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Latest revision as of 16:34, 7 January 2022

God of War
Date of Scene: 12 August 2021
Location: Location
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Bane, Diana Prince

Bane has posed:
It's a clouded night in north eastern greece. Bane is climbing to towards the summit of Mytikas. its a barren rocky peakthe highest point of the fabled mount Olympus. Bane reaches the summit and and sets up a camp fire.

Bane meditates a while on his intentions before standing and calling out from the mountain top. "ARES DESTROY MY ENEMIES AND MY LIFE IS YOURS" Thunder cracks and the clouds become as flame enveloped in smoke. The air becomes thick with the smell of carnage and war. the stench of gunpower, smoke, fire, blood and death filled the air a man not as well aquianted with violence would be over come by it. But Bane stands firm as the Greek God of War descends to treat with him.

"Very cute, mortal but this is not a game. Gods do not suffer foolish mortals. So I suggest you make what ever point you wish to make quickly before you are smote where you stand." Ares says as he stands on a cloud above bane to illustrate his higher station.

"I want to defeat the wonder woman" Bane says unphased. "I want to fight her on equal footing and crush her. and I humbly ask for you assistance."

"You have my attantion" The god speaks having become interested at the involvement of Wonder Woman.

"I need to fight her on fair even playing field. I am still only a man and she is of the gods and her strength is far beyond even my own physical limits. I wish for you to her my equal." Bane explains.

"You want me to make you strong enough to defeat her? and why would I grant a mortal that power?"

"NO" Bane interjects. "I want her to come down to my level. Give me a way to make her mortal to bring her down to my same level of strength."

The god smiles a sinister smile the wheels turning. "I can't remove the gifts my kind has given her. But I can help you" a medalion suddenly appears and floats down towards Bane. IT's a medal seemingly made of solid diamond. but inside a pair of miniture olive laurels. and attached to a long silk ribbon to make it wearable as a necklace. "Take that. Make her meet you on the grounds of our ancient games and put this on. while she has it on her strength will be no greater than your own. A fair fight single combat like in the times of old."

Bane takes the medalion bows his head respectfully and waits for the god to depart. Bane starts heading back down the mountain contacting someone in his organization. "I have what I came for. The plan may proceed. Have Wonder woman sent the invitation for a battle. Single Combat have her come to the ruined stadion at Archaia Olympia. Ready to fight hand to hand."

Some time later Diana would receive a mysterious envelope with not return address.

Bane has posed:
The ruins of the ancient stadion Where the first olympic games was held. A stadium said to be built by hercules himself after completing his labours. Today it stands as crumbling rocks that only hint at the previous glory of the this place.

On this night the stadion is illuminated by pyres ringing the track and field. and strange men and women have gathered there. Pounding drums, blowing death whistles and doing ritual dances. they are natives of central america. Dressed in tradional garb adorned with feathes. they dance and chant in preperation.

There are podiums at either side of the field. On one sits the medalion given by Ares and on the other a stone of Obsidian and shines and sparkles with a strange rainbow irredescence. and a mirror of obsidian that appears to eminate smoke.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had received the cryptic message and taken her Jet to the location to meet. She wasn't sure what to expect from this calling-out, but she was prepared-- or so she believed to look in to it, if nothing else. Of course the Justice League was informed of her intentions and where she was going, but upon arriving, the Princess soared around the sight inside of the alien-tech powered Jet unseen from anyone on foot.

Eventually she left the confines of the Jet's interior and glided through the air toward the ground of the gladiatorial arena. Her armoed boots touch down upon the aged floor and her free flowing hair wafts against her otherwise bare shoulders. On her back are her sword and shield, on her right hip is her lasso and on her forearms are her Bracers of Submission....

The Princess is walking slowly around the interior of the arena, using her heightened senses to scope the location out....

The fires and gathered people are the source of her curiosity in the now as this whole... affair seems rather well planned out... she keeps her hands at her sides and continues to walk through the stadium as she isn't seemingly afraid of springing a trap, if this is indeed a trap.

Bane has posed:
Bane emerges from the crowd of mezoamerican tribespeople. Bane, Mask is different it's a skull with a black and yellow strip across the eyes. and the head of a Vipe on the nose and a black star etched on to the forehead. Bane is wearing a cloak and loin cloth made of the pelt of a black jaguar and white turkey feathers. He's barefoot and his body is covered in ash and the visage of a large back serpantis paint on him. Coiling around his body. Bane is dressed like the god of darkness Tezcaltpoca.

The drumming and chanting and blowing of the death whistles reaches a frantic crescendo. With a gesture Bane orders to stop and they go quiet.

