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(Matt Hagen, Clayface, Visits Lois Lane at her office in a surprise visit. Things go surprisingly well. She gets a lead, and he gets a possible future part.)
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Latest revision as of 19:42, 17 March 2020

Matt Hagen Surprise
Date of Scene: 17 March 2020
Location: Bullpen - Daily Planet Building
Synopsis: Matt Hagen, Clayface, Visits Lois Lane at her office in a surprise visit. Things go surprisingly well. She gets a lead, and he gets a possible future part.
Cast of Characters: Matt Hagen, Lois Lane
Tinyplot: Clayface's Second Chance

Matt Hagen has posed:
Clayface has been trying the proper way. The POLITE way for the past several days. To no avail. First he visited in person and was turned away at the security desk being told repeatedly that he needed an apointment but they were never clear on just how to get one. He then tried phoning and got nowhere. "Matt who?" "No sir she isn't available right now." "Get real, he's in Arkham! *click*" Finally it has come down to this... Infiltration!

After spending a day of observation and seeing who is who he spots his target. Casually following them during their lunch break, to get their clothing style, mannerisms, and voice. Soon he has it and the next day he makes his move. Stopping by at a coffee shop he makes a large order getting a selection of coffees having them label each one clearly. He then makes his way into the building. Noone blinks twice, even the security guards at the desk ignore him as he passes by. Soon he is in the elevator on his way up and he reaches the main bullpen floor.

Looks like one of the interns, Gary, one of many who are frantically rushing about carrying out small tasks for the various reporters. Narrowly dodging the person he is impersonating he makes his way through the bullpen looking for a particular cubical... Just another coffee delivery. Finding what he is looking for he stops and holds his form-fitted tray of coffees aloft, "Coffee Miss Lane? How do you want it?" He should know this by now but he doesnt.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane seems to be in good spirits, even with the giant stack of papers on her desk. It's organized chaos--she knows where everything is on there, she swears. She looks up from a yellow legal pad where she's writing a few things, most of which are scratched out. Clicking the pen in her hand idly, she looks up after a moment.

"Oh! Right, uh, black is just fine." She doesn't want to bother him to make up something fancier than that, really. Plus the extra bite of the coffee helps with focus. "Thanks, I appreciate it." She clears off a spot on the desk to put the coffee cup.

Matt Hagen has posed:
Clayface sets down one of the coffees on the cleared spot, careful to make sure it is in a place where it wont get overturned. He then lingers... and keeps lingering a bit too long. "Um, Miss Lane. I've been trying to talk to you, but um..." he pauses a moment, "Now don't be scared. I'm not here to hurt you or anyone else here." he says slowly and carefully. "I'm not who I seem to be." he says finally.

Lois Lane has posed:
"Okay, first tip, if you don't want someone to be scared, don't do the 'don't be scared' thing. It's kind of alarming," Lois states, slowly folding her arms over her chest. But he did give the 'I'm not here to hurt you' speech, so she's definitely paying attention. "Not who you seem to be? Alright, who are you then?"

Matt Hagen has posed:
Clayface looks around to make sure there aren't any eyes on him. Seeing that there arent he ducks down a little and... changes...

There is a ripple of clay-like flesh as it starts from his extremities to his torso and finally his head. Following close behind the first ripple is a wave of change, clothing, skintone, everything as he transforms himself into... himself. Matt Hagen, the actor.

"I've got to thank you, Miss Lane. Whatever doors your visit opened up for me. I am really greatful for my second chance!" he says greatfully.

Lois Lane has posed:
"I..." That's not a face Lois thought she'd be seeing anytime soon. Especially given how /well/ the last meeting went. "I'm not sure if it was me that got any wheels greased, to be honest." She pauses, looking at her coffee. "I was planning on trying to do a piece to expose some of Arkham's less-than-kind practices towards those held there, but I hadn't quite made any progress. I was going to cross reference experiences with some of those who got out..."

She raises an eyebrow and leans forward in her chair. "Who, exactly, got you out?" She doesn't recall hearing of any sort of breakout, so she's figuring this must have been legal means.

Matt Hagen has posed:
Clayface makes a face at the remark about how Arkham treats its inmates and then another, "Well I am not sure I should say. Not really. But I have these..." he reaches into his jacket and pulls out an envelope thick with papers stuffed within. "They're pardons, from governors and even the President. Would you believe that? Full pardons for everything I've ever done! A second chance! I'm even getting a small stipend so I can live like a human being again. I even got a small apartment in Gotham. It's not much but..." you can see he is very excited and enthusiastic about his new lot on life. "Well I think it's the same people who freed Harley. Least that's the rumor. Same beurocrat visited us both. One scary lookin broad."

