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Latest revision as of 16:34, 7 January 2022

Pan Pan Pan
Date of Scene: 13 August 2021
Location: 3rd Floor -- Palm Tree Apartments
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Beatriz da Costa, Billy Batson, John Stewart

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
After John's delivery of properly-sized clothing and Bea's conversation with him about the awkwardness of things, Bea spent the rest of the time fussing. Fussing with the clothing. Fussing with her hair. Fussing with the dishes. Fussing with cleaning. Finally she just fussed out and went for a walk.

It was a little strange not quite being recognized, but people looking at her like ... maybe she should be.

It was when she came out of the Slurpee Mart with, well, the namesake, that Shazam spotted her on his way back to her place, one of the enormous super-sized brain-freezing ice crystal drinks in her hand.

Billy Batson has posed:
Pan regards Bea in her reduced condition annoyedly. "What s that old saying? 'If I knew then what I know now... ' That's the best you can do? A Slurpee? Mortals these days are boring. Well this is far less awkwardness than I want." He snaps his fingers and a messenger on a bike diverts his course, pulling at an unresponsive set of bars, blowing his whistle!

Shazam sees her, thank the gods for green hair! He swoops down and scoops her up. He doesn't even spill her Slurpee. "Can you like, stay out of peril for five minutes. I understand helping others but a Slurpee? Oh and while we're at it... just remember to me, you come under 'others.' I am going to be the only freshman at Happy Harbor with gray hair!" Not nearly the bite he was going for and the little hug thrown in... give it a C- .

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
Well isn't that just a kicker? Go out to get a bloody Slurpee and someone tries to kill you with a bike. Then you're torn into the sky and ...

"Wait, you trying to tell me I can't get a drink without your permission!?" Someone forgot that he's dealing with a Brazillian woman. "I'm so sorry I wanted something sweet and cold to drink. I guess I should have stayed at home and drank toilet water or something!" Yep. Going straight for the exaggerated drama.

The fuming Bea crosses her arms and makes a grumpy face.

For about three seconds.

"You're so handsome when you're saving me and lecturing me. How can I stay mad?"

Yep. Still churning out the wrong hormones of a teenager.

"How about we go to the beach now. I got my swimsuit underneath and I wanna get some sun while it's still summertime. If you got a camera I can have you take a picture with me like old times. Ten bucks if you want a picture of me. Twenty if you wanna be in the picture!"

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam smirks. "Sure, I have some money left." Yes left after buying you a couple unitards and flats. Thanks GL.

He flies as Bea directs. Strength of Hercules and she has him wrapped around her finger.

"Maybe I can suss out what's happening in a quiet spot. I dunno how long it'll stay quiet with you around. Try saying the magic word a few more times. Maybe I can fix what's wrong. And they're there. Bea might find it hard to breathe for a moment. He hit about 500 kph for a second.

He got another whiff of her hair.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
Bea takes to beaches like rummies take to moonshine. They're inseperable. No sooner had her feet touched sand than her boots were off. Then her pants. Then her top. And there she stood on the beach in her Brazillian bikini finest.

Adjusted by John's tastes and moral senses.

Further adjusted by a quick pass with a sewing machine. Because Americans are too shy.

"It's not as nice as Fortaleza, but it's nice enough and better than being cooped in an apartment because I'm afraid of my own shadow!"

Bea spins in the sand, laughing.

"Now go be Captain Thunderpants back and forth, and let's see when and if this changes me!"

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam frowns. "Did I really wish you were my... Billy's age? That was before I realized I did about half of the adulting anyway. Okay. ShazamShazamShazamShazamShazamShazamShazamShazam!" Embarrassing is what it is. He'd never got to a Berazilian beach as Billy. Just too much girl to handle there.

And as he switches back and forth, Bea starts switching back and forth. He gets a sense of a trail of magic leading...

"Shazam!" He is a little dizzy by now. But steel hard fingers suddenly grab for something. His hand and forearm vanish a moment and then he's pulling Pan out of his nifty little fold in space, by the nose! "Gotcha! You.. puxhao! Turn her back now or ... I'll show you what puts the 'Z' in Shazam. Actually... Shazam!" He gets transformed. Bea gets transformed."