Bane steps on to the field. "Thank you accepting my invitation. I had not been able to know peace in my thoughts since our last encounter. I wanted to fight the best. But you over powered me with you divine gifts. So I have been on quiet the journey I tried to ascend to the level of a god myself. But I was turned away. So I came here. And offered myself to Ares. My one wish was to fight you one on one hand to hand on a fair even playing field. DO you see that medalion by you? put that on and step in on to the field. For as long as you wear it you will be no strnger or faster or invulnerable then I am. And we will finally see who is the best."

Diana Prince has posed:
When Bane appears, many of the questions start to get answers. Or at least leads to new questions. She Diana stops where she is and keeps her feet apart at shoulder width, her hands go in to fists and her eyes go directly on to his. His physical stature would hint that he's assuredly far stronger than she is, but she is gifted with the Divine powers of many different sources.

His words have her narrowing her eyes and her gaze looks to the medallion in-question where she lingers her stare before looking back on to him.

"And what if I choose not to weaken myself for this silly little game of yours?" She asks him back in her smoky voice, accented in a dialect similar to many of the natives of this region.

"Quite honestly, this .... vendetta you have now.... it does nothing to make you look stronger than me. In fact, I would say it makes you look even weaker...." Her slim pointed chin lowers a bit after saying that to him.

Bane has posed:
"I know I can not match you strength for strength. I conceed that point. But I believe I am the better fighter. I believe I am the best. I only wish to prove it. I would fight you on equal ground, with only skill and strategy to separate us. I seek to prove myself as I have done for my entire life."

Bane looks back at the artifacts he brought and inhales the smoke from the mirror. "I met a god and i reach into his chest. I grasped his heart. And he told me I would never ascend to his level but I would drag gods down to mine. This is no trap Wonder Woman this is as I say it. I wish only a fair fight with you"

Diana Prince has posed:
As he speaks, Diana turns her form to walk toward the medallion where she visually inspects it, using her knowledge of artifacts and their points of origin to tell that this item came from ARes himself. She can see the markings on it and knows the power behind it. She reaches out for it and picks it up in her leather wrapped hand as her eyes go back up to Bane as he pleads his case for a fair fight.

The fire light from the braziers illuminates the Princess' face as she stares at the man.

The leather harness holding her weapons on her torso falls away to the ground and Diana raises the medallion up to wrap the medallion around her neck. "Fine." Is all she says before she walks back out to the center of the arena floor. The medallion rests against her bare chest above her armor and she stares at the man now from the space between them. "I will fight you, on these terms, and when I am victorius, you will never contact me again."

Bane has posed:
"Excellent." Bane says as he gets into a fighting stance and analyzes Diana's movements for a moment trying to decide which path of attack would be best.

Bane sends an exploratory kick towards the thigh closest to him. Bane realizes he still has a height and weight advantage, he thinks if he can injure Diana's legs weaken her base and make it so she cant use leverage against him he could press her with out much worry.

Diana Prince has posed:
One element that the medallion won't help the man with however is that the Princess is almost 1,000 years old, and the bulk majority of that has been spent training in combat, with hand to hand being a primary focus... height and weight are a benefit, but that many years of experience can't be shaken by a power drop.

His incoming leg attacks are danced away from before the Princess counters with a rushing blow to his stomach, using her balled up fists to strike at his sides!

Bane has posed:
Bane gasps out as wonder woman stikes him in the gut. Bane absorbs the punches to his sides. They hurt of course they hurt This woman knows how to hurt people. But Bane has endured much pain in his life and is willing to take it in order to grab her arms and attempt to drive his skull through hers

Diana Prince has posed:
The fight gets up and close now, which generally means a grapple is about to ensue. Her punches land, but his powerful arms and grasping hands take hold of her arms and steady her long enough to be struck by his headbutt that sends her back on to the arena floor, she winces in pain and rolls through it coming back up on to her knees in a crouch. She flings her head up and sends her hair back over her shoulders as she rises up again and rushes toward him, only hoping to use her speed and agility to sweep around his attacks and lunge upward to wrap an arm around his throat to choke him out!

Bane has posed:
Bane had been choked from behind many times in his life usually as a prelude to other more sinister acts. as Diana's arms snakes around his neck Bane out of pure instinct reaches up to prevent her from applying the choke. Bane using all his strength to hold her arm away from his throat.

Bane shouts "NO" in a very uncharacteristicly terrified voice as he tossed her off him. Bane was born in a prison he lived everyday of his life in a pit full of criminals that the world wish to put away and forget about. Bane was not always Bane, bane was once a child who had to fight for his life. Boy who had to hide a knife in his favorite and only possession a beloved teddy bear 'osito'. Many things happened in Pena Dura to shape an innocent child into the Monster Bane. Some left deeper scars than others.