Lois Lane has posed:
Pardons? For everything? Now that's a story if Lois ever heard one. She flips to a different page on the legal pad. "Both you and Harley Quinn? I know where Harley's at through the grapevine, she was the one I was going to check with about conditions at Arkham." She taps her pen on the pad for a moment. "You didn't catch this 'scary looking broad's' name or anything, did you?" She'd /certainly/ like to know who's arranging this kind of sweeping second chance.

Matt Hagen has posed:
Matt Hagen nods, "Yeah I caught it. Miss Lane. But she's not the kind of lady you cross. That's all I'm gonna say about her. I don't want to screw it all up, you see. Basically the deal is I behave, they keep an eye on me. I might be asked to do a public service thing or something like that but as long as I behave I am free to go back to my old life. Back to when I was being treated like a human being again, instead of some... monster. Well, almost. You see that's part of why I came to visit you, Miss Lane. As greatful as I am for whatever your visit triggered for me, I need your help with some things."

He takes a deep breath, "You've got connections you see? I'm on the black list from Hollywood for the things I've done... but I gotta get back into the business you see? I gotta! Acting was my life! So I thought maybe you could put in a good word with some people for me? I'm willing to do anything, even commercials. Start at the bottom even. Just so long as I am back in the biz."

Lois Lane has posed:
"That's a tricky ask, Mr. Hagen. Hollywood shunts people out for far less than what you did and to try and just break back in, even at the ground level would be... incredibly difficult. There are things some people are willing to forgive, but I've found the court of public opinion to be rarely swayed. Once people make up their minds about something, it usually sticks."

Lois' pen taps on the legal pad a few times. "Alright, so here's a suggestion. If you have to start from the bottom anyway, why not be someone other than Matt Hagen? Consider this your second chance, so /literally/ start a new life. I imagine your new friend would be willing to make sure you have a legal identity of your choosing, if she can just throw pardons around like they're weekly memos."

Matt Hagen has posed:
Matt Hagen shakes his head, "She's not the kind that makes deals. Miss Lane. Getting this much was like dealing with a mad pitbull with pork chop already in its mouth. She had me right where she wanted me. If I ask for too much I dissapear you see."

He shakes his head again vehimently, "No, she is too scary to go back to for anything like that. Maybe I can do it the legal way. But that takes money. Money I don't really have. But if you just put in a small word somewhere. Someone's gotta owe you a favor right? Heck I can owe you a favor too! If there's ever a small... um... role... I could play to get you in somewhere perhaps."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois perks up. Now /that's/ an unexpected favor that does have some weight to it. Being able to look like anyone to get in somewhere? "Alright, I know a person or two I can try and contact, but it's not going to be an easy road for you and I certainly can't even make you any promises. What I can tell you is that the world is going to need to see Matt Hagen in a better light. You've got to show you're reformed, that you're giving your all."

She quickly scribbles down a note on her pad and underlines it. Something for later. "Good publicity. Maybe some kind of community theater charity performance. I think I know someone who might be able to get you into something like that. Like I said, not big and you're gonna need to do a hell of a lot. If Hollywood doesn't like you, make the people like you and let them sway the entertainment machine."

Matt Hagen has posed:
Matt Hagen looks around desparately for a moment then ceases upon an idea. "Oh, look. They misslabled your coffee. Here let me fix that." he grabs a pen and your coffee cup and scribbles something on the side. ~Waller~ "There we go." he says as he sets it down turned so that the name is facing you.

"Look Miss Lane. I am truely greatful for this favor. You wont be dissapointed at all. Noone will. They'll love me again, you'll see." He smiles and offers his hand out. In his excitement his eyes turn gold and pupilless for a second before reverting. He is beginning to sweat a little as the effort of holding this shape and being emotional are taking their toll. "Look I've gotta... run before bad things happen. If you get my drift. I need to go get hold of myself somewhere for a bit and then head home." he reaches into his pocket and drops a piece of paper onto your desk which has his new address and phone number on it.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois smiles at the coffee cup, then at Matt Hagen. "I'll ask around. Just remember... this is only going to work if you have a positive reputation. Your actions are going to be what people see... so don't go doing anything that might mess that up, alright? There aren't second second chances. Pretty sure this is all you get." The paper is slid over next to the cup of coffee. "Good luck."

Matt Hagen has posed:
Matt Hagen nods, "Sure thing, Miss Lane. Just um be careful, you know? You're all class, you know that? Thanks for not screaming or anything. I'll get goin now." he says by way of parting as he turns and hustles out of the cubical and towards where the stairwell is located. A good long walk down on an empty stairwell will be perfect for getting himself centered and under control. Before long he reaches the bottom floor and emerges from the building, still as Matt Hagen, walking openly on the streets of Metropolis just like any other human being.