"Go get him Aunt Bea." A moment pater Pan throws Billy into a metal sign and he's out cold. Mistake.

John Stewart has posed:
A bit off in the distance, John is busy driving his way back to New York. He doesn't even get a few miles before the lightning comes down and catches his attention. It's a familiar sight, and one that has John frown in concern.

Parking to one side and taking out the keys, John immediately gets off the motorcycle and is in the air as his uniform materializes. There's no flight field this time since he doesn't have passengers. There's only a form fitting green field with an aerodynamic envelope around him as he speeds his way towards the beach the strike came from.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
Fit. Too tight (and distracting). Fit. Too tight (and distracting). Fit. Too tight (and distracting). ... You get the drift. It ends too tight and distracting. It may have been a bad idea to take a sewing machine to the swimsuit...


Bea pauses. "Who the Hell are you? Some kinda pervert!?" Her eyes fall on the unconscious Billy. "Well, pervert gonna pay now!"

Mouth open, hands outstretched, streamers of green flame come out of her fingers and merge into two bolts that then merge into one, moving at the speed of thought, practically, straight at the ... thing ... creature ... whatever. Monster. In front of her. From her mouth comes an enormous BALL of flame that seeks to envelope while he is distracted by the massive bolt coming at him. Her version of the one-two left-hook, uppercut. Only at 2000 degrees.

John Stewart has posed:
It doesn't take long for John to appear at the beach; Green Lanterns can transition through an entire solar system in a few minutes. Going across a state is only limited by the need to not ignite the atmosphere on his way to his destination.

It's around the time that massive ball of flame comes out of her mouth that John is just /there/ above her, on the beach. He looks to Billy and scans him with the ring, a green beam sweeping over him to confirm his status, before he looks to Beatriz... then to Pam as he settles onto the ground, his ring aimed for Pam, "What's going on?" John asks in a casual manner. He's prepared to defend Beatriz, but doesn't know the first thing about the situation here.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
"John!" Bea shouts up at him once noticing his presence. "This is the one responsible for my change. Bi... Shazam found him. We gotta stop him now and kick his ass back to whatever he came from!"

Shouted this while Pan, who'd easily dodged the bolts found himself enveloped in all-encompassing green plasma which, though not enough to kill (or even seriously injure) him causes him no insignificant amount of pain.

And hair loss.

Everything. Gone. And goat legs? They do NOT look good when hairless!

"Zip it, Missy!" the goat-legged god hisses, pulling out ... a set of pipes. Panpipes, to be precise. Which he starts a tune in to bring Bea under his spell.

~The device the being is using is causing sympathetic vibrations in the female subject's brainwaves. Intervention suggested.~ That from the ring.

John Stewart has posed:
He watches events unfold briefly... then the scanner in the ring tells him what's going on, and suddenly that field around him flares just a bit. He flies right at Pan.... and gives those pipes a solid right hook, before a solid left, with both fists.

John is human, with human limitations... but the Power Ring is one of the most effective weapons in the universe, and at the moment of impact, enhances those punches to the nearly 100 ton range by John's will.

It's not fully enraged Hulk level strength, but it's approaching Kryptonian level strikes. "Find someone else to obsess over." John confidently demands as he swings.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
As Bea was about to change, it seems, given the blurring around her edges just as John hit, John hit. The impact was significantly stronger than Pan expected, sending the figure flying off into the distance with his pipes in his hand.

Split down the middle.

An incoherent scream of raw anger comes from behind the lantern as he streaks away. A feminine one. Paired with a flaring of light and heat that he can feel even at the distance he is.

Fire has arrived and is angry about something. Like perhaps about being manipulated into some being's sick plans.

"JOHN! YOU HIT HIM AFTER I FRY HIM!" she calls out, streaking after the ballistic figure heading roughly in John's direction. "STRAIGHT DOWN INTO THE BEACH! ROCKY PART IF YOU CAN!"

Yeah, she's upset.