Bane shakes off the momentary panic and prepares to attack once more.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana plants her armored knees in to the back of the beastly man before her. She puts her left arm around his neck and triers to perform that choke-out maneuver. She feels his hands clutche her bracer covered arm and their equaled-strength leaves for a bit of a draw on this, though it does keep Bane from being outright choked as hard as Diana had intended. His toss is effective and once more the Amazon warrior goes flipping through the air, this time landing on one foot and one knee, sliding sliding sideways across the ground to send some of the fiery braziers tumbling over to spill their embers across the floor of the battle arena!

Diana casts her eyes up, glaring at Bane as she is crouched there on the floor. She lunges upward to meet him as they meet one another, and her armored forearms begin to deflect his attacks as she attempts to return her own, swapping between punches and agile kicks! She still ahs her speed! Or at least some of it due to her size compared to his!

Bane has posed:
Bane regardless keeps up his attacks, it must takes energy to absorb his attacks even with her armor. But Di's swift and agile strikes repeatedly fine the key weak points. His knees are repeatedly kicked at with armored shins and feet, his solarplexis to knock the wind out of him. PRessure points to over tax his nervous system. and of course the weak point no man can train to handle pain.

Bane is trembling now almost in a seizure, as his imdominible will fights to over power his body and not double in pain. "i.....can't..." Bane.exe has encountered fatal error. "LOSE!!!!!" Bane cries out his entire body cramping up from the struggle. He glances at his wrists to see his empty venom injectors. he didn't bring any venom with him out of pride and honor. To fight Wonder woman on a truly equal footing.

Bane's breath turns to smoke, his eyes turn an inky oily black and his voices ceases to sound human the noices emminating from bane are now thoses of an angry Jaguar. and his leaps forward his body contorting and muscles seeming to squirm under his skin. Bane is no longer Bane the Jaguar spirit has taken hold of his body for the moment.

Diana Prince has posed:
The onslaught of shared attacks is a whirlwind of motions from both of the combatants. The arena is starting to pay for it too, as they clash they continue to destroy parts of the environment around them! As they continue, it seems Bane had still underestimated Diana's endurance... she's nearly a thousand years old, and has trained for almost all of it...

She backs off when she hears his fierce shouting as his mental capacity seems to be shaking more than his physicality even is.

diana's fists are heled up, her fingers clenching the leather covering her palms...

When he roars and charges, Diana turns and starts to use parkour skills to scale the stone structure around them. She slams her hand in to the back of a statue to push it toward Bane and attempt to topple it over on top of him!

"End this!" Diana shouts at the hulking madman. "There is more to a warrior than simply winning a fight! There is pride in whom you choose to fight!" She shouts at him as she jumps back down to the ground then with her armored wedge-heeled boots kicking up sand and dust as she lands.

"This rage you possess could be focused on foes who deserve it, far more than I do." She says further to him then.

Bane has posed:
Bane seeming trying to fight what is trying to posses me speaks "They says you're the best. I have to prove myself. only the strongest is safe, only the best can know peace. That is the rule of the pit."

Bane strugles to his feet in great pain but fighting it. His eyes are normal again. "I have to win, there is nothing else. my body my mind my soul I have given it all to be stronger to be the better fighter. it's all I have."

Suddenly their fight is interupted by a pillar of fire and smoke impacts the ground by hind Diana. Ares himself steps forth through the flames and smoke. "hello Diana"

Diana Prince has posed:
The response that Bane gives to her has Diana changing her stance. Her clenched fists loosen some and her hands drop down to her sides. Her dark eyebrows furrow downward in confusion as she lets the distance between them yet still yield her time to question him on what he'd just said.

"Posessed by whom?" Diana asks of the hulking angry man.

As furtuitous as it may be her answer may have just presented himself in a column of flames behind her. The Princess turns to her side to start to back step several paces before lifting her hand up to shield her face from the light from which Ares emerges. She lowers her hand after he speaks her name, and the voice alone is enough to send chills through her.

"Ares..." Diana says through a gasp. She gives a quick look to Bane, then back to the God of whom is her true nemesis.

Diana reaches up for the medalion adorning her neck and she attempts to tear it from her neck to restore her normal power levels!

Bane has posed:
Ares swiftly lodges his fist deep into her gut. "No, no, none of that. time to put you in your proper place, child" Ares reaches back to throw a another godly punch.

"Ares!!!" Bane shouts. "We had a deal! i get a fair fight with her. Betrayal! I still stand, I still breath I have lost nothing yet! Leave or I will kill you." Bane stands firm meaning every word even as he knows he in his current state could never hope to kill a greek god.

