

"And a video." She confirms with a nod. "Don't worry, it's for personal consumption." Wiggling her cellphone against her index finger knuckle with her thumb holding it in place. "And for help with my homework." Because, blackmail is only blackmail if you get something out of it, right?

"What even is that song?"

Yukio has posed:
Yukio isn't sure if Ellie is fucking with her or being serious, so when she casually agrees with a non-comitted 'I am sure', Yukio immediately presses, "I know that song by hearto! I can sing without rooking at ryrics!" She sounds quite passionate about it, and finally starts to remove her hands from her face, until she hears Ellie got a video and she shrieks loudly, "noooo! No! No! No! Derete! Derete prease!" She's embarrassed to no end, her face practically glowing with redness. It's not necessarily reassuring when Ellie promises it's for personal consumption, causing Yukio to peer from gaps between the fingers, of her hands once again covering her face in shame. "Personal..? Huh? You rike...?" She wonders if maybe that's what Ellie meant, that she liked the song, and that's why she'd look at it later for personal consumption. "Homework help?" Okay, that threw the first theory out the window. "How?" She hand't quite made the connection that she will be the one to help with said homework, for the price of not having the video shared.

Asked about the song, Yukio finally relaxes some, removing her hands from her face yet again, as she takes a deep breath to relax and offers, "Nai Nai Nai Nai by Atarashii Gakkou no Leaders! Best idol band!" Yukio seems quite adamant about her opinion, "it song that say...why risten to what everyone say to you. Be yourserf, not somebody you is not. So...grandfather, he wants me be..." and suddenly it occurs to her she shouldn't just freely offer to people the fact she's a ninja, leading her to murmur, "something. And I want to be idol, so maybe instead of be what grandfather want...I can be what I want? Understando? Yes?"

Negasonic has posed:
"I've heard worse." Ellie states absently about whether she likes the song or not. Wrestling a compliment out of her could never ever be that easy. With her phone now in her pocket, both her hands join to pull the coat tight again. "By doing it for me. For a week. And I want it to be good... like a B or something. They've been getting on my ass about it." Ellie isn't a bad student by any metric. Just a bored one.

One that's not challenged by the material so she doesn't try.

The rest? She cants her head back and peers at Yukio. "Be whatever you want to be. Don't let any mother fucker tell you otherwise." That's her one and only encouraging statement for the year. Motivational speaches by Negasonic Teenage Warhead.

Yukio has posed:
"Ooooohhhh..." Yukio seems to finally realize the purpose of the evidence Ellie has gathered, "very bad, Errie, very bad...make use of brackmail," her eyes narrow into almost slits as she gives a very judgemental look at Ellie. Her grandfather mastered the art of making one feel terrible guilty with a glance, she's not quite there yet, but she's trying her best to channel her grandfather with a disparaging gaze. But she also knows by now Ellie is a true Yanki Girl who really doesn't give a fuck, so immediately, she follows up with, "...fine. I do for you. But," an index finger shoots up, "one week onry! Then, no more video, yes?"

Yukio does get cheered up when Ellie seems to get the song, "yes!!! Geniusu, isn't it?" Of course such a message is super rare in Japanese music, more so in the idol segment of things. So maybe to Ellie it won't sound nearly as ground breaking. She gives a bow to Ellie for the encouragement, "yes! Be what Yukio wants, not what...madafakeru wants!" She even gives Ellie the expected 'V' gesture with her fingers. Obviously, lesson learned.

Negasonic has posed:
"Yeah, a true villain." Ellie says with a complete lack of inflection and conviction for any of the four words spoken. "One week, then no video." Her index finger slides in an X over the center of her chest, "Cross my heart." Because she is definitely not moved to guilt by a stare. Masters of the craft have tried with less success.

"... Hah..." Is what amounts to a laugh when Yukio says mudafakeru... It's the first time she has trouble not smiling. It curls, her lips, at one corner, but flattens out quickly. "That's it, you're catching on. Fuck those mother fuckers. And wiggle your fist at them. That'll learn'em to tell you how to live your life."

Yukio has posed:
Yukio looks a bit crestfallen, perhaps upset she was snuck on, caught unawares and has therefore been defeated by a villain's blackmail. Her grandfather would punish her severely, and more so because the source of the failure was once again her 'silly' infatuation with becoming an Idol. But he doesn't have to learn about this, there are benefits to being far away in a foreign country!

When Ellie actually manages a tiny laugh and an actual smile, Yukio giggles, amused at having gotten a positive reaction from Ellie. "Fakku the madafakeru!" Yukio is more encouraged, and even adds the wiggling of her fist. Yes, her grandfather would be thrilled she found an influence from someone like Ellie. "I rive me, my, me.." for a moment she seems uncertain before eventually she concludes "rifu!"

Negasonic has posed:
"There you go." Ellie clips her head into a shallow nod, a tight expression on her usual bland face. "You're a natural." With a sigh, blue eyes scan around the otherwise empty rec room and fall back upon Yukio with a bounce of her shoulders. "Anyways, I'll let you have the room." Half turning, she points at the exit and starts in that direction. Head bowed down to create a barrier of clothing around her like a cacoon.

"For what it's worth, I thought you sounded beautiful." It's the last thing she says before disappearing back out into the hallway. Like some kind of viper, leaving with a compliment to knock the whole interaction into this awkward limbo where nobody really knows what the fuck she's actually up to.

Yukio has posed:
Yukio is quite pleased to be called a natural, and somehow, Ellie wound up leaving Yukio liking her despite the fact she had just blackmailed her. Especially when Ellie admits to thinking she sounded beautiful, it doesn't matter if sincere or not, but to have someone who doesn't speak her language appreciate her singing makes her feel good about herself. Maybe one day she can attain her dream. She waits a few more moments after Ellie leaves, hurries over to make sure the door is closed, so she'll hear if it opens again.

Then she takes a few moments to meditate over what just happened, and when no one else comes in, back to the singing and dancing it is. Karaoke Time! YEAH!