A large wave of flame erupts from her entire body like wings, which start to reach forward like massive hands of green plasma, grabbing the flying god and stopping him mid-flight, burning.


John Stewart has posed:
Meanwhile, John is calm, collected. He's the picture of confident serenity.

Emotion is how the rings operate. You have to place yourself on a certain state of mind to be effective with the Power Rings. Beatriz doesn't know that, but John is a master of controlling his emotions by now... and that determination brings out his willpower as he walks right up to Pan.

"What, you think you can manipulate people without consequences?" John gets in his face, "I'm John Stewart, a Green Lantern. Go tell your friends she's off limits. She can handle herself... and she has me to help her."

Another right hook is enhanced by the ring as he aims Pan right for the rocks, as requested, with another 100 ton or so punch.

"Mess with her again, and I'll find you."

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
The flames were bad enough and already making Pan rethink his desire for the Hellstrom spawn. The 100-ton punch into rocks sealed the deal.

"You haven't heard the la..." was cut off by "...GAAAAAAAAH!" as flames roared at his location where he was defiantly waving his fist at John. A quick trip sideways through time and a hop-skip-jump through the godly planes and he was gone.

This doesn't stop, of course, the flames. They come roaring in straight at John. In the shape of a 25 year old woman (plus travel time -- records say 30) of green flame with an overjoyed face who throws herself at John in a happy hug in mid-air.

And ... the flames don't burn. Seems she has quite a bit of control over them. The ring's defences relax and shut down.

"You did it, John! You helped end this ... this ..."

Kisses from flames are strange. Aetherial in feel with not a lot of substance.

"Just one question," she asks after backing off a bit and hovering in front. "Why didn't you say 'mess with my girlfriend'?"

Arms are crossed. Foot would be tapping if she were on the ground...

John Stewart has posed:
The kiss catches him by surprise, but at this point John is getting used to her Weirdness. When she backs away, he meets her gaze confidently, "Because I don't presume a relationship just because things are going well. We haven't discussed that yet, just the possibiility." John crosses his own arms, then. "Do you want me making decisions for you? I've done my share of being a leader in the Corps."

He's not backing down in the face of a pissed off Fire at least, you have to give him that.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
5... 4... 3... 2... 1...


That simple. The burn is turned off.

Not the flames. Those stay on until she can get somewhere with clothing. No, the emotional burn. Gone. Vanished into the wind.

"We'll talk about it. This is date #3, or #4 if dropping by with clothing counts. I think it's going well. Maybe, say, one more date. Something not weird. Like dinner and a show or something. Then we call it boyfriend/girlfriend, OK?"

Her eyes fall on Billy down on the ground below.

"That ... goat thing man threw that boy into a sign. I know him. He's a student at triple-H. Is he OK? If he is, we should drop him off at his dorm and pretend none of this happened so he can go through his whole life wondering if he imagined it or not."

Bea laughs, then. "Or, you know, he knows full well what went on and will be pestering me about it for ages."

And with that Bea zips down to the beach to crouch alongside Billy to look him over with concern.

John Stewart has posed:
"The ring told me he's fine, just a bit rattled. Could drop him off at a hospital to be safe, but I don't think that'll be necessary." John stays where he is as she moves over to him.

Then again, with that ring, he has a lot of range and can just aim his ring at the boy to grab him.

His glowing eyes look over to where Pan is/was? before he looks back to Beatriz. "Do you know where his dorm is?"

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
"I know which dorm building. From there we can read the directory."

Bea takes to the sky, signalling for John to follow, delivering Billy to his dorm through a window once the room had been ascertained. From there a quick trip to her apartment, in through her back alley entrance near the roof. Then, as John entered, the flame turned off and she turned to face him.

"Thank you for the help, John. I don't know if I could have taken that ... thing ... on my own."

Probably not, given it was in the process of changing her.

Again the kiss, this time not flame, though ... given the situation perhaps still generating a certain amount of heat.

"You must be tired after all that." Her eyes stray to the bedroom area in the wide open design of her apartment. "Time for bed?"

The iris dials closed. The screen goes dark.