Ares looks at Diana "give me a moment I have to crush a particually annoying ant under my boot" Ares then as if by magicl appears before Bane his hand clenched around Bane's neck. Bane fights like a wild animal caught in a trap to no immediate avail.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana, in her weakened state, is hit by the punch to her gut. It sends her flying backward across the arena floor, on to her back and up ending her as she is pushed up against the edge of the arena stone wall. It was a hard hit, a powerful blow to a somewhat de-powered Amazon Princess!

She's down for the count, at least for the time being... She does try to rouse herself and pushes herself up to her hands on the dirt strewn floor as her eyes go up to watch Bane engaging the God of War now. She huffs for a breath and moves to get her feet back under her as her hand once more goes up to the medallion to tear it from her neck....

Bane has posed:
Bane is struggling to breath and flailing. suddenly there is an eerie dead quiet over the arena the braziers flicker out and its darkness except ofr the night sky. the osidian mirror bellows out smoke that like if it had some sort of sentiance swirls and envelopes Bane and Ares. An deathly whisper rings in the ears of Bane and Ares. "I remember you. you brought the white man to my shores. brought ruin and death to my people those who worshipped me. you are powerful god of war, but death and darkness come for all." The smoke forces its way into bane's body and he's not longer merely dressed as tezcatlipoca he's possed and and becomes Tezcatlipoca. Breaking free of Ares' grip He fights back with rapis dancing strikes leaping back and forth striking form all angles. "you brought much suffering to my people now you suffer"

Diana Prince has posed:
With a decisive tug, Diana breaks the cord on the necklace... She watches as the fires go out and a darkness pours over the arena. Her eyes are on where Ares and Bane are entangled in battle and she sweeps her stare around the immediate area before she looks down at her hand, she spreads her fingers apart and stares at the medallion laying upon her palm.

Her eyes go back up then and she launches in to the air like a bullet out of a gun!

Their battle will have a handful of more moments to exchange attacks, the two powerful beings facing off, if Ares a bit overwhelming for Bane and likely gaining the upperhand quickly...

But when Ares is fully focused upon Bane, is when Diana drops behind him, behind the God, her relative, her enemy.... She drops from the sky and quickly sweeps her hands up behind his shoulders...

The enchanted medallion clatters against Ares' armored chest as the Princess of Themyscira quickly secures it behind his back before she sweeps her foot up and delivers a powerful kick to attempt to topple Ares down to his knees on the ground!

Bane has posed:
Ares is caught now in his own trap. now merely a man. he's kicked down to the ground on his hands an knees.

The smoke ejects out from Bane's mouth, ears, nose and eyes. Bane is Bane once again. "You lied to me Ares. We had a deal I wanted a fair fight not to be your pawn." Bane says pounding on ares. "For your betrayal I will break and offer you as sacrifice to MY gods." Bane picks up Ares far over his head and drives him down on to his knee with all his might. We hear bones snapping on the impact. Suddenly Bane has producing an obsidian dagger and holding it high. "In the name of my gods I will cut your heart from your chest and offer your blood to the spirits may it please them and ease their pain." Bane moves to stab his dagger down into Ares's chest.

Diana Prince has posed:
Mere milliseconds before the dagger is delivered the darkness of the arena is pierced by the light of a glowing lasso!

It wraps around Bane's wrists and with an unhindered amount of Wonder Woman's might she tugs back on the beastly man known as Bane before he can deliver the death blow to Ares. Diana tosses Bane backward and in to the wall of the arena floor! She whirls the golden lasso of Hestia back from his arms and looks to him. "You have made your point..." The Princess says before she turns toward Ares and starts to walk toward him.

She steps to the side of Ares and stares down at him in his injured state. "You have brought this upon yourself..." She says to the God broken upon the floor. "You will live with this defeat now, as you will with every defeat you will recieve when you meddle in my affairs." She crouches then and reaches for the medallion...

"I will remove this, and you will return to your home, recover in shame, and do not show your face to me again." And with those words said the Princess tears the medallion from his chest before she smashes it in her hand.

Bane has posed:
Bane grunts in frustration looking at the knife still firmly in his hand even after being launched into a wall. He tosses it aside. Bane makes his way to his feet. "I wish this had gone differently. but I respect you. you had me even at equal strength." Bane voice is still laced with Bane and frustration. then in arabic Bane sighs and whispers. "come get me" and the next Time Diana looks away Bane will not be there.

Ares gets to his feet his body quickly recovering, even if his ego isn't. "This isn't over child, we both know this" And then Ares leaves much like he came in smoke and fire.